Schedule in process for the upcoming Cultivating Food Justice Conference by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Schedule in process for the upcoming Cultivating Food Justice Conference

Date:   4/6/2010 4:57:09 PM ( 14 y ago)




I am posting this here for now to remind me
that I need to extract my parts and create an email
to some of the potential speakers.

Saturday April 24

8:00 - 9:00 / Registration

8:30-9:00am / Morning Movement Ritual
Conference attendees will be led through a gentle movement practice that will include Tai Chi and Qigong principles in which we will: greet the rising sun
and honor the cardinal directions; warm-up our morning bodies by rooting our feet into Mother Earth and also unfolding up toward the great cosmos of Father Sky; and
find the meeting place of them all ~ here, at the very center of our very human Earth bodies. Led by Cara Cadwallader

9:00 - 10:00 / Welcome and "What is Food Justice" Plenary

10-10:15am/Opening Ceremony
In a brief opening ceremony, we will plant our conference intention to Cultivate Food Justice in our city and in the world. Join us, as we collectively root this dream through re-potting three local, organic beets in a single pot grown by three beloved San Diego farmers. Join together as we root our individual and collective beat with nature. We will also water a tree in a pot with locally collected rainwater and, after the conference, this tree will then be replanted at the New Roots Garden.
Facilitated by San Diego's Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, and Cara Cadwallader

10:15 - 11:30 / Workshop Session 1 (1:15 minutes)

Introduction to the Farm Bill and other federal food policy
Organized by Ian Miller
Speakers: Jill Richardson
Description: A primer on the federal legislation known as the Farm Bill that affects all our diets by subsidizing corn, soy and other commodity products thus making unhealthy ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup or soybean oil cheaper than real foods like fruits and vegetables. This will also cover school lunch, an issue that is currently in Congress right now. Learn how the Farm Bill and other federal food policy directly affects our diets, our environment, and our health.

Growing Families: Food justice and pregnancy, babies and children
Organized by Amy Lint
Speakers: Sara Davis
Description: Growing Families are central to the future of food justice as a movement and as a reality. Not only are pregnant women, babies and children particularly vulnerable to the damaging physical and nutritional affects of food from the industrial food system, they are also some of the most vulnerable targets of shameful advertising, predatory products and corporations, and lack of economic and social access to quality food and the time it takes to provide it. At the same time, bringing food justice to growing families is possible and rewarding! We'll look at all these issues, with special attention to the feeding of babies- breastfeeding and infant formula.

Identifying San Diego's Food History
Organized by Cara; Facilitated by Barry Logan
Speakers may include: a representative of Campo's Kumeyaay Nation & Dominick Fiume
Description: Over ten-thousand years ago, Native Americans (including the San Dieguito, La Jollan and then the Kumeyaay) cultivated a sustainable relationship with this region that we now call San Diego. Theirs was a relationship that took just enough from the natural environment around them - from seafood to small game and from California Oak Tree acorns to Agave. During this workshop, we will investigate further our native food history along with Kumeyaay food traditions while also learning how some of these ancient practices can be and are currently integrated into our 21st century lives. We will also have a hands-on demonstration of how to harvest, prepare and serve a Yucca plant as a nutritious and delicious root vegetable and/or ground flour.

Students in LA add product to mom and pop corner stores ?
Organized by Kat Alexander

Lawn to veggie garden conversion 101 ?
Organized by Julia Dashe
Speakers: Karen Contreras

Deconstructing race and class in the Food System ?
Organized by Lace

Defining Sustainability: Shifting Our Perceptions
Organized by Carolina Prado
Speakers: Cara Cadwallader, Yael Zaidman
Description: Sustainability is about making the most of what we have and shifting our perceptions about the things we use, where they come from and where they go to once we are done with them. A truly sustainable society views waste as unethical and ugly. Thus, learning how to view our consumer-based way of life in terms of "zero waste" requires a new way for perceiving our world. Join us for this experiential workshop in which we will honor and celebrate biodiversity and restorative science, while we also re-pattern our thinking about everyday products by learning how we can turn our refuse into reusable and utilitarian goods.

