#S-510 will kill Wulzen factor for Good by YourEnchantedGardener .....

#S-510 will kill Wulzen factor for Good

Date:   4/13/2010 5:56:17 PM ( 14 y ago)

One of the byproducts of The (FDA) Food Safety Moderniization Act
is that it will outlaw Vitamin K2 For good.

This is the little known naturally occurring vitamin that I first
heard about from Dr. Bernard Jensen, who helped improve
the lives of people with arthritis through pointing out the
Wulzen Factor contained in raw sugarcane.

Dr. Weston Price also studied about the work
of Rosalind Wulzen of Oregon and underscored her findings
that this vitamin K2 is in raw butter and dairy products..

This does not apply to pasteurized dairy products.

Here is an historic article about the world of
Dr. Rosalind Wulzen of Oregon:


THIS is an article by Royal Lee
from "Let's Live Magazine"
published in 1953.

Dr. Bernard Jensen was well aware
of the work of Dr Rosalind Wulzen
as well as Dr. Royal Lee.


Dr. Rosalind Wulzen, of Oregon State
College, has shown us how guinea pigs
fed pasteurized cream, as a fat source,
invariably develop arthritis but are quickly
cured by raw cream. She found that
sugar cane juice was 500 times as high
in the special anti-arthritic factor as raw
cream. This was a result of testing the
Posted for noncommercial historical preservation
and educational use only by seleneriverpress.com
cow feed in detail for the source of the
anti-arthritic factor, which was' only
found in high amounts in the molasses
that was supplied as a preservative in
silage for the cow.

Palatable source
Dr. Price found that there was no
anti-arthritic value in common butter,
only in butter from cows getting rich
grass in the spring of the year. Since
the green plant juices that we might
get in ordinary diets are very limited,
molasses seems to offer a palatable source
of concentrated minerals and vitamins
that otherwise we never may have the
opportunity to enjoy.
A practical review



While attending Marquette University problems of nutrition were among his major interests. A paper he prepared in December 1923, outlined the relationship of vitamin deficiency to tooth decay and showed the necessity of vitamins in the diet. His continuing research led to the development of Catalyn ®, a vitamin concentrate derived from natural sources. In 1929 the Vitamins Products Company was founded and the one original product became the nucleus of a complete line of nutritional supplements. Dr. Lee designed specific equipment utilizing high-vacuum, low-temperature drying techniques to preserve the maximum nutrients of the whole foods used in Standard Process® products.

Dr. Lee's overwhelming passion was nutrition. He incorporated Dr. Albrecht's experiments and discoveries with soil into his own research; and, for almost 50 years, Dr. Lee "amassed an encyclopedic body of knowledge in plant, animal, and human health and its links to soil, food processing, diet, and nutrition.... To coordinate and communicate nutritional breakthroughs from both his own laboratory and laboratories throughout the world, he established The Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, which in its day was the world's largest clearing house for nutritional information for doctors, homemakers, and agriculturalists."

In the early 1920’s, America faced a new health threat: coronary heart disease. Dr. Lee knew that the vitamins and other nutrients were removed from flour and rice by commercial milling, and he believed that this had a bearing on the subject of heart disease. At about this same time, the scientific community was able to isolate vitamins and standardize them as drugs. In effect, the food manufacturers altered and removed the health-sustaining components from the grains they were milling and then “fortified” the product by adding synthetic, inert vitamins. thus, the public was fooled into thinking they were getting the real thing.

In 1937, at the same time Dr. Lee was in court fighting the FDA to be able to advertise Zypan®(the hydrochloric acid tablet he designed to help with digestion), Camel cigarettes was able to advertise in Life magazine that smoking cigarettes would promote digestion!!!

This Camel ad can be seen in Empty Harvest and it shows a Thanksgiving meal divided into five courses, with short blurbs on how smoking in between each course will "help your digestion to run smoothly".

A food editor, Miss Dorothy Malone, is pictured in one comer of the ad, saying, "It's smart to have Camels on the table. My own personal experience is that smoking Camels with my meals and afterwards builds up a sense of digestive well-being." The cigarette ad went on to say, "Enjoy Camels all you wish - all through the day."

