Our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love by #29621 .....

LOVE Is Not A Cliché by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

Date:   3/20/2011 3:57:44 AM ( 13 y ago)

March 17, 2011


This weekend we have the opportunity of setting this planet on a new course that will move the Earth and all her Life a quantum leap out of the darkness and into the Light. This is just the beginning. We need to continue focusing daily on our planetary CAUSE of Divine Love until we reach a critical mass that will create the unstoppable shift we have all been working toward. We are at a crossroads, and this is a critical turning point for Humanity. It is vital that we understand we are not to just sit and wait for the winds of change and the incoming Cosmic frequencies to transform our lives. Instead, we must focus on the Light with our thoughts, words, actions, and feelings, and utilize the incoming energies to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth that we have all been longing to manifest.

At the beginning of this year the Beings of Light in the Realms of Truth said for us to fasten our seatbelts because we were in for the ride of our lives. Do you have any doubt about that now? Chaotic events are occurring all over the world as we experience an unprecedented purging and cleansing of Humanity’s human miscreations. It is easy to feel overwhelmed and fearful when we watch the news and see people from every walk of life writhing in pain and agony, but it is not helpful for us to writhe in agony with them. We can flood them with love and compassion, but if we just wring our hands and descend into their pain we actually amplify their suffering. There is an ancient saying that says, “When you grieve with someone you water their garden of sorrow.” So instead of feeling helpless and amplifying the pain people are experiencing, let’s become the powerful force of love and hope that we came to Earth to be. This is why we are here. This is our purpose and reason for being.

This weekend, Friday, March 18th thru Sunday, March 20th, we will experience a Full Moon and the March Equinox. This Full Moon is considered a super moon because it will come closer to Earth than any other time this year. The combination of these two events will provide a powerful opportunity for us to expand our newly established Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love through every person’s Heart Flame. Of all the frequencies of Light throughout the whole of Creation, none is more effective or more powerful when it comes to eliminating human suffering than Divine Love.

So much has been written about Love that is has almost become a platitude, but the Transfiguring Divine Love of our Father-Mother God is the mightiest force in the Universe. Love is not a cliché. It is the vibration from which we were born out of the Heart of God and the vibration through which we must evolve and Ascend back into the Heart of God. Divine Love has no bonds, nor barriers, nor conditions. Within the infinite power of God’s Love there is no pain or sorrow, no lack or limitation. This Love contains within its essence the full potential to rise above all human conditions, all self-inflicted suffering, all manner of chaos, confusion, hopelessness, and despair.

Divine Love heals the illusion of separation. It rejuvenates, revitalizes and makes whole all it embraces. It is the single greatest source of forgiveness, and it reverberates with the full gathered momentum of our Eternal Freedom. Divine Love is the foundation of Creation and the balance of the One. It is the indivisible, unchanging ecstasy that allows us to know Love in all things. When we experience the Love of our Father-Mother God, we understand that we are all One. Whether we are a person, a magnificent Sun, or a blade of grass, we are united in the Body of God by the all-encompassing Light of Divine Love.

As our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love reclaims this Earth and anoints Humanity with Its Eternal Light, we will experience true Peace, and suffering will be eliminated. The Love of our Father-Mother God is now resonating in the core of our Beings. It is not outside of us. We no longer need to seek God’s Love from afar, we need to merely accept that God is within us, abiding in our Heart Flames. Divine Love is pulsating within the silent rhythm of every heartbeat, every breath. It is the universal language now speaking to all Humanity through our gift of Life. As we listen in the silence of our hearts, we hear the tones and whisperings of Love inspired by the wonder of nature and the Music of the Spheres.

Our Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love is now reestablishing a Covenant of Love with the Children of Earth which will enhance our ability to once and for all accept the gift of God’s Abundance and Eternal Peace. Through this Covenant, the supply of all good things will forever and ever flood into the hands and use of the Sons and Daughters of God. The glory of God’s Abundance will be a manifest reality not only in this moment, but far beyond Earth and time into Eternity.

When we agree to become a magnetic force of Divine Love, we draw to ourselves the loving support we need from those who are aligned with, and will assist us with, our Divine Missions. This occurs not because of allegiance to a particular personality, but because of the affinity of our soul’s Light with the spiritual essence of the particular facet of the Divine Plan. As we expand our service to Life, we must reach up in consciousness and tap into the sacred knowledge and wisdom that will teach us how to effectively utilize the new frequencies of Divine Love now flooding the Earth.

