Timeline--Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Timeline--Journey to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds

Date:   6/14/2012 10:32:33 AM ( 12 y ago)

Highlights in the Rock Your Soul Opera
This is the History of Peace on Earth

Quote from Emanuel Bronner
The Moral ABC's Goes here.


Keep the Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant with Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener, at City Farmers Nursery, 2010.

Now Hear This!
Keep The Beet Media Star Sez:


Leslie Explains How to Keep The Beet in this Video
Recorded at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market

Thank you for Playing Your Role Well--
Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant



Dr. Harvey W. Wiley helps pass the Pure Food Law of 1906. This law basically outlawed Junk Food, and adulteration of foods. Commercial interests prevented the law from being applied.

While Dr. Wiley was commissioner he tried to enforce Pure Foods Act of 1906. This law, took great effort to pass at the time, it was a guarantee to the American people, that only pure, unprocessed foods and drugs, which did not contain any chemicals, pesticides, or additives would be legal to be sold. Under the Pure Food Act, unnatural foods such as; soft drinks, breakfast cereals, candy bars, non-organic food and many drugs of today would be illegal to make, sell or consume because of their hazardous effects. Dr. Wiley, in trying to enforce the pure food law, became so frustrated with the corruption in the FDA, which has been run by private food interests since around his time, 1912, that he resigned. He then wrote a book called, “History of Crime Against the Pure Food Law.” He knew that processed and denatured food along with chemical additives would cause and aggravate many degenerative diseases, yet he could not stop it from happening in our country.

Copyright © Rami Nagel, 2007. All Rights Reserved.



Dr. Harvey Wiley, inspiration behind the Pure Food Law of 1906 that would have outlawed junk food, adulterants, and presumably GMOs in our Food if applied, leaves the FDA.

October, 1912

“It is wholly unscientific to state that a well fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn’t been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make one more susceptible to disease.”
--Dr. Elmer M. Nelson, head of the Food & Drug Division of Nutrition, in a special Constitutional Court in Washington October 1912 testified.

Powerful Truths from Let’s Live and Royal Lee, July 15, 1950:
Reported in the Washington Post, October 26, 1949.


"...Dr Rolf. Grossklaus , head of CODEX Alimentarius Commission, declares nutrients to be toxins in 1994 and institutes the use of toxicology (Risk Assessment) to prevent nutrients from having any impact on humans who take supplements! It is worth mentioning that Dr. Grossklaus owned the Risk Assessment company advising CCNFSDU and Codex on this issue.



Uncle Sam in the Farm Bed with Big Ag helps to further destabilize the Small Farm Family.


In 1971, President Richard Nixon appointed Earl Butz as Secretary of Agriculture, a position in which he continued to serve after Nixon resigned as the result of the Watergate scandal in 1974. In his time heading the USDA, Butz revolutionized federal agricultural policy and reengineered many New Deal era farm support programs. His mantra to farmers was "get big or get out," and he urged farmers to plant commodity crops like corn "from fencerow to fencerow." These policy shifts coincided with the rise of major agribusiness corporations, and the declining financial stability of the small family farm.




February 2009

BIO, Biotechnology Industry Organization Meeting San Diego Convention Center.

Meeting Captain Chris Ball (L) of the SD Police Department, was a Highlight of BIO for me

Got some coaching from William T Alleben at BIO that I found insightful and helpful. He worked for the FDA for 30 years.



Ed Begley, Jr. & Keep The Beet Media Star Get together.



Paige Donner, Hollywood Goes Green reporter, on the Huffington Post, announces the arrival of Keep The Beet Media Star at Hollywood Goes Green at the Universal Hilton. Keep The Beet Upstages the Governor of California in her wrap up of the event.

Here is the last two paragraphs of Paige Donner’s review: Much constructive conversation took place during breaks, at the wine reception, sponsored by Mendocino Wine Commission, and throughout the conference. And though the lackluster economy was in evidence this year, the real decisionmakers showed up and turned out for the Hollywood Goes Green Conference to further the dialogue and deepen the work. And on a very earthy note, The Enchanted Gardener (aka Leslie Goldman), who was everywhere at the conference with KEEP the BEET Media Star, The World’s First Talking Beet Plant,said “I am committed and excited about my project to create a nation of gardeners.”Even Governor Schwarzenegger sent in his well wishes,
in the form of a letter addressed to attendees, which read, “My thanks go to everyone who is working hard to ‘green’ the movie business…Through your hard work, California will continueto be a world leader in these and many other arenas.”