Basics of Urban Homesteading
Organized by Leslie Goldman
Speakers: Malaki Obado,Carolyn Chase, Bill Tall, Leslie Goldman, plus you!
Be part of a lively discussion joined by other local inspirations living this lifestyle.

Description: Some say we will return to a bright green future with numbers of us growing food in our backyards supplanted by community gardens, and food grown by local organic farmers who we know and support. We will celebrate those who are growing some of their own food at home, growing food not lawns, being backyard farmers, and look at living in intentional community that is earth based. We will show the film "Homegrown Revolution" (Tentative) a 15 minute film about the Dervais community in Pasadena who are paving the way to "a Path to Freedom" through being sustainable right where they live.

Grassroots Organizations: Who They Are, What They're Doing and How to Get Organized
Organized by Cara, Facilitated by Diane
Speakers may include: Diane Moss, Mel Lions, the Environmental Health Coalition & Foundations for Change
Description: This round table discussion will include the voices of active members of local organizations, such as the People's Produce Project and
Roots San Diego Sustainable Food Project, who will share information about their respective organizations as well as address why grassroots organizing is so vital to today's shifting society. The conversation will then be open to the entire group for investigating other organizational needs within San Diego and for providing resources on how to get organized, find funding, and more.

11:30 - 12:00 / Networking Break
Music details here

12:00 - 1:00 / Lunch and Music

1:00 - 1:45 / Workshop Session 2 (45 minutes)

Unraveling NAFTA: Exploring the Trade Agreement and its Consequences on our Food System
Organized by Carolina Prado, Em Hansen Trent
Speakers: Marco Piscil
Description: It’s been 16 years since NAFTA was formally accepted; Where has it gotten us? The United States enjoys cheap food and labor costs, while the lives of many migrant workers and Mexican citizens are in jeopardy as they struggle to survive. Because San Diego is on the border of the US and Mexico, NAFTA has a profound effect on our community. We’ll take a closer look at the reality of the legislation, and the repercussions on our resources, specifically in the agriculture and the food industries.

Food Not Bombs: a story of liberating discarded food
Organized by Ken Eby
Speakers: Ken Eby, Andres
Description: An overview of what Food Not Bombs does and what they believe including a do-it-yourself guide to creating autonomous groups that can work non-hierarchically and effectively challenge the status quo with little to no resources. Topics also include consensus organizing, background info of food waste and restricted access to healthy food and how the state/police enforce and perpetuate these problems.

Global food movements panel: case studies of other country's struggles to reclaim their food systems ?
Note: Merged with Transnational Movements in Food Justice
Organized by Joann Lim, Carolina Prado
Speakers: Raj Patel, David Caruthers?

Greywater and Rainwater Harvesting: low-cost, simple solutions to creating a local water supply
Organized by Brook Sarson
Speakers: Brook Sarson
Description: Brook Sarson, owner of H2OME, San Diego's first rainwater and greywater installation company, will lead you through local water issues, highlighting how you can be part of the solution by harvesting rainwater in your soil and in tanks and by reusing your laundry and shower water in your landscape.

Traditional methods of food production and what's missing from corporate agriculture ?
Organized by Malaki
Speakers: Michael Stoubi? David Larom? Mr. Robinson?

Real Careers in Real Food: how to create jobs and start a business in our food system
Organized by Ian Miller
Speakers: Jim Mumford, Karen Contreras, Lucila
Description: Learn about how people from different backgrounds found gaps in the food system and addressed those gaps by starting their own business. Ask questions of these entrepreneurs and learn about potentials that still exist for the person that wants to start their own business to have a job in the local food system.

