Marching Toward the National Heirloom Expo Sept 10-12 2013 by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Marching Toward the National Heirloom Expo Sept 10-12 2013 This is a draft for a chapter in "Grow A Healthier Pizza" The chapter traces why we need a Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza. The words in the Campaign poster all need to be explained. It talks about the significance of having a National Heirloom Exposition and why support for the upcoming National Heirloom Expo, September 10-11-12 in Santa Rosa is so important.

Date:   7/18/2013 12:37:48 PM ( 11 y ago)

Marching Toward the National Heirloom Expo Sept 10-12 2013


Notes by Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener
July 18, 2013

This was started 53 days to the 3rd Annual National Heirloom Expo.

11:26 am
July 20, 2013

March to the National Heirloom Expo is a Chapter in
Grow A Healthier Pizza.

This is a draft for a chapter in "Grow A Healthier Pizza"
The chapter traces why we need a Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza.
The words in the Campaign poster all need to be explained.
It talks about the significance of having a National Heirloom Exposition
and why support for the upcoming National Heirloom Expo, September 10-11-12 in Santa Rosa is so important.

This Chapter explains how the Campaign began.

My own journey to begin the Campaign to Grow A Healthier Pizza

Growing KAMUT® brand ancient wheat to plant dreams was already alive in me when I was given packets of Baker Creek Non GMO San Marzano Tomato seeds. Toamtoes and wheat? It made sense, Grow A Heathier Pizza!

At the National Product Expo West in March 2012, I discovered that there were already pizza makers who had discovered that KAMUT® brand ancient Khorasan wheat made an outstanding Pizza crust. That is how idea, Grow A Healthier Pizza was born.

I was in Washington in September 2011. I had no idea that in November in Special Interests were again having their way with Congress through messing with the School Lunch Program. Improving the School Lunch Program was already in the works through the efforts of Michelle Obama and many other elements, but corporate interests, as usual, would not allow other interests to be put above their own agenda to fill their moneybags.

The Dough Rises

In May 2012, my Healthier Pizza began to rise when I visited Rancho La Puerta, the #1 Destination Spa in the world, owned by friends of mine. Deborah Szeekly, the co-founder of Rancho La Puerta, spoke. Her words electrified my thoughts when she alerted me to the events in Washington where they were saying that Pizza was a vegetable. She was outraged. She said that we had to do something. These were the formative months when she was creating the idea for a Wellness Warrior movement.

Why we needed a Grassroots Movement and what was missing
from the Label GMO Movement

Every year, I take on one or more seeds that I use in my Plant Your Dream work. I was already using the KAMUT® brand Khorasan wheat through striking up my relationship with Bob Quinn, the founder of Kamut international. We were both at the Organic Summit when this spark to grow Knorasan ancient wheat was ignited.

Harmony was needed to win Prop 37

Right from the beginning I felt that more harmony was needed between all the factions who wanted to Label GMO's for us to win. As usual we were divided in our ranks. I set out to literally plant these factions in the same pot.

Outgrowing Monsanto and GMO Seeds

At a deeper level, I saw that GMO's were the result of our buy in to virtual technology and Biotech Science related to Agriculture. We needed to see that monoculture applied to agriculture was stealing culture; The root of the word Agriculture is culture.

Only through more and more people growing food, can we Cultivate a Grassroots Movement that returns sanity to Humanity.

Grass, growing grass in a pot, became my literal metaphor for growing the Grassroots Movement that was needed. This led to the creation of a Grow a Healthier Pizza Starter Kit, and began with the prototype of making a Seed Packet containing KAMUT® brand Knorasan Seeds that could be a gift item for those who joined the Enchanted Garden Club, my network of support.®_SEED_PACKET_SPRING_2013_medium2.jpg

This is the KAMUT® Brand Seed Packet Prototype, Spring 2013

Enter Baker Creek

It was soon after I received some of those Non GMO San Marzano Tomato Seeds that I called Baker Creek and learned about the National Heirloom Expo. The year before in 2011, I went East to the Natural Product Expo and the Organic Summit held in Baltimore. It was serendipity that the day I was going to be in the Washington D.C. area, that there would be an Organic Listening Day at the USDA. Many of my Organic Trade Association allies were going to be there, I found out later.

