Elixir in Glass: Began Regimen Quinton Marine Plasma 11/14/08 by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Quinton Plasma is 110 or more years old. I just took my first dose. It is said to influence Energy, Endurance, Focus, Recovery, Flexibility, Relaxation/sleep,Digestive support, immune support, Adrenal support--these are all attributed to a very special BALANCE in Primal seawater that is said to restore homestatis in the cell.

Date:   11/14/2008 3:34:35 PM ( 16 y ago)

Rene Quinton
Robert Slovak to be honored
at Beet Keeper First Annual Awards
November 6, 2010
at Enchanted Garden Installation
at Pacific Symposium 2010.


4:35 pm
October 17, 2010



This is a photo of my first Ampule of Quinton Isotonic Marine Plasma.
You break the glass on both ends. I was making a ritual of adding this..
this what? Can I call it a Elixir to my Regimen. It is more than a Product.
It is an infusion of seawater, specially prepared, that wakes up the cells
to Remember. That is my take on it. For a more down to earth assessment,
read the links to the Dittman Artlicles below plus the info in this Plant Your Dream Blog.

November 14, 08
6:11 PM

Just took one Hypertonic Quinton.
This is my first.

This is indicated for physical and mental tiredness.
Depression, weight retardation, all pathologies relatic to ionic imbalance.

Robert said on the phone today that included Diarrhea.

I am swishing it in my mouth. It is feeling smooth and drawing in a lot of saliva.
Swallowing now, about one minute later. Second small mouthful. I like the old fashioned
bottle. You break one side of the glass outside your glass. Then the other. The fluid goes
down into your cup. Swishing the second amount in my mouth. Holding it for a while.

"The primary functin of oral QUINTON HYPERTONIC is cellular REVITALIZATION and
REMINERALIZATION. Daily use is recommended to provide a natural surplus of all
the elements in Mendelev periodic table necessary for maxiumum support of organic

6:57 PM

Desire to drink water follows taking the first Hypertonic 3 % solution.

November 14, 08
1:31 PM

I took my first dose of a Silver Bullet
about 90 minutes ago.

I took my first does of Quinton Marine Plasma.

Professor Edmond Bordeaux Szekely write about the Cosmic Ocean
that all life swims.

René Quinton (1867-1925) wrote
"The Organism is a veritable living

Oh, I see in this Video, the plankton, single celled creatures
make this. Say, don't whales live off plankton????


Take Two:

I want to make something clear,
this is not so much about a Products as
a Natural Integrity, a Pattern that Rene Quinton
discovered more than 111 years ago.

There are many photos on the web
from those who took his early treatments.

The Quinton Family in Spain in still invested
in harvesting this very special BALANCE
that I am beginning to ingest now
in Ampules I am receiving from Robert Slovak,
a new friend. Robert is the force behind
Original Quinton. He in in direct relationship
to the Quinton Family.


On the Trail Of Quinton Plasma


Letting Spirit Guide! What a Journey!


DId not eat anything until after noon.

Dud a ritual with my first dose of isotonic
Quinton Marine Plasma...held in mouth for
at least a minute. Took photos.

Waited at least 20 minutes to 30 minutes.

Has some of Chef Jems Kefir Grass.
Delicious. Mixed in some of Jameth's
Vitamineral Green and some local bee pollen.
Delicious! Chef Jem is making this from
fresh local raw goat's milk.

Delicious! A Winner!
This is my third day on this health beverage.
I was resisting for months until Shannon Foley,
the Beet Keeper of Idaho was over and Chef Jem
offered her some. I asked for some too.

I had feelingst that my body would not digest this.

I am starting to have more defined bowel movements
today. I have had diarrhea for at least 30 days and through
the recent Pacific Symposium 08. I have lost weight.
I am a bit emaciated.

The Kefir Green is made with fresh wheatgrass.
Winter wheat I imagine, grown in Foxfarm soil this time.
This was the ritual grass from the Pac Sym. About 20 people
felt its energy and were amazed by its growth. It was featured
in the closing ceremony.

The Kefir Grass stimulates my appetite.
I have felt like I was starving for food all of a sudden.

I even ate some bread last night.
No bad results.

I ate some chicken that was here after the Kefir Grass.
Very hungry.

I ate a piece of potato.

I am thirsty now.

I am tired.

No bowel urgency for a few hours.

Did not take my normal supplements today.

it is now 1:52 PM

Going to upload some art I made for the ritual
of taking my first Quinton Marine Plasma.

from 2006:


D.J. Thompson on Curezone
reports on Quinton Marine Plasma:


3:06 PM

Robert Slovak called me.
We talked for about 15 minutes.
he is leaving for Spain tomorrow.

He had me sent a an English version of this book.
Le Secret de nos origines : Les Vertus curatives de l'eau de mer révélées
par René Quinton (Paperback)
by André Mahé (Author)

I have not looked at it yet.

I see where D.J. Thompson
links to a site that has a lot of information
about Quinton Marine Plasma.

Robert shares that Original Quinton
from the Quinton Family in Spain
is of a quality that enables the results
that were found over the years.

