Millionaire Status: On Being a Millionaire by YourEnchantedGardener .....

in process. Why I Blog. Plant Parenthood. Why do it? Keeping a Garden Management Journal.

Date:   2/22/2008 10:41:33 AM ( 16 y ago)

8:36 AM
February 22, 2008

I saw a program the other night,
some kind of info commercial maybe.
I was watching while crawling into bed
and jumping around taking off some of my outer layers.

Winter is cold here at the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community.

We do not have any central heating.

If we were back in the Essene Days,
we would likely be doing special meditative practices
described by one of my ancient teachers
that taught us how to control the body temperature
with meditation. There are other Essene practices
for making topsoil, using the mind.

In Essence, the Essenes lived in a
Millionaire state of Mind.

I was up in the middle of the night
doing some writing. I wrote for about two hours
maybe, then I went back to bed. Amazing!
I could not sleep. I keep writing in my head.

I had a powerful piece I wanted to write to
Twin Soul/Best Friend. We went through a lot
lately. I have not heard from her in a week.
The last conversation was challenging and
difficult. She granted me some permissions.
I woke up the next day not wanting them.
I have been filled with so much love for her
this week. I have been filled with so much compassion
and wanting to help in any way possible
with a pressing issue. We have not spoken since.

Then last night:
The writing was a breakthrough.
I went to bed very tired. Chef Jem had sent
me an email requesting stay here. I did not
want to answer while tired. It was on my desktop.
I responded at 1 AM.

I woke up with inspiration, no longer tired.

You can see what poured out here.
It is a list of Priorities for the year.


I was really satisfied when I went to bed.
I Have been struggling with record keeping
and having some breakthroughs.

Core Issues have been up.

There are Core Issues asking to be dealth with
around the house here.

Some of them I addressed in the writing last night.

This morning when I woke up,
I was in a broken state.
I was feeling heart pain.
There was a split in my heart.
I was not all of one piece.
Oh My God!

Here with Your Enchanted Gardener
in the driver seat of my life,
I was able to see the Year's Priorities.
This morning, I was seeing
my Achilles Heel.

At Achilles Heel is our Achilles "Heal."
it is the thing in our life we are born to Heal,
that we are intended by our Soul to heal.

This heart pain, it comes from a Gift.
The Gift is that I have a hole that wants
to be filled.

How will I fill the hole?
Shall I fill it with distractions, stuff,
and things? Or shall I fill it with
becoming more of one Piece?

To become more of one piece
is to become more of one peace.

We are Millionaires by birth.
I was feeling this, sensing this,
yesterday just standing in the kitchen
looking out the window at the Camillias
growing. I was seeing a bunch of green
and plants growing.

Gratfully, Colen Leach was in the side garden
doing some work there.

Colen is a Millionaire in the sense I am speaking.
His intention is to find a way to work at the things
that are most important to him, even if that
would come to him being homeless until the
next state of Right Livelihood came about.

He knows he is here to garden.
He knows that having a garden is part of
being his Natural Self.

We are here to grow.
That is why the Plant Parenthood Model
is so very powerful.

The greatest successes in gathering money teach:
It is important our associates.

Plants are important associates.

Plant Parenthood is all about allowing
the plants to teach us how we naturally grow.

Last Friday, I was at the Universal Temple of Higher Consciousness
for their second Live Radio Blog.

I deeply wanted to leave this place after
numbers of days in Poverty.

I had been doing record keeping.
Record keeping puts me in touch with my
Learning Disabilities. Record Keeping puts
me in touch with holes where my Soul
needs to come into places in my life
where I am sleeping.

These learning disabilities are not intended
to kill me off, they are intended to make me

When you want to plant, you dig a hole.
They you put a seed in it or a little plant.
It grows.

When you have a healing issue, you already
have a hole.

The key then is putting something in the hole
that will draw in a soul inspired solution.
The seed of a breakthrough is already in the hole.

Your Soul is at the bottom of your hole.
When you put in a plant, the plant is a Teacher.
The plant will remind you.
The plant will teach you some of the things you
need to know to grow.

I am very much starting to hurt now.
I am hurting emotionally.

I need more nurturing.

The ultimate nurturer of myself is me.

I am also in community.
You, reading this, are part of my community.
It would probably help if we had more conscious

I am giving something here.
I am giving something right now.

I am giving something that others
would take the time to put in a book,
refine, edit, and then sell.

I am giving away these Enchanted Garden Teachings.

I know when I am sitting here,
I could be doing something else.

I am driven to write.
I am grateful to write.

Being printed is my job.
Being read is my job.

I was born to Blog.
We live in a different time of publishing.
There is a way to make anything work.

It was good yesterday to create art
and then send it to my Enchanted Garden List.

Some of my List are Enchanted Garden Club Members.
They send in yearly contributions to make sure
I keep writing. They send in yearly contributions
to make sure I am in my Millionaire Mind.

So many of us get enslaved by these holes.
We think they can be filled with Medications.
Some of his here in the Curezone want to
fill our holes with Education.

We also are looking to the finest teachers
and ways of healing.


Dr. Bernard Jensen is my spiritual father.
His Soul lives in the Essene Stream.
Some of his teachings can be found here in the Curezone.

Dr. Jensen has a Millionaire Mind.
He also had enormous holes.

He was very successful in filling his very large holes.

He often filled them with Wholeness.

He was very charismatic. He moved those who
he healed. He could move an audience.

I was one of the 350,000 patients he taught
how to heal themselves.

Much of his wisdom has been lost to us.

If all he knew about nature was known,
we would be living in Peace on Earth today.

Dr. Jensen gave me an opportunity to stay in nature--
his Hidden Valley Health Ranch--when I was
lost. I was right out of college.

I was starting to bleed in my gut from taking
aspirins and such. I knew I was too young to
live this way.

I had enormous holes growing up.
I fill some of my holes through writing.

One time I was at a conference.
A man saw me at a table.
I was selling my self published book

He was sincere.
He wanted to know,
how did I become enlightened.

I did not know what to say.
I never thought of myself that way.

It is a great gift to be writing to you
right now, thanks to this Technology
and the gift of Spirit, and the Gift of you
in my life.

I sometimes am embarrassed by the things I write.
I air my clever ideas here that come from
my higher self that I call Your Enchanted Gardener.

I also use this blog to make sense of my life
and remind myself of things that are important
to me.

I like to write about people that come my way.
I want to give a lift up to others who are living
their heart and soul purpose.

I was meant to have a platform in this life.

The Plant Your Dream Blog is my platform.

There are times when my holes get the best of me.
I write about them.

I write about them.

I use this blog as I would use

In my Journal I sometimes can control my mind
my celebrating little things I do.

Sometimes, we have to pat ourselves on the back
and say Thank You to ourselves. Sometimes
we have to say Please to ourselves.

I am hearing other voices calling me now.

I am grateful that I have the Freedom of a Millionaire
right now to create a piece of Art in honor
of Dr. Bernard Jensen.


This Plant Your Dream Blog so you can see
how some one uses their holes to make
the most of life.

I am a Millionaire by nature.
I am a Millionaire in nature.
You are a Millionare by nature.


Your Millionaire Nature will
be revealed to you.
I promise.

Catch up with you later,
dear friend.

Be Well.



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