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Going to be Famous!!!
(Plant Your Dream!)

Going to be Famous!!! by YourEnchantedGardener .....

Want a Stocking Stuffer? Quick get a First Edition of "HOLY SCROLLS THE ORIGINS OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS." It is a lovely Comic Book your favorite Kid will love. It tells an Essene story of the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Date:   12/23/2007 11:26:50 AM ( 17 y ago)

8:18 AM
December 23, 07
Second Day of Winter!


It's sure does get cold here at the
Enchanted Garden Intentional Community.

It is Sunday morning.

I had a delightful experience at the
San Diego Natural History Museum.

I made a New Friend!

She is a Doctor, a Scholar of Sorts,
and also a Comic Book writer!!!!

Hey, a Comic Book on the Dead Sea Scrolls!
What a Hoot!

My New Friends name is Pam Fox Kuhlken.
She and Brett Burner, wrote a very intriguing
story about the Essenes and turned into into
that is really a Classic!!!!

I do not know how many of these Comic Books are in print,
but I got one of the FIRST!

For information about ordering a copy
call Lamppost @ 619.589.1400.

Well, that's refreshing! No website!

Don't be surprised if an Undercover Essene answers,
i.e, someone who is part of 21st Century ESSENE SOUL GROUP ACTIVITY.

I will explained that in a separate blog,
if I haven't already, the meaning of

Oh Excuse me, here
is a website where Lamppost is offering
the Comic Book:

This is their website:


The Comic sells for $6.00
at the San Diego Natural History Museum.

One of my favorite pages of this delightful
Comic Book shows two Essenes talking
as the Romans are approaching Qumran!

One Essene tells the other:
"We must leave at once!"

The other Essene says:
"Let them come.
I'm not finished."

He also says,
"There are greater things at work here than
you or me.

We have been called to preserve the very word
of God, that generations to come
may know that he does not change.

General Titus, may take my life,
but h cannot take my faith that belongs
to God!"

I LOVE THIS! That is one of my favorite
stories that I like to tell all the time.
I have a direct past life recall of that incident,
so of course, I loved seeing it in this FIRST EVER

As an Essene Minister in the lineage of
Professor Edmond Bordeaux Szekely
as trained as well in The Essene School of Thought Teachings,
I would make a few corrections to this page,
but I love this Comic Book and Plant a Seed Now
the the first edition be a SELL OUT.

So, Pray Tell?
Why is this Blog called,
"Going to be Famous????"

I had this Vision last night.
In the Vision, that came to be as I was sleeping,
My Guidance Team, many of them Essenes
showed me a vision. I was being interviewed
by the New York Times.

They wanted to know my Take on the Essene Story.
After all, how many Essene Ministers are there today????

and I adore as well the The Essene Way as understood by
Professor Edmond Bordeaux Szekely.

The Professor's Teachings about the Essenes
is one of the most uplifting and beneficial approaches
to the Essenes that is on the planet today.
That is my testament.

In the near future, there is going to be a condensation
of some of his teachings that is right now in the writing
and editiing stages.

The most significant Essene Teaching of the Professor
is expressed in a very limited edition of a Porfolio

This Portfolio of loose leaf pages describes Nature Studies
through some of the world's greatest cultures and thinkers.

The Professor was into OMNI-LATERAL THINKING.
Looking at something from all Sides.
That my friend, is a a Salvation for these times!

The Professor would say,
if all the Great Thinkers from various times and cultures
sat at one round table, there would be total peace,
but if you called together their disciples, you would have
a big argument on your wants.

In other words, it is the Consciousness of the perceiver
that distates the Way we see things in this life.
It is also the Soul of the person, the individual God Spark
and the Lessons the person needs to Remember in the moment
that determines what comes into our view,
and then becomes a Viewpoint.

Viewpoints shift according to what we need to know in
any one moment.

That is why is my Poem Truth's Landscape
I speak about Relative Truth.

I will Blog on "TRUTH'S LANDSCAPE" elsewhere.

