Letters Written against S-510, Food Safety by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Letters Written against S-510, Food Safety. Eleven Year Old Kid, Birke Baehr has figured it out.

Date:   12/7/2010 12:42:06 PM ( 14 y ago)


MARCH 2009



Title: Mr.
First: Leslie
Last: Goldman

Comments: I ate a jelly donut last night in honor of Chanukah, My glands around my neck swelled up for ten hours. 70 % or more of these donuts are fried in GMO Canola. How did Canola get approved by the FDA? What is the FDA doing to protect us from GMO Foods now? I cannot give any more clout to this agency that scares me very much.

Please vote Read my post on the Huffington Post
Chewiing on Food Safety: A National Conversation is Needed.

I am very concerned that any member of Congress would vote Yes on this #S-510, the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. We all want Food Safety. Please hear us! Decontamine the system of Regulators and their sponsors so we can stop innocent lives from further harm.


One more petition to view, my respected Member of Congress



BPA Ban Brewing Storm for S. 510
There's a new fight breaking out over the pending Senate food safety bill. An amendment proposed by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to ban the use of bisphenol-A, otherwise known as BPA, in food and drink containers is threatening to break up the broad, bipartisan coalition backing the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (S. 510). Both the Grocery Manufacturers of America (GMA), and the Chamber of Commerce, two major business groups who currently support S. 510, recently threatened to oppose the bill if it contained language banning the controversial chemical.

Robert Hansen

S 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act of 2010, may be the most dangerous bill in the history of the US. It is to our food what the bailout was to our economy, only we can live without money.
“If accepted [S 510] would preclude the public’s right to grow, own, trade, transport, share, feed and eat each and every food that nature makes. It will become the most offensive authority against the cultivation, trade and consumption of food and agricultural products of one’s choice. It will be unconstitutional and contrary to natural law or, if you like, the will of God.” ~Dr. Shiv Chopra, Canada Health whistleblower

It is similar to what India faced with imposition of the salt tax during British rule, only S 510 extends control over all food in the US, violating the fundamental human right to food.
Monsanto says it has no interest in the bill and would not benefit from it, but Monsanto’s Michael Taylor who gave us rBGH and unregulated genetically modified (GM) organisms, appears to have designed it and is waiting as an appointed Food Czar to the FDA (a position unapproved by Congress) to administer the agency it would create — without judicial review — if it passes. S 510 would give Monsanto unlimited power over all US seed, food supplements, food and farming.

In the 1990s, Bill Clinton introduced HACCP (Hazardous Analysis Critical Control Points) purportedly to deal with contamination in the meat industry. Clinton’s HACCP delighted the offending corporate (World Trade Organization “WTO”) meat packers since it allowed them to inspect themselves, eliminated thousands of local food processors (with no history of contamination), and centralized meat into their control. Monsanto promoted HACCP.


10:54 am
December 7, 2010


10:40 am
December 7, 2010

These are from this website

Action pnum1061
Last 25 Messages Transmitted Log

Total Submissions On This Issue = 5435

Stop S.510


[053256:120710] A.E., Hackettstown, NJ
Please do not let this pass...Small local farmers are struggling as it is. They are the last line of defense to save the land and our good health.


[210558:120610] d.m., Irvine, CA
S.510 represents a major threat to the local food movement, states' autonomy to regulate food.
Passage of the revised version into law will enable FDA potentially to regulate all farms marketing food products direct to consumers even if the farms engage only in intrastate commerce


[191114:120610] K.E., Orland Park, IL
Dear Senator and Representative,
Please vote no on this bill and represent the people's interest who sent you there. We have the right as part of our constitution to liberty and pursuit of happiness, which means healthy local organic food from small farmers. The FDA has ABUSED THEIR POWER over and over again showing no interst in keeping Americans healthy and bullying small farms and nutritional supplement companies. The FDA has demonstrated that it only cares about protecting on the interest of big pharma and biotech corporations like Monsanto. The FDA needs to be reformed and have much of its power reduced not increased. If you vote no, it shows you are actually representing the people who sent you there. By voting yes, it means you don't care about the health of the people or the small farmers that made this country and your part of the problem that needs to be reformed.


[174807:120610] J.R., Newton, NJ
I am afraid of what will happen to my kids' future without the right to healthy food.


