Cheeta - Quintessentially by Chef JeM .....

Keynotes toward the possibility of forming a concise statement for the whole entire Cheeta vision.

Date:   3/15/2017 9:04:12 AM ( 7 y ago)

July 16, 2024 - Cheeta Acronym Update -

This Cheeta vision now has a “harmonic convergence” of three Cheeta acronym variations that this writer had previously blogged separately at this CureZone Cheeta blog and now wishes to share this update.

The Cheeta acronym now begins with an embedded trinity of:
Communication healing
Community healing
‘Children’s healing environments enlightening through arts’”

Imagine underlines at each of the capitalized “C”s plus at the “h” of “healing” in the “Trinity” stated above here that correspond at the beginning of the Cheeta acronym.

This writer had expressed what is now a trinity in separate blog posts and now sees the three converge as a whole unified trinity that evolves in a progressive fashion and that begins with communication as the foundation for authentic community as a prerequisite for creating the kind of environments that are most supportive for children and that are especially required for the children who are our future as of 2027 as presented by Richard Rudd in Gene Keys.

April 6, 2024 - The Next Phase of Cheeta -

The next phase of Cheeta needs to be various ways that open dialogue with children and most especially to hear their visions regarding the kind of "world" that they wish to live in.

"The Partnership between child and adult ... (so) the adult can act on the child's visions ..."[43]*

September 23, 2023 - Good Soil for: 'Humans are seeds whose destiny is one day to resemble the Cosmic Tree from which they fell" -

"Each seed receives the elements it needs from the tree that produced it so that once planted, it is able to grow and become a tree like its parent. In appearance, the seed is different from the tree but on a more subtle plane, the image of the tree is inscribed within it. This is why, given good soil, the right temperature, water and light, the seed will eventually resemble the tree in every way. This symbol of the seed helps us to understand the passage from Genesis, which says that God created man ‘in his own image, after his likeness’. Humans are seeds whose destiny is one day to resemble the Cosmic Tree from which they fell. ..."[42]

Comment: The Cheeta vision is quintessentially and most simply represented (both literally and allegorically) as: "good soil" - all for the fulfillment of our destiny, both individually and collectively!

September 7, 2023 - Cheeta for Children -

"Parents must try to understand the subtle relationship that very young children have with the visible and invisible worlds, for children possess a sensitivity that adults have lost. ..."[41]

July 17, 2023 - "...washing should be considered a sacred act that can liberate our soul."[40]

July 12, 2023 - "Yogi Essence" -

This vision-holding writer has his own unique all-inclusive yoga practice (that he's developed over the course of over forty-four [44] years)!

He presents this here, now in his realization that the true spiritual essence/nature of Yoga runs through all of the Cheeta vision. [Finally (after over six years of intending to restate the Cheeta vision "Quintessentially") this writer feels he's identified a quintessential essence that speaks of the quintessential nature of Cheeta!]

What Yoga is to this Yogi and what his unique all-inclusive yoga practice consists of may be best shared in an introductory participatory workshop when he is invited to present this in a suitable private "studio" in San Diego.

[*] "44" definite is a "master number" although it may not be easily identifiable yet since it apparently may be challenging enough for those who are into master numbers to relate to the first three orders of master numbers: "11", "22" and "33." IMO - given a gradient on a scale of 0 to 9 some of us may possibly be in the 3rd grade. In any case we have a ways to go! ; ~ )

June 13, 2023 - "...those who wish to raise a family must never forget that they have tremendous opportunities to help the spirits of light to incarnate in the most favorable conditions."[39]

Comment: More than anything else that has been said here - the above quote (see the full link) most truly points to what "Cheeta" is all about!

May 26, 2023 - "A World Where Agriculture Is The Foundation of Our Communities" -

Ever since its conception the Cheeta Vision has always been based on a foundation of Biodynamic Agriculture. Now The Biodynamic Demeter Alliance has announced their new vision/mission statement:

"Our Vision: The biodynamic movement works toward a world where agriculture serves as the foundation of our communities, where growing food and fiber is spiritually grounded, and the work, food, and products grown cultivate the health, well-being, and development of our Earth and all her inhabitants."[38]*

May 18, 2023 -

Quoted from this blog to "Heart, Intellect and Will - Unite These Three Powers!"[37]

May 5, 2023 - Living Wisely and Well! -

"Cosmic intelligence has not given human beings the possibility to live on earth forever; it has other plans for them. ..."[36]

Comment: The above quote (from the "Daily Meditation: Saturday, May 6, 2023")[36] arrived within less than a day after this blog-writer read some of an article/interview with Sondra Ray (published in "Magical Blend" about 1988) that included mention of physical immortality.

This "Daily Meditation" continues along these lines (that this blog-writer finds all the more attractive more so than the simple idea of the possibility of individual physical immortality) saying: "If men and women are to have the possibility to once again live much longer (without relying exclusively on the progress of medical science), several generations will have to live wisely and well. One generation would not be enough, for the past is still there and the residue of negative elements cannot be eliminated so quickly." That brings all of this right here to the "Cheeta" where living wisely and well is what it's all about!

February 25, 2023 - Most Quintessentially! -

Cheeta is all about the daily life of/in the whole community.

