Join the Gulf Call to Sacred Action by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Join the Gulf Call to Sacred Action. This contains my notes listening to the third call of the Sacred Call to Gulf Action. I am listening now for the first time.

Date:   6/27/2010 6:03:49 PM ( 14 y ago)

July 17, 2010
A message to those honoring
the Gulf Call to Sacred Action
Keeping the "Beet" with Nature


The third call of the Evolutionary Leaders
The Gulf Call for Sacred Action
that took place July 13 is must listening.

The Call to Sacred Activism

Message from
Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Andrew Harvey,
and Greg Braden

Barbara gives Leslie a hug
at the Unity Conference.
We planted Seeds to grow 1000 years of peace.


On the front lines of Evolutionary Leadership:
The attempt to live together
in the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community

I feel frustrated this morning.
8;27 am
July 14, 2010


This Plant Your Dream Blog has my notes from the Third Phone call for Sacred Action in the Gulf, July 13.

Video of Barbara Marx Hubbard planting seeds to grow 1000 years of peace in June 2010. Greg Braden called for forming small pods where we live. He sees what is happening now as a repeat of what happened 5000 and 10,000 years ago. Braden calls for cooperative living over competition, choosing love over fear. This mathematically is where we were at in 1989, the year of the Valdez. This will likely be the first of many crisis the potentially peril our species, yet give us choice to make the necessary choices (Harvey). Barbara sees emergence out of the crisis. Read my take, and my notes listening to the call. It's time to return to the beet, through beginning to grow a bit of our own food. A Moment of Awakening is the opportunity
through nourishing our soul and soil connection.



written July 13
Keep The Beet Media Star
Syndicated Column Draft One


5:43 pm
July 13, 2010


It is literally driving us to new solutions.
The human species needed....
this crisis...
awakening...the desire for clean energy...


the crisis of the oil spill...

in deepest sense

to activate our new potential...

force us into the new policies...

We need to map and track not only what is breaking down
but breaking through.,,,

What could lead to a more

what on the personal level?

it connects us...

it breaks our heart..

it opens us to the relationship to all life on earth.

Look for what is emerging,

Donate what you can,
The info will be given to you.

If you have a motivation
to give more,
be more...
that is the evolutionary spirit inside you.
Your potential is being called forth.

The crisis is awakening it....

a powerful uprising of a new view,

We can have a
more equitable world.

demand the policy changes that we need.

replace the Gulf Crisis as the crisis
of a more human, compassionate sustainable world.

Give financially,
and with your intention...


join in the Call to conscious Evolution.

be part of the growing family of humanity
giving their gift...

The uprising of pioneering souls,

We will send you ways to particpate

11 1 11 all in Washington D.C.

meet face to face.
for an uprising of creativitiy.
join us....we will send you a link.

Barbara inviting all to Washington DC

ROD: Tags Barbara as Matriarch.

INtroducing Andrew Harvey.

5:40 pm

Barbara plants 1000 years of peace with Leslie


at The Unity Conference,San DIego, CA June 2010.


What is Sacred...Action???

communal false selves destruction...

I believe the brithing is called Sacred Activism.

Marriage of two fires
fire of the mystic...
burned in Rumi, erupted the fire
to be one with the one.
THe fire that has throughout history
transformed into

The Fire of the Activists Passion for justice.
when these two fires are brought togeher
fused. third fire is born
the fire of love and wisdom in action.
a nuclear force of transformation,
a fire that connects the person who births it
with the love fire of the Godhead...
of transformation,
the Divine...emanating...

THird force of Sacred Activism...

increasing the Divinized....


Strip the mask...

The corporations are death machines of greed,
including devastaing.
they are doing this on a scale of absolute horror
all over the world.
Anyone who has half a mind....
opulence built on death.

ripped open...
mask of our government being ripped open...
government in bed with the corporate money lenders
very compromised on every level.

third mask being ripped...
our own mask...
everyone is involved in the difference systems
that have created the lust for power...
the pursuit of endless...

death machine erupting in the gulf.
as long as we are addicted to this lifestyle

the drip of one day...
all the oil that is spilled in the gulf.
our shadow and desire for comfort...
is colluding with this corporating

a tragic shadow stain egging us to wake up.

There is of course a message
of the light feminine...

I don;t think prayer will be enough in this crisis.

