Self-Empowering Support For Your Healing & Health Recovery! by chef jem .....

Health & Self-Healing Consultations with Chef Jemichel.

Date:   11/1/2011 4:16:21 AM ( 13 y ago)

February 19, 2020 - "Grandma" Knows! -

"... If you ever needed a good reason to drop the U.S. Citizen mask and reclaim your God-given freedom by declaring your birthright political status as an American --- having control of your health care is about as good as it gets.

Go to: and get started and get pushing today. Many hands devoted to both freedom and health make light work. Sit on your hands and you know what to expect.

Hand washing, surface cleaning, and fighting infections with ultrasonically distributed anti-virals, such as the essential oils [classic spice, citrus, tea tree, and oregano] proven to kill even Bubonic Plague, are far more effective in destroying all biologically active infections, whether or not these bugs are 'weaponized.'
But, what if it's not even a virus? What if we are seeing the effects of 5G?

Little known fact --- Wuhan was the location of the first Chinese roll out of 5G.
Another little known fact --- 5G produces radiation sickness with symptoms identical to serious influenza, or, corona virus.

Imagine that? Two for the price of one. And get the worldwide population reduced at the same time. Our nightmare, the Zionist dream. ..."[19]

June 28, 2019 - Two Steps For The Self-Healing Process -

"Self-Healing means that there’s a innate and natural tendency of our organism to auto-regulate and move towards balance. Our job is to take conscious actions, to take the necessary steps to:

Remove whatever is blocking the self-healing process,
Strengthen our body’s vitality, health and well-being."[17]

The above action "steps" are identified in "Health & Self-healing consultations with Chef Jemichel."

December 26, 2018 - "One of the most relentlessly honest philosophers was Nietzsche" -

“there is no health as such, and all attempts to define anything in that way have been miserable failures. Even the determination of what health means for your body depends on your goal, your horizon, your energies, your drives, your errors, and above all on the ideals and phantasms of your soul. Thus there are innumerable healths of the body; and … the more we put aside the dogma of ‘the equality of men’, the more must the concept of a normal health, along with a normal diet and the normal course of an illness be abandoned by our physicians. Only then would the time have come to reflect on the health and sicknesses of the soul, and to find the peculiar virtue of each man in the health of his soul: in one person's case this health could, of course, look like the opposite of health in another person.”[14] The above quote is preceded by: "Health of the soul.- The popular medical formulation of morality that goes back to Ariston of Chios, 'virtue is the health of the soul,' would have to be changed to become useful, at least to read: 'your virtue is the health of your soul.'"[15]

According to the "Gene Keys" (Richard Rudd) "Virtue" is the 7th Gene Key Siddhi. And "Justice" is the 60th which Plato said is "the health of the soul".[16]

All of this harmonizes well with the New Medicine at least from the perspective of "disease" as originating in the psyche. So "Virtue" as well as "Justice" embodied would inevitably have powerful impact on the whole being, don't you think? .........

October 15, 2019 -

Just finished a second hearing of an interview with a "good doctor" (plus the two men who are carrying on his work now that he has crossed the threshold). Although there was a brief mention made (at least a couple times) of our unique individuality (that we all have) there was virtually no further discussion about how that may be seen let alone "mapped out." This is where the tools of The Human Design System as well as the Gene Keys can come into the picture and this is the perfect location to follow-up from the preceding post that made a couple references to two Siddhis in the Gene Keys.

This Chef-doctor writer was inspired to review the 64 Gene Keys as to which keynote themes may possibly relate to health and he noted nine more (in addition to the two from above).