Daily life includes a multitude of relationships.
The primary relationships begin with one another and extend through all our relations especially with the many ways we nourish ourselves and each other. Cheeta includes two primary centers in support of these ways - firstly a Biodynamic Farm followed by a nourishing foods center with kitchen. These two centers will be hubs of daily life in varying degrees for all of the community!

There is "alchemy in nutrition" and it is most highly supported with the Biodynamic Farm as the first foundation for the community and subsequently supported with the Nourishing Food Center and Kitchen Alchemy. Daily life begins with breathing! Pranayama (Breathing) Yoga will be encouraged for the start of each day. In the spirit of the creative word - all aspects of communication (with an emphasis on learning and practicing true dialogue) will be foundational for true community-building. Naturally conscious speaking follows mindful thinking.

"Studying alchemy, magic, astrology and the Cabbalah can help you to progress more quickly along the path of evolution, and to fathom the meaning of the greatest mysteries. However, to understand these sciences properly, you must first begin by studying them in relation to man and the activities of daily life. For we can discover alchemy in nutrition, astrology in our breathing, magic in our words and gestures, and the Cabbalah in our thoughts. Therefore, learn how to eat, breathe, act, speak and think, and you will acquire the basics of these four fundamental sciences. You should not try to approach esoteric science by detaching it from life." - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov[35]

Indeed "the basics of these four fundamental sciences" is integral and synthesized in Cheeta, AKA: Tao Chee!

February 7, 2023 - "Building a new human matrix" -

"We know from percolation theory that these networks can create profound shifts from just a small number of people who form in pockets and gradually connect with a few more people. What’s fundamental to the power of these nodes is that we must be capable of relating on this new level. We can’t make this leap if our old wounds of rejection, criticism, perfectionism, humiliation continue to isolate us from each other.

And if this seems like all together too much work with not much hope, just know that we are heading into a phase transition state of human evolution. ..."[34]

December 23, 2022 - "Omraam" - Quintessentially -

"...We must never forget that each one of us is part of a chain,
for it is by being conscious of belonging to this infinite unfolding
that we live in unison with cosmic harmony."[32]

Comment: This Blog-writer (as well as others) considers "A Different Drum"[33] to be a "bible" for community-building (and has referred to it as such in his sharings with others). We who share this (at least note-worthy) perspective understand how community-building is an all-inclusive path of transformation for each and every individual in their "group" that also includes all our relations with each and every "member." Therefore - those of us who have sufficient realization of the need for our own transformation can include our personal transformation as the primary focus in our pursuit of community.

This writer warmly encourages and personally welcomes the kind of community-building communications that consciously embraces personal transformation (and has for forty-two years - starting with his publishing of: TRANSFORMATIONS as of 1980).

October 23rd, 2022- Dialogue - "Quintessentially" -

Dialogue is this blog-writer's foundation for community-building. All other forms of any so-called "communication" that are without dialogue may potentially leave "the door to psychopathy" open and will be regarded as such by this blog-writer from this moment forward.

October 1, 2022 - The Economic Sphere -

"...In economic life, the individual would be less than the whole. Which means the concept of survival of the fittest would disappear into our barbaric past like it needs to. (Cheeta/the Tao Chee) could create an economic environment not based on a supply and demand capitalistic nature, but on the premise of socialistically organized industry. We would produce out of necessity, rather than fancy. One individual would not be the sole owner of any business enterprise. We would not have the financial environment of today, where 95% of the worlds wealth resides in the hands of several thousand individuals, while the rest of us compete like animals for a dogs share of the pie. This form of economic structure is humiliating to the human race. It does not afford us the notion of Fraternity, as the French would put it. Many of our problems of today arise from the fact that the economic system of the western world forces us to struggle for our daily survival, 4000 years after we mastered the art. This form of economic system continues to degrade humanity, and perpetuate barbarity."[31]

August 20, 2022 - Inclusion of the I Ching -

"The underlying philosophy of the I Ching is that of process and change. In the Tao Te Ching, Lao-tse teaches that rather than focus on individual things we are better served by considering the flow of change moving through each situation, the course of things, the continual primal beginning in each moment."[30]

Comment: It's "the continual primal beginning in each moment" that this Blog-writer is now with increased awareness of with regards to: Cheeta/"Tao Chee".

August 19, 2022 - "Cheeta" is now the "Tao Chee"!

Through extensive re-contemplation on the evolution of Cheeta with a focused emphasis on present-time realization (instead of a future "dream") this Blog-writer has reformed the Cheeta acronym from the most recent acronym of: "Communication Healing Enlightens Expression ~ Transformative Arts" now as: "Tao Chee": "Transformative Arts of Communication Healing Enlightens Expression"! ; ~ )

July 21, 2022 - A Six-pointed Cheeta Star -

The following is offered as a most concise overview - to date - regarding the Cheeta vision that is expressed in terms intended to be easily comprehensible for most individuals. These six points represent sequential developmental stages starting with 1.) as the first foundation and culminating in the 6th.

1.) A CSA (community-supported agriculture) that is based primarily on pasture-raised products.

2.) A CSK (community-supported kitchen) that is largely inspired by the "Three Stone Hearth" located in Berkeley, California.(i)

3.) CSM (community-supported medicine) inspired in several parts by: "Community Supported Anthroposophical Medicine"(ii) the "New Medicine"(iii) as well as "A Course In Miracles".(iv)

4.) CSE (community-supported education) inspired by Waldorf education and Montessori.