Hunger in San Diego
Organized by Jeanette Neeley
Speakers: Casey Field, Liz Landa
Description: Learn about Hunger in America 2010, a national hunger study conducted every 4 years and for the first time includes San Diego County statistics. This study is an overview and snapshot of hunger issues in San Diego. Topics include: An overview of Feeding America San Diego, Food Bank 101 and Food Access (where do we get our food?), Distribution of food and FASD programs, Non-profit partner agencies, Fresh Rescue, Agency Capacity, Community Food Distributions. Special programs such as: Farm2Kids, BackPack and Soup4Supper will be covered. How to get involved: Donate, Volunteer and Advocate.

Speaking Truth to Power & Each Other: Moving toward a Just Language & Logic
Organized by Diane Moss
Speakers: Diane Moss, R. Tambuzi

Container gardening: Secrets Behind a Green Thumb
Organized by Julia Dashe
Speakers: Yael Zaidman, Leslie Goldman, Laura Parker.
Description: Gain confidence you can grow a bit of your own food. Learn you can repot a beet in a pot, keep the beet, and eat the beet greens. Orher foods, herbs, and edible flowers you can grow in a pot.
Free starter beet seeds and pots to Plant Your Dream!

1 open spot

2:00 - 3:45 / Raj Patel Keynote

3:45 - 4:00 / Closing Session

4:00 - 5:00 / Skavolutionary Orchestra

Sunday April 25
8:00 - 9:00 / Registration

8:30-9:00am / Morning Movement Ritual
Conference attendees will be led through a gentle movement practice that will include Tai Chi and Qigong principles in which we will: greet the rising sun
and honor the cardinal directions; warm-up our morning bodies by rooting our feet into Mother Earth and also unfolding up toward the great cosmos of Father Sky; and
find the meeting place of them all ~ here, at the very center of our very human Earth bodies. Led by Cara Cadwallader

9:00 - 10:00 / Maintaining Momentum

10:15 - 11:00 / Workshop 3 (45 Minutes)

Seed Sovereignty: How we can fight corporate ownership and protect our food diversity
Organized by Amy Lint
Speakers: Ian Miller, New Root Community Farm growers
Description: Learn about the importance of genetic ownership as we discuss traditional methods of seed saving and how seed saving is not just a method of saving money but also a practice of preserving culture.

Food Spirituality: history of how food is incorporated into various spritualities/faith traditions (double session)
Organized by Lace

Purchasing Power: Supporting our Local Economies
Organized by Virgilio Felix

Why are farm internships illegal?
Organized by Joann Lim

Farm worker rights panel: hear from workers of the fields, the abuses they suffer and the efforts they're making to reclaim their rights (double session)
Organized by Anita Boen

Farmers Markets: Food Justice and Access
Organized by Mai Nguyen
Speakers: Mai Nguyen, Dianne Moss
Description: Fresh, locally-grown, and justly grown food should be accessible to everyone and not remain a niche market reachable and affordable to a select few. Participate in a discussion about how San Diego farmers’ markets are and can be sites for strengthening food security, food justice, and communities

What's Growing on Campus
Organized by Kristin Kvernland
Speakers: Tamara Myers, Morse High School Garden Coordinator; Kristin Kvernland, Crawford High School Garden Coordinator; Michelle Raymond, Crawford Garden Advisor
Description: Join us for a preview of the farm to school movement here in San Diego. Highlighting various school garden programs this workshop will delve into the importance of exposing youth to gardening and healthy eating as well as discuss some of the barriers to bringing local, chemical free food into the San Diego public school system.

Urban Farming and Aquaponics: Raising Tilapia and Produce in Water
Organized by Sherilin Heise
Speakers: Sherilin Heise
Description: Learn how to become a sustainable Urban Farmer and raise your own edible fish! Topics will include basic introduction to raising fish and vegetables with info on getting started with aquaponics and hydroponics. Health benefits of tilapia and why farm raised tilapia that you grow at home are healthy to eat and better than store-bought---they are hormone-free! You can control the quality of what the fish eat. The end result is a better tasting fish and a healthier fish for you. Get the scientific facts at the workshop. A demonstration will show backyard fish farm of 50 gallons. Simple, affordable, all organic, sustainability gardening. We will also discuss growing edible water plants and garden vegetables, such as lettuce. Class taught by one of San Diego's most prominent tilapia raising experts.