I thought perhaps I would go East again in 2012, the year that the Label GMO Movement was taking off, but when I saw that the National Heirloom Expo was happening in September, the same time as Expo East, I knew I had to be there.

Baker Creek, the organizers of the National Heirloom Expo, represent a Seed collection of more than 1400 Heirloom variety seeds from 70 countries. These are non GMO seeds. These are seeds on the front lines of preserving bio diversity of culture in the world. These seeds carry the intelligence of the various indigenous cultures that have evolved in an evolutionary symbiotic relationship to the seeds in their area.

Hidden Wisdom in Heirloom Seeds

Dr. Bernard Jensen, my spiritual father and health mentor was a master at understanding the subtle ways of how soil, food, and minerals interacted to give unique cultural Voice to the Soul of a people.

The idea that each culture leans toward specific character traits and that these traits are reflected in the dominant proportions of minerals is lost wisdom. I imagine somewhere in science today as we know science, there may be some inking of these understanding, but I have not found it.

The Baker Creek Seed Collection is a Triumph to Cultural Biodiversity

The Baker Creek Seed Collection is a Triumph to Cultural Biodiversity.

To hold some of these packages in hand and see the diversity of seeds is to have a spiritual experience.

Gmo Seeds are destroying cultural diversity, and cultures.

This is why the indigenous people of the world are so in arms.

This is why Vandana Shiva, the master seed saver, who will be at the third Annual National Heirloom Expo is so up in arms.

We need a whole movement of Non-GMO seed lovers.

We need a whole generation of new seed growers, who see that in
the simple act of planting ancient wheat in a pot, and using Baker Creek Seeds, we are creating a new awareness of global education that is so deeply needed.

Nature called forth a National Heirloom Exposition. Jere Gettle, Paul Wallace of the Petaluma Seed Bank, his wife Eileen, and so many of the staff of Baker Creek are to be congratulated for giving us the opportunity to celebrate together.

In the months prior to the third Annual National Heirloom Expo, I began to experience health problems. What it means for me to be 65 and in a body that has had arthritis most of my adult life? At the same time, I feel compelled to want to again to the National Heirloom Expo, September 10-11-12 in Santa Rosa.

I hope you too see why the March Toward the National Heirloom Expo, and support for Baker Creek is so important.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

July 20, 20123


In honor of the National Heirloom Expo, September 10-11-12, 2013

This is one of the key Graphics I want to read in my workshop at the
National Heirloom Expo 2013


"School lunches are so very important to the long-term health and wellness of our children. They have been hijacked by corporate interests for far too long." --Deborah Szekely, founder Wellness Warrior

Leslie at the People's Organic Garden outside USDA headquarters September 20, 2011. I volunteered to be Enchanted Gardener for the USDA and my voice was heard.

For more than 100 years, Special Interests have been having their way with America the Beautiful. This dream--America the Beautiful-- is based on the finest of evolutionary ideas in harmony with the beat of nature rising to be heard.

in 2011, through the gift of my Organic Trade Association sponsors, I spoke at Organic Listening Day at the USDA in Washington. I volunteered to be Enchanted Gardener for the People's Garden Project, and I received enthusiastic response. In 1983, a tired weary Robert Muller, then Assistant Secretary General for the UN, came into an Enchanted Garden Installation of fresh foods and healing experiences at one of the early Holistic Health Conferences in San Diego, called the Mandala Conference.

He feel asleep on a slant board positioned among fragrant flowers and harp music within earshot. When he awoke, He asked, where am I? I said you are in the Enchanted Garden. Author of a number of books, including "Prophet, The Hatmaker's Son," he said, "Let Us Make Our Entire, Miraculous Planet into an Enchanted Garden!"

