Are You As Awake As A Buddha? by #29621 .....

Cycles of life are constantly part of our individual lives (whether or not we are aware of it). However we can consciously choose a new cycle that liberates us from cycles of suffering.

Date:   2/15/2014 4:57:28 AM ( 10 y ago)

One full seven-year cycle may be just long enough to allow for a genuine personal transformation at the cellular level. Would dedicating yourself toward this degree of personal transformation be worth it?

Consider this:

"When you are able to live your own (human) design, to love being yourself no matter what the cost or how mundane your experience (then) you are as awake as the Buddha."
Lynda Bunnell - The Definitive Book of Human Design


Can you imagine being fully awake to your own true nature and thereby living your very own authenticity regardless of the "world"?

Imagine being true to your own unique individuality and fully living the truth of you, no matter what!

One way to support your awakening is to commit yourself to four agreements. (See The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz)
The 3rd Agreement is "Don't Make Any Assumptions." Don Miguel
(in the Companion Book to the initial Four Agreements book on page ix) says:

"Find the courage to ask questions
and to express what you really want.
Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama."

This also speaks to me of the first agreement:
"Be Impeccable With Your Word".

I recently was inspired with my second reading of this "Companion Book" and made a new declaration:

I live, work and play with others who are committed to living in highly-functional communications, dialogues and communions with me now."

A couple hours later I had an encounter with an individual wanting to "talk" with me and I then experienced their "talk" in strong contrast to a "highly-functional communication" that was completely void of any true "dialogue" (not to mention "communion"). Apparently I needed to have this contrast! Now I see that in addition to my own "marriage" to the Four Agreements (probably in my fidelity to my
marriage) I now need to add a "stop gate" to the inquires, offers, invitations, etc. that others bring to me under the banner of "talk" that are actually open doorways to the pathological. Don Miguel speaks of the pathological in his books in terms of a "Parasite". He says:

"The Toltec compare the Judge, the Victim, and the belief system to a Parasite that invades the human mind. The Parasite is a living being made of psychic or emotional energy. It can also be compared to a program that dreams through our mind and lives through our body. ... all humans who are domesticated are sick because we have a parasite that thrives on the emotions that come from fear and suffering."

"My Way" (presented in another blog at "Son of Truth") now includes saying "no" to all the pathological, all of the "Parasite", as well as to all the old dreams. The still recent "crossing of the threshold" by my beloved father as of this last Thanksgiving has helped me let go of old dreams. (I talk about this in my blog - also at this same location). I can let go of dreams and by doing so I can allow for the possibility of a conscious new dream that is of my own choosing and with much greater awareness!
You might call it true "lucid dreaming"!

I now declare that I am letting go of the dream that I had entered into nearly six years ago when I returned to the household where I live now.
I am now, finally, sufficiently awake to say - whatever dream there may have been here, it is not my dream, even though I had entered
into that with my hopes of activating my own dream within the former dream. I had begun activating my dream with my investments of a tremendous amount of my time, my sacred sacral energy and many of my talents into several "projects" here - clearing a way and in extensive repairing of a number of "foundations" so that a new dream could possibly by built here. I did my best and because I did I can now walk away in peace!

Today I realized most completely that this place is someone else's dream. And with the help of Don Miguel I now know that not only does their dream include the "Parasite" it also includes caring for the "Parasite" as well! As long as this place is being held by others as their "dream" (by whatever name they may have for it) it is simply not available for my dream regardless of how much I may support upgrading, uplifting or anything else. I now realize that my conscious dream needs the right conscious environment.

I am through with caring for the Parasite!

This is a most amazingly awesome time of release, letting go of the old and all things that cause dis-ease!
It is the time of the waning moon, Mercury retrograde, Venus returning from her decent into the underworld,
the ending of Winter as well as the final letting go of last year's "shedding of snake skin". It is (IMO) ultimately the time for expelling the Parasite! Therefore I am through with all the old dreams as well as all the Parasite dreams where I have been living!

It is time to truly love yourself - through and beyond the shadows including all the unconscious self-hatred (in all it's many variations). It is my passion in life to support enlightening self-awakening and self-knowingness for all! It is in my own Human Design.

Your seven-year cycle can begin any time you like!

Monday, 27th -

"... the main tenet in the ancient science of yoga is that in order to see the true reality clearly, one must still the mind. Otherwise, the mind is simply a machine, generating illusion after illusion that we believe are real. We cannot awaken if we succumb to these illusions. Thus, meditation (in many forms) is a tool to help us surrender and relax into the true state of our consciousness as the clear prism.":

- "The Convergence of 2012 and the Sacred Geometry of Integration"
by Ronald Holt

Earlier this evening in conversation with a friend who asked me for an update regarding my counseling practice I shared how I have co-authored a preamble and Vision/Mission statement for "Psyche and Health".

From my blog of 6/22/12:

I think the following is in reference to the torus: "This pattern holds the key to a life that will work for everyone."

I'm very interest in learning more about "this pattern". I have read "The Convergence of 2012 and the sacred Geometry of Integration" by Ronald Holt. His first mentions "Torus" is on page 7 in the phrase: "Galaxy and Torus" that is right below an image of what he identifies as: "'Sombrero Galaxy' photo Courtesy NASA - Graphic copyright 2009 By Barbara Rose & Ronald Holt". he says: A torus is a doughnut-shaped energy field with an inflow (entrance) on the 'top' and an outflow(1) (exit) on the 'bottom' that delineates the direction energy flows through the form."

This 67 page article is available as a PDF:

You can also access it among 19 other articles at:

I highly recommend this for any serious or advanced students who want to learn how sacred geometry relates to us individually and how we relate to the sacred geometry of the universe. The article describes dynamics of the torus as well as how it can be applied to aspects of consciousness in us including the chakra system and much more. It can serve as a kind of preface to the multiple integration of Human Design which includes the ancient wisdom systems of the chakra system, the Kabbalah, the I Ching, modern science of genetics, physics plus several astrological systems and more.

June 22, 2014 -
Interesting that I just happen to be reading this now after having noted "out flow" a couple hours earlier during a sitting! I then created an acronym:
OFTEN - Out Flow Transformations Eco Network.

Also -
"The Buddha described Nirvāna as the perfect peace of a mind that's free from ignorance, greed, hatred and other afflictive states, or "defilements" (kilesas). Nirvana is also regarded as the 'end of the world', in that no personal identity or boundaries of the mind remain.":

April 13, 2019 - Steiner on "Buddha and Christ" -

"...Buddhism for ever emphasises that the ‘world is Maya, is Illusion!’ Christianity asserts: ‘It is true that, to begin with, what man beholds of the world is illusion; but that arises from man himself, who has so formed his organs of perception that his vision cannot penetrate to the Spiritual World. The outer world is not the illusion, but the human outlook is the source of the illusion.’ Buddhism says: ‘Gaze upon all the events that surround you! They are illusion. Behold what flashes in the lightning, it is illusion I What roars as thunder — it is Maya, it is the Great Deception!’ ‘Not so,’ would the Christian spirit reply: ‘But until now the human race has not found it possible to open — (in Goethe's words) — the 'spiritual eyes and ears,' for these would reveal the outer world in its true form!’ ..."[1]

Inspired with the title of the above lecture quote after reviewing my insights on "contemplation" and noting this as the cornerstone to Gene Keys as well as for the Gene Keys Society. Steiner mentions contemplation earlier in tis lecture as one of the tenants of Buddhism: right contemplation. I noted this elsewhere with a wonder as to what Buddhists regard as right contemplation. I would compare that with Richard Rudd's presentation on contemplation as well as with my own insights.



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