Toxic Load on My Mind---Influence on Flu and Cold by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Toxic Load on My Mind---Influence on Flu and Cold

Date:   1/27/2013 6:57:02 AM ( 11 y ago)


This is the second in a series. I just had a strange early morning dream and got up to write this. The dream was about something impossible, asking a person who needs a lot of space to live in a very tiny very confined space.
That would be impossible for all concerned.

I was being shown something yesterday when I attended a group gathering. The level of Toxic Load in the road was very large. I knew I was adding to it. I knew that I needed to be there. I am glad I was given the opportunity to express myself. Part of the message that came through I have attempted to further express in version Two of my Tubishvat message.

I have also included the earlier version.

I believe this Toxic Load article I found early this morning explains some of the keys of this concept that some call Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

There is something that is passing between Groups as they gather today. It is a by-product of a group sharing. This is why so many of us are sick now from colds and flu. It traces to a lack of education. We are contributing to a communal Toxic Load that some call germs that are passing between us. I say this from my own experience of the last two months.

Every time I am exposed I am further weakened. I am using every health remedy I know, but my body is being assaulted. I will write more. A deep seated reeducation is needed and hopefully will happy inside me.

This Toxic Load explains why so many are Gluten Intolerant now.

One of the factors is that we have taken too many antibiotics as a People.

Flu shots in the form of Vaccines are not helping. They are further driving inside, what needs to be eliminated outward.

The cold symptoms are not the enemy.

5:16 am


According to this zero-tolerance model for toxic exposures, the capacity to resist toxic damage varies from each person to the next. The balance between good health and bad health is very delicate, including those who are outwardly very healthy. Good health can be dramatically destroyed by one chemical exposure, as occurred at Bhopal in India, or slowly drained away by low-level exposures to the sorts of toxic chemicals that permeate modern life.

Soon after the total toxic load concept emerged, in the early 1980s, I had the opportunity to carry out a wide-ranging scientific review of this field. The thousands of already published experiments and clinical observations convinced me that toxic exposures, whatever their source, were closely linked with biochemical free radical load, which depletes the natural antioxidant defenses.


Also, whether the toxic sources are chemical, radiation, infection or physical trauma, they translate into free radical attack on our cells, tissues, and organs.

By the mid-1980s, after I co-wrote a pivotal textbook on free radicals and antioxidants, a consensus had emerged concerning chemical hypersensitivity. Since the body uses primarily antioxidant nutrients and enzymes to defend against free radical attack, dietary supplementation with antioxidants should be the first line of treatment for chemically damaged patients.

This was the breakthrough the physicians needed. They became more comfortable to use selenium solutions, buffered vitamin C, vitamin E, glutathione and other antioxidants with their patients, and soon there were spectacular improvements in the medical management of chemical hypersensitivity.



Found this little quiz.

6:12 pm
January 26, 2013



I had a special opportunity today to participate in a Tubishvat Seder led by Rhonda Mason as part of the Shir HaYam Service. It was a big deal for me to attend. I, like many others, have been under the weather. My immune system is down and susceptible to colds and flu. Many times during the last two months I have been reinfected.

I do not feel that vaccines are the answer. I do not feel that eating sugar, white flour (i.e, normal Challah dough), helps.

My assessment is that many of us, me included, have reached toxic levels in our body. This is now called Toxic Load. Nature is sending us the gift of these bacteria and viruses to Wise us up and force us to eliminate these toxins. Fever comes to burn toxics. It feeds on Toxic Load. Will we get the message? Where do we begin?

Most of us continue to war against Nature. Part of the Parsha today spoke of God interceding with Super Natural events, such as separating the Red Sea to allow the Hebrews to escape death at the hands of the Eqyptian's chasing them; and yet, today, we are being chased down and assaulted by another challenge, GMO technology applied to food. This has further added to our Toxic Load, and yet GMO's in the environment and in our food go unlabeled.


We forget that food is Medicine. The concept of The RIght to Know in CA was voted on Nov 6. 4.3 Million said yes. Had 300,000 more said yes and we would have had labels on some of our food. That would have been a beginning.

As it stands now, the idea of growing some of our own food and winning back our food freedom is a foreign concept. We believe, most of us, that is its O.K. to turn over the growing of our food to Big Ag.

Big Ag has failed and is failing. It is further made possible by the threat of more and more GE foods. The FDA and Gov are on this bandwagon and have been for decades.

I want to say what I see:

Most of us are eating foods that are riddled with particles of soy and sugar that are GE based. Corn is no longer a safe food. Our own ritual foods--such as Challah-- are causing allergic reactions in the body, and inflammation. Most of us imagine we are allergic to gluten, when it is the system that has commercialized wheat that is the New Pharaoh.

Rabbi Abraham Heschel once marched with Martin Luther King on the Freedom Rides. The quest to win back our Seed Freedom is now on our plate. Seed Freedom is about Soul Freedom. The Seed, literally the Seed, is a metaphor for the Soul, and we are abusing both without knowing it. This is one of the unseen factors now when we allow GMO Tech applied to Big Ag. It puts too much power in too few hands. These few hands are determining the fate of Seeds that are part of our common heritage.


Welcome to the age of colds and flu as never before. Welcome to the age when most of us are warring against Nature, Peace with Nature begins as we realize we are Seeds of Peace.


Start growing seeds. We will get our beat back with nature. One day, we will wake up in a Post GMO Food world.

We are compelled to start somewhere. That is why so many of us in CA worked heartfully, dedicatedly to pass Prop 37. Too many others, who needed to help, did not get on board to create the Grassroots movement that was needed. The Freedom Ride continues. Education is forced upon us one way or another.

