Son of Truth in Contemplations of "The Church" by Chef JeM .....

Truth of Self contemplations regarding "the church".

Date:   3/1/2018 9:55:14 PM ( 6 y ago)

June 24, 2024 - "This fire has ... been identified with the fires of hell" -

"...In certain traditions, Summer is symbolized by a fire-breathing dragon. The dragon is the mythical monster that lives underground and appears on the surface only in order to burn, devour and destroy. But it is also the guardian of all hidden treasure – precious stones and metals – the fruits of the earth, and those who wish to obtain these treasures must be able to face the dragon and defeat it. Here too, many traditions, which often come down to us in the form of fairy tales, tell of the daring hero who conquers the dragon and takes possession of its treasures. Disciples would do well to meditate on such tales: the fact that the Summer releases subterranean forces is no reason to let ourselves be devoured by the dragon."[4]*

Comment: This Blog-writer relates to a few points in the above quote as follows:

Firstly - although he wasn't excommunicated from: "The Church" he was essentially taken to "hell" and possibly at the perfect right time shortly after: "The feast of St John" that is a "celebration of physical, earthly fire" and "not celebration of spiritual fire."

He identifies with: "a fire-breathing dragon" as relating to his father who was born in the year of the dragon and who most notable made a threatening impression very early on upon the developing psyche of this writer.

"To face the dragon" apparently required this writer to be "taken to hell" for thirty days without any visitations from any of the Church members or family.

Upon the final day of his release from "hell" he promised himself that he would never let any one "Lord" over him again. Thus allowing for a major "course correction" for the rest of his life!

October 7, 2023 -

"We do harm to understanding Scripter without studying the history of things, how things came to be and why do people believe what they believe.

The word 'church' didn’t appear on the scene until the 13th century. It is an English word that is not connected in any way to the biblical Hebrew, Greek or Aramaic. The Jews had no concept of 'church.' They, for thousands of year’s before the arrival of Jesus, and after, used the word congregation to refer to a gathering of believers or the body of believers as a whole. Whenever Jesus entered a structure to teach, he either taught in the Temple or a synagogue. Paul never spoke of going to the local 'church' he always went to the local synagogue.

Jesus, Paul or any other New Testament writer ever used the English word 'church.' I am speaking of the original texts, not any translation. Wycliff nor Tyndale used the word 'church' in their English translation, using the proper word congregation to represent believers. As I started earlier, there is no Hebrew or Greek word that can be translated into the word 'church.' If you transliterate the English word 'church' into Greek, this is the result, 'xiupxi.' This word does not exist in the Greek language, in fact, it is not even a word.

Why does the KJV use the word 'church?' Because the translators were forced to use the word. What most people don’t know is that allowed the work, that came to be known as the KJV, for different reasons, none of which had anything to do with ensuring a better, proper or more accurate translation of Scripture. His four main reasons for allowing and approving of this work were:

To perpetuate the concept of the 'Divine right of Kings.'

To make the work the 'official Bible' of the Anglican Church. -
James was an Anglican. In the Anglican Church, the king was also the head of the Church.
To continue the hierarchy of the Anglican Church, which ensured that the Anglican Church had the authority over all teaching and doctrines of Scripture, which meant that all of the laity had to listen to, believe and obey the Anglican Church. Many don’t realize that the Anglican Church is no more than a sister Church to the Roman Catholic Church, with some minor differences.

To eradicate the Geneva Bible -
The Geneva Bible was by far the most popular Bible among many of the clergy and the majority of the population, which could afford one and the cost of the Geneva Bible made it accessible to many people. The Geneva Bible staunchly opposed the 'Divine Right of Kings' and showed that all people were equal in the sight of God, be it a king or peasant. The Geneva Bible had footnotes, explaining things, with the idea that any person could read and understand difficult things taught in Scripture for themselves, rather than being held hostage to whatever the clergy taught. It took the authority of what Scripture taught out of the control of the 'Church.'

There were 15 rules the KJV translators had to abide by to have the work approved and allowed.

Rule 1 ensured that the KJV would only be a revision of other works, not a new translation. James wanted the Bishops Bible to be the main source of the revision.

Rule 6 ensured that there would be no marginal footnotes explaining Scripture, only in the case of explaining certain Hebrew or Greek words.
As far as the word 'church' being used in this revision, Rule number 3 explains why the KJV uses the word.

Rule 3 The Old Ecclesiastical Words to be kept, viz, the Word Church not to be translated Congregation! This is why the word 'church' is used in the KJV! Not because it is the best word! Not because it is an accurate word! Not because it is a legitimate biblical word! King James specifically insisted that the word 'church' be used! Most, if not all of the men who worked on producing the KJV knew that the word 'church' had no place in any translation of Scripture, but their hands were tied! They had no choice!

The first thing James did after the KJV began to be published was to outlaw the printing of the Geneva Bible within the realm. Later on, he forbade the Geneva Bible from being imported!

Eventually, no publisher in any European country would print the Geneva Bible, because it was no longer popular. The original settlers up until the Pilgrims all used the Geneva Bible. But by the middle of the 1600s the numbers of settlers had dramatically increased and they all brought the KJV. The colonies were not allowed by the crown to publish bibles and had to import them. It wasn’t until Sept 12, 1782, after America became a nation, that Congress authorized the printing of bibles. This explains why the KJV gained such a foothold in this country. Time has also shown us that the KJV is not the best English translation available today."[3]
Thank you Bob!

What you presented certainly has inspired me. I then immediately searched the (online) Geneva Bible for Matthew 16:18[*] I was disappointed to see the word: “church” in this verse. Nevertheless I am still open to considering further research in “Geneva” however IMO the “church” issue is critical.

I warmly invite the possibility of your additional comments on this.

"The moment the mind becomes fixed in a finite system or structure, you have dogma and opinion, and the moment you have those, you have division once again."[1]

This "division" is the antithesis of the unity that IMO is possibly the leading characteristic of the truth of what "the church"[2] is.

Ephesians 4:13 -
"... until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

Colossians 3:13-14 -
13 Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. 14 And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.

John 17:23 -
23 I in them and you in me—so that they may be brought to complete unity. Then the world will know that you sent me and have loved them even as you have loved me.

Psalm 133:1 -
1 How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity!

Ephesians 4:3 -
3 Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

March 1, 2018 - Incorporation -

"The Church" (AKA Body of Christ) is not an incorporated legal yet fictitious entity. An incorporated church is an oxymoron. The head of the Church is Christ and not government, agency or any external authority regardless of what any written "law" may say. As has been declared a number of times previously in this blog - government has a limited proprietary jurisdiction meaning if government doesn't own it there is no grounds for jurisdiction. Incorporation is a privilege extended by government and thus regulated by government however the Body of Christ does not need any external government granted privileges.


[2] The English term "church" is possibly not the best translation of the original greek word. The reason being on account of all the deep conditioning elements that are imbued in "the church word" which is an additional antithesis to the quintessential spirit that originally began incarnating as "the body of Christ" on Earth nearly 2,000 years ago. We need new languages of divine light to illuminate our thinking here. The new does not come from the old. The old cannot hold the new. As it is written:
"Neither do men put new wine into old wineskins, else the wineskins burst and the wine runneth out and the skins perish. But they put new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.” - Matthew 9:17




unity, the church, the body of Christ, dogma, ekklesia, hell


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