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Diatomaceous Earth for Diarrhea + adding Vitamineral Green
(Plant Your Dream!)

Diatomaceous Earth for Diarrhea + adding Vitamineral Green by YourEnchantedGardener .....

At a loss for what to do...what to eat...I am adding diatomateous Earth and Vitamineral Green from Jameth at Healthforce.

Date:   10/27/2008 1:18:00 PM ( 16 y ago)

May 21, 09

This Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is safe and nontoxic and destroys intestinal parasites physically by injuring them. The shell particles of the DE are sharp enough to cut the parasites but are not harmful to humans and animals. DE is a natural and safe way to kill parasites without chemicals.

General Description: Parasitic infections arise from the intrusion worms that live in the intestinal tract of the body. Worm parasites are more common than most people expect, and they are listed as The Center for Disease Control’s #1 Health Risk. According to numerous studies, nearly 85% of Americans have parasites in their bodies such as: • Roundworms, ascarids, hookworms - contagious intestinal parasites with the shape of an earthworm but of smaller size • Pinworms - appear as short white threads of 1/3 inch length or shorter and are the most prevalent worm problem for young children • Tapeworms - are from one inch to thirty feet in length and may live in the body for up to 25 years • Protozoa, flukes - other names for types of roundworms

Potential Causes: Parasites may enter via the mouth, the skin, and the bottom of the feet. They may be found in contaminated soil, vegetables, meat, watercress, feces, and the worm eggs may become airborne. The eggs or larvae are often ingested in partially and uncooked foods.

October 27, 08
11:07 AM

Monday morning....

pain in lower bowel...
left side....felt it walking around yesterday afternoon.

This is new.

What did I eat that was any different?

potatoes left over on stove....
added some Follow Your Heart grapeseed spread.
Don't usually do that.

Cocoanut water fresh at FM.
Ate a raw Collard Wrap with Sunflower seed cheese.

Nothing the day cause this.
Did not really eat.

This pain is really drawing my attention.

Urgency increased yesterday eve....frequent....
Went to bed not knowing what to eat.

I was famished yesterday.
Ate some scraps of chicken left over form Whole Foods.
I do not think chicken is good for me this way.
If I am going to eat chicken, I better get some from WFM or
Hani and make a soup.

I am very hungry now.

What to do with this pain?
I have not been using the diatomateous Earth Nuva Sent me last week.
Messy container. Transfer to a bottle now.

I see where I can take three tablespoons.

Here is a report for diarrhea:

I feel I have to get some nutrition in me.
Pulling some Vitamineral Green from Healthforce.
I am going to leave a message for Jameth, an old ally.
He makes this. I got this sample from Whole Foods a number of months ago.
I am going to buy some today when I go out for acupuncture.


From the Healthforce Website by Jameth Sheridan N.D. :

Vital Healing Food."The quality, therapeutic concentration, and affordability of a nutritional product can, and often does, mean the difference between lethargy and energy, sickness and health, and, quite literally, life and death. I don’t want anyone to be tired, sick or dead because they could not obtain or afford the best possible product. If someone does not feel this same way, they should not be in the nutritional product business. I live and breathe this philosophy in both my personal and professional life and constantly strive to evolve HealthForce products and offer them at the best possible values - with a reverence for all life. I would rather die than compromise these values" - Jameth Sheridan, N.D.

Green foods are perhaps the most healing foods on the planet, and the single most important addition to a diet you can make. They are foundation to any holistic health program. For over 20 years, I have deeply and passionately immersed myself full time into providing the best possible foundation. My deepest passion is for the Earth and all of its inhabitants to be healed on a core level. Mother Nature gave us the substances we need for healing. It is my life path duty and my great honor to assemble them for you. Compromise is not an option. Hype is nothing. Substance is everything. Vitamineral? Green is the best possible green food that I can offer. Every ingredient, including how it is grown and processed, is therapeutic. It is an extremely potent & comprehensive array of nature’s most nutritive and cleansing superfoods, grown and processed to maximize their benefits. Contains a full spectrum of naturally occurring, absorbable and non-toxic vitamins, minerals (including naturally colloidal and better forms), all the essential amino acids (protein), antioxidants, chlorophyll, soluble and insoluble fibers, tens of thousands of phytonutrients, and a plethora of other synergistically bound, organic nutrients. Contains no synthetic or isolated nutrients (not excreted as expensive yellow urine or stored as toxic deposits). Health is important, and too many things usually get in the way of people actually taking an authentically powerful product. Loyalties can be divided. I want to make it clear where mine lies. My loyalty is to those who want to thrive, and those whose life situation requires them to thrive. My loyalty is to the end user. My loyalty... is to you. And in my life now and one day, when I look back upon my life, that has and will still have value to me incomparable to any amount of money, investors, or fame.

To your health! - Jameth Sheridan, N.D.

11:36 AM

Left a message for Jameth.

Concern about doing the Pacific Symposium.
How many times have I been in a similar situation.
Many. Health point of crisis....
someone was able to do the event.

Was he impacting my energy now?

Dump some stuff from my room.

What did I do today that was good?

Paid AT & T cell phone.

Later: inspiration to check my minutes.
I have 450 minutes. Guess how many minutes I had when I checked???
exactly 450. I talk to them. I have 300 rollover minutes from previous months.
There is no charge. What is the charge for going over???? 45 cents a minutes. Yikes.
Better stay on top of this. Next period begins November 2.

Call Sue Kelly.

Dump some papers.

What can I eat....?

Pain a bit diminished.
Did not eat today.

11:40 AM

with Nuva on phone around 12:15 PM appointment.
leave for do not look good that I got yesterday from Joe.

put water in now...
O.K. done....

planted Lisa's old seed.

put Phil Noble in my cell...
Sue Kelly....

Chair cleared off...

Called Gary Cunningham at Goldmine Natural Foods.
This is the place to get the highest quality grains and various
raw food items. They have a great website.
Old dear friends. Gary sends the yellow buckets
by way. They originally contain miso.

Jean Richardson is the founder of the company.
She maintains relationships with the farmers who grow the grains.
That is the Enchanted Garden Philosophy.

Goldmine Natural Foods Miso;

High quality Organic Nuts...
has macadamias...

They have raw almonds, from Italy.
Ours are no longer raw in the US, as far as I know.

1:11 PM

juice with
nutrabiotic--rice protein powder-
cocoanut water?

green powder?


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Tapeworms, Round worms, Flukes?
Hulda Clark Cleanses



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