On "Changing the World" by Chef JeM .....

21.) Thoughts on the Rights and Economic Spheres.

Date:   5/9/2015 4:07:24 AM ( 9 y ago)

July 25, 2022 - On Justice -

"When someone has trespassed on their neighbor’s land, has not paid him in full, has punched him a few times or has insulted him, the might of the law comes down and they are sentenced. But when someone has caused thousands of people to lose their faith, hope and love through their writing, their words or their example, when they have incited them to debauchery and violence, then, in most cases, justice leaves them in peace. Everyone is free to express their thoughts and desires, no matter how shocking, without worrying about the consequences this may have for the fate of people who are weaker or more impressionable. Stolen jewellery and broken windows, now that is important, but souls and minds thrown into doubt, rebellion and disarray – that is not serious as far as human justice is concerned. This is why the worst criminals often run free." - Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov[13]

Comment - Re: "in most cases, justice leaves them in peace" - This may very well have been the case at the time that "master" Omraam had expressed this perspective and today we are in an even more degraded condition of the world's failing system/s and how all of this is used in a desperate attempt to suppress the freedom of speech when it speaks against systemic criminality operating under color of law.

November 11, 2019 -

Noting the following here for a couple reasons and intend to follow-up on this later.

To raise truly nourishing nutrient-dense food is one way toward changing the world. One of the leaders who inspired this line of thinking was Rudolf Steiner with his culmination of this expressed in lectures later published as "Agriculture" with a subtitle regarding renewal. As far as this blog-writer knows Steiner was the pioneer of a return to organic agriculture in the West. This is indicated date wise in a wiki article.[12]

November 6, 2019 -

"... Genius must be egotistic in a certain sense; it must place self-culture in the chief position; this very egotism is an element inalienable from its due development."[11]


This may be the very first time that the term: "self-culture" has come to the awareness of this blog-writer. He immediately finds a warm reception to the idea as it relates to the high ideal of Cheeta. The building of Cheeta most certainly begins with developing "self-culture." Fortunately this writer has realized this (even without the term as such) and has essentially made "self-culture" the foundation of his work with others and his service to the whole.

October 19, 2019 -

"Jesus does not advocate revolt or material conflict. ... He reverses the question, and as so often challenges his interlocutors: 'But you ... it must not be the same among you.' In other words, do not be so concerned about fighting kings.(i) Let them be. Set up a marginal society which will not be interested in such things, in which there will be no power, authority or hierarchy. Do not do things as they are usually done in society, which you cannot change. Create another society on another foundation.[8](ii)"


(i) What a relief to "not be so concerned about fighting kings"!
(ii) Christ is "another foundation" for "another society." That is our Inner Christ not religion.

"... In the Gospels Jesus constantly breaks religious precepts and moral rules. He gives as his own commandment, 'Follow me,' not a list of things to do or not to do. "[9]

November 1, 2019 - Transforming the World Through Your Innate Genius -

"The innate intelligence of all human beings. True genius (as opposed to intellectual genius) is a spontaneous and unstudied creative uniqueness rooted in unconditional love. Genius is the natural manifestation of a human life when it is allowed to expand without force. Genius is a hallmark of the Gift frequency band where self-forgiveness leads to a progressive opening of your heart, resulting in an explosion of creative energy throughout your being. The higher the frequency of your DNA rises, the greater your urge will be to use your genius in service to the whole. As more and more people join their genius together, the world as we see it today will be transformed." - Richard Rudd [10]

July 18, 2015 -

"We may feel inclined to begin a crusade for change, and many may gravitate to those born on the Day of Reed because of their clear visions of changing the world for the better." -
1 Ben (Reed) as of July 12, 2015:

I thought of posting the above at this Blog since it is : On "Changing the World"! I have just reconnected with "Mayan Majix" moments ago after visiting: http://newworldbirth.blogspot.com/

to get the indispensable: "Human Design Weekly Neutrino Forecast for July 12th to July 18th 2015".