The review started with the corresponding Gene Key Shadows identified at the following Human Design Gates.
.............................. Shadows .... - .... Siddhis ...... - ...... Gifts -
G 25 ......... - ....... Constriction - Universal Love - Acceptance
Solar Plexus 37 - Weakness - Tenderness - Equality
Heart 40 .... - ..... Exhaustion - Divine Will - Resolve
Spleen 44 ... - ... Interference - Synarchy - Teamwork
Ajna 47 ...... - ..... Oppression - Transformation - Transmutation
Root 52 ..... - ..... Stress - Stillness - Restraint
Solar Plexus 55 - Victimization - Freedom - Freedom
Ajna 61..... - ..... Psychosis - Sanctity - Inspiration
Sacral 14 ... - .... Compromise - Bounteousness - Competence

The Gene Keys are about the levels of consciousness and sparking your genius from one level to another - from your spirit to your body within your form.

"The relationship between the spirit and the body has, from the very beginning, been one of the questions that human beings have struggled to solve. So many so-called spiritualists consider the body to be ‘the tomb of the spirit’. They must learn to reason better. If the body were such a prison, if it were so opposed to human evolution, why would Cosmic Intelligence have sent them to incarnate on Earth? They should remain pure spirits on high. Yet, in those who neglect their physical body on the pretext of devoting themselves to the noble functions of the intellect, the soul and the spirit, these very functions end up weakening and declining. In reality, the manifestation of the spirit in humans is prevented not so much by their physical body, but rather by the fluidic shell made up of the desires, lusts and conflicts of their lower nature. If it were not continually generating all sorts of miasmas and fumes, their body would become a perfect instrument for the spirit.[18]

March 22, 2018 - Your Wholeness = Your Health -

The equation immediately above has been a banner over my personal services as of 1979 (since thirty-nine years ago) when I first returned from an initial study that was immediately followed by an apprenticeship in the Living Foods system as taught in Portland, Oregon and by the "LifeLight" community.

By "wholeness" I mean your whole entire Being. The wholeness of your Being includes all that you are - your whole spirit, psyche/mind-body as well as all your relations. Therefore the aspects of "wholeness = health" include all of your social connections, all your good pleasures, fun, time connecting in/with nature, your whole emotional and psychological well-being in addition to all of your "other forms of nourishment" (like food! ; ~ ) In the most simplest of terms your whole health is all about self and other. The "other" component is especially about the full-spectrum of impact that others have on you/your psyche.

A couple days ago I was inspired to make note of my current top interests and the following is what I noted:

#1 - Truth of Self, Life and Others.
#2 - All Wholeness.
#3 - Healing - via recovery of #1 & #2.
#4 - The New Sciences of The Human Design System, Gene Keys, Destiny Sciences, etc. as tools in support of the first three items.

More About #1 - #4 -

#1 - My top interest for "Self and Others" is the living and abiding truth that is most present and/or actively emerging in our awareness. I am most attracted to "these Truths"[6] are the antidotes to the current tyrannies that exist under "color of law" that I have noted in many of my blogs. The tyrannies include every medical coercion[8] that has consequences to health and life.

#2 - Wholeness of Spirit (Intuition, Inspiration, Imagination), Psyche (Mind, Emotions, Will/Heart/Ego & Conscience), Body/Sacred Temple of Spirit just as we were created.

#3 - Healing via recovery of #1 & #2 is re-membering/re-connecting to our quintessential truth. This is exemplified in new medicine during the "resolution of conflict" that had subsequently manifested in the body as an "intelligent biological survival program of nature" regardless of whether that was "diagnosed" as a "disease" by a "medical" practitioner.

#4 - The New (& Ancient) Sciences: all pointing toward the primary essential Knowledge regarding who & what we are and what life is whether or not this knowledge is recognized within the conventional materialistic systems.

The Human Design System: based on the original revelation of Ra Uru Hu and preserved by individuals who are maintaining and/or returning to the original revelation.

Gene Keys[7]: By: Richard Rudd and including "The Golden Path" based on an Individual's Holographic profile.

Destiny Sciences: as indicated in The Destiny Cards system, "The Secret Language of Destiny", Numerology, certain aspects of Astrology.

etc.: Oracle readings based on the Sabian Symbols.

Dyads: the whole entire process of contemplation on truth of self, life, other, etc. within a dyad that includes the complete communication cycle of the awareness that arises directly from each contemplation.

