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FUll Moon Understandings from Robert Wilkinson
(Plant Your Dream!)

FUll Moon Understandings from Robert Wilkinson by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Robert Wilkinson on this Full Moon...."Find the central anchor to help you reference your core as many things swirl around, and don't fumble the deep truths you glimpse.

Date:   3/20/2008 10:14:35 PM ( 16 y ago)

8:13 PM
March 20, 08

Feeling out of sorts,
I have gone seeking insights.

I like Robert Wilkinson, the astrology and how
he sees:

Aquarius Papers - Global Astrology
Using Astrology, Spirit, and Archetypes
to move and groove through the intersections of fate and free will.

Despite the Grand Cardinal Cross of this Full Moon, this coming period should show progress in the midst of fragmentation, disintegration, and new perspectives arising from giving up a limited search field and gaining elevation in higher dimensions of consciousness. Besides the world heating up again, hitting another turning point in its relationship to violence, it's time to say goodbye to many things, and accept higher responsibilities. We will find that which nourishes as time conditions catch up to us to the degree we have prepared the past two years.

We have all received "a communication" of some sort showing where we need to be obedient. Now it's time to synthesize, putting it all together in a new view. Re-shape your expectations and beliefs as you get a broader, more integrated view of things, figure out basic steps to take to secure what's already in motion, and forgive a lot. It's the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning, so take a deep breath and move into the future with good humor.

Find the central anchor to help you reference your core as many things swirl around, and don't fumble the deep truths you glimpse. Be self-disciplined as you go deeper into your core, maintain self confidence even though it could get weird or obscure at moments, avoid extremes, channel your enthusiasms, and don't get aggravated when too much is going on. Just learn how to extricate yourself from getting overwhelmed by sensitivities, maintain perspective and a balanced point of view, and be dispassionate as you teach from your experience.

This is about knowing how and when to wait in calm confidence, busting any illusions and being willing to face things as they really are. Fortify your bodies and minds with good food and good cheer, get a clear vision of a plan, and get ready to act when the time is right. Spring is here, and we will all find a measure of peace and well-being in the near future.

© Copyright 2008 Robert Wilkinson


Long Term Feb 2008 Virgo-Pisces Lunar Eclipse Effects Pt. 2 - Scientific and Spiritual Approaches

by Robert Wilkinson

Today we continue our examination of what the Virgo-Pisces total Lunar Eclipse holds for our world. As it builds on themes introduced in Part 1, you may want to re-read that before picking this one up, since I discuss the See Saw effect and some other critical elements of the Eclipse chart, as well as different rising signs around the world at the Eclipse. Overall, a very productive eclipse that will liberate everyone in some way between now and August, as well as for years to come!

And now, a final but important look back that can help you reflect on changes of the past year. Regarding the September 2007 Solar Eclipse that is still impacting everyone on Earth:

That the coming Solar Eclipse is exactly conjunct the Sun of the 9/11 chart gives us pause for thought, and prayer that we will see the light behind that event and come to a higher realization of how to live with each other in our world. I would think as Mars transits Virgo in 2008 it will set into motion much of what these eclipses have portended, and so we can and should prepare accordingly for the "volcanic eruptions" promised by these lunations.
As I wrote last Spring, "During these next months (and years) purify, purify, and purify some more, since Pluto is stripping us all down to the core, regenerating whatever seed power we are on the highest and most effective of levels." With the powerfully harmonizing Saturn trine Pluto in this Eclipse chart we should all find the purification process stable, pointing us to solid understandings of how to reclaim "lost opportunities" by using creative imagination, as well as natural boundaries and limitations that allow us to play with others in a field perfect for us. Just remember that Jupiter is biseptile Saturn, setting irrationality into motion on the world stage for quite some time to come.

Long Range Astrology - The February 2008 Lunar Eclipse in Virgo-Pisces and What It Means

by Robert Wilkinson

Soon we'll have the first Lunar Eclipse of 2008 at 2 degrees of Virgo-Pisces. The midpoint of this total eclipse will occur on Feb 20 at 10:26 pm EST, Feb 21 for Greenland and points east. This is very close to the last Lunar Eclipse of August 2007 at 5 Virgo-Pisces, so expect echoes. Since Full Moons always fulfill the energies of the previous New Moon, this Eclipse will sprout the seeds of the Feb 2008 Solar Eclipse. Both eclipses are shutting some old ways of life down forever (as all eclipses do), leaving us space to embrace the new already waiting for us exactly mirroring what we've prepared for up to now. These will shine a light on closures, courage, and transmutation of energies into personality strengths in our process of going through our "liberating ordeals" that are protective mechanisms ultimately restructuring our lives, and what work we consider important.

