After the Japanese Earthquake: The Role of Flower Essences by YourEnchantedGardener .....

After the Japanese Earthquake: The Role of Flower Essences. After the Quake: Relief Aid Volunteers use Flower Essences in the Devastated Areas of Eastern Japan, An article to study from the Flower Essences Services Online Journal.

Date:   6/6/2012 12:51:13 PM ( 12 y ago)

complete in AM
June 8, 2012

ad and mail to Jann and East.

Introduction to the FES Online Journal

10:40 am
June 6, 2012

I begin this Plant Your Dream Blog with a link to the Flower Essences Services Online Journal. Please go and introduce yourself to this powerful and important system of remedies that speaks for itself and by its actions.

The Role of FES Flower Essences in Healing

I want to call to your attention to the role of Flower Essences, and in particular those produced by the Flower Essence Services (FES) are having after the Japanese Earthquake of March 11, 2012. The Impact is huge.

The impact these remedies have in my own life is also huge. There are many days when I feel a need for a particular FES remedy. I take these remedies often. I am amazed with the results. Today, June 6, a few days after the lunar eclipse, was one such a day. I can hardly follow one thought to the next. I take on so many projects. I talked to Jann Garrity, who is an angel for me who works at FES Headquarters. I will be featuring the FES Flourish Remedies and Seasons of the Soul for the third year November 6-13, 2012 at the Pacific Symposium, the leading national/international conference I know where the cutting edge of TCM is advanced.

You can find out more about the Flourish Remedies for emotional states here;

Introducing The FES Remedies to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Pracitioners

The FES line is a natural fit to anyone who is practicing Acupuncture, or a healing art that calls for energetic sensitivity. There are many Plant Your Dream Blogs where I make reference to these remedies.

After the Quake: Relief Aid Volunteers use Flower Essences in the Devastated Areas of Eastern Japan,

Let's begin with the article on Japan Relief

by Mitose Koumura, Executive Director
Association for Flower Essence Education, Japan (AFEEJ)

For Live Links to the following, go here:

Introducing Flower Essences to Northeastern Japan
Addressing trauma, fear and anxiety
Easing children's fears with Angelica and Kinder Garden
YES: protection from radiation exposure and
fostering inner stability following disaster
Massage and aromatherapy as entry level therapeutic modalities
introducing flower essences
The importance of self-care for practitioners
Healing the land with Magenta Mantle
Providing ongoing individualized flower essence therapy
Preparing practitioners for work in the field
One year has already elapsed since a major earthquake struck the northern part of Japan on March 11, 2011. For us Japanese people, the past year has been a tremendous challenge—the biggest since the end of World War II. Under these circumstances, the Association for Flower Essence Education, Japan (AFEEJ), has continued to this day to assist volunteer relief aid work by dedicated flower essence practitioners.

Mitose Koumura Writes:

I would like to express my profound gratitude to the extremely swift help and support offered to us by the Flower Essence Society (FES). The day after the devastating earthquake struck, we received a tremendously encouraging email message from Mr. Richard Katz, asking us about the safety of our staff members and expressing his intention of offering whatever help that was needed. The heartwarming letter Patricia and Richard sent to the practitioners brought relief and courage to the hearts of practitioners living in Japan. It is true that in those days, it was very difficult for anyone—no matter how solid their minds and beliefs were—to remain calm and collected. The shock was so great that our inner axes were shaken to their very foundations.

Garden Management Journal

June 6, 2012

East with Leslie at Pacific College of Oriental Medicine PCOM.

Yesterday during my appointment with my dear friend and Practitioner at Pacific Colllege of Oriental Medicine, East brought up wanting to include Grace, one of my favorite Flourish Line Remedies in an upcoming show she will be doing at the San Diego Convention Center.

A Story East Told Me About Grace

Each year at the Pacific Symposium, I introduce the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Community to these profound gifts, the Flourish line of remedies produced by the Flower Essence Services. I was doing my Plant Your Dream work. I asked East what her goals were for the show. I asked her to name a figure of income. She reminded me yesterday that the she has achieved the exact amount she asked for. That is Grace.

Grace, from the Flourish Kit FES, and Five Flower Remedy (Rescue Remedy)

This photo was taken June 5, 2012, while in the energy of a powerful lunar eclipse. You can read about the eclipse here. I highly recommend that you now get acquainted with the FES Flourish Remedies to help with the Metamorphosis being asked.

On the Partial Lunar Eclipse of June 5, 2012

This Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at 15 Sagittarius-Gemini will bring opportunities to exchange information to understand better how to move through limiting circumstances, as well as insights into other ways to interpret this Venus retrograde period and how it’s impacting our present and future. This period begins 4 1/2 months of mental metamorphosis and turning major corners of life! --Robert Wilkinson

Order More Grace Here

This link addresses the Qualities of the Remedy Grace. I want to say that fundamentally this Remedy, draws in Grace. I am taking it now because I need Grace. It works.