I don't think it will be enough...
to do what is important.

a revolution of loving...

everything needs to be transformed...

We may cheer when the Gulf oil is capped,
but one of the things, is one of pur
perpetually illustions that technology can
can fix everything.

We will not be helped by the corporations.
the governments will not move past enough...
the media owned will try to make triumphant noices.

one solution is in a grassroots,
massively connected
of love and action
of sacred activitism
this is not going to be easy.
this is not

have to be enacted by people willing to sacrefice
the way our lifestyles keep it going
willing to look at how
nietive the shadow of desolution
truly brave and ..
plunge into the

open to organizing
to bring in the birth at every level..
against deep opposition.

Do you think the corporations will roll over and
or the government n bed with them

we have to get moving,

we need a networks of grace,...
15 people...who meet over a heart break
who meet over mutural celebration...
in real communities..
otherwise, with great respect for everything...
without this committment to accept our shadow...
in our addition to oil...

to transform this shadow...
radical action...

[ I like the sound of this man ]

If we can be brave enough...
and humble enough...
I believe we can..
I shall go on working for it...
it is going to cost...
have to bring the full resources
a shattered open mind

beautiful part...
listen to Andrew Harvey...
This is good...

take it seriously...
came from Chartes...
with indigenous leaders...
They are not getting an easy message.
immense suffering ahead.
prepare to live more radically simple lives.
We will have to go through a revoltution.

profound warning, from indigenous people,
and profound hope..

5:07 pm

Thank everyone.

acknowledging over 9000 humans from around the world.
created the time in their lives.
found it was a priority to
something has drawn us together.
some I know, some I don't...

Were you surprised by this crisis?

Greg answers:

It is amazing to me, the volcanic...
was I surprised the technology broke down.

Braden said he worked for Phillips Petrol
in 70's. He learned a lot about the industry and the tech.
for me, context...
this is what we are all being asked...
this is one of many crisis that is unfolding in our lives.
we are desentized by so many..
how everything fits together.

How this nanosecond fits in my life.

We as a species are living a rare and
special time in our lives.
driver by erth's position in the heavens.
cycles repeat, and repeat again.

Our indigenous ancestors..
saw five cycles led to collaspe of the most
they buckled and collaspes...
the five epochs before us.

the way we live our live has to change...
ocean's rise and fall..

ice melts and grows.
it is clear...when we look

Book Fractal Time.
it is clear...the big picture.
clear we are in one now.

The world changes on a cycleing basis.

the system seems to collapse if they are not sustainable..

The systems that are not sustainable collapse.

in sept 2005...experts stgated
we are, our planet, the number of these crisis
can bring and end of civilization as we know it.
we are living multiple crisis...
eight to ten years.
we have to solve the greatest crisis
that has ever existed.

finite system of energy.
based on this.
not sustainable economu
unsustainabily systems are collapsing
the tech is not good or bad.
the thnking underlying.
we have some of the most tech on this planet.
we have the opportunity
that the past four or five cyclems did not do.
they made a choice.
we can avoid the choice.
when the world changed.
people competed with one another..
everyone lost, no one won.
your individual choices.
our collective answers where you shop
are acting in the

potential for something much worse...

They do not have to happen...
the horrible things.

We are all feeling the need to change.
The evolution leaders group has come together
to give voice 'through
the media..
carrying nationwide.

offering a vehicle to come together
to share our collective voice for change.
when we look at the past...
history repeats itself.

he wrote Fractal Time.
patterns repeating now.

whether the spill in Valdez.
or 2010....the year the conditions same
mathematically as 1989
they are cycling in nation]
they are seed events that put in motion
seed events until something changes
that pattern...
as new and fresh as it appears
it is part of a cyclem..

understnad the rhuthms of nature.
now and the next three years.
the conditons of disasters are slated to repeat.
knowing that they do not need to repeat.

I was having this conversation...
three years ago in Washington..
Greg...our civ western is the most powerful
is the most powerful ever to...
it will never collapse...
the moment we begin to think like that.
The history is littered with exaamples of the past.

Braden visited norther Peru,
oldest complete civ.
predates..anything known
5000 year mark when last cycle ended and new one.
last one collapsed 5000 years ago...
right around same time...