As the eclipse is total, it's considered a very important influence wherever its shadow falls. This eclipse will be able to be clearly seen in most of North America, South America, Western Europe, Africa, and West Asia. The total eclipse lasts 50 minutes, implying this Eclipse will be a very strong influence for the next 4 years and 2 months, interesting in that it must be priming the pump somehow and preparing the way for the wild ride of 2009-2010-2011-2012-2013. We will all be able to find a better way of seeing what is essential and discard irrelevancies while weaving what's left into a higher or broader vision. This eclipse will move us into preparations for things to come, and help many to find protection against those who are too aggressive. The yearning for something greater, or distant horizons, will bring forth adaptability, intuition, and flashes of brilliance.

Before we go into more details about this eclipse, I must remind you that we're still heavily influenced by the eclipses of 2007 as well as others before them, discussed in Eclipses Past and Present – A Look At What They’ve Brought All of Us in 2006, 2005, 2004, 2003, 2002, and 2001. The Lunar Eclipse of March 2007 fell very close to the Lunar Eclipse of September 2006 at 15 Pisces-Virgo and continued some long lasting patterns of change. Examining the Virgo-Pisces eclipses of the past couple of years can yield interesting insights as to how the polarizations of this axis manifest. The last Solar Eclipse of September 2007 was very powerful, and is still an influence in our lives. Go to the link to find out more about that eclipse, as well as two articles on the Lunar Eclipse of September 2007. For now, here are a few paragraphs about the eclipses in 2006-2007 that may help you understand why so many things changed as they did:

... expect some unexpected events to revolutionize your life. For those pitting their little will against the Higher Law or the greater evolutionary trend, there will of course be crashes through abrupt and unexpected explosions... Those who have trained and prepared to escape from "a narrow destiny" can do this through being willing to rise to some task or duty, and be joyous in "enlisting in a task which broadens the life horizon"... That 2006 Autumn Full Moon Eclipse yielded major transformations. The line of greatest development was in honoring our unique way of responding to the Divine Will and finding inspiration in new routines and rituals. For some, it was a liberating ordeal. For others, the unveiling of cloaked totalitarian attitudes. At 15 Virgo-Pisces, we fulfilled a form of culture, and rehearsed and prepared to take the training into the world.

The September 2006 Solar Eclipse fell at 30 Virgo, Mars' degree at the Lunar Eclipse (setting) Mars into motion and a) shut down some things forever after the Solar Eclipse, or b) activated things after the Solar Eclipse that yielded major results. Of interest is that those eclipses fell at 15 and 30 degree of Virgo, both said to be the fulfillment of that sector of the sign... the September 2006 Solar Eclipse will be an influence through 2013...

The March 2007 Lunar Eclipse was a See Saw, with Moon in Virgo opposing a cluster of planets in Pisces. Saturn was also in long term opposition to planets in Aquarius, showing oppositions and polarizations... (forcing) adjustments, lessons in discrimination and forgiveness. There was also a Grand Fire Trine of Venus at 14 Aries, Jupiter at 19 Sagittarius, and Saturn at 20 Leo. (yielding) lightness, brightness, and inspiration that burned up old forms no longer appropriate to our new direction. Disappointments (taught) us how to navigate polarities leading to Chiron's healing wisdom. We formed unique relationships while dealing with the weirdness of the revolutionary conditions that freed us for greater activity and expanded feeling capacity.

The August 28 2007 Lunar Eclipse had a powerful Grand Mutable Cross between Mercury at 17 Virgo, Mars at 14 Gemini, Uranus at 18 Pisces, and Jupiter at 11 Sag... (functioning) more as a strong T-square throwing the void into 14, 17, and 18 Sag, which Jupiter triggered as it moves through that span late Sept-early October 2007.... expect major developments when the Moon, Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars cross over these degree spans in Virgo, Sag, and next Pisces. The void shows us... our need to contact the Ageless Wisdom, our "spiritual ancestry," renew ourselves in relationships that help us "come out of darkness and despair," and value what protects us from too great a light or feelings.

... expect splits from the past wherever the Mutable signs fall in your chart. Mercury is on a degree of "volcanic eruption," so besides many explosions to come, we will be offered the chance to "break up old complexes" and find our "will to wholeness." Things will erupt in a big way as a result of this, so be as creative and regenerative as you can while things, people, and whatever else whirls through the air around you... Venus in this eclipse is the same degree as Saturn in the March 2007 eclipse. This should help us find people, resources, and values that make personal the larger lessons of maturity promised by the Grand Fire Trine. If we've "done Saturn correctly" the past six months, we should be able to capture pleasing and enjoyable forms perfect for our personal situations.


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