Dr. Lee and other pioneers exposed the chronic malnutrition rampant in our nation, how indigestion was caused by the worn-out digestive tracts of the civilized diet, how dental caries, diabetes, and other diseases were caused by sugar, and they were persecuted with the full power and unlimited taxpayer resources of the FDA.

Dr. Lee was branded a racketeer because he promoted whole, natural, unadulterated foods with their vitamins and minerals intact. When he designed digestive aids with enzymes and calcium products to replace the loss of the minerals through processing and sugarized diets, he was branded a faddist and extremist who was duping the public.



Lee's first product was Catalyn, a patent medicine composed of milk sugar, wheat starch, wheat bran, and other plant material. During the early 1930s, a shipment of Catalyn was seized by the FDA and destroyed by court order because it had been marketed with false claims of effectiveness against goiter, hardening of the arteries, heart trouble, high blood pressure, insomnia, prostate trouble, and other serious ailments.

In 1945, the FTC ordered Lee and the Vitamin Products Company to discontinue illegal claims for Catalyn and other products. In 1956, the Post Office Department charged Lee's foundation with fraudulent promotion of a book called Diet Prevents Polio. The foundation agreed to discontinue the challenged claims.

From 1961 through 1965, Lee received help in "research development and marketing" from Kurt W. Donsbach, D.C., who did literature research and gave nutrition seminars, primarily to chiropractors who were interested in marketing the company's products to their patients [2]. In 1962, Lee and Vitamin Products were convicted of misbranding 115 special dietary products by making false claims for the treatment of more than 500 diseases and conditions. Lee received a one-year suspended prison term and was fined $7,000. [3] Lee also consented to a permanent injunction prohibiting his use of claims for the products as well as claims such as "Arthritis and tooth decay are caused by the eating of cooked foods"and "Some 700,000 people a year die of preventable and curable heart disease caused by deficiency of natural vitamins." [4]

aims to harmonize more with it through the passage
of s-510, The (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act.


Please be clear about this.

Codex misapplies a toxic chemicals risk assessment model to regulate helpful nutrients. Vitamin and mineral guidelines should evaluate nutrients with nutrition science rather than with the toxicological science used to evaluate toxins. Codex fails in this fundamental requirement by erroneously applying toxic chemical risk assessment principles, such as: nutrients should be treated as toxins; foods and nutrients are not useful in treating disease; supplements have little value because people can get the limited amounts they need from food; known reference values are more important than unique individual nutrient needs; and Western science is preferred to individual choice as the best control on access to dietary supplements.
Codex reinforces, in its vitamin and mineral guidelines, its existing prohibition on preventing truthful information about the ability of foods and nutrients to treat, diagnose, prevent, mitigate and cure disease. World hunger experts recognize that nutrient supplementation can be extraordinarily useful in improving world health and eliminating disease (vitamin A supplements in developing countries can offer 30 times as much social improvement as one dollar of development aid), a fact which the Codex vitamin and mineral guideline ignores.

The US Codex official website is

For Further Information Contact:
U.S. Codex Office
Room 4861, South Building
Washington, DC 20250-3700
Phone: (202) 205-7760
Fax: (202) 720-3157
uscodex (at) fsis.usda.gov

OF THE FDA is one of the WORLD's

He is the man who wrote the book.
One of the other world leaders on Risk Assessment
is the head of the Codex.

Michael R. Taylor, is our Food Czar.

S-510 is a clear attempt to harmonize U.S. Policy
with the International Codex Standard.

WORDS from July 2009

Michael R. Taylor is one of the most influential l men
in Food Safety and International Food Policy
for our age.


After a series of well-publicized cases of food contamination – E. coli-tainted meat, melamine-adulterated pet food and baby formula, salmonella-infected peanut butter – the public has been well primed to look toward Congress to fix a poorly funded and insufficiently staffed food safety inspection system. And, right on cue, a crop of “food safety” bills gets dumped our way. The most controversial and transformational of these pieces of legislation, Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro’s HR 875, can be traced directly to recommendations made by the Trust for America’s Health, a non-profit organization sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.


It’s no real surprise that Taylor’s think-tank-funded policy on risk assessment, like his report “Food Safety Updated: Developing Tools for a More Science- and Risk-Based Approach,”(9) underwritten by the Milbank Memorial Fund and Resources for the Future, has been embraced and institutionalized by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.