5.) The development of independent trades as "cottage industries" - to include all the trades that are essential for independent community living, possibly beginning with the building trades.

6.) A New Cultural Center - that includes all the necessary components for establishing all levels of a performing arts village.


June 11, 2022 - "Nature opens up only to those who have a sense of the sacred."[29]

Comment: This quote indicates that not everyone has this sense: "a sense of the sacred". A true bonding with nature requires this sense.

June 2, 2022 - “It takes a village” -

"...While the phrase 'it takes a village' is being used at an all time high, a sense of communal society and shared values amongst raising our children may be at an all time low."[28]*

Comment: This bLog-writer stumbled upon the above quote among his search results for: "it takes a village to raise a child quote" as a possible reference for his note (at 1:14 PM) saying: "Just as 'it takes a village to raise a child' so too does it take all of us to raise the 'enchanted garden' however we may choose to call it." This writer has been calling it Cheeta and finally just the other day he got a fully conscious acknowledgement from an overnight guest saying "we" in relation to Cheeta! What an indescribably wonderful moment that was for this writer to hear!!!

May 31, 2022 -

"...Our current culture has only been around for a few thousand years, which is not very long in terms of human history. Humans have been on this planet for about 2 million years and for most of that time we have been actively engaged in culture creation. Most indigenous cultures spent most of their time doing culture - art, music, dancing, rituals designed to enhance cultural knowledge. Their gods were relational rather than autocratic. Their rules were natural rather than handed down on high.

That changed when humans began doing something we now call agriculture. We have, in effect, been 'captured' and 'farmed' by an unsustainable culture based on agricultural practices, founded on accumulating objects rather than focusing on relationships.

This (last) week (as of 05-24) is a tipping point in that cultural arrangement. We've been building up to this for years, doing the tough emotional work that allowed us to be present here, standing with our toes over the edge, waiting for the moment to jump into the void.

(Human Design) Gate 25 is a portal gate, a multidimensional connection between the higher self and the form principal. It's the place where we resolve the conflict between mind and matter, spirituality and body, the self and the collective. It's where we find the psychological safety to overcome the shocking trauma we've endured as a species for the last 5000 years. It's where we begin again to engage with culture-creation. It's where we find the will to descend even more deeply into the form we call humanity.

This ... week we may find ourselves very sensitive to neglected trauma, as the breach in the bond between people and their leadership becomes even more apparent. As anyone who has suffered in a narcissistic relationship knows, it's only when you get out and get some perspective that the wounds start to be experienced. We are getting out!

While Jupiter and Chiron are together in the Channel of Initiation (till 3 July), we are collectively all about creating safe spaces for each other to see clearly and to heal.

Jupiter is the storyteller, the myth-maker. We are recovering our cultural right to tell our own stories rather than be told who we are. We are recovering our collective capacity to bring together a multitude of stories and weaving a new global mythology.

This is partly about what I call the 'launch' part of our development - that time when as a baby, we begin to move independently, allowing our bodies to be moved naturally by our curiosity and delight. This part of our humanity has been seriously wounded, which curtails our imagination. And prevents our bodies moving in alignment with our unique individuality. As adults, anytime we feel a desire to expand we crash in some way, because the patterning of our initial 'launch' was broken. That's about to change."[27]

Comment: This Blog-writer can understand if the volume of references that has accumulated here at: "Quintessentially" appear to go beyond the quintessentials. If that's the case please consider this. Most simply speaking - the subject matter here is complex. So far it's just been the acronym of Cheeta that represents the most quintessential vision of a whole new culture based on values beyond those most familiar to most people. To date the whole Cheeta blog has been an attempt to at least identify what these values are. Some of the values are foreign to people who have relied upon the plethora of services that the world has to offer. Cheeta is a new "world" or lifestyle on values that this writer esteems higher and more creative than whatever values might be attributed to consumerism.

The intent for "Quintessentially" could possibly be re-framed as a 12-fold perspective. This writer may take that project on if ever it was truly necessary.

April 18, 2022 - Continuing from yesterday -

"Knowledge of man in the true sense must be sought in the way we have indicated. Starting from the processes of nutrition, it must be followed through the processes of healing to the processes of human and world education in the widest sense. Or we can put it thus: from nutrition, through healing, to civilization and culture. For all that is concentrated in the nourishment of man is the groundwork, as it were, of his physical processes; the healing processes are derived from what continually encircles man, they are concentrated in the rhythmic system; and what comes from above is concentrated in man in the processes of the nerves and senses. Thus world-structure is erected on three levels."[26]

April 17, 2022 -

"...the being of man proceeds from below upwards,
from nutrition, through healing, upwards to the development of the spiritual,
and that one must regard education as medicine transposed into the spiritual."[25]

Inspired to locate the original source of a subsequent version of this quote posted at:

One word that might represent the Cheeta vision may be: Rebirth.

