Sovereign Society by kerminator .....

Seek and you will find the truth... Learn to protect yourself!

Date:   12/7/2008 8:30:16 PM ( 16 y ago)

"Unusual times require unusual actions!"  a True-ism


being spread by Wall Street and Washington
could destroy YOUR life savings overnight.

Here's how to protect your wealth no matter what...

Dear Duped-American,

Raymond Jansen woke up broke today!

Why should you care?

Raymond is a 63-year-old retired English teacher who became yet another victim of just one of Wall Street's most horrific lies. He put his life savings into garbage bonds Wall Street told him were as safe as 28 day Cd's!

And literally overnight — he lost EVERYTHING.

Sound familiar?  Another hard working American who did everything he was supposed to. Only to end up with nothing because he was lied to.  By “experts” he THOUGHT HE COULD TRUST.

Wall street executives collecting tens of millions of dollars. Politicians living lives of power and privilege. And honest folks like Raymond are forced to struggle in a future of uncertainty. 

It's a damned outrage!

Well, I don't want you to suffer the same fate.  That's why I'm writing...

Because Wall Street and Washington are currently spreading three lies that threaten to financially crush those who are unfortunate enough to take them at face value. Three tales that have been told, sold and swallowed by most Americans who just don't get it. 

I'm writing to you because I suspect you're not like most people.  Because I believe you have an open mind. And can look at the truth and decide for yourself what is best for your future. 

And because I don't want you to become a victim of...

Their greedy lies!

My name is John Pugsley and in my over 40 years as an economic and political writer and analyst, I've seen more than my fair share of disasters like these. 

But this is not a history lesson.

Instead I want to expose the lies they're spreading RIGHT NOW. And show you the unthinkable consequences they could have on your wealth and future.

Then I'll show you how easily you can shield yourself and any investments you might have from them.

And finally I want to show you how you can create a “liar-proof” portfolio. 

This information I want to give you is ABSOLUTELY VITAL for the safety of your financial future. Whatever you do, do not put this letter down...

LIE #1:
The Banking Industry is Sound...
And Your Money is Safe

“Our banking system is a safe and sound one...[the increasing number of troubled banks] is a very manageable situation...our regulators are focused on it.”
                 - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson

“Overall, banks are quite safe and sound.”
                        - FDIC Chairman Sheila Bair

Since 2007 – and as of this writing – 18  banks in the U.S. have failed. The government says that's not a problem. They claim banks are sound and that the FDIC is insuring your assets.

But the reality of the situation is that hundreds of billions in capital has been frozen in the credit crisis. That means banks can't get money to borrow, lend or COVER YOUR DEPOSITS. In other words, they can't do business as usual. And that is not the hallmark of a sound banking system.

How safe IS your money
with the FDIC insuring it?

To reassure the public, the FDIC took out a massive publicity campaign this past summer. They pointed out that no depositor has ever lost a penny while they've been in charge. They say they've got you covered. The truth of the matter is, they don't.

Why not?

Because the FDIC only has total assets of $45.2 billion  to cover depositors accounts. They have lines of credit with the Treasury and other sources up to $70 billion. All together that's $115.2 billion. 

But here's the reality they're not telling you. As I write this, they're insuring roughly $4.5 TRILLION  of depositor money (with plans to more than double that)! That means they have about TWO AND A HALF PERCENT of insured deposits in reserve.

And that could be depleted faster than you can say “bank run.”IndyMac – a recently failed bank – drained nearly $9 billion of the FDIC's funds to cover its insured depositors. Had not Washington Mutual been sold to a private bank, they would have cost the FDIC another $24 billion alone.

The FDIC is walking a tightrope of insolvency – WITHOUT A NET. Can you see how fast this “insurance fund” could go belly up? Another handful of failures and we could be living back in the 1930s.

The reality of this lie...

Politicians and bank executives want you to believe banks are sound.  And that there is a magic safety net protecting all your money. But the reality is, if you have money on a banks balance sheet right now it may not be safe as you think. 

One or two more bailouts could lead to an avalanche of failures that go unprotected. Ones that could leave depositors without access to their money for weeks, months and even years. Or even worse. Completely insolvent. 

Understanding this truth now, you can continue to trust the FDIC. Or you can take simple, alternative actions to protect your capital in the event of virtually ANY crisis. And I want to show you exactly how in just a moment. But first let me tell you about the second lie threatening your money...

LIE #2:
Strong Dollar Lip Service...
Weak Dollar Policy

For years now, every government official with a soapbox has preached a “strong dollar policy” for the United States.

