Keep the Beet Asks You to Grow a Beet! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

KEEP THE BEET. Media Star asks if you will Join her Campaign to reverse the a trend toward growing less and less locally grown organic food? Keep the Beet, a locally grown organic beet growing in a pot of Foxfarm Potting soil, has been touring various Conferences since the beginning of Spring 08. She is amassing a tremendous following of Fans who are committing to become the BeetKeeper of their neighborhoods around the world. Keep the Beet Media Star, is available to answers your questions about how you too can Keep the Beet, and bring into the world a new Moment of Organic Awakening!

Date:   4/9/2008 9:53:40 AM ( 16 y ago)

KEEP The BEET Media Star
the World's First Talking Beet Plant
at Hollywood Goes Green.
Web Gallery link of the Conference Highlights!

KEEP The BEET Media Star,
The World's First Talking Beet Plant
has her Adventures here:

Howdy from KEEP the BEET MEDIA Star,
The World's First Talking BEET, Fall '08 Enchanted Garden Champaign

The World's First Talking (and Blogging...) BEET Plant:

Fall '08


Keep up with the Adventures of Keep the Beet Media Star
and her Beet Keepers on the Plant Your Dream Blog:
One of the Main KEEP the BEET Meida Star Blogs


Keep the Beet, Media Star with (L) Mark Victor Hansen, Master of Possbility,
and Regina Jensen, Author at the recent Author 101 in LA during the Book Publisher's Expo
(BEA). This photo appears in the July-August Issue of Awareness Magazine.

"The amount of local organic food
grown in San Diego County by some of
its most committed farmers will be less
this year than last," writes Leslie Goldman, AKA Your
Enchanted Gardener, on his Plant
Your Dream Blog.

KEEP THE BEET, fast becoming a Popular Media Star,
is amassing a sizeable following of Fans who are flocking
to support her campaign to help everyone realize
that they too can grow food.

All she asks: 1. get a local fully grown beet from
a local organic farmer, or you best and nearest source
for high quality food, 2. grow your beet in a pot of fine
potting soil, 3. Keep the Beet. 4. eat the Beet Greens
that will continuously grow. Doing this is to
Enter Plant Parenthood, she says.

Keep the Beet Media Star began her Spring
campaign at the San Diego Earth Fair and
has since gained Celebrity Status.

One of her Sister Beets is now traveling Coast to Coast
on the Conscious Goods Alliance Bus, making public
appearances at Whole Foods Markets across the USA.
She enjoyed attending the Natural Product Expo West
in Anaheim, and shared rave reviews with her
Enchanted Gardener, Leslie Goldman, who translates
what she is saying to her many fans through a microphone.

Why the Microphone?

Keep the Keep is constantly talking, but most of us
have lost our ability to talk to plants. So speak into the Microphone,
she sez. She can hear you.

"I feel we are upleveling Public Awareness and setting
a trend through creating
a necessary Moment of Awakening," she said.
"We need to increase the support local farmers
are getting through deeply restructuring the
way we think about land and water usage.
Our priorities need a reality check," sez Keep the Beet
who speaks as if she were college educated.
Why Dummy down, she asks?

A highly Conscious beat original grown out
by Joe Rodriguez Jr, her sister beets have also
enjoyed being grown by Phil Noble of Sage Mountain
Farms and Barry Logan of La Milpa Organica Farm.

Keep the Beet was a highlight among the
Children at the Go Organic Day at the
Imagination Center Temecula Children's Museum
and was asked to return to teach an organic
growing workshop by Professor Phineus T. Pennypickle,
the main inventor at this Oscar Calibre museum.

In May, Keep the Beet, attended the Art in the Garden
event at Bill Tall's City Farmers Nursery, May 24,
and enjoyed cavorting with the others Veggies, flowers,
and organically growning trees at the San Diego's Premiere
independently owned nursery.

In June, she was a hit at BEA, Book Expo America LA
where Master of Possibility
Mark Victor Hansen picked up some pointers for his
own home organic garden.

Keep the Beet and Hansen got together at Rick Frishman's Author 101
Workshop on the first day of the BEA.

"I love that Little Giant," Frishman, said Keep the Beet." I highly recommend
his workshop."

Keep the Beet Reported to Your Enchanted Gardener that she learned many
insider pointers for her Upcoming Marketing campaign. She favors T.V. over
Radio interviews where her lovely Beet Greens have a change to shine.
John Raafe, the Publicity man for Eckhart Tolle's New Earth, is a friend
of Enchanted Garden member Randy Olsen. Keep the Beet is aiming for
an appearnce on the Oprah Show some time this Fall.

At the Centennial Celebration in Honor of Dr. Bernard Jensen, Iridology,
and Natural Health Care, held June 6,7,8 at the Town and Country,
numbers of Dr. Jensen Devotees committee to become the BeetKeepers
of their nieghborhood.

Keep the Beet will be featured as one of the Expert Garden Advisors
in the upcoming ULTIMATE PLANT LOVER book in the works with
HCI publishers. Peter Vegso, was so excited by the thought of the
book that he gave Your Enchanted Gardener $500.00 on the spot
to seed the book project.

Keep the Beet, a sentimental kind of plant, reports she has a crush
on Randy Olsen, of Celebrity International. This may be ploy to get
an invitation to walk the red carpet at the 09 Oscars. said
Your Enchanted Gardener.


Beth Miller, the Beetkeeper of Malibu (L) with
Phyllis Lomitola the Beetkeeper of Murtoch, New York.

Upcoming Opportunities to have Darshan/
with Keep the Beet:

Father's Day with Joe Rodriguez Jr
at the Hillcrest Farmers' Market
June 15, 08

Summer Festival at La Milpa Organica Farm
June 21, 4-10 PM

The Summer Solstice Music Festival
at the Universal Temple of Higher Consciousness.
all day Sunday June 22. (The event is both June 21-22)

San Diego Country Fair, dates forthcoming
for her public appearance.

Fall Appearance,
The Whole Being Weekend:


We can turn the tide through entering Plant Parenthood:
One Person + One Pot, that is all I am asking."
says Keep the Beet Media Star.
Plants can teach us how to grow
as nature intends us to grow.
"Will you plant a grown beet
and start eating beet greens
grown from your own
container garden?" asks Keep The Beet.

"The Organic Center, one national
organization, is spearheading a drive
to raise up organic usage from its current
3% to 10% by 2010. This campaign
is coming at the same time that we
are oursourcing more and more of our
organic as well as conventional food.
In an age that cries out for energy
independence and desire for authentic
earth-based homeland security,
we are doing the exact opposite
when it comes to food growing.
I can see returning to 100 % organic usage
by 2025. This new trend can begin through you."
said Keep the Beet.

This is the Centennial Celebration year for
Dr. Bernard Jensen (1908-2001).
San Diego grown for more than 40 years,
Dr. Bernard Jensen loved local organic farmers
and used their fresh produce over 60 years
to raise up more than 350,000 patients.
He knew the beet. He lived by the beat of life.
He taught, go see your beet
before you need to go see your doctor.

KEEP THE BEET is dedicated to him
and the farmers he loved so much.
Jensen left us a legacy. It is time now
to pick up the BEET. THE "BEET" GOES ON!"
said Keep the Beet.

Keep the Beet asks that these Blogs be read and circulated:
She calls them necessary reading for anyone
who wants to turn their thumb into a Green One.

campaign launched

Centennial Celebration June 6,7,8 08 San Diego
honoring Dr. Bernard Jensen, Iridology, and Natural Health Care:



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