Codex – A Tool of Global Governance by Corporate Command

If some variation of this batch of bad bills is passed into legislation, US citizens will find their laws considerably closer to becoming harmonized with Codex Alimentarius, a set of international food codes crafted by unaccountable and unelected bureaucrats in conjunction with vested industry and trade interests. It’s important that the public learns more about Codex, because its “standards” will be enforced by the World Trade Organization to govern global trade practices of all its member nations. Furthermore, this body of food codes will take legal precedence over national laws, like the 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA).


The standards created by the Codex Alimentarius Commission are set to enable industry interests to dictate and control rules covering vitamins, minerals and nutrients, genetically modified plants and livestock, toxic residues, antibiotics, drugs, growth stimulants and other hormones in food and animals, organic foods, the irradiation of plants and animal food and nanotechnology. Scott Tips, President of the National Health Federation, the only accredited health freedom organization allowed to participate at Codex meetings, projects that these standards are on tract to be implemented sometime between 2011 and 2013.

Codex committees — such as the Codex Committees on Food Additives and Contaminants (CCFAC), Pesticide Residues (CCPR), Residues of Veterinary Drugs in Foods (CCRVDF), Food Hygiene (CCFH), General Principles (CCGP), Food Labeling (CCFL), Nutrition and Food for Dietary Uses (CCNFDU), Import and Export Inspection and Certification Systems (CCFICS) and Methods of Analysis an Sampling (CCMAS) – all employ the concept of risk management to determine the rules they recommend to the Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC).

Codex standards are of critical importance to agribusiness, because they are acknowledged as the appropriate guidelines in the Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) and Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Agreements of the WTO Agreement. While the WTO had provisions that allowed member states to create barriers to trade by citing national legislation to ensure food safety, those provisions would become void, thanks to the SPS and TBT agreements, if an international safety standard created by Codex determined otherwise. So, thanks to the unelected and unaccountable private deal-makers who wrote these trade agreements, Codex rules will trump national law.

April 13, 2010
3:51 PM

NOVEMBER 16, 2010
10:28 pm




Sweeping Inconvenient Facts Under the Rug

In addition to her work toward the implementation of Codex, it’s worth noting that Christine Taylor Lewis has done her part to rewrite history to make her husband’s tenure at the FDA to appear less corrupt than it, in fact, was. Talk about housekeeping. While serving as the thesis advisor to a Tuft’s university student, Taylor oversaw the details of a dissertation entitled the “Labeling of Genetically Modified Foods: Stakeholder Perceptions of the Food and Drug Administration’s Public Consultation Processes and Food Industry Reactions to the United States Voluntary and European Union Mandatory Policies.”(12)

This thesis belongs to Janice Lee Albert, who happened to be an employee of the UN’s Food and Agricultural Organization in Rome while working on her dissertation. Albert’s dissertation focuses on the controversy over labeling GMOs, a topic that deeply involved Michael Taylor, her thesis advisor’s husband. However, that marital relationship is never disclosed in the dissertation. In fact, while Mr. Taylor’s work is described throughout the dissertation, Albert fails to identify him by name as a key participant in the controversy. On the contrary, when Michael Taylor is – finally – mentioned by name, it is as one of twenty-four people Albert interviewed to obtain their views on the appropriateness of the FDA’s labeling decisions. Astonishingly, Albert identifies Michael Taylor as an “Independent Expert,” revealing nothing about the fact he (1) previously worked as a lawyer for the company who’s product was getting special treatment or (2) the fact that he was the one in charge of implementing the concept of “substantial equivalence” at the FDA or (3) went to work for Monsanto afterwards.

Under Christine Lewis Taylor’s supervision, Albert’s thesis defends the FDA’s controversial labeling decision and its consultation processes with the public as being “conducted as intended by law.” Albert claims that members of the public who are dissatisfied with the FDA’s decision not to label GMO products just don’t understand the all the factors that go into making decisions at the FDA. She’s probably correct on that point: Most of the public is under the mistaken assumption that the FDA has a responsibility to protect it from the unsafe products of an untested technology. Thanks to her explanation, at least we now know that certain employees of the FDA consider their only legal obligation is to offer the public an opportunity to voice its concerns, not act upon them.


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