The Truth is? Part 2 by kerminator .....

** The Truth in your life; will set you free! Are you ready? Truth is a major part of Righteousness!! **

Date:   3/4/2014 9:48:43 AM ( 10 y ago)

Truth is part of the Righteousness!

Definition: Righteousness is the state of moral perfection required by God to enter heaven.
Pronunciation: RITE chuss ness

- William Tyndale (Bible translator into English in 1526) remodelled the word after an earlier word rihtwis, which would have yielded modern English *rightwise or *rightways. He used it to translate the Hebrew root צדקים (TzDYQ), tzedek, which appears more than five hundred times in the Hebrew Bible, and the Greek word δίκαιος (dikaios), which appears more than two hundred times in the New Testament.

^ Hebrew Bible

- Attributes of God

Main article: Tzadik

Righteousness is one of the chief attributes of God as portrayed in the Hebrew Bible. Its chief meaning concerns ethical conduct (for example, Leviticus 19:36; Deuteronomy 25:1; Psalm 1:6; Proverbs 8:20).

It is used in a legal sense; while the guilty are judged, the guiltless are deemed righteous. God's faithfulness to His covenant is also a large part of His righteousness (Nehemiah 9:7-8).

Righteousness also relates to God's role as saviour; God is a "righteous saviour" (Isaiah 61), and a deliverer (Isaiah 46:12-13). The righteous are those who trust that they will be vindicated by the Lord God (Psalm 37:12-13).
Hebrew definition.

The Hebrew word for righteousness is tseh'-dek, tzedek, Gesenius's Strong's Concordance:6664—righteous, integrity, equity, justice, straightness.

The root of tseh'-dek is tsaw-dak', Gesenius's Strong:6663—upright, just, straight, innocent, true, sincere. It is best understood as the product of upright, moral action in accordance with some form of divine plan.[citation needed]
In the Book of Job the title character is introduced to us as a person who is "perfect" in righteousness.

** So what is the Truth of Righteousness?

The Bible clearly states that human beings cannot achieve righteousness through their own efforts:
"Therefore no one will be declared righteous in God's sight by the works of the law; rather, through the law we become conscious of our sin." (Romans 3:20, NIV).


The law, or the Ten Commandments, shows us how far we fall short of God's standards. The only solution to that dilemma is God's plan of salvation.

People receive righteousness through faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. Christ, the sinless Son of God, took humanity's sin upon himself and became the willing, perfect sacrifice, suffering the punishment mankind deserved. God the Father accepted Jesus' sacrifice, through which human beings can become justified.

In turn, believers receive righteousness from Christ. This doctrine is called imputation. Christ's perfect righteousness is applied to imperfect humans.

** Through Christ is where we can receive Salvation!


The Old Testament tells us that because of the sin of Adam, we, his descendants, have inherited his sinful nature. God set up a system in Old Testament times where people sacrificed animals to atone for their sins. The shedding of blood was required.

When Jesus entered the world, things changed. His crucifixion and resurrection satisfied God's justice. Christ's shed blood covered our sins. No more sacrifices or works are required.

The Apostle Paul explains how we receive righteousness through Christ in the book of Romans. Read the Roman road to salvation in the Bible!

Salvation through this crediting of righteousness is a free gift, which is the doctrine of grace. Salvation by grace through faith in Jesus is the essence of Christianity.

** Notice: That no other religion offers grace.
They all require some type of works on behalf of the participant.
No not a single one!

So where is the Truth of Salvation?
It is found in True Christianity; through the atonement of Christ!

** We will develop this to show how you or anyone else can get beyond the limits of this sin filled existence upon earth today!

There are God given principles which govern the entire universe! Much like having electric power hooked up and available at your house; unless you learn how to use it nothing happens! The power company does not come out and throw the electrical switch to turn on your lights or what ever! You have to decide to do it!

God has provided His divine power in your life but you have to accept it, and then turn it on in order to obtain the Grace and Blessings! Therefore unless you seek the Absolute Truth of God; nothing happens because you never have come to recognize the Power of God in your Eternal Life!

Have you found any Truth yet??

** Continued in Part 3...


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