Singing Dragon Publishers--Jessica Kingsley by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Singing Dragon Publishers--Jessica Kingsley,

Date:   11/13/2012 10:02:42 AM ( 12 y ago)

My Review of "Frog's Breathtaking Speech By Michael Chissick and Sarah Peacock, illustrator is here:

Jessica Kingley, founder of JKP and Signing Dragon Publishers, plants a dream at the Pacific Symposium 2012, November 14, 2012. Meeting her was a Gift

We were in a two day period of a solar eclipse as I began to write this,
November 13-14. I read that what we plant on these days last for three years.

I am taking time on this very special day to acknowledge a Gift from the Universe, meeting Jessica Kingley, of JKP Publishers. I met her Sunday November 11, at the Pacific Symposium 2012, I once had a vision to be published by HCI, Inc. It took 14 years for that vision to come true. I told Jessica about one of the titles I had in mind, "Grow A Healthier Pizza." She thought that book might need a larger publisher, however, for me, if I am to truly cross over to give the literature aspects of my work to the world, it will come out of a personal connection with a publisher. Jessica Kingsley is the kind of woman who could help the world see my work. I have a sense that there our books in libraries that I have already written from previous lifetimes, however, this time around, I have been pre-occupied with personal growth issues or helping humanity survive and thrive.

I am less than a week from my 65th Birthday. I sense that when all things are said and done, I will leave books behind again on the shelf. We are in a remarkable time in human history. These need to be archived. I have been doing just that for many years.
--Leslie Goldman,
Your Enchanted Gardener

Consider the next 3 weeks as a transition period where we shall all cross a threshold, and much that follows depends on the attitudes we take toward unfamiliar experiences. It will be a trial of endurance for some, while others will experience “radiations of spontaneous faith.” It will certainly be an important retrograde, given the aspects in play!--Robert Wilkening,
Aquarian Papers site.

The Solar Eclipse at 22 Scorpio Nov 13-14, 2012 Pt. 2 - How Will It Manifest?

by Robert Wilkinson

A Solar Eclipse is a New Moon. It shows the seed of what is to follow, not just for weeks, but for many months or even years.

Over the next 4 weeks (and 38 months), the New Moon Solar Eclipse in Scorpio will help us become more socialized in our desires and how we fulfill them, and for many it will require an assertiveness in some area to fill a void in our lives. It’s also the first Eclipse with the North Node in Scorpio.

This Eclipse is conjunct the North Node at 27 Scorpio, showing that we can find illumination and tremendous growth in moving toward ways to “put on the show,” using style and drama to sway others in some “public display.” With the South Node at 27 Taurus, we can “peacefully offer our wisdom to others” in “showing what we know,” and falling back on our ability to adapt easily and simply to the wisdom born of our life experience.

Since Eclipses are known for shutting things down over a long period of time, with the NN in Scorpio we begin to grow through new Scorpio things being attracted or magnetically regenerated, even as old Scorpio things are eliminated. Here we grow through materializing something subjective, avoiding trivialities to attract a more enduring reality.

The line of greatest development is through a form of “self-affirmation,” rejecting the lesser for the greater. This is a self-mobilizing energy, where we can be intrepid and dramatic in bringing things to a focus and directing events successfully toward our ends.

The South Node shows how we demonstrate what we already know, or find a "line of least resistance" where we "let go, let G-d." This is the first Eclipse with the South Node in Taurus. This shows the line of growth is through Scorpio energies which we then release and/or demonstrate through Taurus.

So the Light of the New Moon is shining on following our line of greatest development into learning to reject the mediocre and lesser and move into a greater individual self-demonstration in some social circumstance or emotional expression. We grow through loss and intensification, and should be able to let go of old things, people, values, and attachments with some degree of ease.

This is the sixth in a sequence of New Moons that fall in the sign preceding the Sun of the following Full Moon. This reverses the sequence of the 20 months preceding the 2012 Gemini New Moon that all had the New Moon in the same sign as the subsequent Full Moon.

That pattern is now reversed for many months to come. I explain this phenomenon and what it means in the Full Moon articles, so I’ll elaborate on this new beginning that reverses “the natural order of things” in the next Full Moon articles coming in about two weeks.

Garden Management Journal

November 13, 2012
7:35 am

I met a remarkable person the final day of the Pacific Symposium 2012. Meeting her was a Gift that came at the end of an intense four or more week learning experience. I have been working since February on what became the RIght to Know Label Genetically Engineered Food Act. I wanted to finish my full time work for Prop 37 in a a good way. I also had the Pacific Symposium 2012 coming up. The Pre-Symposium began the same day as the election Nov 6. I was committed to both events. I could not honor either commitment to the level I wanted. There were many nights when I worked through the night and early in the morning.. Summer was also turning to Fall. My energy levels were not what they were during the time when I was traveling. My batteries were depleted. I needed rest but did not take rest. My digestion began to show the result, Inflammatory Bowel and Candida-like responses were showing up, including persistent ringing in my ear.