Be One with the World Beat---
Organized by Vigillio Felix and Leslie Goldman
Speaker: Madeka Dread Cheatom,

Spend time with Madeka, founder of the World Beat Center in Baboa Park, midwife of the Raggae movement in San DIego, radio and T.V hostess,
and originator of the Prophet Restaurant, one of San Diego's most acclaimed vegetarian eating places of the 70's. Hear about how she founded the
ethno-botany garden in Balboa Park, and her new passion, Vertical Gardening in small spaces. Makeda is a pioneer of Global Food Justice for
more than 30 years. She will be interviewing Raj Patel and be part of our media team at our conference.

11:15 - 12:00 Workshop Session 4 (45 Minutes)

Service in Style: Restaurants that feature locally grown food add to San Diego’s unique verve
Organized by Em Hansen Trent
Speakers: Jay Porter, Owner of the Linkery; Andrew Schiff, Co-Founder of Spread; Elena Rivellino, General Manager of Sea Rocket Bistro
Description: More and more restaurants are tuning in to the rhythm of San Diego’s year-round growing season, and carving the way for a new cultural vibe in our city. Some are going beyond food service and delving into community-making. Learn what owners and chefs of some of San Diego’s hippest restaurants say about their visions of success.

A Beginner’s Guide to Backyard Chickens
Organized by Shelly Stewart
Speakers: Shelly Stewart
Description: Have you ever thought about adding animals to your garden oasis? Love the idea of fresh eggs or unlimited “compost”? If so, then this workshop is for you! Join us as we embark upon all things chicken including the pros and cons of chicken ownership, general terminology, basic anatomy, food/shelter requirements and estimated maintenance costs. We will also address some of the challenges to raising chickens including local predators and city regulations. This light hearted workshop is packed with information to help you decide with confidence if you are ready to start your own city flock.

Composting 101
Organized by Virgilio Felix

Food Spirituality: history of how food is incorporated into various spritualities/faith traditions (double session)
Organized by Lace

Our Right to Know: A Workshop on the Current Status of Efforts to Require Labeling of Genetically-Engineered Food & What You Can Do to Help
Organized by Nancy Cassady
Speakers: Nancy Cassady
Description: Nationwide efforts are underway to create a labeling system (much like USDA's and QAI's "organic" symbol and the Fair Trade symbol) whereby food that has been scientifically and genetically manipulated would be clearly marked on its packaging. The movement demands accountability and responsibility in the food production industries, and demystifies the cryptic and deceptive product labels that consumers presently face.

Farm worker rights panel: hear from workers of the fields, the abuses they suffer and the efforts they're making to reclaim their rights (double session)
Organized by Anita Boen

“1 in 10” in 2010: Find Out How You Can Be the Change in Our San Diego Local Food System!
Organized by Kristin Kvernland
Speakers: Parke Troutman, AL Anderson-Lazo, Malaki Obado, Kathleen Ferrier, Amy Lint, Judy Jacoby, Kristen Kvernland
Description: “1 in 10 in 2010” is a local food policy advocacy group that emerged in 2008 to bring together social equity, sustainability and development, as well as public health efforts to improve the San Diego food system. Come find out how you can get involved in promoting community farms and gardens; farmers’ markets; sustainable agriculture, composting, greywater and water policy; beekeeping, city chickens, and more. This session will include an update on 1 in 10 policy work this year, and an open discussion of what we can do to create and implement healthy food policy for our region!

Permaculture 101
Organized by Julia Dashe
Speakers: Julia Dashe
Description: Come learn about this sustainable design system, it's ethics and principles, and how you can use it in your garden.

A Sustainable Campus Food System: Stories for Change
Organized by Mariah Hudson
Speakers: Karon Klipple? Julia Dashe? Jared Muscat? Effrin Galvic? Paul Malchoir? Grant Mack? Tim Galameau?