May 9, 2015 -

Rudolf Steiner gave humanity many gifts through his books, lectures and especially through the "Anthroposophy", out from which flows streams of renewal into Biodynamic agriculture, Waldorf education, Anthroposophical Medicine, the Arts as well as the Threefold Social Order. All in all virtually every area of life has Anthroposophical stream of renewal that have entered in to some extent. I welcome all of these streams in Cheeta!

I find the political arena of Rights especially interesting and increasingly so with my ongoing studies with the Organic Laws. People refer to this arena as "public affairs", the life of "their country"[1]. By having clear understanding of the fuller extent of freedom that is available to all Americans (ever since American Independence was won) I now assert that we now have a choice as to what our relationship is or will be with regards to external government/s. The choice/s are a natural extension of who we think we are. I've written about this at "Son of Truth of Self" and intend to add links to those articles here, soon!

In the meanwhile, I offer the following "Thought for the day" from the Online Omraam community.

Re: "... what young people must ask for if they really want to contribute effectively to changing the world, to making it better, fairer and more fraternal.":


May 10th, 2015 -

"The challenge in being human is to play the game masterfully and enjoy the fulfillment of being fully human -- in balance, wholeness, and fulfillment.":


Found the above in my search for: "source consciousness" after listening to an audio presentation by Amy Flynn at YourDivineUniqueness.com
I first connected with Amy's work with her Free Money Reiki Healing mp3:


The Cheeta vision that I'm presenting here recognizes the necessity for an "economic sphere". In keeping true to the nature of Cheeta (a convergence of high ideals) the kind of economic forms that can enter Cheeta is entirely negotiable. An open negotiable spirit will encourage economic transformation. This anticipates the "economic pendulum" swinging back away from centralized banking into multiplicities of forms of value, stored value and exchanges.

Cheeta embraces the transformation and the healing of money as we now know it/believe it to be. In doing so it supports new community and community building where "value" has new meaning. If "money" represents value then the real source of value is within each of us. Therefore the "pendulum" is beginning to swing back to each of us for our re-awakening to our own essential self-value. The re-awakened greater self-value is what Cheeta celebrates and encourages for all!

May 12, 2015 -

Firstly I am all grateful to see ongoing synchronicities showing up here at this Cheeta CureZone Blog! That includes this update, continuing with the last thought I posted regarding "the re-awakened greater self-value". Today's "Brain and the Solar Plexus" (Part 7/10) message from "Journey with Omraam" speaks to me in this regards with: "Our 






















them." This whole deserves a reading:


Imagine that your energy has inherent substantial value that is readily recognized and appreciated by others. That is one of the many kinds of energy with how Cheeta will be built. It begins with the individual and their own self-value that they have invested within their being. That individualized self-value is the source and store of the value that can be extended out into the world. Whether that extension occurs directly or via any form (including "money") is secondary to the priceless source itself!

May 13, 2015 -

Plus today's "Thought..." more and more souls are coming to incarnate to turn earth into a flower garden, a divine orchard, inhabited by the children of love and light.":


Plus -
The following is possibly the best single statement to date that represents my kind of thinking for the new value system of Cheeta.

"...Just as the physical planet (Jupiter) gives off more heat than it absorbs from the Sun, a person favored with Jupiter can be inspired by their own internal source. Wealth of all kinds emanates from Jupiter.":


Wow, the "optimism" and "hope" of Jupiter has captured my interest for "higher learning"[2]

Got inspired to look at my Jupiter activation - first astrologically and then in my Human Design[3]. I got a "blessing" and therefore I am "grateful"! My blessing is a deeper realization of Jupiter's activation on the design/unconscious side of my Human Design Body Graph at Heart Center 21, Line 3. This 3rd line indicates to me that it is imperative for me to follow my own material path. This realization adds further validation to my will forces (Heart Center) to make that unconscious path conscious in Cheeta.

June 14, 2015 -

The following linked "Thought for the day" fits here for Cheeta and especially for "Changing the World" as that is not an "over night" process (unless you figure that it's a very long night that we are still living in ; ~ ).


