Seed Saving=Seed Growing by YourEnchantedGardener .....

I am on a Mission: It is time for you to do Seed Saving. That means Seed Growing. Begin your journey back to nature growing a beet in a pot and grow beet seeds. BIO--The BIOTECHNOLOGY industry is not our enemy. Look to your own habits that now keep you distant from nature. Begin to rediscover THE SIMPLE JOYS OF GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD. Remember now how to KEEP The "Beet" with Nature. Get going! Start Seed Saving. Start Seed Growing. The Seed you save may be the seed of your deepest dreams to return our world into being once again an Enchanted Garden, a more beautiful world. BEET KEEPERS, RETURN! '09. Now is the time.

Date:   4/3/2009 11:22:19 AM ( 15 y ago)

9:13 AM
April 4, 09

I had a stunning dream,
a shocking dream that came while
in bed.

I had moved into a new house,
and I was very irritated that the placement
of furniture as I knew it was totally off.

My security was disrupted by the
strange placement of things
in this larger headquarters.

Then, things go worse.

I went to survey the land,
the property that also contained
different buildings that had been
all put together by some great architect.

The farther I got from my own place
on the property, the more I was being pulled
away from nature. The other structures
had no plant life at all and no connection
to nature. The people, the farther I got
from my house, were equally more bizarre.
They were a number of other houses downhill
and I visited each.

There was less and less nature, and more
and more hubba hubba. Everyone was involved
in some kind of performance, and they were
preparing the structures for these performances.

I realized that the farther I got from the garden,
the more electronic gadgetry there was.
I was trapped in these new buildings I found.
I could not get out. They would not let me out.
The dream was very involved. There was some kind
of pain involved, even electric torture.

Finally I woke up, and realized that this dream
was influenced by an early morning website
that described Monsanto, and their success in
becoming the primary commercial seed holder
on the planet.


The Dream I had was inspired by an email
from old friend LYNN WALKER of Corvalis.
She is an old friend of DR. BERNARD JENSEN.

Her email led me first to the MERCOLA site;

Here is a bit of the report on that Dr. Mercola Site:

• Giant corporations like Monsanto are not only proliferating the food supply with toxic genetically modified ingredients, but they have also succeeded in slapping patents on a huge number of crop seeds, patenting life forms for the first time -- without a vote of the people or Congress.

By doing this, Monsanto becomes sole owner of the very seeds necessary to support the world’s food supply … an incredibly powerful position that no for-profit company should ever hold.

• Producing food on a massive scale at the lowest price possible has taken precedence over obeying the laws of nature. The system is pushing natural systems and organisms to their limit, forcing living creatures to function as machines. As a result, soon the animals, and consequently your food supply, become unhealthy. And if your food supply becomes unhealthy, so will the population of people who eat it.

3. There are a few things I want to clarify from
personal experience.

ORGANIZATION had its meeting in San Diego. There was high security.
There was also a Teach-in for four or five days the same week from
a group that came in. There were some outstanding speakers at that
Food Justice Conference, including PERCY SCHMEISTER.

The Percy Schmeister case is the well known case of the strong arm
tactics of Mansanto o charge This Seed Saving Farmer for Mansanto Round Up Ready proprietary GMO products that basically blew onto his fields.
After many years of hardship, in 2008 Percy finally won his case.
The earlier results in court were in Monsanto favor. Regardless
of his moral victory, Percy lost 50 years of seed saving, and has
incurred very large legal fees.

You can hear Percy speak here:

4. There is another very important point I want to make.

In 2001, I left that Teach in with the impression that
Monsanto and BIO were one in the same.

This is not the case.

Last year, This same BIO conference was held again in San Diego.

I went into this conference as member of the press. I spent
no less than four days there. It was a fascinating journey.
I made numbers of friends. I went looking for THE BEAUTIFUL
PEOPLE of BIO and I found them.

A lot of healing also took place. One day, the Gov of California
spoke and I wanted to get close. Through a turn of events,
I was hired by the Embassy of Argentina to be their photographer.
The assignment was geared to get a picture of their ambassador
with the Governor. As the hours unfolded, I felt like I was in some
James Bond movie. I did not like the way I was being treated.
When all was said and done, the photos I took were highly regarded.
One of the top dignitaries not only thanked me and paid me,
but showed his vulnerable side. I gave him one of my love
poems. He appreciated this.