Introduction to the Food Safety Modernization Act #s-510

Organized by Leslie Goldman
Speakers: Leslie Goldman,
Description: The (FDA) Food Safety Modernization Act was being discussed behind closed doors
in Washington around Apiil 10 and has been pending passage for months. This 20-minute briefing will
help you understand how the international Codex Alimentarius Commission has influenced this
bill. This bill may have already passed by the time of our conference. Hear the positive side of the
FDA now coming to our local farmers' markets. A brief intro to the FDA. What can we do not
to educate ourselves and others about real Food Safety based on supporting local organic farmers?
Why do we have a pressing need to coalese all our local food groups so we can create the movement
President Obama has asked to see before he will take action.

12:00 - 1:00 / Lunch
music details here

1:00 - 2:15 / Workshop Session 5 (1:15 minutes)

Cooking with local, seasonal produce
Organized by Anita

Beekeeping for the Intrepid
Organized by Malaki
Speakers: Karon Klipple, Paul Maschka
Description: Did you know that every third bite of food is because of a honeybee’'s pollinating prowess? Have you been thinking about doing some backyard beekeeping? Come hear an introduction to honey bees and low-cost, backyard beekeeping.

The future of water in Southwest US
Organized by Cara
Speakers: Bruce Reznik, Executive Director, San Diego Coastkeeper, Elizabeth Ramos of the Water Conservation Garden
Description: Four years ago, the New York Times reported that a greatly reduced Colorado River would wreak chaos in the seven, southwestern states of Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada and California. This year, Brenda Ekwurzel, a climate scientist at the Union of Concerned Scientists, claimed, “We’ve just completed the hottest decade around the world, and the oceans have reached their hottest records ever.” Global warming coupled with our region's desert empire means that we are in for a wild, but dry ride here in San Diego County in the very near future. Come hear a moderated panel discussion about: the elimination of reduced Agricultural water rates in San Diego County in the year 2013; the pros and cons about the proposed future of water in San Diego - desalination; and what you can do to conserve water in your everyday life now.

Community garden case studies: learn about how New Roots and other community gardens got started and the successes and challenges they've seen
Organized by Virgilio
Speakers: Amy Lint and others.
Description: A look at the New Roots garden, Learn about its history, and the challenges it overcame, and how it became a model community garden
offering spaces to people with many multi-cultural backgrounds.

Healthy Eating, Meal Planning
Organized by Mariah Hudson
Speakers: Amy Lint?

Government and community incentives for urban agriculture redevelopment (how to motivate private land owners to let their space be used for public good)
Organized by Diane Moss

San Diego Growers: Creating a Local Food Distribution Network
Organized by Jonathan Reinbold
Speakers: Jonathan Reinbold

Lawn to veggie garden conversion 101 ?
Organized by Julia Dashe
Speakers: Misha

Food Justice and public health: income relationships to nutrition, farm worker health, etc
Organized by Diane Moss

Food preservation as cultural preservation ?
Organized by Mai Nguyen
Speakers: Bob Ou, Autumn Nguyen
Description: Buying local, seasonal produce doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy that food year round. People around the world find ways to make food last longer without using industrialized, chemically-based means. Learn various ways to preserve fruits, roots, and veggies. BRING A SMALL JAR if you'd like to participate or bring home cultures. Please sterilize jars beforehand.

2:30pm - 3:45pm / Barry Logan

3:45pm - 4:00pm / Closing Ceremony

In a brief closing ceremony, we will water our shared conference intentions (which were planted at the beginning of our two-day conference),
thereby symbolizing our collective movement toward Cultivating Food Justice in our city and in the world.
Join us as we water our shared dream ~ expressed by three beets growing in a single pot.
Let's celebrate the powerful rooting of the Cultivating Food Justice Conference as well as our individual and collective beat with nature.
Drum and dance awake a tree that will soon grow big and strong in the fertile soil of the New Roots Community Garden.
Led by Leslie Goldman, AKA Your Enchanted Gardener, with Cara Cadwallader

4:00pm - 5:00pm / Satan's Dance Party


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