Paradigm Cage = part 12 by kerminator .....

Stick with the truth and your future will be surer! Discernment plus wisdom will aid your journey... Follow lies and you will surely be lost... Your motives must be pure so that self centeredness does not cloud your direction, or keep you in a paradigm cage... Usually most people who end up in a paradigm cage; do not realize that they can leave at anytime! This is so true in life...

Date:   2/17/2014 7:56:50 PM ( 10 y ago)

If we could ever come to realize our full potential then we would not become caught as it were in Paradigm Cages!

What limits most people is the lack of knowledge or else fortitude to stand on what we believe in! This is where aith enters your life! Either you have the gumption to stand on your truthful knowledge principles or you slide into a Paragidm cage or trap!


If you look back in history at the great leaders or nations or events one thing stands out - they each had a personal vision of some truth which drove them on ...

Truth - what is it?

by Matt Slick

"What is truth?" is a very simple question.
Of course, answering it isn't so simple. We can offer definitions like "Truth is that which conforms to reality, fact, or actuality."

But this basic definition is not complete because its definition is open to interpretation and a wide variety of applications:
- What is reality?
- What is fact?
- What is actuality?
- How does perception effect truth?

*** some excellent advice!!

"See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, according to the tradition of men, according to the elementary principles of the world, rather than according to Christ," - Col. 2:8. NKJ

In order for truth to be defined properly, it would have to be a factually and logically correct statement. In other words, it would have to be true. But, perhaps we could look further at truth by determining what it is not.
- Truth is not error.
- Truth is not self-contradictory.
- Truth is not deception.
Then of course, it could be true that someone is being deceptive, but the deception itself isn't truth.

In relativism, all points of view are equally valid and all truth is relative to the individual. If this were true, then it would seem that this is the only truth relativism would have to offer.

The problem is that in reality, relativism isn't true for the following basic reason. If what is true for me is that relativism is false, then is it true that relativism is false?

1) If you say no, then what is true for me is not true and relativism is false.

2) If you say yes, then relativism is false. Relativism seems to defy the very nature of truth; namely, that truth is not self-contradictory.

Got it?


Again, what is truth?

If there is such a thing as truth, then we should be able to find it. If truth cannot be known, then it probably doesn't exist. But, it does exist.
For example, we know it is true that you are reading this.

Is there such a thing as something that is always true all the time?

Yes, there is.
- For example, "Something cannot bring itself into existence." This is an absolutely true statement. In order for something to bring itself into existence, it would have to exist in order to be able to perform an action. But if it already existed, then it isn't possible to bring itself into existence since it already exists. Likewise, if it does not exist then it has no ability to perform any creative action since it didn't exist in the first place. Therefore, "Something cannot bring itself into existence" is an absolute truth.


The preceding example is a truth found in logic, but there are truths that are not logical by nature. It is true that I love my wife. This isn't logically provable via theorems and formulas and logic paradigms, but it is, nevertheless, true.
Therefore, we can say that truth conforms and affirms reality and/or logic.

Is this what relativism does? Does relativism conform to reality and logic? To be honest, it does to some degree. Relatively speaking, there is no absolute right or wrong regarding which side of your head you should part your hair, if you part it at all. To this we must concede relative "truths" that are different for different people. But, these are relativistic by nature. Examples of relativistic truths are:
- 1) people drive on the right side of the street in America and the left in England;
- 2) I prefer to watch science fiction over musicals;
- 3) snow is better than rain, etc.
These things are relative to culture, individuals, preferences, etc., and rightfully so.

If we ever hope to determine if there is such a thing as truth apart from cultural and personal preferences, we must acknowledge that we are then aiming to discover something greater than ourselves, something that transcends culture and individual inclinations.
To do this is to look beyond ourselves and outside of ourselves. In essence, it means we are looking for God. God would be truth, the absolute and true essence of being and reality who is the author of all truth. If you are interested in truth beyond yourself, then you must look to God.

"I am the truth"

For the Christian, the ultimate expression of truth is found in the Bible, in Jesus who said,

"I am the way, the truth, and the life..." (John 14:6).

Of course, most philosophers and skeptics will dismiss His claim, but for the Christian, He is the mainstay of hope, security, and guidance. Jesus, who walked on water, claimed to be divine, rose from the dead, and said that He was the truth and the originator of truth. If Jesus is wrong, then we should ignore Him.
But, if He is right, then it is true that we should listen to Him.

The eyewitnesses wrote what they saw. They were with Him. They watched Him perform many miracles, heal the sick, calm a storm with a command, and even rise from the dead. Either you believe or dismiss these claims.

If you dismiss them, that is your prerogative. But, if you accept them, then you are faced with decisions to make about Jesus. What will you believe about Him?
What will you decide about Him?
Is He true?
Is what He said true?

Truth conforms to reality. Jesus performed many miracles and rose from the dead. Amen...