Another Essene character trait--an aspiration--
is be be Humble in spirit. That is pretty difficult
in this day and age when so many of grew up
with a lack of Self Esteem.

Everyone gets so invested in what they imagine
to be the Way or the Truth.

There are about 20 Jesus stories floating around
if not more! They are all different. They all have
relative truth. The question, the deeper question,
why is there so much juice behind that point of view?

Often, we get so stuck on what we believe.

When I was a kid, I remember visiting my Uncle Ruby
and Aunt Sylvia in Rochester, New York. Uncle Ruby
was a Librarian, God Bless his Soul.

He shared with me a book about archeology.
It was a book written about 2000 years from now.
The Archeologist were looking back at these times.
They were attempting to figure out what the heck
was the meaning of some of the 'Treasures"
we held useful or sacred in the 20th century.
It was a funny book, but left an lasting impression on me.

So right now, there are a bunch of scholars on the Dead Sea
Scrolls, each invested in their version of the Story.
If I spent twenty years of my life or more on a certain point
of view, I certainly would want to my time to count!
I would be backing my point of view with a passion.
I would be showing all my facts.

Of course, facts are truths as the perceiver sees them.
From a Mystics point of view, or a Quantum Physicist,
we know that what we see shifts according to the very act
of looking!

Pam and esteemed professor
David Noel Freedman, a content advisor on the Comic Book
and author of :WHAT ARE THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS and
WHY DO THEY MATTER?" share the point of view
that the Essenes did, in fact, dwell at Qumran.

That has been a very popular point of view since the
Dead Sea Scrolls were first discovered.

There is a lot of historical evidence that the Essenes
existed as a community. Professor Szekely is a big
advocate of this as well.

Now there are other Schools of thought who would
advocate that Qumran was come kind of Pottery Business
or a place where runaways from Jesusalem came to stash
valuable Holy Books before the Romans came to destroy them.

There are a ton of other theories as well, I am sure.

One of my questions I would ask,
"If the Essenes did, in fact, exist, and have communities,
where did they live if not Qumran?

I would also want to know, what are all those Cisterns
and Holy Mickveh--Ritual Bathing pools--doing there,
if these were not part of some group that absolutely
adored water rituals????????

The Essenes were practically Water Babies!!!!
Cleansing was their thing. They were hyper vigilant,
also anal about cleansings in a day when hardly anyone
took a bath!!!!!!!!

Back to the Corrections in my point of view...
and this are Relatively Minor....

:that generations to come
may know that he does not change."

God does in fact, appear to change
as we shift in consciiiousness.

I once heard a Rabbi speak about this.
there are many names for God, and God appears
to have different personalities....from a wrathful
God to a Loving God.

Even in Judaism, you will find many different names
of God used in the Old Testament. This is because
as people shift in consciouseness, they create or co-create
a "different" God. Moreso, a differenct expression of the
consciousness of God.

on the Other hand, The Essene School of Thought
would also add; There is no Change...because
Time a a figment of our imagination....
I am sure there are places in the scriptures that also
go with similar idea...Turn, turn, does that go????
Everything has its season....

Also, here is one more edit....

"General Titus, may take my life, "

The Essene School of thought teaching
is that the Essenes believed in eternal life.
One interpretation of the word "Resurrection,"
during that time meant "Reincarnation."

Reincarnation, althought not a popular belief
in modern Judaism, as well was a teaching that
you will find in the records.

The Essenes were PR specialists for God.
They were into the Media for the times.
Their industries were Knowledge and Healing.

They knew they would be back.
They knew that the scrolls would be

These are Unedited Versions of the Holy Books.

That, is why I imagine, there has been such a hub hub
about simply releasing them.

The Dead Sea Scrolls step on too many Sacred Cows.

Enough Said for Now....
Go get a copy of this wonderful book
and give it to your Favorite Kid!

Your Enchanted Gardener

Photo of David Noel Freedman
and Pam Fox Kuhlken
is here:

Essene Teaching:

This is a link to all the Blogs
I have been writing related
to the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit
at the Natural History Museum


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