"A strong dollar is clearly in our nation's interest..."
            - U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson 

“The Federal Reserves commitment...ensuring that the dollar remains a strong and stable currency.”
                        - Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

But their ACTIONS have crushed the dollar and betrayed this outright lie....

Out of control deficit spending on sweetheart pork deals, social entitlements and other governmental giveaways promises to increase our $9.6 trillion debt by another $2.3 trillion!

Then add in the other IO Us they don't want you to remember – like Social Security and Medicare.  They've bankrupted our country into nearly a $70 trillion hole...

My friend, if a country's currency is like a share of stock in a company, we are the “United States of Lehman Brothers.”

And now they're going to put their spending into overdrive. By bailing out the greedy, irresponsible banks and CE Os that have brought this crisis upon us. They'll get a free pass. But in the name of saving “main street”...

...They're mortgaging YOUR FUTURE!

They're going to ratchet up the dollar printing presses. They're going to inflate the money supply perhaps like never before. And that is going to change all the rules for you...

Because flooding the economy with more worthless dollars actually SHRINKS YOUR SAVINGS. It eats away at your wealth. Unnoticed. Until - that is - you need your money. 

That means if you EVER plan to retire, you may need double or even triple what you expected when you began saving. 

And I don't just mean 20 years from now...Even if you started planning 10, 20 or even 30 years AGO, the government was already at it. Draining the purchasing power out of your savings.

A dollar today is worth nearly HALF of what it was only 2 decades ago. But now this bailout will continue to devalue your dollars even faster. 

It's a MASSIVE, INVISIBLE TAX they've levied upon your savings and your future. Without your permission - without your knowledge. 

Think about what that does to you. You work hard. You save. You take responsibility and plan for your future. You play by the rules. But then when you actually need your savings, it’s a fraction of what you expected. You can't plan when the government changes the rules like this.  

Your dollars have been depleted. You can't afford to retire. Invisibly taxed away. By the inflation the government's “strong dollar policy” has caused. 

See through the lies and insulate your
wealth from
their “strong dollar” lie

Now is the time to take action against the government's lies that would spend your future to pay for their mistakes today.

I want to show you how to protect your wealth and your future from all these lies in a series of special reports. Reports written by a group of the best, most independent researchers on earth. Analysts and editors who aren't beholden to companies, CE Os or political fat cats. 

Who aren't afraid to tell the truth when it must be told. Whose only mission is to help you make money. And then make sure that money is protected from the forces that would drain it.

And because I believe you are an independent thinker, I want you to have these reports absolutely free. They are far too important for insuring your future to quibble over a few dollars.

I'll tell you how you can get them in just one more moment. But first I want to tell you about the third and most insidious lie they're spreading. One that could have far more significant costs.   Costs to our entire economic sovereignty...

LIE #3:
Foreign Capital and Sovereign Wealth Funds
Don't Pose a Threat to Our Economic System

"I think that's quite constructive and I think that we should be open to allowing that kind of investment."  
                    - Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke

“...there is no doubt that sovereign wealth funds are growing in size and number and are making increasingly significant investments in financial services organizations worldwide.”
        - Federal Reserve Board General Counsel,
          Scott Alvarez

"As we seek to open new markets abroad, America will keep our markets open at home to investment from private firms and from sovereign wealth funds."
                - Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson

You know the government has spent our country into oblivion. And the only way to keep funding their spending is to borrow. And for years they have looked overseas for investors to purchase our debt. 

But things are beginning to change. Today these Sovereign Wealth Funds are buying far more than securities. They're buying businesses who are crippled by the credit crisis. They're buying banks. Real estate. You name it, they have a hand in it.

The price of foreign money

These Sovereign Wealth Funds are making massive investments here in the U.S. The China Investment Corporation (CIC) had recently been in talks with Morgan Stanley to buy up to 49%  of the investment bank. Nearly A MAJORITY INTEREST in one of our oldest financial institutions.

Other New York banks are also busy selling minority shares to foreign funds. There have been major capital infusions from both Middle East and Russian funds, among others. Why is this so troubling? One word.


In financing so much of our economic engine, these sovereign funds could easily gain influence over U.S. economic decisions. Where and to whom financial institutions could lend money. Where businesses should build factories. Where they should set up R&D facilities. How they should structure their investments...

The potential dangers are truly staggering.

The thought that foreign entities could control the purse strings of our country is a clear and present danger. Countries, like China, are not neutral investors in their own markets, why should we expect them to be neutral in ours?

Profiting from a shift in supremacy

This wholesale sell-out to foreign powers will not come without consequences. Those in power are saying there's nothing to worry about.

I believe THEY'RE WRONG.

The sovereignty of the United States could hang in the balance.