April 14, 2022 - "The Great Change" -

"... The Great Change refers to a specific time period in which human awareness is moving from being self-centered to being collective. In order for this shift to take place a worldwide genetic mutation is underway within the human species. This unprecedented event is taking root within humanity between the years 1987 and 2027 and its repercussions will continue to evolve and transform our species for many hundreds of years. The result of the Great Change will be the gradual dawning of a new kind of human, Homo sanctus, the sacred human. Because all systems and species throughout the universe are holographically interconnected, the Great Change is not local to our solar system alone, but is one part of a vast ripple passing throughout the immensity of spacetime.[24]

Homo Sanctus —

“Literally, the ‘blessed human’, Homo sanctus is the new human emerging into the world. Catalysed by the ‘Great Change’, Homo sanctus is the new genetic human vehicle. Although this new human may have the same genome as the existing model, it resonates from birth at a higher frequency due to subtle mutations that are taking place, primarily within the solar plexus system. These mutations allow the activation of higher coding sequences within our DNA, which essentially make the vehicle immune to the Shadow frequencies. Homo sanctus represents what many mystics have termed the emergence of the ‘Sixth Race’ — a universal human who experiences directly the holographic unity of all beings through his or her solar plexus and heart. Homo sanctus will emerge in the world gradually as a worldwide genetic mutation over many generations. The dawn of this new human will in time bring an end to the current age in which human beings have forgotten their true universal nature.[24]

The Environment of Cheeta - In Support of "The Great Change"! -

To a great extent (possibly the greatest) - Cheeta addresses the need for certain environmental qualities that optimize the support for "The Great Change" and the incoming souls who embody the "genetic mutation". These environmental qualities can be understood in light of epigenetics:

Epigenetics —

"The branch of genetics devoted to the study of how and why environmental signals can mutate gene expression within the body. The revelations emerging out of epigenetics are already changing the way mainstream science thinks about evolution. While the old paradigm thinking was that our genes come pre-packaged and govern all aspects of our behavour, epigenetics is showing how our interactions with the environment can create lasting changes in our DNA, some of which are imprinted in our offspring for generations.

The greatest import of epigenetics is that it demonstrates how interrelated all life is, thus building a greater understanding of the universe as interdependent and holographic. It is through epigenetics that we can see the true power of human attitude and its electromagnetic effect on our DNA. Different frequencies of attitude activate different expressions of genes, even though the sequence of those genes may remain the same. The greatest insight offered by epigenetics is still dawning in the scientific world — the timeless truth that consciousness creates reality."[24]

February 13, 2022 - Continuing to Evolve the Quintessential -

"The way I see the Christ event is that we each go into a space that allows us to pick up the higher vibrations, and as we are letting go of our baggage, all the things that held us back, we are able to see clearly the inner goal.

We get to the point where we can clearly see what this planet and world could become in a different environment. Then each being becomes Christed. It is a righteous sensation, but in no way like what is predicted."[23]

Just earlier this Blog-writer noted in his journal that: "We live in at least three 'worlds' simultaneously. The first two are actually one: our body and the Earth/Nature. The third world is a man-made system that the Bible says we live in but with an added caveat that we not be 'of the world'. To be 'of the world' now is to deny or at least compromise the first two worlds." Some of us live in concert with a fourth "supersensible" world.

October 4, 2019 -

Received a request yesterday for a condensed statement of my 'Highest ideal' "in one sentence or one paragraph." I just sent the following to this individual:

My 'Highest Ideal' is to both co-create and live within a new pioneering and transformational society that fully embodies a healing culture. My 'seed-vision' for this is the acronym: Cheeta - Cultivate Healing Environments Enlighten Through Arts. The extent of Cheeta is all-inclusive through the three main spheres of a society: Social Sphere, Rights Sphere and Economic Sphere. The all-inclusiveness of Cheeta is expounded upon in 58 blog entries.(i) Cheeta is my 'harmonic convergence' and she encourages me to dream, aspire, align, 'act as if' and be grateful in my knowledge that my thoughts of Cheeta are alive!


June 14, 2018 -

The 37th Gift of Equality - The Ascent Of The Family

"It is in the 37th Gift of Equality that a great hope is presently arising for humanity. Equality is such an easily misunderstood term. All humans are born equal since we all share the same genetic code, but as we grow and enter society it becomes apparent that we are not so equal. In reality, equality is a matter of perception and it depends upon frequency.

At the level of the 37th Shadow, which sees humans in terms of strength and weakness, equality is nothing but a dream. Yet, at the Gift level of consciousness, equality is a living ideal that lifts people out of the game of victims and winners.When you operate out of the 37th Gift, you are living directly out of your heart and all else is secondary.

From the point of view of the human heart, all humanity is one family. This is not a mere sentimental dream but an all-powerful truth rooted in a vast inner current of strength and love. Without love, you are always operating from the Shadow frequency and all you see and create is inequality. As the great mutation triggered by the 55th Gene Key sweeps through humanity, the very core structureof our civilisation will readjust itself to this shift in consciousness. The flaws in the current social fabric of all cultures cannot be ironed out but only phased out. A new world will have to grow within the ashes of the old, and it will be built upon the rock of the 37th Gift of Equality. When the balance within the human psyche is redressed, there will be no need of external religion. Neither will we have a patriarchy nor even a matriarchy — we will have a single stream of consciousness experiencing the true meaning of the word family.

The family unit is the most powerful crucible of love through which humanity will be transformed.