The Truth Will Set You Free
Then Jesus said to the Jews who believed on Him, If you continue in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (John 8:31-32)


Has the Son truly set you free or do you have some fears concerning your status in Christ and its permanency? In this post the truth that we are dealing with is the truth that is central to the Gospel message that emphasizes the rule of God over all things.


" Here is where you determine the truth and use it to escape the Paradigm Cage through a Paragigm Shift! "
By becoming a deciple!

What is a Disciple?

To know the truth, we must first be His disciples. Most people would say disciple means “student”, and that’s partially true.
That’s the most common definition today, but what did Jesus mean when He said it? If we really want to understand God’s Word, those are the kinds of questions we need to ask. A disciple learns what the Master teaches, like a student, but it doesn’t stop there. A disciple eats what the Master eats, sleeps where the Master sleeps, does what the Master does, and does what the Master says. Disciples conform their lives to the life of the Master. Instead of “student”, “follower” would be a better English word for disciple.

According to Dr. Kenneth Wuest (former professor of Greek at Moody Bible Institute), “We must be careful to note that the Greek word for ‘disciple’ [mathētēs] does not carry with it the idea that that person who is named a disciple is necessarily a saved person.
The word does not contain any implications of salvation. A person may learn something from someone else and yet not put that knowledge into practice or make it a part of his life.

- See John 6:66 in its context for an example of an unsaved disciple, and Matthew 10:1 for an illustration of saved (the eleven) and unsaved (Judas) disciples.

The word merely refers to one who puts himself under the teaching of someone else and learns from him…In the case of the word ‘disciple’ the context must rule as to whether the particular disciple mentioned, is saved or unsaved, not the word itself”

– Word Studies in the Greek New Testament, Volume III, section 4, page 25.

Throughout His earthly ministry Jesus had primarily pleaded, “follow me”, but on the eve of His crucifixion, knowing that the disciples would no longer be able to follow Him, He gave them a new commandment. A commandment that held the promise of a more intimate spiritual unlon with Himself
-“Abide in Me”. (Joh 15:4-9)

In the Greek the word translated “abide” is meno, which means to continue in, dwell in, endure in, be present in, remain in, and to stand in, by implication, to stay permanently.

One might think that this state of permanency could not be possible in their situation. They have a daily occupation necessary to provide for their family, they have children to care for; they have housework or yard work that must be completed. How can they handle these responsibilities while abiding in Christ? Doesn’t the definition for “abide” mean that I am to always stay in His presence?

Yes, “abide” does mean that I am to always stay in His presence, but I do not need to seclude myself from the world to abide. We must realize that even though we are “in the world”, we are not “of the world”. (John 17: 15-16)

We are in the worldly realm and at the same time in His spiritual realm. Consider the implications of Eph 2: 4-6 that Father God has seated us together with Jesus in heavenly places, therefore while we are going about our daily activities we are also seated together with Christ.

Paul’s admonition in 1Th 5:17 to “Pray without ceasing” is another example of operating in both realms simultaneously, for prayer just means to commune with God, and can be accomplished anytime silently in the Spirit (Note: Prayer is more about listening rather than talking).
(See Chapter 13 – Abide in Me)

To be a disciple means that we must not only put Jesus first but also die to self. (Gal 2:20; 5:24; 6:14; Rom 6:4-6; 8:3-4; Col 2:11-14)

The Truth Will Set You Free

However, when He, the Spirit of Truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth. For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatever He hears, He shall speak. And He will announce to you things to come. (John 16:13)

If you are a disciple, abiding in Christ, then expect to receive the truth from the Holy Spirit. The truth is normally not an immediate and complete understanding of God’s Word, rather it is normally a progressive understanding whereby our understanding is increased over a period of time.

It’s like building a masonry wall where first the foundation is laid and then each consecutive course or layer is added.

Therefore if the Son shall make you free, you shall be free indeed. (John 8:36)

Has the Son truly set you free? In this post the truth that we are dealing with is the truth that is central to the Gospel message that emphasizes the rule of God over all things, and is summarized in a document known as the Canons of Dort that is now commonly referred to as TULIP (from the first letter of each of the five points)

Total Depravity – fallen man is totally unable to save himself..

Unconditional Election – God’s electing purpose was not conditioned by anything in man..

Limited Atonement – Christ’s atoning death was sufficient to save all men, but efficient only for the elect..

Irresistible Grace – the gift of faith, sovereignly given by God’s Holy Spirit, cannot be resisted by the elect
Perseverance of the saints – those who are regenerated and justified will persevere in the faith..

If you are afraid that you can lose your salvation then you haven’t yet grasp the fullness of the truth, because it has nothing to with making a public confession of faith or being baptized or joining a church, or ministering, etc. for without Christ abiding in you, these are only works.

(See Matt 7: 17-23), it’s all about being a disciple who is abiding in Christ letting Christ through the Holy Spirit guide and direct you in all things.


This is the ultimate Paradigm Shift which will allow you to escape through use of the Truth of God!!


Are you ready to seek the Absolute Eternal Truth?


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