Sound Healing by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Every day can be a World Healng Day through Sound. Jonathan Goldman Checks in.

Date:   2/22/2008 2:29:48 PM ( 16 y ago)

Got an email back from
my "Cus" Jonathan Goldman,
who has taken Sound Healing to New Dimensions
in our Life. I is good to hear form Jonahan.

Dear Cuz:

Just wanted to thank you for your support!

Blessings of Light & Love through Sound

Jonathan Goldman

Please check out his links.

Your EG

Temple of Sacred Sound
If You Build It, They Will TONE.
Dear Sound Friends:

The Temple of Sacred Sound is now up and running.

As of Feb. 14, 2008, the new interactive website:
was officially launched on World Sound Healing Day (Valentine's Day). World Sound Healing Day Is a day in which people throughout the planet would tone an "Ah" sound filled with the energy of Light and Love in order to help assist peace and harmony on the planet.

World Sound Healing Day and the launch of Temple of Sacred Sound have now occured. The question remains: Now what? Here are some thoughts.

Remember the movie "Field of Dreams" in which the farmer (played by Kevin Costner) is told to create a baseball field in the middle of his cornfield. A mysterious hidden voice keeps saying "If you build it, they will come". Costner, despite great adversity (as well as the rants of his neighbors who think he's gone crazy) at the end of the film, builds the baseball field and it becomes a sort of interdimensional playing ground for great baseball players who have passed beyond. The ball players play ball. People come to see them. A very happy ending for everyone!

I'm not comparing myself to Costner's character, nor did I heard a voice that said "If you build it, they will tone", but I will admit that I'm very pleased that Temple of Sacred Sound has manifested. It's up and working and in very fine shape generating Light and Love through Sound in cyberspace.

I must tell you that I think that there is something very special and important about this Internet Sacred Sound Temple where you can go and tone. If you want a really amazing virtual sound adventure, plug in a microphone to hear yourself in one of the "Toning Chambers". (I just got an inexpensive microphone and it's really a wonderful sonic experience to make sound using a microphone in a Toning Chamber).

The different sacred sounds that are manifesting from Temple of Sacred Sound have many extraordinary frequency shifting uses that we are only beginning to discover. For example, you could have the sounds of the Temple of Sacred Sound resonating in your home or office all day as a kind of gentle sacred sonic vibratory resonator. After a while you probably won't notice it, but these sounds will change the energy around you. I've had the "AH" Toning Chamber sound playing since it first went up. Currently I've got some small computer speakers projecting this "AH" sound at a quartz crystal. This crystal is helping to generate sacred sound energy out to the planet.

With TempleofSacredSound, resonating etherically in cyberspace, its presence is assisting the vibrational rate of the planet. The sacred sound energy emanating from the Toning Chambers within the Sound Temple is of course immensely enhanced and amplified by the people throughout the planet who are sounding along with it. That is its purpose and why it was created. So please continue to use sacred sound to assist Global Harmonization by visiting Temple of Sacred Sound and frequent it as often as you can. You'll not only have a great experience--you'll be helping raise the vibraitons of the planet.

So, I invite you to use Temple of Sacred Sound. Use it alone. Use it with your friends. Organize events around it. Whatever works. But use it. It's there for you. It's there for us. We have built it-please do tone!

I'm grateful to report that already others are planning events in which they will be using one of the Toning Chambers as a sonic conduit to assist the energy of their event.

The combination of sacred sound coupled with intention creates a powerful technology for healing and transformation. Please take the opportunity to use Temple of Sacred Sound as much as possible

Blessings of Light & Love through Sound!

Jonathan Goldman

WHY: Temple of Sacred Sound utilizes the technology of the Internet to assist Global Harmonization. Currently, the Internet represents the Neural Net of the planet-the Global Mind. In order for compassion and, kindness to manifest on the Earth, it is vital that the Global Heart of the planet be activated as well. This can be accomplished through sound.
In many sacred traditions is the understanding that there is mind, there is body and speech (sound). Sound is the interconnecting linking mechanism between body and mind. With Temple of Sacred Sound, through using Global Sound, we can work with the Global Mind (the Internet) to activate the Global Heart as well as create a direct connect to spirit and to the Divine

WHEN: Whenever you feel drawn to sound in a sacred place in cyberspace with others throughout the planet in order to assist in Global Harmonization--the process of creating peace and harmony on the planet.


Contact Information
phone: 303-443-8181

On Feb 13, 2008, at 4:16 PM, Jonathan Goldman wrote:

February 14, 2008


Dear Sound Friends:

There seems to be some confusion with regard to the Feb. 14th
time and activities of World Sound Healing Day. The following is some information that should clarify matters.

1). On Feb. 14th, anytime, anywhere (wherever you are, whatever time it is), take at least 5 minutes out of your day and project the heart sound "Ah" filled with Light & Love to Mother Earth, as a Sonic Valentine for Global Harmonization. If it is appropriate, please gather with others in a group to collectively tone together for this event.

2). On Feb. 14th, at 12 noon EST (U.S. Eastern Standard Time), please tone the heart sound "Ah" as a Sonic Valentine for Mother Earth for 5 minutes or more. If you are near a computer, please go to the launching of
and join others throughout the planet on this new interactive website in order to do this.

3). On Feb. 14th, if appropriate, at 11 AM EST, go to
for a very special World Sound Healing Day presentation by Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman. Then, at 12 noon, EST, please go to
(step #2).

In addition, if you are interested, on Feb. 13th, the day before World Sound Healing Day, at 12 noon EST, go to

for the Healing Sounds Show,
to hear a pre-World Sound Healing Day presentation by Jonathan Goldman & Andi Goldman

4). For more information on World Sound Healing Day, go to


For those of you into YouTube,
there's a brief video clip on Temple of Sacred Sound
as well as one on World Sound Healing Day that may be of interest.

I trust this is helpful. I'm looking forward to resonating together with you on Feb. 14th!

Blessings of Light & Love through Sound

Jonathan Goldman

BIO NOTE on Sound Healer
Jonathan Goldman:


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