Here is the Original Quinton Plasma Site
of the product I am using + articles
by Dittman:


Ray Dittman Articles on
Quinton Marine Plasma:

Artlcle #1:

In July of 2006, I published Part I entitled: “Bio-Terrain,
Evolutionary Biology, and the Practice of Medicine in the
Early 1900’s: An Intro to René Quinton’s Marine Plasma”,
where I introduced Quinton Marine Plasma as a fundamen-
tal tool in restoring biological terrain.1
In Part II, Raul Brugioni and I will explore the role
the oceans and more specifically marine plasma plays in
supporting and evolving life on our planet. In addition, we
will define how Quinton Marine Plasma restores biological
terrain and provide clinical distinctions to better understand
how and when to apply Quinton.



Like the tidal body and the internal milieu, Quinton
Marine Plasma’s rich store of organic minerals facilitates
cellular conductivity by restoring the electrical potential
of our cells. When we are born, our internal ocean feeds
every single one of our billions of cells. This extra-cel-
lular fluid is where all inter-cellular communication
takes place and where critical nutrients are transported
to the cell membrane.
So, while every cell contains its own genetic back-
bone, it is constantly being affected by the epigenetic
influencers found within the extra-cellular fluid. Stud-
ies reveal that changes in our extra-cellular fluid have
the ability to direct the cell to make 2,000 or more....


Our Land-Locked Bodies Suffer From
Chronic Cumulative Mineral Deficiencies
Since all life originated within the ocean, our internal
biology depends upon the complete ratio of mineral salts
found within the oceans. However, living off of the land
no longer provides the raw material needed to maintain
our internal ocean. Our land-locked bodies are nutrition-
ally starved.

We overeat in a futile attempt to restore this funda-
mental “organic” mineral balance. The soil we use to
grow the foods we eat and therefore the nutritional sup-

This is the kind of information that
I wrote up for Dr. Bernard Jensen

Trace minerals account for approximately three (3)
percent of the electrolytes in the ocean and our internal
environment, where they form a complex interdepen-
dent synergy. One billionth of a gram (nanogram) of
metal contains 2.5 billion atoms. One to ten atoms are
all that is needed to activate an enzyme. Therefore, even
a minute but consistent supply of organic “live” trace
minerals has the ability to restore the balance lost from
nutrient deficient foods.

In Its “Live” State “The Whole is Not
Equal to the Sum of It’s Parts”–Goethe

[ Dr. Bernard Jensen...spoke to this....
I wrote an article once called PATTERNS OF WHOLENESS. ]

Through his research, René Quinton showed that:
1. marine plasma could not be extracted from random
locations; 2. that marine plasma was clinically superior
to seawater; and 3. that marine plasma must be kept
“alive” in the seawater base in which it is dissolved.
In his landmark book, “L’eau de Mer Milieu Orga-


[ This is Essene info, and things
I understood from Dr. Jensen.
This is why many supplements do not work!
They are not whole in nature...

Targeted nutrients cannot fulfill their intended func-
tion on top of a depleted biological terrain. Quinton
Marine Plasma directly and indirectly resolves many of
the polarities listed below by replenishing the integrity of
the “internal ocean."

”Now, we can direct, balance, and enhance our internal
environment. We assert that Quinton has a key role to play in the
coming biotech age, by creating a homeostatic foundation.


More from Article #2:

...therapy, supporting the subtle, physical, and
emotional “bodies”.

Oriental Medical Distinctions
t Promotes the Flow and Conductivity of Chi and
t Reduces thick, greasy tongue coating.
t Reduces Heat and Dampness.
t Restores Jing Essence.
t Restores Kidney Yang and Kidney Yin.
t Reduces the Accumulation of Phlegm & Mucus in
the Metal Element (lung & large intestine).
t Promotes Earth Element Function/Digestion
(Stomach/Spleen/Pancreatic) by increasing diges-
tive enzyme production.
t Tonifies Spleen.
t Reduces Toxic Heat and Fire from the skin (topical
and internal administration).
t Eliminates Dampness and Heat from the Large
General Guidelines & Benefits
t Balances skin conditions, digestive issues, and
facilitates mental focus.
t Supports the restoration of balanced internal pH.
t Supports optimal immune function.
t In certain circumstances, slightly and temporarily
elevates basal temperature.
QuintonTM Hypertonic*
General Guidelines & Benefits:
Anabolic effect on metabolism. Improves endur-
ance and strength. Excellent for high performance,
and intense mental activity.
Physiological Distinctions:
For conditions related to parasympathetic domi-
nance and slow oxidation.
Oriental Medical Distinctions:
Yang, Warming, Energizing, Replenishing,
Building, Tonifying. Ideal for Menopausal Yin
Deficiency. Restores reproductive drive and Chi.
Ayurvedic Distinctions:
Has a “sun” or activating quality.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food
and Drug Administration. This product is not meant to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.
Authors’ Note: Roy Dittman, OMD and Raul Bru-
gioni, Biologist, may be reached by calling 949.302.9007
or by emailing them at doctor@dittman.us. Quinton
Marine Plasma is exclusively distributed through health
professionals. QuintonTM is a registered trademark of
the manufacturer, Quinton Laboratorios, Spain. Marine
PlasmaTM is a registered trademark of Original Quinton.
All rights reserved. d



Original Blog on
Quinton Marine Plasma;






December 5. 2008



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