June 21, 2015 -

"Our financial needs depend on only two things – that we do what we are designed for (which also happens to be what we love) and that we have the correct allies and relationships in life."[4]

I've essentially resolved the first of these "two things" in my general acceptance of my own Human Design and which I feel confident that I am deepening my acceptance of my authentic self. I'll note here that there are a couple aspects of my "profile" (one referred to as "bumping") that has been a challenge for me to accept and I am continually growing in my willingness to accept these aspects.

Having the "correct allies and relationships in life" is the other thing that I am aware is required in this context and I have just requested this and accept that these will be revealed to me.

June 29, 2015 - More "Value" -

"...to acquire qualities such as patience, kindness, selflessness, generosity, wisdom and fortitude takes more than a few years, sometimes several incarnations. Acquiring book knowledge is so much easier than developing moral qualities! A person who has these qualities will have worked for centuries to acquire them – so why underestimate them?":


These acquired qualities each have their own inherent value that deserves appreciation and starting with the individual's appreciation of them. Simply acknowledging that a quality has a value can increase it's "appreciation". Like in the material world - there are things that can "appreciate" in their value. Value and appreciation are synonymous. Increasing our
appreciation for the non-material things that we have can increase their value. Qualities that take "more than a few years" to acquire have more invested in them. These "investments" are worth appreciating and especially when the quality benefits others!

For example let's say there are ten applicants for a work position and their backgrounds of education and experience are examined to determine who is the most qualified. A determination regarding certain abilities needs to be made and additional qualities often have to be assessed as well. In this instance qualities represent a potential value to the business owner, similarly to the value of certain abilities. The material evidence of this is that business owners will hire and pay an individual based on their already having acquired certain qualities. In some cases the qualities may be of even more value than the abilities because the later can often be taught.

Abilities and qualities can be considered in social relations as well - virtually without the economic element entering into the picture.

July 3, '15 -

Like the trees ~

"... go upwards, that is, mentally soar to the spiritual world, because in that direction no one can stand in the way of (your) aspirations."[5]

July 14, 2015 -

What is a true economist?:


August 31, 2016 -

“The time has come for humanity to realize the real wealth of the planet resides in the resources of the earth—plus humanity’s rich cultures, amazing inventions, wealth of knowledge, love of family and neighbors, and the labor, skills and creative imagination of its peoples.”[6]

December 24, 2018 -

"If the goodness within you doesn’t depend upon a Golden Age in order that it may flower, your success can be found in any Age and at any stage."[7]


[1] Possibly best referred to as "society" rather than as one's "country".

[2] These "terms" are some of Jupiter's keywords.

[3] Two Human Design references for Gate 21 - Line 3 with search terms: "human design"+"own material path":


[4] https://genekeys.s3.amazonaws.com/free-resources/human-design/An_A_to_D_of_You.pdf

[5] http://www.prosveta-usa.com/difficulties-the-best-conditions-for-teaching-us-to-soar-to-greater-heights_2015-07-03

[6] https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00JGABKTA/ref=dp-kindle-redirect?_encoding=UTF8&btkr=1#nav-subnav

[7] https://wizardofmonadnock.com/2013/04/08/xi-heaven-on-earth-the-new-old-fashioned-zion/

[8] "Anarchie et Christianisme" (1988), as translated by Geoffrey W. Bromiley. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1991; Wipf & Stock, 2011, p. 62.:

[9] http://www.jonathanmartinwords.com/blog/2015/9/14/jacques-ellul-on-why-the-revelation-of-god-in-jesus-christ-is-against-morality

[10] A definition under: "Relevant Terminology For Contemplation" in the section on: "The Activation Sequence" in an eBook: "The Gene Keys Golden Path", p. 35.

[11] https://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Arthur_Schopenhauer,_his_Life_and_Philosophy

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Organic_farming#Further_reading

[13] https://www.curezone.org/blogs/edit.asp?i=2252401


Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, Biodynamic, Waldorf, Anthroposophic Medicine, Arts, Threefold Social Order, political, Rights, Organic Laws, country, American, Independence, Truth, Self, Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov, changing the world, money, value, transformation, economic sphere, source, economist


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