Luther Burbank Approach to Genetic Modification by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Luther Burbank Approach to Genetic Modification. Everything Luther Burbank did was to Uplift Humanity and Nature. If Luther Burbank was alive today, what would he be saying about the GMO issue?

Date:   6/21/2012 9:03:35 PM ( 12 y ago)

GMO Lovers say that people for centuries have been Genetically Modifying plants. This is true. However, the method and intention of Luther Burbank was to create a bond with plants, to literally talk to them, and bring the best out of them as this article below suggests.

This is From a review of Nina Federoff's Book on "Mendel In The Kitchen"

"This book is not so much a polemic as a primer, delivering in plain language and apt analogy the nuts and bolts of genetic science and its history, and ultimately making the case that the opponents of genetic engineering are wrong. ... We are shown, not told, the evidence for science s key arguments in support of genetic engineering: that bumping genes around is nothing new, nor is playing God with various domesticated life forms. ... [an] admirable book."
-- On Earth, Winter 2005


The Text from the book written by Luther Burbank
in 1906

This is from an Article on the Website of Cheryl Canfield that Brought Tears to My Eyes

Cheryl Canfield, CCHT
Life & Wellness Counselor | Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Miracles: A Matter of Perception

Luther Burbank was a pioneer who discarded the limitations of popular belief in the field of horticulture and created miracles. He devoured Charles Darwin’s two-volume treatise in 1868 entitled “The Variation of Animals and Plants Under Domestication,” which espoused the idea that organisms vary when they are removed from their natural conditions. Convinced that plants, as well as people, behave differently when in a different environment, he began to order varieties of plants from countries like Japan and New Zealand to cross with homegrown plants. The results were thousands of varieties over his lifetime, like the Climax Plum that tastes like pineapple and the Royal Walnut that outgrew regular walnuts eight to one, and which Burbank hoped would revolutionize the furniture business.

When he later happened upon a seed ball in his potato field he applied Darwin's theory. Since potatoes almost never set seed they are propagated from the buds or “eyes” of the potato. He knew that when potato seeds were found they would grow a batch of hybrids and that got him excited. What if one of the hybrids developed into a miracle potato? He experimented with the 23 seeds in the ball and one of them gave him a variety that doubled the average yield—and was white and creamy, unlike the common red skinned variety. This excellent baker was purchased by a seed man and went on to dominate the US potato market.

Not miracles you say? When Burbank wanted a plant to develop in some particular and new way uncommon to their species he would get on his knees and talk to them. He believed that plants have more than twenty sensory perceptions that we are unable to recognize because they are different than our own. He didn't know if they could understand his words, but he felt that they could comprehend his meaning.

Burbank went on to develop a spineless cactus. “While I was conducting my experiments with cacti,” he said, “I often talked to the plants to create a vibration of love. You have nothing to fear,” I would tell them. “You don't need your defensive thorns. I will protect you.” According to Manly P. Hall, “Burbank explained to me that in all his experimentation he took plants into his confidence, asked them to help, and assured them that he held their small lives in deepest regard and affection.”

Burbank's Was Close to Nature;
During the Earthquake that Devastated San Francisco,
his Greenhouse was Untouched.

In 1906, the earthquake that devastated San Francisco also laid waste to Santa Rosa, where Burbank lived. While everything around it lay shattered and broken, not a pane of glass in Burbank's huge greenhouse was even cracked. Quietly, Burbank surmised that his communion with the forces of nature and the cosmos might well have protected his greenhouse. He believed in and accepted the miraculous in his everyday life.

"Listen patiently,
quietly and reverently to the lessons,
one by one, which Mother Nature has to teach,
shedding light on that which was before a mystery,
so that all who will, may see and know. "
--Luther Burbank

To a crowd gathered expecting to hear him give explicit details on how he produced all of his horticultural wonders he said, “Preconceived notions, dogmas and all personal prejudice and bias must be laid aside. Listen patiently, quietly and reverently to the lessons, one by one, which Mother Nature has to teach, shedding light on that which was before a mystery, so that all who will, may see and know. She conveys her truths only to those who are passive and receptive. Accepting these truths as suggested, wherever they may lead, then we have the whole universe in harmony with us.”


7:03 pm
June 21, 2012

Cheryl Canfield, CCHT
Life & Wellness Counselor | Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist

Napa, California
Books by Cheryl

Profound Healing
Peace Pilgrim's Wisdom
Peace Pilgrim: Her Life & Work


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