Take The Sun As Your Model! by Chef JeM .....

23.) Solar teachings of Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Date:   6/5/2015 10:42:08 PM ( 9 y ago)

November 10, 2018 - A Daily Meditation - The Most Radiant Ideal of Humankind's True Future! -

"For most people, thinking of the future means wondering what their life will be like in ten, twenty or maybe fifty years time. Well, that is all pretty poor. These concerns are far too short-sighted and of no great interest.

The true future for humankind, and the only one worth concerning ourselves with, is that one day we will shine like the sun, that the universe will be fragrant with our presence, that the air will be filled with the fragrance of our soul and that everywhere we go, music will be heard because all our cells are singing.

Every day, for a few minutes at least, imagine this distant future and all at once you will feel hope, courage and life return. It is this faith in a magical future that will make a new being of you.

We hear the word ‘new’ used everywhere nowadays: a new philosophy, a new science, a new century, a new era, new human beings, and so on. But how can we imagine that humankind will one day be new if we do not work for this sublime future?"[18]

~ Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov -

November 17, 2018 - From the 14th Gene Key By: Richard Rudd -

"... look at (y)our lives every day and count (y)our blessings. This is the most powerful thing we can do in our lives. Focus on all the beauties in our lives rather than the hardships. In fact, learn how to look at even our hardships with gratitude, because then we will turn them into gold as well.

This is the Midas touch, it's Possession in Great Measure. It's the spirit of philanthropy, of gold, of the Sun, on all the riches under the Sun. They can all be ours when we learn to give of ourselves unconditionally, just like the Sun."[]

June 5, 2015 - The start of this (Sun) Blog -

When I attended Rudolf Steiner College the director at that time "planted a seed" in my consciousness regarding the capacity to extend ourselves solar-like into our environment. Also during that time my Anthroposophical housemate would say a prayer at shared meals that started "More radiant than the sun ... is the self ...". Today these thoughts are rekindled and magnified all the more with the following "Thought of the day" quote of Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov:

"Take the sun as your model, as it sheds light, warmth and life."[1]

I'm posting this here at Cheeta because Cheeta is the most unique harmonic convergence of the most high ideals and that convergence has a magnetic attraction for all of the many "suns" (or "sons" of the sun) who radiate their light, warmth and life-giving spirit out into the world. This is the purpose of Cheeta - to support individuals in all their relations to their most high ideals as well as to the most high ideals in all others!

From a Human Design (HD) perspective we have two Sun activations in our Hologenetic Profile. In my Profile I have my solar activations at HD gates 46 and 15 in my Self Center corresponding with Gene Keys Gifts of "Delight" and "Magnetism" followed by the Siddhis of "Ecstasy" and "Florescence". According to my Hologenetic Profile the key to my Radiance is Gene Key 15 activated with my Design Sun plus Design Mercury.

June 30, 2018 -

"... The sun is the fire of life. So, every morning, approach the sun with the conviction that you can capture a spark or a flame that you will bury deep inside and carry preciously as if it were the greatest treasure. ..."[17]

To "... capture a spark or a flame ... (of) ... the sun ... of life ... " is conceivable to me!

May 15, 2018 - The Earth Is a Child of The Sun, ...

... from which it emerged billions of years ago, and the sun continues to nourish it and educate it, so that it may learn to give as generously as its father. ... And what the sun says to the earth, it says even more so to us, for the earth and humans, who are of the same origin, also share the same destiny. Every human being is a little earth, and each of these earths must one day become like its father, the sun. That is our future.[16]

The 4th of July, 2015 -

The Sun - the most striking sign of God’s presence in the universe[2]

July 28, 2015 -

The Sun is the symbol of the center or the summit, where we must be situated to assume our responsibilities.[3]

August 10, 2015 -

"The reason that gold has real value is that it comes from the sun – it is condensed sunlight. The sun produces etheric gold, and the earth condenses it"[4]

August 11th -

"... we have help on our side in the form of the Archangel Michael, Archangel of the Sun and Christ's preeminent helper, who is now (from 1879 to c.2233) the cosmic being whose impulses of cosmopolitanism and the spiritualization of thinking oversee this epoch of time."[5]

August 12th -

"Nature’s manifestations are often symbols for deep, inner realities. The sun, for example, is the most immediate 'physical' form of AUM, because it enlivens all life."[6]

August 17th -

"... If you only knew what power, wealth, clarity, purity, and intelligence were contained in one little ray of sunlight."[7]

August 28th -
"The image of true perfection"[8]

I can't speak for any one else in this instance however I certainly find it liberating to know that "the image of true perfection" does exist and that it is not a man-made, human image or anthropomorphic! I thank God for the Sun!

September 11th -

In the Cards of Destiny the Eight of Diamonds is known as "The Sun Card"! There are ten birth dates in the calendar year that add up to the cosmic number for the Sun Card. There also are thirteen dates where the 8 of Diamonds is the Planetary Ruler Card. In addition there is the possibility that the 8 of Diamonds is one the "Life Spread Cards" of the Birth Card. For instance the Eight of Hearts has the Eight of Diamonds as the Saturn Card. Then there are additional placements in the yearly spreads where the Sun Card can appear as well! One way or another we all get to have an experience of this influence in our lives.

"The royal domain of England in America officially ended with the Treaty of Paris of September 3, 1783."[9] September third is one of the Birth Dates for The Sun Card!

The Eight of Diamonds Person -
The Sun Card (with commentaries by Chef Jemichel)

"As the Sun Card, the Eight of Diamonds has the opportunity to rise to great heights in this life. Regardless of whether they make the move for great fame, they are always respected and looked up to in their work. They love to 'shine' and be noticed by others and have a great deal of leadership ability. These people are powerful and can be dominating if their power becomes an addiction.

