Connecting The Dots and Building Bridges by Chef JeM .....

The condition of the outer world is symptomatic of an inner condition; one that each individual can become self-aware of and empowered with new response-ability.

Date:   4/24/2015 9:01:14 PM ( 9 y ago)

According to teachings of the Human Design System (HDS) 66% of the population have a Defined Sacral Center in their Human Design. The Sacral Center is considered life's most powerful "motor" in HDS. Individuals born with this motor turned on within them have the energy required "to do" (including to work). This configuration constitutes the majority of human beings on the planet. The remaining 34% with Undefined Sacral Centers are then "... always vulnerable to the intense conditioning field created by the majority of human beings on the planet with defined Sacrals."[1]

The "conditioning field" itself has intensified over the course of approximately the last 120 years with the increasing pace of the modern lifestyle. (A lifestyle largely based on financial status aka the "rat race".) Consequently those individuals with Undefined Sacral Centers have been "subject to elevated levels of energy pumping through bodies that are not equipped to handle it. They often run on this 'borrowed' energy, and over-extend themselves, leading to breakdown and exhaustion."

The impacts are not limited just to the individual. -
"... in most families both parents have to work full-time. And this has essentially destroyed many American families and created a hectic lifestyle treadmill that keeps most from having the time to think. ... so many Americans spend any free time they have watching Television and allowing themselves to be mind-kontrolled ..."[2]

Is this condition reversible?
Human Design offers insights into the unique mechanics of not only the individual's Sacral Center but all their other centers as well - nine total! This can begin to address the individual's relationship with their own energy system, how it works and how the individual can make decisions that are correct for the individual and in harmony with the inner system.

On a larger scale (both tribal and collective) there is the need to co-create new "financial" systems. The present system is no longer "sustainable" as we see it's toll increasing in the "breakdown and exhaustion" of more individuals and especially the impact that has had on families. But with "so many Americans ... watching Television" who can even begin to think of an alternative to the way it is? Where can we find independent free thinking?

I think independent free thinking has to be cultivated. I think many if not most Americans may have to learn how to think in ways that go beyond their conditioning and the conditioning field that they live in. Ideally children will be born into a new conditioning field that recognizes and wholly honors the child's Human Design thereby sparing them from the consequential ills of a failed system that they did not create nor had any say over.

I have made the "new conditioning field" my "High Ideal". I have another blog that is wholly devoted to co-creating such a field here:


May 19, 2015 -

More Ways For "Building Bridges":

"...imagination and empathy are actually the doorways to personal-and therefore societal-transformation."

Finally we see the beginning of acknowledgements within a scientific paradigm of neuroscience that confirm what had already been recognized within spiritual/metaphysical paradigms. Even Albert Einstein advised parents to read imagination-stimulating "fairy tales" to their children as their best preparation for the child's more advanced intellectual development.

Neuroscience Meets Social Change -

"... The unfortunate truth is that humans find intentional change to be quite difficult (something like nine out of 10 personal change efforts fail). This is especially problematic in this current era of rapid change, where we desperately need solutions to new economic, environmental, and even educational demands.'

I so appreciate the mention of the "economic" sphere! I am encouraged to have "imagination and empathy" acknowledged as "the doorways" toward the economic "solutions" that are needed now. I have begun identifying this need at my Cheeta blog (where I envision the "new conditioning field" as my "High Ideal") that I have linked above and here:

"So we have a problem, and neuroscience may just give us the insight we need to solve it. 'Today we're exploring new frontiers of the brain-and we're now seeing how humans actually connect in profound ways,' says (Marco) Iacoboni (one of the pioneers in a new area of neuroscience). 'These insights can completely change the way we think of leading and learning.'"

"How humans actually connect" is crucial now! Personal, interpersonal and societal resolutions depend upon the extent that human beings can connect to one another. Some people may have a natural gift for connecting however many of us need to learn how to do this.

Non-violent communications (NVC) talks about connecting however I do not know the full extent that the NVC way is able to effectively teach individuals how to connect. The book: Nonviolent Communication" by Marshall Rosenberg includes brief mention of the need for "developing a vocabulary of feelings" and claims that by doing so "we can connect more easily with one another'. I think "developing a vocabulary of feelings" requires a lot of practice at the least and probably more than that. I think it can be more difficult to practice that with people who are not willing to adopt the NVC approach.

It seems to me that genuine empathy itself (not just the language) needs to be embodied before it can be extended to others. That is why this "new area of neuroscience" is attractive to me now. My suggestion is first commit to your own personal transformation, embody that change and then extend that to "societal-transformation".

Also I find that one's intent is essential in the connecting process and if that intention is not mutually present then it can effectively block the formation of a real connection. People can intend to connect with their own empathy! If I were leading an NVC type of process I'd start with this intention.

Continuing with the article quote -

Finding Common Ground -

"One of the central challenges in learning and leading is the ability for people to connect, to collaborate, and to find the common ground needed to work out the intense polarizations that lead to so many of the terrible headlines we see. While humans have a fierce independence, we are actually social animals, and mirror neurons are evidence of this interdependence. 'Mirror neurons seem to be a bridge between our thinking, feeling, and actions-and between people,' says Iacobini. 'This may be the neurological basis of human connectedness, which we urgently need in the world today.'

What if teachers understood how to reach students so well that children felt included? What if leaders were so capable of managing relationships that employees felt meaningful belonging? What if, in our daily lives, we could bridge the gaps between us?

(Iacobini) goes on to say that his reason for studying the brain is because it is what determines the ways humans interact with the world.":

Just discovered this article at:
moments after having received a reply from Beth Wolfson who is the NeuroChangeSolutions Program Manager.

The above quoted article was originally from:

May 20, 2015 -

Just posted the following comment regarding regarding the above quoted Forbes article by Joshua Freedman:

It's really good to hear your Iacoboni quote "I care about the human soul” and to know that empathy and imagination are required lessons in the school of life. I look forward to a course on this as I have people I'd like to teach!


[1] "The Definitive Book of Human Design by Lynda Bunnell

The Human Design System is an astrological/ kabbalistic/chakra fusion synthesized with the 64 I Ching hexagrams. "In 1973, researchers found that there is an established link between the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching and the 64 genetic codons in DNA.[3} Therefore, the direct correlation between the 64 hexagrams of the I Ching and the 64 gates contained within Human Design represents the DNA of your soul as intended for this lifetime."


[3] The I Ching & The Genetic Code ~ The Hidden Key To Life By Dr. Martin Schonberger, Forward by Lama Anagarika Govinda; originally published in German, copyright 1973


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