Sickness Part 1 by kerminator .....

- *** The how and why of modern medical practices... ***

Date:   10/6/2013 7:09:23 PM ( 11 y ago)

A common belief in our society is that sickness and disease are the result of luck. If you're lucky, you stay healthy. If you're unlucky, you get sick.
By the early 1900's medicine divided into two main camps:

- Allopathic -
Time Early to mid 1800s-1900s
Title Allopathic medicine emerges as the primary Western medical model
Allopathy is the type of medicine most familiar to westerners today. Allopathy is a biologically based approach to healing. For instance, if a patient has high blood pressure, an allopathic physician might give him/her a drug that lowers blood pressure.

In 1848, the allopathic rationalists create the American Medical Association (AMA) and gain a strong organizational edge. Even though many American clinics once relied on homeopathy and naturopathy, allopathic medicine quickly rises to dominance. Allopathy’s popularity is due to successful scientific progress including the production of certain vaccines and development of specific drugs that treat disease.

During this same era, the discovery of antibiotics triggers rapid growth of the pharmaceutical industry. Pharmacy evolves as an enabling discipline to allopathic medicine, helping it to achieve and maintain its dominance through many successful treatments and cures.

- Holistic -
Time since the dawn of time humans have used the holistic concept in medical practice, which is distinct from the concept used in most modern medicine. Because it upholds that all aspects of people's needs including psychological, physical and social should be taken into account and seen as a whole. A recent 2007 study said the concept was alive and well in general medicine in Sweden.
Some practitioners of holistic medicine use alternative medicine exclusively, though sometimes holistic treatment can mean simply that a physician takes account of all a person's circumstances in giving treatment. Sometimes when alternative medicine is mixed with mainstream medicine the result is called "holistic" medicine, though this is more commonly termed integrative medicine.
According to the American Holistic Medical Association it is believed that the spiritual element should also be taken into account when assessing a person's overall well-being.

Methods -
Holistic health is a diverse field in which many techniques and therapies are used. Practitioners of alternative approaches may include many ineffective methods including colon therapy, metabolic therapy and orthomolecular medicine.


- Unfortunately - The allopathic camp won the struggle, and our society, as a whole, subscribes to the allopathic theory of diseases and their cures. The only problem with this is that allopathic medicine is a reactive, not a proactive, form of treatment, = i.e. it treats the symptoms, not the cause...

Principles and Practice of Nature Cure
Nature Cures, not the Physician.
- Hippocrates

Nature cure is a constructive method of treatment which aims at removing the basic cause of disease through the rational use of the elements freely available in nature.
It is not only a system of healing, but also a way of life, in tune with the internal vital forces or natural elements
comprising the human body. It is a complete revolution in the art and science of living.

Although the term ‘ naturopathy’ is of relatively recent origin, the philosophical basis and several of the methods of nature cure treatments are ancient. It was practised in ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. Hippocrates, the father of medicine ( 460-357 B.C.) strongly advocated it. India, it
appears, was much further advanced in older days in natural healing system than other countries of the world.

There are references in India’s ancient sacred books about the extensive use of nature’s excellent healing agents such as air, earth, water and sun. The Great Baths of the Indus Valley civilisation as discovered at Mohenjodaro in old Sind testifies to the use of water for curative purposes in ancient India.

The modern methods of nature cure originated in Germany in 1822, when Vincent Priessnitz established the first hydropathic establishment there. With his great success in water cure, the idea of drugless healing spread throughout the civilised world and many medical practitioners
throughout the civilised world and many medical practitioners from America and other countries
became his enthusiastic students and disciples. These students subsequently enlarged and developed the various methods of natural healing in their own way.

The whole mass of knowledge was later collected under one name, Naturopathy. The credit for the name
Naturopathy goes to Dr. Benedict Lust ( 1872 - 1945), and hence he is called the Father of Naturopathy.
Nature cure is based on the realisation that man is born healthy and strong and that he can stay as such as living in accordance with the laws of nature. Even if born with some inherited affliction, the individual can eliminate it by putting to the best use the natural agents of healing.
Fresh air, sunshine, a proper diet, exercise, scientific relaxation, constructive thinking and the right mental attitude, along with prayer and meditation all play their part in keeping a sound mind in a sound body.

Nature cure believes that disease is an abnormal condition of the body resulting from the violation of the natural laws. Every such violation has repercussions on the human system in the shape of lowered vitality, irregularities of the blood and lymph and the accumulation of waste
matter and toxins. Thus, through a faulty diet it is not the digestive system alone which is adversely affected. When toxins accumulate, other organs such as the bowels, kidneys, skin and lungs are overworked and cannot get rid of these harmful substances as quickly as they are produced.

Besides this, mental and emotional disturbances cause imbalances of the vital electric field within which cell metabolism takes place, producing toxins. When the soil of this electric filed is undisturbed, disease-causing germs can live in it without multiplying or producing toxins. It is only when it is disturbed or when the blood is polluted with toxic waste that the germs multiply and become harmful.

Basic Principles:
The whole philosophy and practice of nature cure is built on three basic principles. These principles are based on the conclu sions reached from over a century of effective naturopathic treatment of diseases in Germany, America and Great Britain. They have been tested and
proved over and over again by the results obtained.

More in following parts...


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