Out of this 37th Gift, a new vision of the family will be born. The family unit is the most powerful crucible of love through which humanity will be transformed. The sheer force of love contained in the family is second to none. The love of a child for its parent and vice versa is as potent a force as anything the universe. As we create a new society based around the liberation of this love, our world will change very quickly indeed. The problem to date has been that the family has always been restricted to its gene pool or tribe, and it has always been contained within a hierarchical structure. The current social, governmental and educational structures on our planet do not serve the family first. By over-emphasizing individual achievement, they encourage competition between families, which also creates competition within families. Through the 37th Gift, humanity will come to see that it is the family that makes all human beings equal. We will find a new vision of family, both locally and globally, and we will in time extend this vision to encompass the entire human family.

The great mutation that is moving through the 55th Gene Key will first manifest as a change in our children as they are born with a new higher activation of their DNA. These children in turn will need a new family structure to support their collective awareness. Their very impact at an auric level will cause this structure to manifest. Even now, communities with higher awareness are beginning to understand new ways of conceiving and implementing this model. Families are the life blood of humanity, and a healthy family is a vehicle for such a potent force of creativity and love. The new family will become a vessel for collective ascension, as we recognise the power of the new awareness carried by the coming generation. When we begin to build a civilization based around the view of an incarnating child, we will create a truly magical world.

The love between a child and a parent is an archetype of unconditional love. At the Shadow frequency however, all love is conditional, which means that essentially it is not love. True love is based upon giving without the need for a return. The entire Shadow frequency is thus based upon the principle of the bargain — of giving in order to receive. This bartering consciousness is what lies at the heart of modern civilization. It is seen through economics, government and especially in relationships. It is here in the dynamics of all human relationships that bartering was born and it is based upon the fear of not having enough. Through the 37th Gift you will discover a great economic secret — the more you give, the more you receive. Many people have misinterpreted this truth down the ages and have wondered why it does not appear to be true. Giving cannot be faked. You can give from your mind and you can give from your heart. Giving from your mind is always conditional, no matter how subtle, because it always has a secret expectation or hope attached to it. True giving is an act of insanity when viewed from the mind!

The giving that comes from being in your heart leads to equality because it is based upon equality. The human heart carries this equalising force wherever it moves — and it illuminates divisions in others by treating everyone with respect. Despite the mind’s fears that equality will create a homogenized world in which everyone is the same, true equality is based upon respect for individual uniqueness; indeed, it thrives on it. This kind of equality means starting with yourself. Giving is another place that the Shadow frequency can hide and pull you down — sometimes you may give to others out of a need for personal recognition or as a diversion from your own issues and fears. First of all, then, you must learn to give to yourself. As you will discover, it is through the love of your own self that you will find your love of others. In order to support another, you must first ask your heart how you can best support yourself, and out of that will come the answer of how to give so that both giver and receiver are fulfilled. To give to yourself in this way means to trust completely in the wisdom of your heart — it really is as simple as that.

Experienced as friendship, the 37th Gift is the glue that holds humanity together. In fact, true friendliness is the universal mark of the Gift frequency. Our current age is truly an exciting time to be alive because this 37th Gift is giving birth to a new social paradigm all across our planet. It will create out of itself a new social framework that synthesizes business, education and family rather than setting them apart from each other. It will also bring an end to isolated family groupings and communities by networking, both geographically and globally, to create a new model for community that is based upon giving rather than controlling. This energetic type of friendliness will also bring an end to the notion of separate communities based on the worship of an external God or authority. Through the awakening of the 37th Gift, each community will find that it holds the same core principles all others — namely support of the earth, and empowerment and nourishment of humanity as a whole."[21]

I have the 37th activated with my natal Lunar North Node at the 5th Hexagram Line: "Love"!:

Line 5 - Love -
Exaltation: Natural and unaffected devotion to the family.
Natural harmony and perfected sharing. Natural harmony and sharing possible through friendship.

Detriment: Emotional dependency that often turns love into hatred. The possibility of dependency turning love into hate.

October 26, 2018 -

Re: "Experienced as friendship, the 37th Gift is the glue that holds humanity together." -
This line stands as a kind of serendipitous correction to a line from Jon Rapport's current article that I read earlier regarding the obsession (by some individuals) of "cosmic glue" that was apparently revealed under the hypno-therapy of Jack True who was extensively interviewed by Jon. In reading Jon's article I recognized my long standing attempt to connect different realities into a grander reality that maybe involved either this "cosmic glue" or something very similar. However I'm not concerned as to whether or not my "attempt to connect different realities" is an obsession. I am at peace with Cheeta as my High Ideal! And as of this morning I am all the more delighted with seeing another acronym for Cheeta as: Children's Healing Environments - Enlightening Through Arts!

I'm also enthusiastic about a new therapeutic support I have just conceived of that can be offered for anyone: Human Design Biography. This is a new biographical approach based on the individual's Human Design BodyGraph that identifies the transits in gates corresponding with major life themes in an Individual's biography. I was inspired to discover a Pluto transit at Spleen Gate 18 when I promised myself I'd have no more external authority lording over me.

February 8, 2018 - The Larger Context That Necessitates Cheeta -

"The world as it is in its current form cannot be fixed, no matter how profound or far-reaching the revolution may be. The very bedrock of our modern society is founded upon a species that has always made decisions rooted in fear. In this respect the whole civilization is rotten from its core.

