Mercury Retrograde now-I feel it! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

I am feeling Mercury Retrograde now

Date:   3/16/2012 10:45:13 PM ( 12 y ago)

It is also in its own 8th sign, indicating "initiative as a renewing force; any new initiative gives a death blow to whatever is old, obsolete, or outmoded... this is an insatiable desire distracted by other desires... there may be power struggles between part of the inward-turned mind. Mercury retrograde in Aries argues cases internally."

"Knowledge comes through direct action and review; knowledge also comes from the unusual past feeding the dynamic future."

So during the next few weeks, (since Mercury will again cross its Aries RX span in April), relax into a new sense of potential and new areas of direct action, and review the initiatives shown in the recent past. Take a new look at pioneering activities, new developments about to expand, and recent direct communications that showed the need for rehearsal, review, or research.

I am feeling Mercury Retrograde now

Mercury Retrograde in Aries and Pisces in March-April 2012 Pt. 2 - What It Means For Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces

by Robert Wilkinson

In part 2 we explore more about this phenomenon that usually occurs 3 weeks at a time 3 times a year. At the end there's a table so you can find which house(s) this March-April 2012 Mercury RX period falls in relative to your Sun sign. Then you can find out how this transit affects you personally by consulting my article How Does Mercury Retrograde Affect Us In The Different Houses?

Like all Mercury retrograde periods, these three weeks offer a chance to reorganize in the areas of our life ruled by Mercury. These are the houses of your chart ruled by Gemini or Virgo, any planets in these signs in your chart, and the house occupied by your natal, progressed, or solar return Mercury.

All retrogrades show us that sometimes it is more important to be inwardly oriented than outer-directed. These are times when our previous activities "echo back" information about what we've already experienced during a planetary direct motion phase.

When the inner planets are retrograde, our personal life is most subject to review, reflection, re-doing or getting a new angle on those affairs. When the outer planets are retrograde, we get the same process of review but it impacts our place in the larger scheme of things, whether social, cultural, or transpersonal-global.

When retrograde, Mercury, the "Guide of Souls," challenges us to cultivate our personal understanding of our "fellowship with the Eternal," explore our deeper issues and useful but overlooked details in what's being discussed or asserted, take an unusual view, and allow ourselves to be led by the future implications of what's happening. It’s a time when we truly get a new look at many things and come to a different understanding of how the various affairs of our inner and outer life are coordinated, or need to be.

We can get different perspectives and insights into prior events, messages, and signals, and can fill in important gaps in our understanding. Sometimes it may seem like it's one step forward, two to the side, one step back, one to the other side, then two steps forward, but often we find that we are offered entirely new and crucial perspectives and knowledge that can help us when it's time to move forward again after the retrograde is past.

In the previous article in this series we explored specific qualities of the present Mercury retrograde period. Links to them are at the end of the article.

The period before Mercury goes retrograde is important in getting your paperwork and other life areas in shape, so take note of what was presented in the first half of March and see what hit a threshold and now requires a delay, research, or renewal.

8:44 pm
March 16, 2012


Mercury retrograde this northern spring 2012 starts at 6 degrees Aries, from March 12 to April 5. We still have Mars Retrograde and Mars doesn’t go direct until the April 15. So we get a double retrograde. Mercury will zig-zag through the high-flying stars of Pegasus, including the infamous fixed star Scheat, then reverse over the tail of Cetus the sea-monster. This is quite a daring mission for Mercury then. Mercury retrograde and Scheat both have travel chaos in common. Obviously the world cannot grind to a halt during this time, but it will be interesting to see if we get more than our fair share of crashes during the time they are conjunct. Mercury on Scheat brings accidents and trouble through writings. According to the Ebertins when Scheat tied up with malefics is said to cause catastrophes, floods, shipwrecks and plane crashes.


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