November 1, 2011 -

Now offering an advanced health-support consultation service to individuals.

The consultations include an "activation" and ongoing application of at least four primary systems that cover the whole of body-mind-spirt integration. On the most physical level we will work with a Nourishing Traditions base (that I have been teaching over the past ten years) the principals of which have emerged from the findings of Dr. Weston A. Price and that are extremely well-documented in his extraordinary book: "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration"!

The nourishing traditional system can support the second system of the new-medicine paradigm (German New Medicine) as discovered by Dr. Hamer.

According to German New Medicine - there are two primary healing stages with one wherein "high amounts of protein (are) eliminated ...". In the other phase "eating foods rich in protein to replenish (protein) loss is ... vital during healing. A balanced diet, ideally from organic sources, greatly supports the healing process that is already under way."[2]

In another instance within a healing phases there is "... a strengthening of the tissues (of) the bone, muscles or fat tissue ... the tissues are being replenished with mineral-rich fluids, ...."[3]

When "the tissues are being replenished with mineral-rich fluids" then during that particular type of healing phase these kinds of issues could be best supported nutritionally with a mineral-rich diet i.e. lots of bone broth and other mineral and fat-rich foods. The minerals need the good fats for assimilation. Include bone broth at least three times a day along with a few ounces of raw grass-fed butter, cream or other raw grass fed dairy and well-salted with Celtic sea salt! (Don't worry about the sodium in this salt at all. Celtic sea salt does not at all present any risk for mineral imbalance, whereas refined table salt has virtually 99% of the minerals removed and is heavily treated!)

Add to these a third system for optimal self-understanding: the Human Design System - which reveals the foundational "matrix" of our uniquely individualized and multidimensional mechanics. Possibly the first primary "mechanical" function to know is our "Inner Authority" which supports us in our unique decision-making process.

Last but not least - the fourth support system comes through a certain dyad communication process which fully supports the individual in discovering the truth of self and in expressing that!

According to both "New Medicine" as well as the "Human Design" paradigms your "psyche-brain-body" is one whole integrated organism! This truly wholistic approach offers a much greater support for understanding the uniqueness of each individual's meaningful healing/resolution process.

We can begin your health support sessions remotely via tele-conferecne consultations and through e-mail. You will be guided to the appropriate "Food As Medicine" (according to your healing phase) and learn the basics of your Design (starting with your Inner Authority). Last but not least we will identify any unresolved shock conflicts and present options that can support resolution.

One simple example of my own application:
For about two days I had "post-nasal drip", sneezing and coughing and despite what can typically be uncomfortable symptoms I was completely at peace and enjoyed taking good care of myself! I attribute the positiveness of my experience to the fact that I feel really connected with myself and my true nature of love which includes self-love! My sense of connection with myself was enhanced through a Dyad session that I had on the second night of the symptoms and also through connecting with a beloved friend the following night as well! Love is the healer! I totally and completely love myself and so love is what I identify with! One of the Dyads I did was: "Tell me what love is". Contemplating plus communicating that to my Dyad partner really solidified the truth of love for me!

I also acknowledge that right knowledge can support this self-healing awareness as well! I.e. I tell myself the truth that my body is in a "cleansing mode" rather than say "I'm sick". I'm not sick at all! The cleansing is a very healthy process that the body naturally does on it's own and it is actually a necessary and natural bodily function for maintaining good health! There is nothing sick about that at all! Internal cleansing is nature's way of painting health and not "something gone wrong" or the like. By knowing this I cooperate with the innate intelligence of my body by refraining from anything that suppresses the activity of my body's intelligent biological program. Instead I do what I can to appropriately assist the particular program and possibly make it easier for the body to do it's thing (in this case discharge/elimination/cleansing) - i.e. taking a warm bath! I have taken a couple baths to assist the inner cleansing. I probably had about eight cups of solar salt in each bath!