Leslie is interviewed by Ron Nash


Keep the Beet Media Star attends BIO, The Biotechnology Industry Organization, international meeting in San Diego.

Keep the Beet tells Leslie to introduce Lemon Verbena to Captain Chris Ball, of the San Diego Police Department. Lemon Verbena is a hit.

Lemon Verbena is a hit at Maritime Museum BIO event.

First BIO Ag Scientist, Dr. Rolf joins Enchanted Garden Club

Leslie begins the campaign to Educate Washington on Real Food Safety.


February 2010

Leslie, at the coaching of Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant, commits to Bridge the Gap and Lessen the tension between GMO Lovers and Organic Lovers when he plants organic seeds with Dr. Robert Fraley, esteemed Father of Round Up Ready Technology. Dr. Fraley introduces Leslie to Monsanto Corporations lead officer, Tami Craig Shilling. Leslie and Tami become Facebook friends.

Shifting the Nature of Our World

Leslie mentions Keep The Beet in his article on Chewing on Food Safety.
Leslie spends the year blogging on the Food Safety Modernization act.
Leslie points out we are in a national Food Emergency and Real Food Safety.

Leslie calls for millions more microfarmers.

Leslie fulfills his vision to come to Washington D.C. thanks to Kelly Shea and Horizon Organic. Leslie reaches out to the National Guard at the Gilford County Fair, seeding that they would one day be part of helping America come out of its Food Emergency through training millions of new farmers. First East Coast Tour.

Leslie surveys GMO Foods at the Gilford County Fair and plants dreams for the well being of the Wallenda Circus family.

November 2010

Easter Sunday, 2010

Leslie sees a Vision and Creates this Art about what he sees:


Leslie at the Passover VIllage in Joshua Tree National Park prays for the good health and well being of Dr. Robert Fraley and the future of Shifting the World through their meeting.

An earthquake, scheduled for the epicenter of Los Angeles, occurs 100's of miles south in Mexico. No one is injured.


September 2011

September 20, Washington DC
Leslie Speaks at USDA Headquarters in Washington D.C.

Leslie Gives a Rousing Pep Talk at USDA headquarters, giving props to Sec of Ag Tom Vilsack for beginning the Peoples Organic Garden Initiative with the inspiration of Kathleen Merrigan, his assistant.

Leslie gives praises to Kathleen Merrigan. Video by Feng Shui with Lurrae.

Volunteers to be Enchanted Gardener for the People's Organic Garden Initiative. Leslie later commits to inspire 1,000,000 more youth to garden.
The following night, the Organic Listening Day organizer, Mark Lipson, being given an Organic Trade Association Leadershiip Award, announces an Enchanted Gardener showed up at Organic Listening Day. Leslie is in the audience and takes a bow. Lurrae records the moment on video.

September 24, Arlington Virginia

Leslie inspires a group watching the film Farmageddon, The Unseen War on American Family Farmers. Leslie commits that the Unseen War will be seen through his creation of a petiton to have Farmageddon shown at the White House. Six months later, Farmedeggon is seen by Congress.

He advises, per Keep The Beet, influence Government through getting off the couch. Repeats words of Ariana Huffington, "Government is not a spectator sport!"


April 4, 2012

Judge Dismisses FDA Raw Milk Lawsuit

Falls Church, Virginia (April 4, 2012) -- On March 30 federal district judge Mark W. Bennett issued an order dismissing a lawsuit challenging the interstate commerce ban on raw milk for human consumption filed by the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The case clarified These FDA Positions:

"There is no absolute right to consume or feed children any particular food."

There is no fundamental right to one's "own bodily and physical health."

People "do not have a fundamental right to obtain any food they wish."

Food and Drug Administration


Look Again, My Friend, The Fields are Ripe, and Ready to be Harvested.--Keep The Beet Sez.


Leslie born the same year as the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered in 1947,
Recommits to Unearth the Essene Materials. This esoteric gesture brings him once again to the Open Gates of Rancho La Puerta, where once Edmond Bordeaux Szekely and Deborah began the Essene School of LIfe.

May 2012

Leslie teaches at the 2nd Festival of Tradition Medicine of the Americas, May 18-20. Mt Kuchamaa, one of the oldest mountains in the world in Tecate, Mexico. speaks to Leslie. She says tell the people to Plant Your Dream!

