Right to Know, GMO Labeling Comments by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Right to Know, GMO Labeling Comments

Date:   6/4/2012 10:06:39 AM ( 12 y ago)


Elysa Everson,San Diego,CA,92110,United States,


"As a biologist, I realize the importance of transparency with regards to food products. We just don't know or understand the longterm effects of GMOs or their implications for the future of food production. "

I Got My First Comment June 4, 2012

More to say later....
Comments will go here...

A Seed Dream is Being Planted:

7.5 Million + 2 Californians Vote Yes to Label GMOs

7.5 Million + 2 Californians Will Vote Yes to Our RIght to Know/Label GMOs





Are you headed to the National Heirloom Exposition September 11,12 & 13 in Santa Rosa? Be sure to attend the Grow a Healthier Pizza workshop at the event. Thanks for joining our Campaign to Educate Californians through the 7.5 Million +2 Campaign. For Updates on our Caravan and to Follow the Success of the 7.5 Million +2, follow us on Facebook here. Be sure to sign today, if you are a Registered Voter in California and plan to Vote Yes to the Right to Know to Label GMOs November 6. Photo of Freya Sadler helping to launch the Grow a Healthier Pizza at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market May 27, 2012. The Hillcrest Farmers' Market is held 9-2 pm each Sunday at the Hillcrest DMV. Leslie can be found at the Rodriguez Stand around 11 am each Sunday, or call 619.384.2431 for a personal tour of his favorite organic vendors.

I spent some delightful moments with Pamm Larry, the Grandma who got off the couch some time in 2011 to say Label GMOs in California. Fast forward to May 29, 2012, the day Pamm drove into San Diego to crisscross San Diego, The Nation's fInest City.

I drove the EG Mobile, my 68 VW van from La Jolla, to Del Cerro, and then to Jimbo's in Carlsbad. I wanted to spend as much time as possible with Pamm. I felt pressure. At stake for me, was the success of my very own Seed Dream: Funding for the a Caravan to the National Heirloom Seed Exposition September 11, 12 & 13 in Santa Rosa, CA.

As I see it, I will leave from San Diego, CA around September 1, the same month as the Rosh Hashana begins, the Jewish New Year. Last September, with the help of Feng Shui with Lurrae, I had a driver helping me go from New York to Washington D.C. (and Baltimore).

Each place we stopped, mainly at Rest Stops, I literally planted seeds and gave organic seeds away. I was blowing a Shofar, the Ram's Horn at each stop. The Ram's Horn signals a Moment of Awakening.

On September 20, 2011, I spoke at Organic Listening Day at the USDA. This was an incredible moment. I saw starting a campaign to get 1 million more youth gardening. What I am doing now is an outgrowth of that. If I have my druthers, I will return to the the Natural Product Expo East, but the main priority is attending the National Heirloom Exposition, September 11, 12 & 13. This event falls about two months before election Day, November 6, a day when Californians will vote on the ballot initiative that says we have a Right to Know-Label GMOs.

I cannot think of a more imporant time for California to have a Moment of Awakening then now.

On November 6, 2012, all eyes of the world will be on California. By the End of November 7, more than likely, we the fate of the evolution of Sacred Seeds will be sealed.

Right now, my friends at Monsanto Corporation have been allowed to own most of the Seeds Companies of the world. He (and She who controls the seeds, and therefore the Food, controls the World. That is pretty simple to anyone who can adds crunch numbers.

The US Government does not mind Monsanto owning our seeds. Bill Gates does not mind Monsanto owning own Seeds. The many investors in Monsanto on the Stock Exchange do not mind this either. However, I personally get my walking papers from a Talking Beet Plant, called Keep The Beet Media Star, The World's First Talking Beet Plant.

Keep the Beet has be up right now, while I am waking up birds here along the Rim of the Arosa Canyon in San Diego. Keep The Beet is telling me that Seeds are Sacred, and no one should own our Seeds. Seeds from my point of view belong to God, but I am willing to Coexist with all kinds of other points of View; however, Coexistence does not work very well in the realm of Seed Reproduction.

When you plant Organic Seeds, or conventionally Canola Seeds next to Seeds that have been Genetically Modified by my friends at Monsanto, the organic seeds cannot coexist along side the GMO Seeds.

Percy, who will be speaking at this years National Heirloom Expo September 11,12 & 13 found that out. He has been telling his story for more than a decade now, so if you haven't heard him tell him, come to the National Heirloom Expo, or Google Percy S vs Monsanto.

Now this is my plan

I am not asking for the demise of Monsanto. I personally have met numbers of Monsanto employees. I like them. What I am saying is...it is important that we know help Monsanto come to its senses. My preference is that Monsanto become once a again a very small company in Saint Louis, rather than a multi-national powerhouse influencing the destiny of the next 1000 years of humanity.

I personally feel GMO Technology is a failed idea that has no real science behind it; however, for more than two years now, I have put out a call for GMO Lovers and Organic Lovers to Talk. I am asking all GMO Lovers and Organic Lovers to Close the Gap and enter an Honest Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food on Facebook.

The rules include no cussing or name calling. Let's just put our facts, ethics, and knowledge of how seeds grow on the table.