At that point on that day, I got my composure back. I set out
to findMansanto among the many booths, that included
delegations from many countries.

I could find the name Monsanto in the program guide, but
there was no real Monsanto booth. On the spot where they
were listed, I found an Ag school from Saint Louis. Monsanto,
by the way, has headquarters in Saint Louis. I made
friends with the young man in charge. I was surprised to
find a gift of organic cilantro at that booth. The closest
I came to finding Monsanto at BIO was a business card at
that booth.

5. I have a sense that many of the people who are supporting
BIO today, the many who are members, and the many
who have employment in the BIO industry do not grasp
the essence of the downside
of this tecnnology as it relates to Agriculture.

Genetically modified seeds cannot exist side by side
with organically grown seeds. The case of Percy shows that,
and the research affirms that.

Another point:
Many who are involved in BIOTECH Industries want to do good
and solve the problems of humanity. The BIO conference
had a Green Mission near as strong as The Natural Product
Expo West.

So where do we go from here?

It is in the hands of those who want to see a more sustainable
technology, a technology natural to the earth, succeed.

What we are facing now is the reality that the Biiotech industry
is embedded with government support and blessing.

The President at BIO 08 was a former congressman.
The secretary of Education, MARGARET SPELLING
was a main speaker at one of the BIO events
That room was filled with the leading
science teachers from across the nation to celebrate the achievements
of "Genius" students who were learning to advance BIO
research. The Gov of California spoke honoring and
advancing BIOTECH TECHNOLOGY. He is as supportive
of BIOTECH as he is of GREEN, without realizing that
GREEN ultimately means organically grown.

Our nation is now in an education gap.

So where are we now, and what is the next step?

Here are the some facts, and these facts were underscored
by meeting JULES DERVAES and family in San Diego recently
Dervaes has put out an incredible DVD called

Among his family businesses, he is actively selling
and growing GMO-free seeds. He had a strong message.
It is the same message that I am broadcasting here.

The call is now clear.
We cannot at the present time depend on government
to protect us. We cannot depend on those in BIO
to go another route at this time.

I highly recommend becoming a Seed Saver yourself
and this means becoming a Seed Grower.

Thousands upon thousands of us need to begin
growing seeds. We need to join with our neighbors
in communities that understand sustainable ways of
gardening and farming. We need to join hands with
our remaining local, organic farmers and make sure
that, even in the face of drought conditions and further
impending water cutbacks, they are supported.

We cannot afford for any farmer to wake up
in the morning and now say that "Happiness is Organic!"
This means shopping the Farmers' Market. This means
making sure that every unit of food grown is sold.
This means joining a CSA and making sure that if
a farmer has room for you in his CSA, you make
this a priority for your source of fresh food.

The greatest service the Organic Trade Association (OTA)
and Organic Center, and other organic organizations can do
now is join in a concerted effort to not only promote
organic products, but promote the education of each of
us as food growers.

Rather than approach the BIO industry as an enemy,
I see them as allies.

I would have the organic associations present
at BIO. I would have the food justice advocates
teaching organic gardening and agriculture.
I would begin now to create A Nation of Gardeners,
people like you and me who have regained confidence
now that we can grow a bit of our own food.

One Pot+One Person=Your're a gardener.
This is the Enchanted Garden Program at
among those in the know at our
in San Diego. Post Earth day and through the summer,
we will be inviting all to our community.
It is impossible to win back the earth without
gardening together here and elsewhere.

Learn to KEEP The BEET with nature again.
Reach out to your neighbors. Find a Victory
Garden to dig in. Have at least one pot of
food growing where you live, and move
toward growing more.

It was the small donations of millions of people
as much as large donations from corporations that
put our new president in the White House.

Now it is in your hands--and I mean your hands--
This is mandatory training. This is essential training.
The future of humanity is in your very hands.

Plant a Seed. Grow a Whole New World.

10:38 AM
April 4, 09

published by HCI in Spring 2009.
This book is a compilation of 40 gardening
stories, and the works of 15 photographers.
I have six photos in the book.



and CEO OF BIO since 2004:

His came out of a social worker background.

9;01 PM
April 4, 09


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