Because of the unprecedented influx of Light that has taken place recently, the I AM Presence, the Divinity within every person, is at long last reclaiming dominion of our Earthly experiences. The Divine Intervention of our I AM Presence is allowing the entire Company of Heaven to work more closely with us than ever before. These selfless Messengers of our Father-Mother God are asking us to join with them now in unified consciousness to amplify the CAUSE that will transform this planet and ALL Life evolving upon her into the full expression of Heaven on Earth. That CAUSE, which we will now expand utilizing the influx of Light from the perigee Full Moon and the March Equinox, is LOVE.

In deep Gratitude for our ability to serve Life in this way, let’s join together in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child on Earth, and let’s unify our hearts with the entire Company of Heaven. Together we will empower our newly established CAUSE of LOVE which is far more powerful than any of the human miscreations that are currently causing Humanity’s pain and suffering.

Expanding the CAUSE of LOVE

Beloved Father-Mother God, we ask that you now expand the Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love that is pulsating within every person’s heart. Create from this Sacred Fire a tremendous Heart of Pure Divine Love that expands and expands until it envelops the entire Planet Earth.

This resplendent Heart of Pure Divine Love now magnetizes to Earth the Love of God from every Ascended level of Being in the Universe. This unfathomable influx of Love floods the Earth and bathes every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy in its healing Light.

This activity of Light creates the archetype that will form the pattern of perfection for our planetary CAUSE of manifesting Divine Love within the heart and mind of every man, woman, and child on Earth.

Our Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every person on Earth join together now as One unified Force of Divine Love. As one breath, one heartbeat, one voice, one unified consciousness of Pure Divine Love we breathe previously unknown frequencies of the Love of God from the very core of Creation into the heart of every person on Earth. This unprecedented influx of Divine Love now flowing through every Heart Flame creates a symphony of Love that ensouls and interpenetrates our Beloved Mother Earth and ALL her Life.

This influx of Divine Love now penetrates into the 5th-Dimensional Heart Chakra of every person on the planet. The I AM Presence of every man, woman, and child becomes a power point of Light unified in consciousness with the I AM Presence of every other person on Earth, inbreathing, assimilating, expanding, and projecting this forcefield of Divine Love throughout Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom, the Angelic Kingdom, and the entire atmosphere of Earth.

The I AM Presence within every person is now the Open Door for this resplendent Light. At inner levels, every person on the planet is experiencing this forcefield of Unconditional Divine Love.

Through the I AM Presence, every person is seeing the scintillating colors of Love, smelling the fragrance of Love, and hearing the Cosmic Tones and moving melodies of Love. Through this activity of Light we are all, truly, Love in action. We are collectively changing the core vibration of the primal Light substance, which has gone into creating the present negative conditions manifesting on Earth.

Through the Love of our Father-Mother God, the entire Company of Heaven, and the I AM Presence of every Human Being, we are the CAUSE of this Forcefield of Divine Love now established on Earth. Together we have cocreated a bridge of the basic spiritual forces of Divine Love over which Humanity is now Ascending out of our long exile in darkness into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.

This is what our CAUSE of Divine Love is attracting into each of us personally and all of us collectively. We are all being raised into a profound awakening of supreme Love consciousness. We are, here and now, the Masters of Love we were always destined to be.

We are Beings of Love, accepting responsibility for Loving this sweet Earth and all her Life FREE. We are One with this blessed planet, and the planet is One with us.

Our Father-Mother God and the Company of Heaven are now intensifying their Light through every person’s Heart Flame. This activity of Light is lifting Humanity into a higher octave of Divine Service. Every person on Earth is being permanently invested with a Cosmic Forcefield of Divine Love. This forcefield is initiating each of us into a Higher Order of Service to Humanity and the Light, which will greatly enhance our ability to cocreate the patterns of perfection for the New Earth in the physical world of form.

We accept that this activity of Light is being God Victoriously Accomplished, even as we call.

And so it is! Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM, Beloved I AM.


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Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization


FAX: 520-751-2981
Phone: 520-885-7909

New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose
PO Box 41883,
Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.

©2011 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles


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