Photo from Leslie's Closing Ceremony

Leslie gives away many packets of Kamut (R) Khorasan Wheat and Baker Creek Non GMO San Marzano Seeds in his Closing Ceremony work.

Leslie Receives the Blessing of indigenous Traditional Medicine Teachers for the Caravan to Win Back Our Sacred Seeds, his projected successful Journey to the National Heirloom Expo, September 11, 12 & 13, 2012.

Leslie checks out the timing of his travel, September 1-10, 2012 with Mayan Calendar Expert. The timing is extraordinary.

The Enchanted Garden Mobile Revisits Mt Kuchamaa and reunites with Salvador, at Rancho Tres Estrellas.

The Vision to help the people of Tecate improve the border crossing, and gain acknowledgement as the Friendliest City in Mexico is ignited.

June 3, 2011

Leslie begins the Petition for 7.5 Million + 2 Californians to declare they will vote yes on November 6. Leslie projects that the US will join 50 other nations in Label GMO Ingredients so that People can make their own choices about what they want to eat.

June 9, 2012

Leslie returns to Tecate for the World Environment Day organized by the Funcacion La Puerta at Professors Park.

Leslie receives endorsements for the California Right to Know Label GMO Foods Ballot initiative. Among the endorsers are Guillermo Romero, director of the Fundacion La Puerta, and former director Laura Silvan.

Leslie is interviewed for Tecate TV. Jinaan Logo, reported, endorses the California RIght to know Label GMO Food Ballot measure.

Leslie meets with Ramon Real, head of Tecate Department of Agriculture. Leslie plants sacred seeds with Ramon for helping the people of Tecate regain confidence. Ramon is giving KAMUT (R) ancient grains. Leslie via email initiates a vision to see KAMUT widely planted in Mexico. Leslie initiates Ramon meeting Bob Quinn, founder of Kamut (R) International.

June 10, 2012

Leslie Plants Seeds to Grow a Healthier Challah with his local Orthodox community, and then attends the AB Nevarez's "Bridging Gaps" Reception
at Wang's. Leslie and Nadine enoy the ambiance at Wang's, 3029 University Avenue, San Diego, CA 92104. Leslie commits in his own mind to introduce owner Beth to locally grown Non GMO faire.

June 11, 2012

Leslie speaks to Kelly Shea, Government outreach for Horizon Organic, and his friend. Leslie shares the Caravan with Kelly. Kelly is a big GMO Label supporter and was an inspiration on the Right to Know March 2011.

Leslie agrees to send Kelly info about Grow a Healthier Pizza. Leslie projects that Horizon Organic Cheeses fit well on the School version of the Pizza/ Follow up will happen.

June 12, 2012

Katrina Frey commits first $500.00 of phase One $3000.00 budget for Caravan. EG Mobile smiles at thought of heading to Frey Vineyard during their September Harvest Season.

June 13, 2012

Leslie writes inspired Open Letter to Paul Wallace, organizer of the National Heirloom Expo September 11, 12 & 13.

San Marzano Tomato Seeds are growing in pots on the Enchanted Garden Food Not Lawns Front Garden.

San Marzano Non GMO tomatos are growing!!!!

Our Seeds Will Save Us

Fall 2012

The Great Pizza Pig Out of Fall 2012 at Hamilton High School

Students in the science classroom of Ms Eva Becker at Hamilton High School will conduct a "scientific" experiment to provide more data in support or against Dr. Elmer M. Nelsons comment that “It is wholly unscientific to state that a well fed body is more able to resist disease than a less well-fed body. My overall opinion is that there hasn’t been enough experimentation to prove dietary deficiencies make one more susceptible to disease.”
--Dr. Elmer M. Nelson, head of the Food & Drug Division of Nutrition, in a special Constitutional Court in Washington October 1912 testified.


Students, leading up to a Science Fair project will study the ingredients of conventional and healthier pizza makings, and then have a Pizza Pig Out Eating Day. A number of students will eat both GMO laden Pizza and Healthier non GMO Pizza and see if their bodies feel any different.

The "experiment" will be set up and administered by Ms Eva Becker.

Fall 2012

The Hami High Great GMO Labeling Debate of Fall 2012

Students will study various books and subject materials about GMOS and Labeling and debate bpth sides of the issues.

November 6, 2012

Go to the Polls and vote our Future of Food.

More later.....

Got to switch gears...


11:32 am
June 14, 2012



Uncle Sam Marries "Anti" GMO




More on Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant

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