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is Jospel--Jewish Gospel-- Choir Music Kosher????
(Plant Your Dream!)

is Jospel--Jewish Gospel-- Choir Music Kosher???? by YourEnchantedGardener .....

is Jospel--Jewish Gospel-- Choir Music Kosher???? Cione Find out this Sunday night 6:30-9:30 pm At the Properity Hive, 740 13th Street between F and G.

Date:   8/12/2011 3:46:25 PM ( 13 y ago)

August 2Eva Becker

Dear Uncle Leslie, thank you for inviting me to the jewish gospel music concert. I am looking into it to see whether it is up my alley. I have a personal issue with prayers that are revised and misinterpreted. I saw the video, it is very interesting. Nothing that was said seemed offensive; however, not sure that I am into the women Rabbi scene and/or their interpretation of psalms. Also the music is composed and produced for church and that is an issue for me as well. Thank you for your understanding. Love you.

TuesdayLeslie Goldman

I don't think she is a rabbi, just a choir leader having some fun. It would be good for you to have some fun with this and sing, and then check out feelings later. Watch the videos. The vibe is likely as OHI Friday night. If you can handle that, I imagine this will be fun.

8 hours agoLeslie Goldman

Maybe you can meet Sharon at the Farmer's Market. I appreciate your not liking Women who wear prayer caps. I wouldn't want you to be in the presence of such a woman as it might offend your Jewish sensibilities and stretch you into areas of aliveness beyond your belief system. It would be good for her to hear your point of view

3 hours agoEva Becker
I need to respond to this. Fist, music that is composed for church purposes, is not permissible to sing. That is halacha. You may ask why? Well let me explain. We do not take G-d's name in vain. So saying for example... Halle-lukah.. over and over again, constitutes taking G-d's name in vain. Second, Church music is for church. We as Jews, do not believe in Jesus or in glorifying his name. The music will be used to glorify Jesus eventhough it does not have any offensive content. We do not have intermediaries, we pray directly to G-d.
Gospel is an expression of love and I appreciate that. I do not express myself in that way. The Harlem gospel boys choir sang on stage at the Chabad Telethon last year. They sang a Hebrew song glorifying one G-d. It was a kiddush Hashem, it sanctified G-d's name and presence. By singing to Jesus, I am denegrating G-d's name. Third, I am not conservative or reform Jew, I do not believe in women taking on roles of Rabbis, wearing prayer shawls and yamulkas. This is strictly against the Torah for women to wear men's garb- that is again, another Halacha. It is also forbidden for men to wear women's clothing. There are many Jewish women today in our orthodox communities who are leaders and teachers and very much respected, who do not don tefillin, tzizit, tallesim and yamulkas to prove that they are just as competent as men. This renewal movement came out of the women's lib movement is part of the reason that the Jewish community is so integrated and intermarried. I wish to sanctify and keep the traditions that have kept the Jewish people united and strong for centuries. These types of gatherings promote all of the above and I cannot participate. Good Shabbos. Love you. Eva

3 hours agoEva Becker
Interfaith dialogue and expression is good, but not when it compromises your belief system and goes against halacha.

3 minutes agoLeslie Goldman
Sweetie! Some time, I would like to introduce you to a friend of mine named Eva Becker, who is my most beloved Niece. She is the only that introduced me to "We Are Happy!" By the Abaudaya. I am listening to my favorite song in Hebrew and Englsh that repeats "Hallalujah!"

I hear no reference to Jesus here, although I agree with you that Christians have certainly found joy in many things that originated with Judaism.

I completely understand that you would not be able to sing such a song as this, "We Are Happy!" which is basically the same kind of music, call it Jospel, or whatever, that Sharon will be singing on Sunday night.

I think you would be denegrating for you if you sang to Jesus, however, that isn't anything about what this is.

Sharon is not a rabbi. She is a choir leader, who is honored
as that. This sounds like a lot of fun, but I honor where you are.

I thing the issue about women wearing things is a good one that you could have discussed with the folks here tonight. Ahuva is an old friend of Reb Shlomo Carlebach whose melodies you sing in shule, and I believe I have seen her wear a tallis. It would be good sometime to open up
a dialogue between you and other Jewish women so they can hear of your points of view and feel your joy.

This are the kind of women who I imagine you would like to know as friends.

Have a great shabbat, Sweetheart.

I got very depressed this week with some of the things I took in from one of the Jewish Renewal Rabbis, and sometimes I feel very alone without any religion I can call my own, or people who are aligned with me in the bridges
I am attempting to build, that God wants me to build.

I have to remember to say Halleluyah, and praise God
because someplace inside I find the strength to overcome
even my own lonliness.

You are a blessing to my life.


Leslie Goldman
One more thing, This is not music created for Church purposes.


GOSPEL ("good news") is a powerful African-American spiritual musical tradition. The soulful melodies and rhythmic beat of gospel seem to contain the remarkable ability to help people find joy, comfort, healing, and a sense of God's personal love. Many non-Christians are attracted to gospel sing

a few seconds agoLeslie Goldman
The main thing for me is to find the strength to get where God wants me to go. I appreciate that we are in the same family because I do well ultimately from different points of view coming into my life.


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