For now the opportunity exists, to make comments on GE Salmon.

Leslie Goldman

Second Draft
5:06 am
January 27, 2013

Your Enchanted Gardener


8:39 pm
January 26, 2013



I had a special opportunity today to participate in a Tubishvat Seder led by Phonda Mason as part of the Shir HaYam Service. It was a big deal for me to attend. I, like many others, have been under the weather. My immune system is down and susceptible to colds and flu. Many times during the last two months I have been reinfected.

I do not feel that vaccines are the answer. I do not feel that eating sugar, white flour (i.e, normal Challah dough), helps.

My assessment is that many of us, me included, have reached toxic levels in our body. Nature is sending us the gift of these bacteria and viruses to Wise us up. Will we get the message? Where do we begin?

Most of us continue to war against Nature. Part of the Parsha today spoke of God interceding with Super Natural events, such as separating the Red Sea to allow the Hebrews to escape death at the hands of the Eqyptian's chasing them; and yet, today, we are being chased down and assaulted by another challenge, GMO technology applied to food.

We forget that food is Medicine. The concept of The RIght to Know in CA was voted on Nov 6. 4.3 Million said yes. Had 300,000 more said yes and we would have had labels on some of our food. That would have been a beginning.

As it stands now, the idea of growing some of our own food and winning back our food freedom is a foreign concept. We believe, most of us, that is its O.K. to turn over the growing of our food to Big Ag.

Big Ag has failed and is failing. It is further made possible by the threat of more and more GE foods. The FDA and Gov are on this bandwagon and have been for decades.

I want to say what I see:

We have crossed the line. The amount of toxics in our body is contributing to our cold and flu epidemic.

Most of us are eating foods that are riddled with particles of soy and sugar that are GE based. Corn is no longer a safe food. Our own ritual foods--such as Challah-- are causing allergic reactions in the body. Most of us imagine we are allergic to gluten, when it is the system that has commercialized wheat that is the New Pharaoh.

Rabbi Abraham Heschel once marched with Martin Luther King on the Freedom Rides. The quest to win back our Seed Freedom is now on our plate.

Welcome to the age of colds and flu as never before. Welcome to the age when most of us are warring against Nature, Peace with Nature begins as we realize we are Seeds of Peace.

Start growing seeds. We will get our beat back with nature. One day, we will wake up in a Post GMO Food world.

For now the opportunity exists, to make comments on GE Salmon.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

8:39 pm


Many of us are not aware we are carrying a toxic load. While some toxic substances can be immediately harmful others can be insidious, doing their damage over months and years. Toxins can drain our life energy and make us fatigued, impair our workplace productivity, promote cancer and dementia, and other killer diseases over the long term. Up to 90 percent of all cancers are linked to the environmental carcinogens coming from cigarette smoke, water, food and air. Unless we become vigilant and learn how to protect ourselves against toxins, odds are we won’t live to a ripe old age. To be healthy and enjoy optimal wellness, we must be free of toxins.

To know what you’re really up against, it’s important to grasp the realities:

Our modern environment is widely penetrated by toxins, not just in areas close to industry but virtually everywhere humans live and work.
Toxins cannot be thought of in isolation from each other. Each toxin adds to other toxins’ negative effects (“cumulative damage”). Sometimes toxins multiply each other’s negative effects (“synergistic damage”).
Toxins don’t respect neighborhood or national borders, or even continental separations.
While a high exposure to one toxin can be harmful, low exposures to many toxins also can do serious damage.


I noticed this principle working.

It takes a while for Nature to adjust to new kinds of toxins.

Because of airplanes, we are bringing vectors into areas where they have not formerly been.

We bring buglike from overseas into our neighborhoods and then we have outbreaks and attempt to war on the local organic foods in our attempt to eliminate the new invaders.

The same goes in the human sphere.

We are now being asked to adjust to new forms of toxic exposure from other cultures. We travel to Guatamala. We bring new varieties home into our neighborhood of our immediate home environment. We go out. We bring home new kinds of "germs" home.

it takes a while for the body to adjust.


From the book

Enervation Is General

EVERYBODY was surprised at the large percentage of our young manhood plucked by the medical examining boards during the World War. To that surprise, add the one which the Philosophy of Toxemia adds, and thinking people should he appalled.

The examining boards passed all young men who did not show a developed pathology; which meant all who did not show some change of organ or tissue--structural change.


When it is known that functional derangements precede structural changes by months and even years, it should be quite obvious that there were more young men passed by the boards who were potentially ill or unable to carry on than were plucked. Time has proven this generally unknown fact true; for before the war was over ninety-five per cent of the American army had received hospital attention for sickness, other than injury, from one to five times. And the boys who did not get over to France died by the thousands from the "flu."

What does this mean? It means that life as it is lived causes the people generally to be enervated. And when nerve-energy drops below normal, the elimination of toxin--a natural product of metabolism is checked, and it is retained in the blood, bringing on Toxemia--the first, last, and only efficient cause of all so-called diseases.

It should be obvious to discerning, minds that the amount of toxin in the blood must vary with each individual, and that the degree of resistance also must vary with each individual. An amount would cause a toxemic crisis in one would apparently have no effect on another. An enervating cause--the usual immunization--that would scarcely produce a reaction at one time in a given subject might send the same subject to a hospital at another time, or even be fatal instanter. Active anaphylaxis is the alibi or apology of the pro-vaccinators; but it does not change the fact that vaccines are poisons, even if they are "pure," regardless of the iterated and reiterated protests that they are innocent and harmless. --Dr. John H. TIlden M.D.

This Book was original published in???


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