The only way for a new future to be created is to begin from scratch. The 49th Siddhi is harsh in this respect, but its sights are set upon a far distant goal, and that goal can only be accomplished with a new beginning — a rebirth.

As this Siddhi dawns, a new civilisation will be built as the old one continues to crumble. Two types of human beings will coexist and both will live from a totally different awareness.

... This evolutionary leap into a whole new way of functioning depends upon us following our Gifts. If we cannot create the waves of the new revolution at all levels of society, then the rebirth that takes place at the zenith of consciousness, in the realm of the Siddhis, cannot take place."

- From the 49th Gene Key, The Forking of the Species

December 8, 2017 -

From the second paragraph of the first blog post under the title of Cheeta:

Imagine a community/culture in which true healing is actively cultivated and en-cultured; that is built on an ever-enlightening awareness of our connection with Mother Earth and that encourages and appreciates the transformative capacities within all The Arts. Cultural Healing with Enlightened Ecology & Transformitive Arts - Enter CHEETA!

The above is a candidate for the concise descriptive statement - the project that inspired me to create this page.

July 10, 2017 -

"The essential psychological requirement of a free society is the willingness on the part of the individual to accept responsibility for his life."
- Edith Packer, clinical psychologist[16]

I believe this "requirement" is our collective imperative and will become obvious to virtually all of us in the immediate future and most definitely within the last days of this decade.

I found the quote above at the top of my search for: "Responsible freedom of self determination, becoming truly self-confident and free, to unconditionally be responsible for oneself, without being coerced to accept some higher authority." I had transcribed this line from a video presentation [17] that I'm in the midst of viewing now.

March 15, 2017 -

Awoke thinking of Cheeta and inspired to form a concise statement. I searched to see to what extent I may have already done that. Glad I did as I found a post at Son of Truth of Self[1] that says:
"The vision for Cheeta is a whole complete eco-village that includes all the agriculture required to fully support the community." (I had included "Cheeta is" in my search terms.) This "post" is about thirty pages in length and I realize now that I'll want to review it and probably reference it in the new "concise" statement.

My first line at this point is:
Cheeta is a Biodynamic-based Eco-village of sovereign "free inhabitants". (Is that eleven words?)

In my hand-written note I have footnotes indicated for: Biodynamic, Eco-village, sovereign, and "free-inhabitants". I also started thinking of a second line that would include a "three-fold social order" nature to Cheeta.

P.S. I just found an update message from Niki Gratrix re: an article[2] that she says "is the most important and largest update to my ongoing research on emotional stress or adversity in childhood and the impact on health across a lifetime." I was motivated to add this "P.S." without delay as it underscores the ultimate purpose of Cheeta (which will be expressed in the completed statement).

Continuing (about 90' later) -

First thought it worth noting that another serendipity email just came in - this one from Patricia Cota-Robles regarding her being "the Guest Speaker on You Awakening" which she claims to be: "a powerful Activity of Light during which we will prepare ourselves, Humanity and this blessed Earth to receive the incredibly powerful energies that will be flowing into the mental and emotional strata of this Planet during the March Equinox".[3] I have posted announcements and reports from Patricia over the years (at Son of Truth of Self) as I AM All-Grateful for the teachings of our I AM Presence which (as far as I can see) form the foundation for Patricia's work.

Update from the past "90'" - I made another note pertinent to this "review and distillation process" that reads:
"Cheeta - because our hope for humanity's future lies with the children". Along with that thought I had quick visions of creating a "book" that is totally imbued with Cheeta visionary art. It is interesting to me that there is a "fellow gardener" (I've blogged about "fellow gardeners" at the "Enchanted Garden Onion"(E.G.O.)[4]) who has presented the idea of creating a book as a fund-raising project (here at the E.G.O.).

Back to the "statement for the whole entire Cheeta vision." -
Now I'll restate the "first line" with footnotes to begin writing these out.

Cheeta is a Biodynamic[5]-based Eco-village[6] of sovereign[7] "free inhabitants"[8].

I've started writing the footnotes. At the site I found something new![9]

Evening of the same day -

Just sent a follow-up to a "Lawful Tax-Avoidance expert" with whom I had co-created a presentation with in January (2017) for a private party in San Diego. I was inspired to write this individual after reading the following:

"Can a conservation easement reduce my income taxes?

A conservation easement donation can result in significant tax benefits, if it meets the requirements of federal law. It may lower your federal income tax, because you can claim the value of the easement as a tax-deductible charitable donation. It may also lower your state income tax ..."[10]

I asked my "expert" whether he was aware of any property owners who were initially attracted to the possibility of "significant tax benefits" by way of obtaining a conservation easement and who then became "enlightened" about their non-liability status via consulting with the "expert". I'd love to have at least one example (that I can refer to here) to show how the conservation management of farmland (or land that could be farmed) could developed with the Cheeta vision.

March 26, 2017 -

Inspired to do an Astrological Mandala Oracle reading: What is the true nature of my Cheeta vision? The Sabian symbol for Libra 20 degrees comes in the "Second Hemicycle: The Process of Collectivization"[14] at "Act III: Group-Integration". In "Scene Fourteen: Reconstruction" the "First Level" is "ACTIONAL". These four classifications alone answer a substantial part of my inquiry - whether my vision is simply theoretical or has the right spirit that comes "with matter"[11] and therefore intended to fully manifest on the earth. ... However - it seems to me now (April 1, 2017) that this reading is actually pointing to (what I'll call) the "social nature" of the Cheeta vision via the terms: "Collectivization" and "Group-Integration". In addition Libra is possibly the quintessential social sign!