A couple days before the November 6 I would have preferred to be on the street or the phone helping to make calls. The best I could do was show up at Golden Hall, Election night and make contacts for the future that would contribute to the next stages of success for the Label It Movement. My candidate for mayor of San Diego won. The energy around the re-election of Barack Obama as president was also electrifying.

I spent time with Lisa and David Bronner of Dr Bronner's Magic Soaps. David has been a sponsor of my work all year, and this was a treat. His sister Lisa reached out to me for the first time. She is a remarkable gifted young mother. I have footage of her from May 2, when we turned in the ballots in San Diego for what was to become Prop 37.

A couple days before November 6, I ended up in Dr. Dan Bressler's office unable to hear out of my left ear. It was completely clogged. I had been having ear issues for more than three weeks.

I went in on an emergency. Stephanie, an assistant, used an ear softening chemical in my earn canal but it would not work. She tried three times to loosen the wax. The doctor came in and he tried more implements. They worked on my ear for more than an hour. My ear was still blocked. I pleaded with him to continue to work on me. I had two big events that week. He said, he had a medical practice to tend to, and could not give me more of his time. I left the office unsure if I could fulfill my commitments for the week.

Monday night, that same day, Morea Garcia came over. My housemate Brad Wolff had suggested I put a dilution of Hydrogen Peroxide 50-50 in my ear. The doctor had advised against that treatment. I did it anyway. My ear cleared. I could hear again.

It was a miracle of sorts that my ear cleared and I was able to get about the work of the week. I have seen this pattern many times in my life. When I simply have to get better, a way shows up. It is my Golden Path, my destiny, that brings in the remedies and the needed helpers. I live my life as an extreme case. Grace comes in often to help me. It is the nature of my commitment to life that comes to my aid.

I believe there are invisible forces that stand at my side, always ready to help. If I had to depend on my own human capacities, I could not do all I accomplish.

The Pacific Symposium was difficult. For many years, I created an incredible Altar and healing area, but not the last two. I was processing both the results of Prop 37, the fact that many of the herb companies represented at Pacific Symposium has voted NO on Prop 37, and my shifting role at the Pacific Symposium. Then, on the last day of the event, my energy cleared. I began to receive needed funds for my fall activities. A number of sponsors signed on to have their names on the Canvas 20 x 30 I will gift to the Pacific College of Oriental Medicine. Jessica was one of them. There was something even deeper about meeting Jessica Kingsley, this very graceful elder of publishing. My 65th birthday is November 19. It was a week away from the day we met. I sense there is a transition in my life. It is timely that we met at this time.

It has been month since I slowed down. This morning, I read a little booklet about Luther Burbank, the horticulturist. He is a hero of mine. I also looked at a list of authors whose work appeared in a book by Blue Mountain Press called, "The Language of Series...."What it Means to Be a Woman," A Blue Mountain Arts Collection. The book never came out, but had a very impressing list of contributors including some of the my favorite writers of all time. The list included many women as well as men writers. Some of the men writers included William Shakespeare, Mark Twain, Leo Tolstoy, Kahil Gabran and Benjamin Disreali, and Washington Irving. I was one of the men authors who contributed to that book. Being included on the same page with the likes of that company was a profound experience. My name was between Ladybird Johnson and Pearl S. Buck. Other women writers included Harriet Beecher Stowe, Gloria Steinem, Isak Dinesen, Martha Graham, and Virginia Wolff. The poem they selected was from my series called, Words that Men Need to Know, and Women Want to Hear." Being in that company was an acknowledgement. Entering my 65th year, I would like to fulfill the a promise. I feel I have dharma and karma in this life to be published beyond what I have currently experienced.

I interacted with Jessica Kingsley only briefly, but that moment invigorated a dream I have had, but not "watered" for numbers of years. The issues of our time have consumed me, as well as blogging. It is time to take the next steps, both on the Plant Your Dream Blogs, and toward getting some of the Manuscripts on my shelf published.


I want to carry this vision with me through the next week. I want to be fulfilled in that part of my life that is an author and leaves works of literature behind.

I am dedicating this Blog post to Jessica Kingsley, who has published JKP since 1987, a significant year in my life.

it is now 8:02 am
San Diego, CA

About Jessica Kingsley Publishers, Inc.

Jessica Kingsley Publishers is a wholly independent company, committed to publishing books that make a difference.

The company was founded in 1987 by Jessica Kingsley and now publishes around 150 new books a year, which are available throughout the world. In 2004 we opened our US office, in Philadelphia.

We publish books for professional and general readers in a range of subjects. We are well known for our long established lists on the autism spectrum, on social work, and on the arts therapies. More recently we have published extensively in the fields of mental health, counseling, palliative care, and practical theology.



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