About Five Flower Essences--Rescue Remedy from FES

This is the original Rescue Remedy of Dr Bach. The quality is the best I have found for this formula that is a basis of healing form shock. I took it the other day for a headache. It works for me almost instantly, calming me now.
--Leslie Goldman, Your Enchanted Gardener

Other Testimonials for Five Flower Essence

In my opinion, the Five-Flower Formula™packs more ‘punch’ and acts more immediately than Rescue Remedy®.
— Dr. Jonathan Curzon, DC,
Curzon Chiropractic Clinic, Perkasie, PA
We use Five Flower Formula for EVERYTHING here! We put a few drops on sore muscles and rub it in and the pain and soreness is gone within minutes. I have clients who use it when trimming finger and toenails and have found it prevents ingrown nails like nothing else. It also works to remove the pain of insect bites and stings. I have one patient who had an ingrown hair on his head for a long time, and his wife rubbed three drops into the irritated skin and by morning it was gone. The Five Flower Formula is quite incredible.
— Dr. S., D.C., MO
I wanted to comment on my use of the Five-Flower Formula: I was diagnosed with Rapid Cycling Bi-Polar Disorder two years ago. I refused to use drugs and in turn, went to a naturalist who suggested this formula. I disagree with your website’s comment about using it only for shock and trauma; this formula has balanced my life after many years of struggling. I can focus, sleep, and I feel some sort of normalcy after many years on a roller coaster. I am thankful for this product, as is my family.
— A.B., Comstock Park, MI

At a recent health conference, we did kinesiology testing at our booth. We decided to test people to see the difference in how people respond to Bach's Rescue Remedy vs. the Healing herbs Five-Flower Formula. Wow, I could not believe the difference in people's response. I had frequently heard that the Five-Flower Formula was more powerful for emotional healing and now we can see it by testing people!
— Susana Bastarrica, New York, NY

I take a 1/2 dropper-full of Five-Flower Formula about 1/2 hour before I go to the dentist, and then I feel calm and don't 'freak out.'
I also use it for my dog when we travel. I put it on his head and ears and it helps him remain calm.
— Ada Koepnick, Twin Falls, ID

Recent Activities with the Flourish Remedies and Seasons of the Soul from Flower Essence Services

Spring has been a whirlwind of activity for me. I have not stopped to reflect on some of the events where I have involved the FES remedies.I want to take some time to catch up now with recent highlights where I have been introducing the Flower Essence Services Remedies.

May 2012 I was a teacher at the 2nd Festival of Traditional Medicine of the Americas

photo of me and Roses Healer goes here...

The teachers at this event came from deep parts of Mexico. I gifted a few of the Flourish line, as well as some of East Gem Elixirz to some of the Curanderos. Just to have these in their thoughts is powerful.

There was a powerful elder, a woman who honored the rose. I gave her Benediction Oil from the Seasons of the Soul kit. She was most grateful.

About the 2nd Festival of Traditional Medicine of the Americas

2nd Festival of Traditional Medicine of the Americas On Facebook

Bringing Even more "Grace " to Rancho La Puerta

Gaby Gomez, a delight was very helpful to me during my stay. I gifted here with a bottle of FES Grace,

Rancho La Puerta, the #1 Destination Spa in the World, is filled with Grace. A little more Grace came in the form of the FES Remedy, Grace. I stayed at Rancho La Puerta May 18-22, 2012 during the time I was teaching at the 2nd Festival of Traditional Medicine of the Americas.

I gifted Grace to Gaby, who is the assistant to the Director. I was happy to see the the remedies enter here, the #1 Destination Spa in the World.

10:50 am
June 6, 2012

Time to nap...
Grace...instills a sense of nurturing the self.
I have been working very hard today.
Grace reminds me I need rest now...

love from Leslie

Work with High School Students at Hami High

Jann, I forgot to tell you!
My work in the science classroom of my niece Eva Becker has also been
ongoing and fulfilling. April 25, I participated in a Medical Fair crafted by her students. I was in between one nutritionist from the UCLA School of Nutrition, and on the other side, scientists who worked in Stem Cell applications for Cedars-Sinai Hospital. In the middle there I was with my organic food, and favorite Remedies. The youth, who had been introduced to the FES as well as my other remedies, remembered these. One youth, who plans to become an M.D. had written this comment previously:

Dear Uncle Leslie,
I was very impressed by the natural sprays.
You had different types of mixtures which I was interested in trying,
because I remember I sprayed this one essence
and when I was going home all my emotions settled and I felt brand new.
15 or 16 year old
Hamilton High School

October 5, 2011

Hami High School Youth Project


The Flourish line of Flower Essence Services
remedies and Seasons of the Soul will also be
offered, as well as other FES remedies
for meeting the challenges of these times.

Leslie’s favorite recommended products are used at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community in San Diego.



Gem Elixirz from East Haradin

Flower Essences Services Facebook

Pacific Symposium 2012 November 6-13, 2012

This is the Arundo Donax, The Giant Reed, made June 5, 2012. I plan to feature this plant as my main element for bouquets at the Pacific Symposium 2012, during the period of November 6-13, 2012


These are for the compelling Health Issues Facing us.

Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant


Here's for the plain old Adam,
the simple genuine self against the whole world.

--R.W. Emerson, Journals

This is the true myth of America. She starts old,
old, wrinkled in an old skin. And
there is a gradual sloughing off of the old skin,
towards a new youth. It is the myth of America.
--D.H. Lawrence


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