Children's Health by chef jem .....

References for parents and family members who care for their children.

Date:   5/7/2018 10:27:14 PM ( 6 y ago)

"What’s Making Our Children Sick? How Industrial Food Is Causing an Epidemic of Chronic Illness, and What Parents (and Doctors) Can Do About It" - By Michelle Perro and Vincanne Adams.

... The book is a densely written, two-hundred-plus pages that combine discussion, stories from the doctor’s practice, history and science. There is one important thing to note. In this book, the authors use the word “pesticide” according
to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) definition, which includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides and other chemicals that all fall under the umbrella term “pesticide.” In other circles, many people use the more common
division of pesticides (bugs and other critters), herbicides (grasses and plants) and fungicides as separate divisions or categories, but in the government classification system, everything gets lumped under “pesticides.” The authors
also use the word “toxicants” to refer to all the various, potentially damaging chemicals we encounter from the environment and our food.

The book’s main focus is on our food supply, but the two authors do not ignore environmental and other considerations. Rather, the role of environmental and other factors in increasing the toxic burden of the modern world and compromising our immune, genetic and microbial defenses helps explain why some people become far sicker far sooner than others.

Discussing the EPA, Perro and Adams state (page 45), “The EPA’s task has been to monitor the nearly 100,000 chemicals produced in or imported into the United States. Of these 100,000 chemicals, the EPA has only taken action to reduce the risk of over 3,600 chemicals, and it has banned or limited the production or use of only 5. It has not actually regulated a single chemical in the United States since the mid-1980s…. The EPA does not conduct rigorous research on the effects of chemicals.”

What’s Making Our Children Sick? is also careful to explain that just because modern foods and chemicals make us sick does not mean that we all will get sick in the same way, at the same speed or for the same reasons. Genetic, environmental and other factors all play a role in why we become ill. Thus, “not all people will get sick from eating unhealthy foods at the same rate”—but “this does not mean…we should assume that those foods are therefore healthy.”

... Perro and Adams also discuss the history of Monsanto and other agrochemical companies, and the science that shows just how risky it is to flood not only our food supply but all flora and fauna with these freakish chemicals. They rightly note that glyphosate, the main chemical currently used in GM agriculture, first was patented as an antibiotic. ... All five major brands of orange juice have tested positive for glyphosate. And glyphosate isn’t just in our food. It is also all over our urban landscapes: our city parks, our green spaces, our sidewalks and our lawns. It is in our water, in our
bodies and in our babies.[1]

Book review By John Moody

Journal, Spring 2018, Mercury Toxicity[2] - FEATURES -

Mercury as Antinutrient Sara Russell and Kristin Homme describe the insidious role of mercury in illness.
The Thimerosal Travesty Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dismantles the false narrative about thimerosal safety.
Thimerosal and the Brain Janet Kern and coauthors explain what thimerosal does to the developing brain.
Poisoning Our Children Sylvia Onusic pinpoints sources of mercury that affect our children.
Using the Cutler Protocol Rebecca Rust Lee spells out the ins and outs of using the protocol to chelate mercury.
A Holistic Dentist’s Odyssey Carl McMillan describes the journey from dental school to a mercury-free dental practice

December 2, 2018 -

"... when anyone says that they don’t know why the:

1 in 6 kids that has a neurodevelopmental delay,
1 in 9 kids that has ADHD
1 in 36 kids that has Autism
1 in 4 kids that requires special education… OR ...

They try to tell you that it’s just GENETIC, this is just not true.

There are a multitude of reasons why we do what we do… but none more important than knowing a complete picture as is possible into understanding the root cause of their symptoms, disease or diagnosis."[6]

May 9, 2018 - "Recycling Amphetamines" - By Carolyn Dean MD ND; The Doctor of the Future® -

A whole new generation of adults is addicted to amphetamines and they don’t even know it. Neuroscientist Dr. Carl L. Hart, a professor of psychiatry at Columbia University in a (badly written) online article[4] explains that “ …the public remains almost entirely ignorant of the fact that methamphetamine produces nearly identical effects to those produced by the popular ADHD medication d-amphetamine (dextroamphetamine). You probably know it as Adderall®: a combination of amphetamine and d-amphetamine mixed salts.”

Now that 75% of ADHD kids are on Ritalin or Adderall, the profit-driven drug industry is targeting a whole new market. It’s the old strategy of “Create the disease and offer the cure!” Young adults are being told that their fatigue, anxiety, depression, aches, and pains as a result of their poor lifestyle can be “fixed” with a drug. So, if you lack focus, have trouble concentrating, don’t get enough sleep, drink too much alcohol, eat junk food all day – don’t bother changing any of your bad habits – just take Adderall. Business Insider published a 2013 article titled “These are the ridiculous ads Big Pharma used to convince everyone that they had ADHD.”

A 2018 documentary about adults on Adderall[5] is a scary eye-opener on our Brave New World. Even though doctors told parents that most children would “grow out” of their ADHD, there are adults who have been using ADHD meds since their school days. There’s also another group of new users who don’t want to be left out.

The documentary quotes a user “…at first, it seems like something that’s jet fuel that gets you everything you want. And slowly, people report needing more and more — higher doses in order to keep the efficacy. And then, people report different side effects, and also kind of an identity issue — of wondering, you know, is it correct that I am associating my success with a need for this as a tool, as a supplement?”

The filmmakers said “a lot of the people that we talked to — and we talked to well over 100 people — they want to see if they can go off of it.” The users say “It’s a big thing for high-functioning and successful people in America.” They feel they have to take the drug to keep up.

However, the scientific research cautions that these drugs don’t actually improve cognitive performance. They just make you feel like you’re performing better. It’s all an inner trip; you become a legend in your own mind.[3]









What’s Making Our Children Sick, Industrial Food, Epidemic of Chronic Illness, Parents, pesticide according, Environmental Protection Agency, herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, toxicants, food supply, microbial defenses, history of Monsanto, glyphosate, orange juice, Amphetamines, Big Pharma


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