As far as 7.5 +2 people voting in favor of the RIght to Know Label GMOs in California November 6, that is my Seed Dream.

The 7.5 +2 came out of listeing to Pamm Larry. Someone asked in one of our meeting, how many people had voted in the last election, or presidential election. She said "15 million had voted in California." All it will take then is 78.5 million + 2 people to help Monsanto come to its senses.

I also want to be clear, The California Right to Know GMO Campaign is not about ending GM0s. I personally confess, I eat GMOs, as most Americans do now. I simple want the right to go into Vons or Whole Foods Market, and know exactly what foods I can choose to purchase when I want to eat GMOs.

There are about 40 other nations who have given this Right to Know to their people. I can not see why it is any big deal for me to have a right to know without having to Carry Jeffrey Smith's Non GMO shopping Guide with me into the store.

O.K. O.K., some people say, that if I want to avoid GMOs I should just eat organic and shop the Farmers' Market. I already do that most of the time; however, it is a principle of Democracy for me that is at stake here. I simple do not feel it is fair that the science students at Hamilton HIgh School, do not have the choice right now, to know whether they are getting GMOs in the Pizza that our Congress is called a Vegetable.

That is why I will be teaching Grow a Healthier Pizza at the National Heirloom Expo Show, and up and down the coast between September 1-September 10.

So, if you agree with me, that Californians have the Right to Know and Label GMOs, and you live in California, and are Registered to Vote, please go to this Petition on Change.Org, and put let me know you endorse the California Right to Know Label GMO initiative.

I also want to clarify, there is presently, in Phase Two, a move to educate about GMOs as well as collect endorsements that will go on the California RIght to Know website. Pamm says, that they are mainly want VIP and Community figureheads in each community to endorse. They would be happy with about 20,000 or more endorsers.

Keep the Beet sees something else. She sees every person in California as a having a very important Seed Dream. I believe, as Your Enchanted Gardener, that my friends at Monsanto truly believe that they can feed the world through GMO seeds and GMO Big Ag Technology.

I simple have a different point of view, and want to reiterate: It is time that GMO Lovers and Organic Lovers Talk.

So sign this Petition, and Let the Education, and Your Vote, if you are a registered California Voter, be counted.

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener

June 3, 2011
6:10 am

First Draft

#6 of 7.5 Million + 2

Farmer and Artist Barry Koral Endorses the Right to Know Label GMOs

This Plant Your Dream Blog appears with some signatures of Endorsers, photos, and links to more stories about our Caravan right on the New Plant Your Dream Blog.


Prevention Magazine: Great Article about GMOs!

Thanks to Cheryl Wright, #4 of the 7.5 Million + 2 People, for sharing this article with me at the Dr. Bronner Magic Soap Ark Event, June 2, 2012 in Escondido.

Deborah Szekely Calls for a Wellness Spring


uploaded here.
6:18 am; June 3, 2012
747 page views

First Draft

This Plant Your Dream Blog appears with some signatures of Endorsers, photos, and links to more stories about our Caravan right on the New Plant Your Dream Blog.



JUNE 3, 2012
9 am

Right now, as of June 3, 2012, millions of Californians are without their knowledge eating GMOs every day. GMOs are Genetically Modified Organisms and they have been in our food for a number of decades. Somebody thought this was O.K. to include Genetically Modified Organisms in the Daily Foods we Eat, but did not take the time to ask us first if we wanted them there. More than 40 nations of the world have the respect and integrity to give their people choice to know if they are eating GMOs in their corn, soy, and a host of other foods, but in the US, since the inception of the FDA in 1906, we have leaned toward supporting commercial interests that have placed profits over producing healthy kids. This has gone so far that Congress, in Fall 2011, declared that Pizza was a vegetable just so they could hold the line on improving foods in our schools that from our point of view would benefit from more and more healthy ingredients. Toward that end, we are coming together, bonding together, opening an honest Dialogue on Science, Ethics, and Food about GMOs. We are here to educate ourselves, and our fellow Californians that we might each stand in the light about what we are eating. We believe that in signing this petition we are Cultivating Food Justice on our own tables. We insist on our Right to Know and call on each other to Label GMOs.

We love California. We love good food. We love that we can grow our own food. Many of us are regaining confidence now that we can grow some of our own foods. We love and trust the process of initiative in the Golden State. We come together now as registered voters, to ensure that the people of our state become aware that GMOs are in many of our foods. We each, endorse the California Right to Know Label GMOs and are letting each other know that we are standing together here...to Grow a Healthier Pizza for our Kids.

Draft One June 3, 2012
8:22 am

Leslie Goldman
Your Enchanted Gardener
Plant Your Dream Blogs


I was with Pamm Larry, the Grandma who started the California Right to Know Label GMOs initiative May 29. Someone asked, how many people voted in California? She said 15 million. She said that we needed 2 people plus 50 % to win the California Right to Know Label GMOs Ballot Initiative. So...I thought...that meant we needed 7.5 Million + 2 Californias to Vote Yes. Get it?


For more on how this Seed Dream was born:


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You Can Sign the Petition Here


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