" He was so moved by this experience that before he left the conference, he visited me again in the Enchanted Garden at the conference. He put into my hand a UN Peace Medal. A year later, he told me that it was his vision that the nature of my work was worthy of such an honor. He gave me that medal for the work I would do in my life.

What is Our Work Now?

We have strayed far from the original Vision that Dr. Harvey W. Wiley had, when he called for what has become the FDA. Alfred W. McCann, his friend, and he set out to put special interests in their place. In their day, to some extent they succeeded. Dr. Wiley instigated a Pure Food and Drug Law in 1906, but when it was time to enforce the law, Special Interests blocked it. He would have eliminated junk food and misbranded food. Alfred McCann, a muckraker, journalist, , successfully took many Special Interests to court. The two of them called for Food Reform. McCann saw the schools as the place to focus. He pointed out the dangers of over processed food, including grains.

The Food Reform they called for asks again to be heard.

I am a man who owes my ability to walk today to the skills of surgeons who have allowed me to move my hips and stand; and yet I know that Food is Medicine, and each of us is called now to recognize that The Right to Know and label foods and The Know how to Grow Your Own Food, go hand in hand.

We need to get our beat back with nature to create a wiser youth and nature. This comes from growing food, [That is where the Grow A healthier Pizza Starter Kit can come in. )

The National Heirloom Expo is ripe terrain for growing more gardeners

I am in gratitude to the Voices from the past, present, and of our youth, our future, who urge my spirit on to overcome and become a Wellness Warrior. I see again, the 3rd Annual National Heirloom Expo, a place where we further need to plant seeds to Cultivate a Grassroots movement.

By the love and support I have received I constantly overcome debilitating conditions. Our world can do the same--overcome debilitating conditions now through Winning Back Our Sacred Seeds. The seeds are our Teachers. They walk with us together inviting a marriage between "Anti" GMO and Uncle Sam. Clearly, Special Interests are having their way with Washington.

One incident that marked me was the move in November 2011 to define the eating of two ounces of Tomato Sauce as the equivalent of having a fresh vegetable portion. This was done purely for economic gain, selling out the quality of the school lunch program for commercial profit.

Pizza is a vegetable

The Heirloom Seeds walk together now among the Voices who would say, "Grow A Healthier Pizza!" This is my dream. How fast can a dream grow? ~As fast as a blade of grass and heirloom seeds growing!

--Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener
on a Day of Decision

The March toward the National Heirloom Expo: A Grassroots Movement to further outgrow GMO Usage and seeds will be planted

I want to encourage you to attend the National Heirloom Expo in Santa Rosa, CA, September 10-11-12, 2013.

More than 100 speakers will be there who understand the power in the Sacred Seed.

Please return to the website as further details are added.



Quote from Pizza As A Vegetable Article

Nutrition advocate Margo Wootan of the Center for Science in the Public Interest said Congress's proposed changes will keep schools from serving a wider array of vegetables. Children already get enough pizza and potatoes, she says. It would also slow efforts to make pizzas — a longtime standby on school lunch lines — healthier, with whole grain crusts and lower levels of sodium.
"They are making sure that two of the biggest problems in the school lunch program, pizza and french fries, are untouched," she said.

Update on school lunches as reported on Wellness Warrior

July 2013

School lunches are so very important to the long-term health and wellness of our children. They have been hijacked by corporate interests for far too long.
-Deborah Szekely, founder Wellness Warrior

Deborah Continues:

This is the first update to school nutrition rules since the 1970’s. Saturated and trans fats, salt, and sugars will be reduced, and companies will no longer be able to fortify their processed snacks with cheap nutrients and call them food! All foods at school will have to be actual real food: fruit, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, or other healthy components.

Many congratulations to Margo G. Wootan, the Director of Nutrition at the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI), and the hard work of her fantastic team who helped to get make this change a reality. I have served on the board of CSPI for years and it is because of their dedication to these and other matters that I continue to offer them my gratitude and support.

A well-deserved and very important victory for our children!




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