("Power addiction" in America after "the Treaty of Paris" was established by George Washington when he took an oral oath for the office of "President of the United States" after he had been duly elected as President of the United States of America.)

Much of their karma is worked out through power and control struggles with others.

(Nations have both their destines and all the karma they create during the course of their existence.)

They dislike being controlled and try to maintain this same control in their relationships at the same time.

(Doesn't this especially describe the characteristic "personality" of the "United States" government?)

Their Eight power and position in the Crown Line gives them an independent and sometimes 'pushy' nature. In any case, they know what everything is worth and can drive a hard bargain. To many Eight of Diamonds, power means having and spending money.

(The United States Government is dependent upon "money" and has always been since the War of Independence.)

The female Eight of Diamonds are especially known to be able to spend huge sums of money quickly.

(I do not know what if any female aspects apply to government.)

They can achieve anything through hard work and the application of their inherent intuition. When they learn to direct their power back towards themselves, to personal transformation, and stop trying to change the world, they can attain the lasting peace of inner power and self-mastery, the keywords of their Queen of Spades Karma Card.

(I think the idea of genuine "personal transformation" in government is a stretch and may be beyond the realm of possibility other than the power-addiction version of self-transformation with hidden agendas.)

They have the power to conquer and rule and as long as it is not misused, it will bring them satisfaction.

(To conquer and rule one's self is the only context where this statement can apply and not be misused.)

Some of the Eight of Diamonds Issues Concerning Relationships -
... They must learn to give others freedom of expression without trying to change them.

(I find this caveat especially interesting when applied to the U.S. government.)

They also need to learn to accept themselves as they are ..."

(Unfortunately the U.S. government never did accept the very limited nature of its delegated authority that was prescribed by the written Organic Law.)

Copyright 2010 Book of Destiny 3.7 software by Robert Lee Camp

September 12th -

According to the Human Design System - the Sun is the source of most of the neutrino field passing through the earth and everything in it. In the Human Design Body-graph the Sun/"solar principal" corresponds to the Self Center which corresponds to Tiphereth in the Tree of Life.[12]

August 8, 2016 -

Mikhaël explains Prana at sunrise.[10]
While reading this article I remembered being "sparked" about the healing potential of the sun in August of 1970. "... Mikhaël encouraged his students to attend the sunrise as often as possible in order to draw strength and inspiration from the light, as was the custom among the disciples of Pythagoras and other high initiates of Antiquity." It seems to me that some ancient memory of a past life as an initiate was reawakening within me. I was "sparked" a number of times as of 1970.

About a year earlier - George Harrison recorded "Here Comes the Sun" (7 July – 19 August 1969) and it was first released as of 26 September 1969 on the Beatles' album Abbey Road.[11] I believe a "sun seed" was planted in me with that song and a year later it "broke through the ground"!

March 22, 2017 -

Happy Spring and a fuller return of the Sun!

"For billions of years each new day tirelessly recreates the birth of the world’s first morning."[13]

I'm reminded of "Morning Has Broken" by Cat Stevens.

March 27, 2017 -

More "Sunshine" and wisdom from Omraam!
"...there are seeds in you too, qualities and virtues implanted by God from the very beginning, and if they do not grow, it is because you do not seek to expose yourself to the rays of the spiritual sun."[14]

April 25, 2017 -

"...You are watching the sun rise; wait, watchful and attentive. As soon as the first ray appears, concentrate on absorbing it. So instead of simply watching the sunrise, you are drinking it, you are eating it, and you imagine that this living light spreads through all the cells of your organs, purifying them, strengthening them and enlivening them. ..."[15]


[1] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/sun-our-model_2015-06-06

[2] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/sun-the-most-striking-sign-of-god-s-presence-in-the-universe_2015-07-04

[3] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/sun-symbol-of-the-centre-or-the-summit-where-we-must-be-situated-to-assume-our-responsibilities_2015-07-28

[4] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/gold-condensed-sunlight_2015-08-11

[5] http://www.monju32.webspace.virginmedia.com/MillLightAnthrop.htm

[6] http://www.ananda.org/daily-meditator/2010/01/07/the-joy-of-interiorization/


[8] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/the-sun-as-a-model-1?utm_source=newsletter-mail&utm_medium=mail&utm_campaign=201508_1

[9] Ed Rivera’s 2015 Free Crash Course in the Constitution:

[10] http://with-omraam.com/mikhael-explains-prana-sunrise/

[11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_Comes_the_Sun

[12] http://beverlybright.com/humandesign-2/kabalah/

[13] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/sunrise-repetition-of-the-first-morning-of-the-world_2017-03-23

[14] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/virtues-seeds-which-grow-in-the-spiritual-sun_2017-03-28

[15] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/eat-fire-and-drink-light_2017-04-26

[16] https://www.prosveta-usa.com/sun-the-the-origin-of-the-earth-and-of-human-beings_2018-05-16

[17] https://www.prosveta-usa.com/sun-the-making-it-penetrate-our-heart-and-soul_2018-07-01

[18] https://www.prosveta-usa.com/future-the-how-to-look-ahead-to-it_2018-11-11

[19] In the current "Pulse"- by subscription at the Gene Keys Society.


More radiant than the sun, the self, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, sons of the sun, radiancy, light, warmth, life giving spirit, human design, gene keys, hologenetic profile, god, shiddi, Delight, Magnetism, Ecstasy, Florescence, high ideal, god's presence, gold, condensed sunlight, Archangel Michael, perfection, model, future, humankind, hope, courage, new, imagine


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