KEYNOTE: The ability to draw on the power of an ancestral tradition in order to serve and inspire one's fellowmen.

Here we see at work the constructive use of rather rigid yet effectual sociocultural and religious patterns. The energies of the collective Unconscious are channeled through well-defined, age-old forms and formulas. This implies limitations and the possibility of sclerosis or inertia when confronted with new situations, yet there is beauty and wisdom in such a ritualization of behavior and of thinking.

This is the fifth stage of the fortieth five-fold sequence. At this stage the relation of man, the individual, to his community — and beyond it, the universe — is seen in stabilized and effective operation. INHERITED WISDOM can be focused through a person who accepts its limitations."[12]

I took this a step or two further by correlating the degree to the Human Design mandala and that revealed a lot that I will sum up with one "picture" namely: "The Integration Channel":

"The Integration Channel stands on its own alongside the three main circuit groups in the infrastructure of the BodyGraph; it is the most complex system of all the channels. This group of four channels, which forms a backbone-like structure in the BodyGraph, serves as the key defense mechanism of the form. Integration is the core component of the individuation process, the process of distinguishing ourself from others. Without it, we could not have differentiated from our primate ancestors. The Integration Channel fuels the evolutionary process of humanity person by person, and contains the full, active expression of the life force of the form.

With a super keynote of 'self-empowerment,' the Integration Channel is focused entirely on self-preservation and empowering the individual nature, expression, knowing, direction/identity and behavior of the self. The survival of the Individual, and the drive to be unique, is essential to ensuring the survival of the Tribe and the Collective through mutation.

The natural primal reflexes built into Integration assure us that we can trust the life that lies within us when it is empowered by response (Gate 34), guided by intuition (Gate 57), directed by the correct behavior (Gate 10) and manifested in the now (Gate 20). When expressed as a unit, using Integration's keynotes by channel, it says, 'I love myself and I empower myself by listening to my intuition in the now.' Or, 'Through response I am intuitively equipped with the right behavior to survive any circumstance in the now.' Those with definition in the Integration Channel are concerned with self-empowerment, and express themselves with a notable self-sufficiency and self-assuredness that neither looks to nor easily accepts direction from others. They should be allowed and encouraged to be self-sufficient."[13]

I'm impressed with: "The survival of the Individual, and the drive to be unique, is essential to ensuring the survival of the Tribe and the Collective through mutation." By integrating the corresponding Human Design insights with the Sabian Symbol I now see the culmination of Individualization from the first hemicycle of the astrological mandala (and possibly identified in archetypal form at Libra 1 degree) now requires a "Reconstruction" in support of "Group-Integration". In other words the nine-centered Integration of the authentic Individual requires a new social form that has the capacity to allow true unique Individuality. I also see that the "well-defined, age-old forms and formulas" are integrated in the Human Design System and as such the implied "limitations and the possibility of sclerosis or inertia" is/can be minimized when "confronted with new situations". In fact the whole purpose of the Human Design System is to transition humanity into the new via the genetic mutation that begins with the "Rave" generation.

Libra 20° spans two Gates in the Spleen Center. I have Gate 57 activated as well as one of its "mates" Gate 10 in the Self Center. Gate 32 is the other Libra gate in the reading and that one I don't have activated by birth or "Design" however the theme of "The Channel of Transformation" is a "bullseye" for Cheeta! I can't help but wonder whether I may have self-activated this whole channel.

April 1, 2017 -

Got to note here that my most recent client has "The Channel of Transformation".

I'm going to allow my review this morning of "The Essential Cheeta" to seep into me all the more. I feel I have connected with the above reading more deeply and have a clearer sense of "true nature of my Cheeta vision".

Happy All Fools Day!

April 20, 2017 -


"Educating a child does not only mean lecturing, giving orders, ... To become good educators, adults must think about the qualities and virtues that dwell within the soul and spirit of the child and then focus on the divine spark living within, to give this spark all the conditions it needs to express itself. In this way they would foster the growth of these magnificent seeds within the child later on. ..."[15]

A second line in this process of forming "a concise statement" will state the quintessential purpose for the Cheeta Eco-Village as a sanctuary for raising children.

Serendipitous to have Omraam's message this evening when earlier today the (adopting) mother of my son shared profound personal truths regarding her deep connection with this magnificent young man!

June 7, 2017 -

The following is based on correspondence with a "fellow gardener"(@ E.G.O):

From the Human Design perspective (that I am living through now) the Human operating system of "the last 3000 - 5000 - years" is a seven-centered system dominated by external authority that is imposed upon individuals through mind (largely via mental coercion established during childhood). Now we are in a transitional phase with our nine-centered Human Design system that allows for the emergence of inner authority within each individual.

"We can do better!" in our decision making by self-activating (through experimenting with) our nine-centered Human Design vs continuing to follow all the outer authorities operating under the old seven-centered system.

Re: "4th chakra / heart-based" - all seven major chakras continue operating in the nine-centered Human Design System as centers - however now we have additional insight as to whether these centers in individual's Human Design are “defined” or “undefined”/“open”. That insight is essential for understanding how we are designed to operate and most especially in making decisions - which is most largely what the Human Design System is all about.