My preferred activity to assist the body cleanse is saunas. When I have access to a sauna I could be taking saunas at least several times a week or even every day if the sauna is most convenient. When I routinely take saunas I find that I do not get the symptoms I described above! This is real preventive medicine!

In conclusion: truly loving our self with our love of the truth of who and what we are allows us to harmonize with the healing forces that are innate in our inner being, in nature, as well as within our own body temple!

Update - March 27, 2012 -

I've been aware of the existence of "Medical Astrology" for some time however it was only this evening that I have actually acted on my interest. A couple days ago I enjoyed reading an article on "Astrological Healing"[4]

That led me to contacting the author who then made mention of a book on Medical Astrology and that inspired me to seek out the book where upon I discovered another site offering a course.[5]

That listed a couple more book (that are required for the course) which I wound up getting at Amazon as well as the first book! I will have most of the required texts for the course and after I crack open the books I might find I'm attracted to taking the course!

I just sent a introductory message to the course teacher:

Greetings Judith!

I just discovered your site while searching for Eileen Nauman's book and in the process I have also just purchased your two books that are required for your correspondence course. This subject matter is of high interest and after I get your books I may begin talking your course. I want to take this a step at a time.

I am currently a student of German New Medicine (GNM). Have you been introduced to this new medicine paradigm? One of my missions is to offer complimentary introductions to health practitioners and it would be my pleasure to offer the same to you! ...

Also would like to know if you have been introduced to your Human Design (HD). I'm also offering complimentary introductions to individuals ... I'm anticipating finding correlations between Medical Astrology, GNM and HD! I believe this kind of discovery is part of my Destiny! In any case I am having a great time with it!

Looking forward to the possibility of hearing from you!

In Good Health!

~Chef Jemichel

January 31, 2018 - Your Healing "Panacea" -

"...The true universal panacea – the drink that is said to be capable of healing all ills – was not invented, as we imagine, by some alchemist. To obtain it, we must prepare it ourselves ..."[1]

May 22, 2018 -

"... The masculine principle seeks out the feminine principle, and the feminine principle seeks out the masculine principle, because on their own, they feel incomplete and crippled. Humans are not always aware of this, because this search takes on such diverse forms. Mystics say that they are searching for God. In reality, what they call God is this complementary part of themselves with which they seek to unite, to merge, in order to become one complete and perfect whole."[9]

In the early 70's when I was totally submerged in the "Local Church Life" one of the messages that was delivered by the primary elder in a conference I attended was that single brothers are in complete without a wife. The thought corresponded with my own inner beliefs and so I accepted this message without considering the validity of it for me. That "blind faith" belief then allowed me to have special attractions to a number of single sisters in the church all of which never consummated into the realm of "marriage" but instead gave me experiences of a number of various challenging themes. I think these challenges weighed in on my final departure from the church. In contrast to all of this is the message/s I resonated with that comes from A Course In Miracles: "I Am as God created me."[10] I am whole,[11] complete[12] and healed.[13]

My return to "wholeness" has spanned several decades though the continuum of my incarnation. My gratitude for wholeness is eternal! The thought that I was "incomplete" is but a faded "dream". I am All-Grateful being Awake! - I Am Whole, I Am Complete, I Am Healed. I Am Just As God Created Me!







[6] See: The Declaration of Independence: "We hold these truths to be self-evident...":


[8] One example of "medical coercion" is presented in this article: "Pharmaceutical Companies’ Role in State Vaccination Policymaking: The Case of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination."






[14] Quoting from:
cited there as: Nietzsche F. The gay science. [Translated by W Kaufmann.] New York: Vintage Books, 1974: book III, section 120.

[15] Nietzsche F. Ibid.

[16] according to Kaufmann in his translation [cited above at [14].





health, Nourishing Traditions, new medicine, Human Design, healing, wholistic, nourishing, mind body, Food As Medicine, Inner Authority, shock conflict, sauna, preventive medicine, body cleansing, love, self healing, these truths, Wholeness, Health, psyche, mind-body, these Truths, effects of 5G

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