Beet Keep Rock Opera to have Luminaries? by YourEnchantedGardener .....
Keep The Beet is a Rock Opera featuring The Luminaries
Date: 8/26/2010 11:45:22 AM ( 15 y ago)
This art was created
August 27, 2010
One Thing about Leslie,
When things around him get
super stressful,
at a certain point he goes
down, down, down into the depths
of the Crack, expresses his feelings.
At the bottom of the Crack,
he finds his Soul.
Then, he starts to Create something.
I think this is the nature
of who he is as a HaSeed.
We have the capaciity inside us
to dance and be joy filled in the face
of the Shift that is now ending
the History of our LIfe as we know it.
what will emerge?
BPA and Chlorine Free water bottle system
and Biosmart
Earthsmart 100% Sustainable
Packaging made of Bagasse sugar cane by-product
for sponsoring this film and Plant Your Dream Blog
presence at the Venice Eco Fest 2010. Through supporting
heartfelt Green Companies we will end the use of
styrofoam, poor plastic use. Together we can help
to redistribute wealth and foster dreams
to bring in 1000 years of living in peace
with our Mother Earth. Mother Earth is looking
to you, a Rainmaker and Sunshine bringer
to Root Your Dream now through learning to grow
some of your own food. Plant Beet seeds and beet roots.
Keep the Beet. Regain your Beat with Nature.
9:31 am
August 27, 2010
I see part of this being recording at
the High Holidays....
with the kids...