I share the above as a reference for the need to include "the Human operating system" in the concise Cheeta statement.

December 8, 2017 - "to serve and inspire one's fellowmen"

This quote above from my March 26, 2017 post (Re: the reading at: Libra 20°) is a perfect match for the social sphere of Cheeta! Along with the first quote is: "The ability to draw on the power of an ancestral tradition". I will allow this thought to work through my subconscious.

February 7, 2018 - All Aspects of Cheeta Are For The "Education" of Every Child:

“Each child in every age brings something new into the world from the divine regions, and it is our task as educators to remove bodily and physical obstacles out of its way: to remove hindrances so that his spirit may enter in full freedom into life.” - Rudolf Steiner[18]

June 22, 2018 - Continuing With Steiner -

"Most of all, however, our times are suffering from the lack of any basic social understanding of how work can be incorporated into the social organism correctly, so that everything we do is truly performed for the sake of our fellow human beings. ......... (This is the heart and quintessence of "Brotherhood"/Synarchy/_______ fill in the blank with your term of choice!) .........

We can acquire this understanding only by learning to really insert our 'I' into the human community. New social forms will not be provided by nature but can emerge only from the human 'I' through real, person-to-person understanding — that is, when the needs of others become a matter of direct experience for us." - Rudolf Steiner, June 9, 1922.

IMO - the "real, person-to-person understanding" is what Human Design is all about. The primary intention of The Human Design System is to realize and understand the unique Individuality of the child - each and every child - whom Steiner says: "brings something new into the world from the divine regions". That "something new" requires "real ... understanding" otherwise it is unrecognized in the world's prevailing currents of homogenization. This is why The Human Design System reveals the need for our de-conditioning that is activated as we live according to our unique Human Design and make decisions in accordance with our own particular inner strength (shown in the Individual's BodyGraph) rather than in the mind which is never the basis for making any important decisions even though we have been trained to believe as if the mind is an authority.

May 1, 2019 - Considering the "Tribal" element in Cheeta As Well As The Possibility of You Finding Your Tribe!

"There’s nothing better than sharing who we are with the world, openly, authentically, and in all our crazy, messy, beautiful glory. So why don’t we do it? One word…Fear.

Authentic self-expression thrives in an environment that nurtures it and getting there is often about finding a tribe or community of folks whose acceptance, love, and support breaks down our fears and pulls for our success. And doing so is easier than you think.

If you can listen, practice empathy, open your heart, and push past your fears, you’ll get a taste of the sweetness of authentic connection, and you’ll be contributing something powerful to the world in the process."[22]


[1] "Cheeta - Higher Consciousness Community Designed For Healing":




[5] Biodynamic - Read the description at:
I underscore the following line from that description: "Biodynamics is ... not just a holistic agricultural system but also a potent movement for new thinking and practices in all aspects of life connected to food and agriculture." This "potent movement" expresses the spirit of Biodynamics at Cheeta! That is because the Cheeta farm not only supports the Cheeta Eco-village it supplies the Cheeta CSA for the surrounding community and beyond. The farm is also a training center for youth who want to learn Biodymanics

[6] Eco-vilage - I define this term in complete harmony with what I consider to be the leading essential aspect of Biodynamic Agriculture: Individuality. (If you search "Biodynamic Agriculture"Individuality you'll get over 14,000 results!

[7] Sovereign - this term specifically pertains to the "free inhabitants" as they are without subjugation to the external corporatized governments. The sovereignty that was once exclusively that of the King evolved to the people both as a whole and individually as of the Paris Peace Treaty that ended the American revolution. The only difference in action is that the Individual's sovereignty is without any subjects.

[8] Free inhabitant - just like it says in the Articles of Confederation. Do you have a copy of that second Organic Law?



[11] In the Biodynamic study group that I was a member of in Northern California we read a verse each time at the beginning of our meeting that included the line: "Turn to the ancient principle - Matter is never without Spirit and Spirit is never without Matter".:



[14] The "First Hemicycle" is "The Process of Individualization". The "Second Hemicycle" begins with Libra.




[18] The Spiritual Ground of Education, lecture iv
Quoted in: "Soul Development through Handwriting -
The Waldorf Approach to the Vimala Alphabet"
By: Jennifer Crebbin

[19] pg. 383 of "Gene Keys" by Richard Rudd


[21] Gene Keys - The 37th Gift - p. 290 - 292.


[23] "Conversations With My Father" By: Beth Verity



[26] "Man as Symphony of the Creative Word - The Secrets of the Human Organism":

[27] Kim Gould of Love Your Design:






("Communication is the bedrock of all human relationships, the principles of community have profound application to any situation in which two people are gathered together--in the global community, in the home, business or neighborhood.")










[43] "Soul Retrieval" by: Sandra Ingerman (1991):


Cheeta, biodynamic, eco-village, free inhabitant, three fold social order, farmland, conservation, land trust, transformation, self empowerment, integration, individuation, differentiation, humanity, federal income tax, tribe, high ideal, community vision, co-create, healing, enlighten, dream, gratitude, epigenetics, education as medicine, rebirth, Tao Chee, Sondra Ray, physical immortality, destiny

(? - probably about 0)


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