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Free Energy Amazing Dream! Part Two
(Plant Your Dream!)

Free Energy Amazing Dream! Part Two by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Free Energy AMAZING Dream! Part Two.

Date:   2/15/2008 9:00:25 AM ( 16 y ago)



May Your Life Continue to
be Surrounded in Love:
Art is Here:


7:01 AM
February 15, 08

This is the morning after the The Big Love Feast.

Iti s called Valentine's Day.

Men and Women make themselves
available to Love One Another on this
Love Feast Day.

I had an Amazing Dream just now.
It is about Free Energy
and the Free Energy of Love that
is healing.

The Dream began like this....

I had a friend,

I believe he was from India.

We made out of a White Cray Sustance,
a square object. He told me or
we told each other, that it was a telephone.

At first my mind could not figure this out!

How could we dial?
How could we receive Calls,
transmissions of Messages through
something that we made
that looked like something molded
out of Clay that we were calling a Telephone?

I had to overcome my disbelief.
I had to overcome that my mind had to come from out behind
what it thought was possible!

I was able to take this Leap of Faith when
I got out of my mind into a Bigger Mind
in touch with my Soul.

In the next scene, we created a Vehicle,
a big bus. It was white too!

We used the same Principle of Free Energy.

We were able to ride down the road in this Big
Bus wihtout gasoline!

It could travel on some Free Flowing Energy
that was in the Universe but had to be Mind Generated,
or more so Mind Allowed!

We traveled at least 30 minutes in this Vehicle.

There were two vehicles.

One was the EG Mobile, and one was this
new Energy Free Vehicle.

In the Next Scene, a woman came into
the Picture.

It may have been Twin Soul/Best Friend.

She can be Amazing.

She can get into fantasy as no woman I have
ever known. She can Believe Anything.
When she does this, the Free Flowing Energy
can Really Move.

We can make rain together when the Free Flow
is happening between us.

Amazing, It was raining out here all day yesterday.
Maybe there were a lot of couples doing
what we can do!

Sometimes she says it feels electric.
It is very Healing, but we do not make time for this
free flow of healing Energy very often!

We both have our Mental Constructs that
can prevent the Free Flow of Energy.
Gratfully, we also get into the state
where the energy is freely moving.
I understand, there is an ebb and flow
to love. Sometimes, we have other priorities.

We for the most part, would never be able
to imagine that something square made out of
something we made could be a telephone
receiving calls.

We would never believe we could have some kind
of large Vehicle that could go down the road
without Gasoline on some Free Energy,
but other times, it is Amazing
the Free Flow of Energy between us.

I love it when she says,
"Oh God! Oh God!"
What else is there to say about Love moving.

In my dream, Twin Soul at first did not believe
that the Bus could be running without gasoline,
but then she also remembered that energy
could do all kinds of things like this.

In the Next Scene,

My Indian Friend and I were sending Healing Energy.
We Remembered we could do this.

He was sitting on one side of the room.

Because of the Awakenings that had happened,
I was now moving in the Free Flow of Energy.

I was beyond the constrictions that the Mind can set up
that blocks the free flow of energy.

So my friend was on one side of the room.
I was on the other.

I was sending powerful free flowing energy toward him.

He was getting it.

Then Rebecca showed up, one of my former lovers.

She is capable of getting into a Heightened state of
Love., just as Twin Soul can be.

So I explained to Rebecca what we were doing.

There was also a person here who was witnessing all this.

I was beaming the Energy to my friend.

I had to convince him it was possible.

It was possible.

It was very healing.

Then I asked Rebecca to beam as well.

I knew there was something very powerful in this
Transmission of Male Female Yin Yang Juice.

We beamed.

I could see the stream coming out of Rebecca,
but they were limited.

She was about 15 feet away to my left.

We did this beaming.

Then, my Indian friend, got up.

He was upset.

He did not like the feel of the energy.

I did not realize that Rebecca had just come in
and she was still in her earth plane mentality.
The Energy that she was beaming was the stuff
that first needs to be cleared. I was energy
coming through her stuff, a cloud of mind stuff.

She was not able to beam fully the Unrestricted
Free Flow Energy.

Then the scene shifted.

My friend turned into another friend.

He was having the same reaction.

He was very upset
that he was the recipient of this Energy.

Then, I had some kind of Energy Gun
that I was using to suck up the energy.

I was telling him that what he was
Reacting to was his own negative energy
that was being cleared.

I was telling him how expensive it would be
for someone to take on clearing all this energy.

I was in a big upset myself.

First the negative energy had to be cleared
to receive the free flow of free energy.

That Free flow of energy is Love.

Then I woke up.

I got this message:

It is important that on Valentine's Day Time,
I read The Seven Love Cures/Charms.

I was thinking about that Blog Radio
that I heard from The Temple of Higher Consciousness
the other night. It was Amazing!

My hands are cold now.

I want to go back to bed.

I am going to call the folks up from The
Temple of Higher Consciousness
and see if it would be possible to read
The Seven Love Cures over their Blog Radio
tonight at their Friday night Shabbat.

Blog Radio from The Temple of HIgher Consciousness:

They live in Hidden Valley across from where
Dr. Jensen lives.

TES is the main Goddess up there.

You can hear her sing at about 65 minutes
into the First Blog Radio Program here.

Going back to bed.
Will call Kennedy later
and see if it would be possible to do
some of the poems on their Blog Radio show

Then you could hear some and get into the energy.

I have some of these on one of my web sites.
I have not looked there in a long time.
I am sure they have cobwebs.

Here is where you can sign up to read the Seven Love cures.


Other Revelations from the Dream:

I had sent Twin Soul a box of Michael Huffman's
products, including the Silver Colloid and the
SynerG Plus with Yin Yang Humic and Fulvice Minerals.

Twin Soul took them to her healer.

She only needed a ltiny bit of drops of the
Humic and Fulvic Acid. She was concerned
that someone could overdoes if they followed
the label. Her healer was saying how Silver Collaid
was very overpriced.

I was feeling critical energy toward the products
that are made by an Alchemist.

The Label was five layers of Energy Transmissions
alone. It is Omoto's work.

Michael was telling me, that even if you
put water in the bottle, it would have healing effects
from the label.

We pay for the Consciousness that goes into something.
We pay healers for their ability to enable our own
energy to Freely Flow. IT is the Consciousness
that Free Flows the Energy. It is getting our mind out of the way.

End of Part TWO

Here is Marina Lighthouse
Reading one of The Seven Love Cures:
Because She is a Woman

This was uploaded about ten months ago.


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