In India...also 9000-10000 found in India...
with advanced...but had no written records...
found in India they disappeared two cycles ago.
civ is must older than we imagined.

question there were powerful civilizaions...
why did they disappear...
they fall on these 5000 cylcems
those that collapsed competed.
those that survived...
chose to coopertive and work together
and share what we know
as a family.
to transcend the great turning of the errth.
just becuase cnn or new york times
doesnit see it,
how will we respond to the changes.

Braden: mentioning the event in Washington
1-1 11 in Washington...

sheer volume,

we embrace this moment of change,
voice the sustainable possibility,
kind of event that can trigger it
I don't think it has to...

this is the opportunity
it comes down to love or fear...
everyday we have an opportunity
to choose love or fear...

the kind of media we support.

They go on retreat.

I think there is an opportunity to take those structures.
of the form of existing corporations...
there is an opportunity to work within those structures.
this is where the leadership needs to go...

I am closing...
touches your heart and your mind.

we have come together as a voice.
as a voice for all the evo leader
reclaim our hearts and minds.
how far can we go in this cycle
to transcend where we did not go before.


Andrew says,
it is going to get worse before it gets better.
the catapillar collapses...
my passionate these groups should be formed...
small groups of 15...
role the Evolutionary Leaders want to connect the dots..

Excited to finally have a facebook page...
a Facebook fan page...


DEBBIE is closing out the call now.

6:30 pm

we came together together to rrancend the individual eye
to the collective we.

Collette Baron Reed going, Debbie Ford is going.

Next: The Sacred Cell, or Self..
Bruce Lipton...journey through
influence the cells of our body and the cells of our body.

We have created a facebook fan page...

August 31 public event in LA....

launching leadership program in 2010.

Sense of what it will be...

Turn on our collective hearts....
November 1 2011




Powerful resource


4:59 am
June 29, 2010

SUNDAY....June 27, 2010:

Suppose to have a gathering here at 4;00 pm
Two of my guests that I wanted to come to this intimate gathering
will not be here. I did not get a confirmation from Beth Bolwerk
until a few minutes ago that she is on the way.

We are in Summer Shift 2010.

I got up really really and thanks to the Grapevine
found out about this:

Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action

3:59 pm
June 27, 2010

Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
Posted by Serena on June 24, 2010 at 11:30am
View Serena's blog

This is a replacement message to the email delivered last night.
This message contains the correct signup link.
You are receiving this message because you signed A Call to Conscious Evolution

Are you tired of sitting around while our environment is being destroyed?

Do you feel helpless, angry or powerless to make a difference
as you watch millions of gallons of oil pouring into the Gulf every day
with no end in sight and thousands losing their lives and their livelihoods?
Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
The Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution have joined together
to be a loud and important voice for all who feel powerless.
The People Need You ~ The Gulf Needs You

Join the Evolutionary Leaders for three FREE inspiring, profound and
world-changing, global, 70-minute gatherings via telephone and internet

When tens of thousands take one small collective step,
there will be a powerful impact for the good of humanity.

You have the opportunity here today to make dramatic change.
Let people know who you are and what you stand for.
Sign up today to participate in The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
Setting Our Sacred Intention
Saturday June 26th
10:00 AM Pacific/1:00 PM Eastern

We begin by setting our collective intention. Join Deepak Chopra to set our powerful vision and participate in a worldwide Intention Experiment with renowned author and
scientist Lynne McTaggart. Explore how our collective
intention, our voice and our commitment can impact the cleanup of the oil spill.
And then we will be graced by Jean Houston who will share with
us why this time matters and why we matter.
The Power of Sacred Prayer
Tuesday July 6th
5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern

Our collective prayers and thoughts have the power to cause a profound shift on the planet. Pray with some of the most powerful spiritual thought leaders -- Reverend Michael Bernard
Beckwith, Joan Borysenko, James O'Dea
and more. Together we discover that we have the power to change the
The Heart of Sacred Activism
Tuesday July 13th
5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern

Open up and connect to the deeper heart of our planet where we hear our individual and collective call to action. Together with sacred activists Barbara Marx Hubbard,
Gregg Braden, and Andrew Harvey, we will take
back our power and move into powerful action that will forever change our lives
and the lives of generations to come.