[162601:120610] R.E., Redford, MI
STOP S.510 Please!!!! Think of the future, think of our children, think of our Earth!


[132952:120610] K.G., Cary, NC
Just because this awful legislation has made it this far does not mean that it should be allowed to continue. It clearly does not represent the ideals of the Consititution or the American people. The people who have been for this legislation so far have been fooled into thinking that it is necessary for safe food by the very companies who's conflict of interest should be inherently obvious.

Please stop this horrible legislation, and take the time to come up with REAL change to the disasterous food system in America, by de-centralizing all of the monopolistic companies that are in control, and causing all of the problems with their overly concentrated facilities. Many food-related problems would be fixed if we rebuild local food systems and allow the people to develop the food sovereignty and security they deserve. If you want to spend our tax money on something, spend on local food infrastructure and education.


[105017:120610] R.H., Deerfield Beach, FL
I am deeply concerned about S510 and urge you to oppose it on all counts.
The bill will raise food prices, add $1.5 billion to deficit, and add unfunded state mandates! Supposed increase in food safety does not supersede our individual rights as US citizens.
"Our constituents and others all around the US, in our determination to protect the right of every American to clean, healthy, clearly labled, unadulterated food, have brought strenuous objection to degrading our food supply and implementing the well-presented, but very dangerous Codex HARMonziation which the corrupt and dangerous FDA, USDA and other industry-led agencies are so eager to present to us as faits accompli.

Instead, we look to you to preserve our right to clean food, labeled to indicate pesticides, adulterants, GMOs and other dangerous ingredients and to make sure that S. 510, the mis-named "Food SAFETY Bill" is defeated through either inaction or a successful Nay vote and any similar bill is, likewise, defeated."

Thank you,
Rea Hoffmann


[092103:120610] T.S., Cologne, MN
I am a local food supporter who is concerned about S 510. I am asking you to oppose S.510 "Food Safety Modernization Act," on every vote including cloture. Please do not take away our individual rights to choose where and how we buy our food. We should be supporting small farms that provide nutritional food - we should not be making it more difficult for them.
I do NOT want the Federal Government running and ruining the food industry's small businesses.
Please vote:
"No" on cloture,
"yes" on the Coburn substitute,
"Yes" on the Managers' substitute bill, if Coburn fails,
"No" on the overall bill.

Thank you very much!
Tammy Sartwell


[091846:120610] R.E., New Germany, MN
I am a local food supporter who is concerned about S 510. I am asking you to oppose S.510 "Food Safety Modernization Act," on every vote including cloture.
Please do not take away our individual rights to choose where and how we buy our food. We should be supporting small farms that provide nutritional food - we should not be making it more difficult for them.
S.510 will open the flood gates for tyrannical federal bureaucrats to crash the food industry's small businesses.
Please vote:
"No" on cloture,
"yes" on the Coburn substitute,
"Yes" on the Managers' substitute bill, if Coburn fails,
"No" on the overall bill.

Thank you very much!
Rachelle Eiden


[055200:120610] E.V., Everett, PA
Please vote to oppose S.510. This bill does not provide food security, it actually threatens food security by promoting large scale agricultural production. Large scale agriculture allows for a greater chance for wide spread food supply contamination. True food security is knowing where your food comes from directly. This is possible through purchasing food directly from local farms. S.510 prevents consumers from having the choice to purchase safe local foods through over-regulation of small farming operations.


[051038:120610] R.F., Fenton, MO
S.510 is a direct asuault on the small and family farmer and a boon to the big corperate farmer. Farming should be small and local where ever possible. Please stop S.510 and do the speople a favor. We need our small farmere.


[045414:120610] D.O., Tyler, TX
It is difficult for me to even imagine we are having this bill considered. Please stop the Progressives from crushing the Free Market American way of life.


[222323:120510] K.T., El Cajon, CA
This bill will do nothing but close down organic farmers and give control to the very agencies who are doing their job...the FDA will not protect regulate food all that will happen is give big corporations more power to continue approving food that causes serious health issues, is the root of diseases, look the other way as these mass corps pump Americas foods with artifical prservatives, chemicals, dyes, steroids, and replace whole foods with fake commercial profit making foods. I WILL NOT SUPPORT this or any similiar bill too much damage has already been done!