And with it, the global financial supremacy of the U.S. Remember Great Britain was once the greatest military and economic power in the world. Until it became a great debtor to the U.S...

The U.S. is now the largest debtor in the world. And the world could cash in at anytime.

And as global financial powers shift, you need to know exactly what dangers they present to you. You need to know where the best and safest opportunities lie. 

And you can get that and the other information I've promised you in a brand new series of reports called “The Lie Reports.” 

In this critical collection of research you'll get:

“Protecting Your Money from the FDIC” —

this report explains the whole truth about the FDIC insuring your money. About their liability. And about their shortcomings. And then it will SHOW YOU EXACTLY where you can put your money to make it untouchable in the event of your banks failure. Plus, it will show you one of the best profit opportunities you can take advantage of in these unsure times. 

“Defending Your Wealth from the Government's
Invisible Tax” —

here you'll discover the effects of the government's actual “inflated dollar” policy on your savings. And then you'll learn the best investments to neutralize the dollar’s drain on your capital. Simple opportunities that you could implement right away. Locking down your wealth against this unrelenting assault on your future.

“Insulating Yourself from the Foreign Capital Invasion”—
a shocking report that will detail all the threats facing our country now from Sovereign Wealth Funds. And it will show you the most promising investments for the future where U.S. economic dominance is no longer the case.

Because I believe you are an independent thinker. Because the lies that have already been spread have taken too many victims. And because I don't want you to fall victim to these current lies.

Vital information that you need
for the next 12 months and beyond

“The Lie Reports” could contain the most important information you can read today. The truth that can protect you from the reckless lies and misinformation that is being spread by those in power. 

Because they come from an exclusive investment research group. A group that can not only help ensure your safety now with these reports. But for years to come with their world class analysis and research.

I'd like to introduce you to
The Sovereign Society

The Sovereign  Society  has  been  the  world’s  preeminent  advocate  of  individual  freedom, asset protection and total wealth  since it’s inception in 1998. At The Sovereign Society, we strive to guard our members against all the dangers that threaten investors’ wealth today.

And right now Washington and Wall Street are spreading lies that could endanger investors' entire futures. There has never been a more important time to expose the truth.

But we also seek to grow our subscribers’ wealth. With the most consistently solid investment research, ideas and recommendations possible. Not “media darling” stocks, or a hot tip of the day. But solid value that has given them an unrivaled track record. Judge for yourself...

Beating the S&P SEVENTEEN TIMES over!

Our investment recommendations have allowed our subscribers to earn average annual returns of 29.8%. Returns that could transform a starting portfolio of $50,000 into an incredible $183,377 in less than 5 short years! Look how we've performed against the market's greatest barometer...

In 2004, the S&P 500 made investors 9%. That same year Sovereign Society recommendations earned our members TWO AND A HALF TIMES that at 23.2%...

In 2005, the S&P 500 returned a miserable 3%. That year Sovereign Society readers added an incredible 32.5% to their portfolios. That's TEN TIMES the S&P 500 average...

In 2006, the S&P 500 paid investors a respectable 13.6%. But Sovereign Society members still NEARLY DOUBLED THE AVERAGE earning 24.2%...

In 2007 – the year the sub-prime crisis began to spread across the world - the S&P 500 managed a paltry 3.5% for those tracking it. But while other investments began to collapse, investors who tracked The Sovereign Society's model portfolio BESTED THE AVERAGE BY NEARLY TWELVE TIMES earning a monstrous 41%...

And through August 2008, the S&P 500 LOST 12.6%. While Sovereign Society readers have pocketed a tidy 28.3%...

That's an average annual return of 29.8% for Sovereign Society members. Compare that to the anemic 3.3% annual return from the index. That's SEVENTEEN TIMES more than the average investor could hope for.

And all with safe, solid investment opportunities. No fancy strategies or excessive risk taking. Just the right investments at the right time no matter how unstable the market may be. It's simply the best research you can get anywhere on the best companies in the entire world.

A tiny investment to secure
your financial future

And now returns like these could be yours. Because I want to offer you - absolutely risk free - an opportunity to subscribe to The Sovereign Society. And for just giving us a fair shake, I will send you the “The Lie Reports” absolutely free. Three reports critical for your immediate future.

Remember, people who do not stay vigilant will suffer greatly in the coming months and years – just like Raymond Jansen. The lies are a very real threat. Most people don't get it. But I suspect that you're not like most people. If you've read this far, I imagine that you are smarter than the average investor.




**  This information is given to help you make decisions that could improve your future....   As with all information choose how it may help you...   This is not an endorsment only news to help you decide...   Plan well and seek the truth!




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