Hi, I'm Debbie Ford, one of the Evolutionary Leaders, and I'll have the honor of hosting and moderating these three world-changing calls. Please join all of us by signing up today and then
become an Agent of Change by sharing this message with your friends. (Email it.
Share it on Facebook. Tweet it.)
Sign up today to participate in The Gulf Call to Sacred Action

Participate in any of the conversations live on the phone or on the web.
If you miss a call, podcast recordings will be available.
You are important. Your life and your actions make a difference.
Please know that we need you to join us.

The calls are FREE but we are asking that if it is possible for you
to donate even a $1, $10, or $20, the Evolutionary Leaders will deliver your contributions
to the local communities directly affected by the oil spill.
All donations will be taken through the Chopra Foundation.

Donate today and be an Agent of Change!
A special opportunity to give and participate
If you donate over $2,500, come with Andrew Harvey, Debbie Ford and some of the other Evolutionary Leaders to Louisiana and be a part of ceremony where we will
deliver the funds. This will be a life-changing experience for you and your
loved ones.

The Gulf Call to Sacred Action is your opportunity to connect with
the spiritual warrior inside who knows you matter, you make a difference, the world needs you, and you are part of
greater than yourself.
Sign up today to participate in The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution invite you in.

Pass it on! Click here to forward this message.

Tags: action, call, gulf, join, sacred, the, to
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Comment by Noha 12 hours ago
I'm signed up! How are you going Serena?

The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
sponsored by Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution

Thank you for visiting the website for The Gulf Call to Sacred Action.

The next scheduled call is Tuesday July 13th at 5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern.

The call will be held at 712-432-0075 code 753806#

To listen live over the internet, return here 15 minutes before the live call to access webcast player.

You will find call recordings, resources and announcements here after each call.

Call 2 - The Power of Sacred Prayer

Call recording and resources will be posted shortly.

Call 1 - Setting Our Sacred Intention

(Please note: You will hear a lot of beeps on the first 15 minutes of the call but they do stop about a quarter of the way through the recording.)

To donate to the people affected by this crisis in the Gulf region:

To read Deepak's 8-point plan:

To join Deepak's LinkedIn Collective Creativity Group:

To read a fascinating blog from Lynne McTaggart about the oil spill:

To learn more about Lynne's intention experiments:

To learn more about Jean Houston:

To listen to spontaneous prayers and OMs that happened after today's call ended:

To read about Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution:


6:39 PM
July 13, 2010

The Gulf Call to Sacred Action - 3 visits - 4:33pm
Sign up today to participate in The Gulf Call to Sacred Action. The Heart of Sacred Activism Tuesday July 13th 5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 PM Eastern ...
- Cached
Ecological Buddhism Blog: THE GULF CALL TO SACRED ACTION: A ...
Jun 24, 2010 ... The Gulf Call to Sacred Action is based on the interior knowledge that each of us makes a difference, the world needs us and we are part of ... - Cached
The Gulf Call To Sacred Action with Deepak Chopra, James O'Dea ...
Jun 26, 2010 ... STARTING THIS SATURDAY: Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action The Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution have joined together ... - Cached
The Gulf Call to Sacred Action | Facebook - 4:41pm
Jun 28, 2010 ... Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action Join the Evolutionary Leaders for three FREE inspiring, profound and world-changing, global, ...
- Cached
The Gulf Call to Sacred Action « The 2012 Scenario
Jul 2, 2010 ... Thank you for visiting the website for The Gulf Call to Sacred Action. The next scheduled call is Tuesday July 6th at 5:30 PM Pacific/8:30 ... - Cached
Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action
Jun 29, 2010 ... The Evolutionary Leaders: In Service to Conscious Evolution have joined together to be a loud and important voice for all who feel ... - Cached
Join the Gulf Call to Sacred Action - Democratic Underground
Sign up today to participate in The Gulf Call to Sacred Action Participate in any of the conversations live on the phone or on the web. ...
- Cached
Alison Rose Levy: Deepak Chopra: Oil Spill Requires 'Sacred Call ...
Jun 29, 2010 ... Deepak Chopra and a group called the Evolutionary Leaders issued a Gulf Call to Sacred Action last week--to help spark a broad and ...
- Cached
Join the Gulf Call to Sacred Action by YourEnchantedGardener - 4 visits - 4:40pm
Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action 3:59 pm. June 27, 2010. Join The Gulf Call to Sacred Action Posted by Serena on June 24, 2010 at 11:30am ... - Cached


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