[113738:120510] D.H., Savannah, GA
I deserve the right to choose what type of food my family eats. Our bodies were not designed to eat Genetically Modified foods, pesticides, and a long range of various food additives. The Constitution was written to protect our natural rights. I consider the type of food my family eats a natural right. This bill will have a negative effect on the overall health of America, on organic farmers, and small family farms. Only large corporations that fund the regulatory agencies will benefit from this bill.


[084412:120510] J.B., Fenton, MO
S 510 will not protect food safety. It will provide yet another advantage to Big Ag. It will crush small farms and ranches. THIS IS NOT AMERICA!

NO PART of this bill should be allowed. No compromises, no crook burglarizes your house and by compromise gets to keep half. The safest food producers in the world are small farms in America, while Big Ag destoys anything that does not give them a protected and always growing profit.

The FDA is not enforcing the rules it has with respect to Big Ag. They are in bed together. This is to crush small, especially organic and backyard, food producers, the safest food producers, and the FDA having yet more power will not be used on the problem, who are their Big Ag buddies.


[065849:120510] D.M., Phoenix, AZ
In the name of decency and our God given right to grow food, DO NOT pass this bill. It is one giant step towards slavery of the American people.


[062424:120510] J.D., Newton, NJ
It's important to protect all US citizens (i.e. farmers) against infringements by the US government. I am asking that the House reject Bill s510.


[181356:120410] J.W., Fort Myers, FL
The FDA has no business regulating the American people even more than they already do. At what point do we, as FREE citizens, have the right to choose what we eat, how we eat, and from where we acquire our food?

In addition, it seems counter-intuitive to expand the powers of the FDA, in the aftermath of the egg and peanut butter fiasco, when they failed so miserably to exercise the current powers they hold.

The FDA appears to be beholden to large scale farm operations and if S.510 passes, the small local farmer, along with the freedom of the American people, will suffer.


[095554:120410] J.M., Cyrus, MN
I am so tired of the big guys looking out for themselves! This does not appear to help my neighbor....I like to have my options open....I trust my neighbors and I like to buy from them....


[083810:120410] R.D., Franklinville, NY
We need to pay attention to people, not money and certainly not Big Ag who is slowly but surely poisoning America. Anyone who is in a public office should be there to help the people, not to take monies that encourage them to do what is wrong. We as Americans take for granted certain rights and freedoms that apparently are not considered something to be considered anymore. We are a country that has valued self reliance so why would you now vote yay on something that would end any of those self reliance values?


[051602:120410] L.H., Pine Hill, AL


[045608:120410] C.S., Bolingbrook, IL
Dear Representatives,
Please vote against S510, "Food Safety" bill. This bill is an outright assault on small local growers. I have a right to purchase my food from local organic growers. Do not infringe on that right.


[010240:120410] K.K., Nanticoke, PA
This bill is completely unconstitutional. The power that this bill places into the hands of one government agency is obscene. The FDA's current policies already lean in favor of large corporate food organizations, so it is easy to see who future regulations will be applied to if this bill passes. (Hint: It's not going to be huge food corporations) This bill grants UNSPECIFIED power to the FDA to essentially do as it pleases with food laws. If this bill passes, it should not come as a surprise to anyone when good old farmer John from outside of town goes to prison because the milk he produced was not up to some arbitrary, asinine code that the FDA created. DO NOT PASS THIS BILL. Look at the general health and the current diet of most Americans. How will this help? Choose for yourself what food to put into your body. It is part of being an adult.


[002236:120410] D.B., Bunker Hill, WV
As the owner of a small farm, I am shocked that instead of trying to help keep farming alive and to help economy, you wish to destroy it, in fail swoop. This bill is as wrong as two left shoes, do not pass it, we need farms and farming, to do what this bill will set in motion will be a stake in the farming heart.


[191445:120310] K.D., Sandy, UT
Please vote against S.510 so that small, local farmers are not forced out of business. These farmers provide us with fresh, REAL food unlike the food-like substances produced by many of the large conglomerates. The increasing amounts of processed foods in our diets is leading to the decline in health of individuals in our nation. If S.510 were to pass it could potentially make it harder for us to access fresh, locally grown foods. The FDA already has the jurisdiction to prevent the recent food outbreaks. They don't need more laws to assist them in that. VOTE AGAINST S.510!


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