Leslie Speaks, Part 2: Creation by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 2, Leslie discusses Creation.

Date:   11/25/2020 12:45:28 AM ( 4 y ago)

"Leslie Speaks" Part 2:


June 21, 2020 1:45 AM Sunday:

(Well, Leslie, we had Summer Solstice today---happy summer! You seem "farther away" now--are you still in the "inbetween"? Did you "sit Shiva" with your family?)

Yep, I was there. I'm feeling somewhat "removed" from it all now. It's been how long? since I "died"---that is such a weird word to use, since I'm still "here", it's just my body I left behind. I'm not missing it as much now---kinda nice to feel "free" and "floating around" if you can call it that---more like "expanding around"---it's like my senses are expanding...how to say? I'm more "aware" of what's all around Me---all these "energies" and "colors" ---"sights and sounds"

(Sound, too?)

Yep...sounds--it's like being able to hear a rock snoring...like everything makes a sound---even things you'd never think made sound---it's astounding! euphoric! So much grandness and no way to describe it using words! I, the poet and word smith, at a loss...EXPANSIVENESS--that's such an Overused word, but nothing else comes close---it's like I have feelers out Everywhere---touching and sensing EVERYTHING, All-AT-ONCE! AMAZING! ASTOUNDING! EUPHORIC! Getting "high" on all of the LIFE and FORMS and SHAPES and COLORS---SOUNDS/ENERGIES/MASSES of "TEAMINGNESS"---you have no Idea.

When we're in the body we're SO LIMITED to our perceptions and ideas---so wonderful to be human, yet so CONFINING. It's a totally DIFFERENT STATE to be a human. I feel such Love for OURSELVES, our HUMANNESS, to struggle so as we do...Struggle and struggle, with NO IDEA of what we TRULY ARE---I don't KNOW WHAT WE ARE, BUT WE ARE, JUST ARE...I'm not being very articulate, the thought-forms just come jumbling into my "head" although I don't have a head! HA HA HA HA HA! See, even in "Spirit form" there is HUMOR! LAUGHTER! MIRTH! MAYHEM! Well, maybe not that last, but things certainly are chaotic "here" with CREATION going on all of the time...it's LOUD, like fireworks, and s...o...f...t... like a worm's movements, all at once---no way to describe---whizzing, banging, loud and soft, a "cacophony of creation".

(You sound euphoric! Everything in Capital Letters!)

YES! IT'S LIKE SHOUTING although I can't shout anymore 'cause I ain't got a MOUTH! NO VOCAL CORDS! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!! It's like being high on the best pot, only better!! Weeeeeeeeeee.....!

But, in all seriousness..

(Are you "getting used to" where you're at? Where are you? Still in the "inbetween"?)

"Purgatory"? No, not really. There's too much going on "here", wherever "here" is. Kinda like a preliminary "step" to rejoin the "family"---my "mind" is being stre--t--c--he--d----it's like the human mind is in a box, and even when the walls of the box are broken down, the mind sits there, all a-quiver, and has to slowly poke its way out past its own limitations---my "mind"---I guess you'd call it "consciousness", is doing that---poking its way out of human constraints, but slowly so it can adjust itself at its own pace. My own pace. You can't believe how limited the human imagination is! Even the most geniuses among us are so limited in scope, range, thought, perception---so I'm getting a "taste" of what "reality" is like at the other "end" of things, although there is NO "END OF THINGS"---only an expansion of things. It goes on FOREVER, and I mean FOREVER!

If only I could SHOW YOU, let you see a glimpse of it, the WONDEROUSNESS of it all! No words, no art, no music created by humans can touch it...oh, we try, we surely do...we get a touch, a taste, of "Reality" when we're at our Creative Best, but it's not what is, really IS...

There is NOTHING to be afraid of, truly, nothing---we spend so much time in FEAR MODE, acting from a FEAR state...I know I did when I had a body...so much of my life dictated by fear, worry, anxiety---what a waste! WASTE of energy! Waste of Life! So little time on Earth spent in each lifetime's body---why do we do that to ourselves? hmm? ---it's not a criticism, it's part of the human process---how I'd like to see humanity as a whole move past it---wouldn't it be great to have a body in a lifetime and all you experienced was FUN and EXCITING? Where you know that when on Earth it's only going to be for such a very short "time", like being on vacation, and then you GO HOME? No fear, no worries, no stress. Just enjoyment of the experience, no matter what you experience! NO "Good", NO "bad", just "Is-ness".

(Leslie, are you gonna "stick around" some more or "go on"?)

"Stick around"---that's funny! I've got no body to "stick" anywhere! Ha! Well, not sure exactly---this "Expansiveness" thing is kinda fun---I'm just "taking it as it comes"---not sure what "comes next" but All IS GOOD! I'm Okay! you're OK!

(Giddy, eh?)

Yes, "Giddy" is a good word for it!

No matter what you hear when you're a human about the "afterlife", no one's really got the answer down exactly right. There are some "good guesses" but even the best "gurus", the best "channelers", can only give you a glimpse of "Reality"---remember they have to talk in words, like I am to you, and words are so very limited---human language and speech, as beautiful and expressive as it can be at times, is still so limited---and that's coming from me, the Enchanted Gardener word smith!

I will try and "talk" to you some more but I can't guarantee it as I'm not sure how long this "expansiveness" state is gonna continue---I may continue to expand until what's left of my limited "human" consciousness dissipates---don't know how much "individuality" I may or may not retain---I know some "part" of me will remain on the earth---but not sure how all of this "works" yet. There's something "out there" ---"out there" and calling to me, pulling me---it's inevitable, I just have to "let go" some more. Give my love to all the humans who've touched my life when I was known as "Leslie Gold-Man"! I'll be seeing you! LOVE LOVE LOVE!

"Leslie Speaks" Part 1
https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2436088 The first of a week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener after he transitioned June 18, 2020. In Part 1, Leslie talks about being in the "inbetween".

"Leslie Speaks" Part 3: https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2436137 Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In part 3, Leslie answers questions about Angels and God.

"Leslie Speaks" Part 4:
https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2436153 Continuing the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 4, Leslie talks about his tour of the Universe and his love for Gaia.

Leslie Speaks, Part 5:
https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2436154 The final post of the week-long communication with Your Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, after he transitioned. In Part 5, Leslie discusses Giving Thanks.

"Leslie Speaks": One's Own Truth :
https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2436156 A postscript from Leslie following his "Leslie Speaks" communication.

"Your Enchanted Gardener Passes" : https://www.curezone.org/blogs/fm.asp?i=2436034 Your Enchanted Gardener, AKA Leslie Goldman, transitioned on June 18, 2020. This is his niece's moving eulogy to her beloved "Uncle Leslie" on the 5th month anniversary of his passing.










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