Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

She lost her Thyroid in Chernobyl cleanup

I got up to write out some inspirations and clear my head.
An article still on my desktop is on my mind, and so
I am linking to that.

It is about a woman who lost her Thyroid in Chernobyl cleanup.
Copy of an article from AOL Original
March 23, 2011

She says the people of Japan should run away. That is her advice.
In other words, get the heck out of proximity to the danger zone.

I am also seeing the critical need for me to get the sponsors
I need so I can keep writing and support my work.

This is a long journaling, just pouring out ideas to clear my head
this early morning.

I will pick up on these themes later.

Date:   3/23/2011 7:53:57 AM   ( 13 y ) ... viewed 21649 times


We deeply need a movement
deep down, an Organic Uprising
in response to the President in the White House being in bed
with BioTech Ag.

GE Alfalfa was deregulated in January.
The USDA, United States Department of Ag
and its secretary Tom Villsack were thinking in terms
of co-existence when a meeting was help to discuss
the matter. Organic stakeholders who attended
the recent Natural Product Expo West attended.

There was no option on the table that said,
we do not want GMO's. There was no GMO position
on the table, so the strategy was to get behind
the idea that perhaps if there was going to be co-existence,
at least the GE seed folks, who would be responsible
for harming organic ag, would pay for the damages.

This was our organic stakeholder position.

When word came that some of our organic stakeholders
got behind the co-existence idea, while our consumer
organic groups called for No-GMO, this raised an uproar.

Our organic consumer groups started to say that
our organic stakeholder leadership, tried and true
non-GMO proponents, had caved in to Monsanto.

This idea has hurt our cohesiveness as an organic movement.

The Organic stakeholders met in a panel
on March 11, 2011 called...

Significantly, this was the same day that the earth quake and
tsumnani in Japan was pointing out that our reliance on
nuclear power was and is an horrifiic error in judgement.

The same can be said of the White House position on BioTech Ag.
It is a horrific position, that does not stand up based on real science.

Nuclear power and GE Ag are both abhorrent to nature.
They are opposed to Nature's Original Technology that is perfect
in itself.

We want to beat the system.

We are paying a high price, a severe high price.

Read this article abourt one survivor of Chernobyl.
She had her thyroid cut out as a result of participaing in the

We are all participating in the cleanup now of our earth.

We are all having health compromises.

The other day I had some pure water from Sage Mountain Farm
in San Diego, one of our Beet Keeper farmers.

Getting this water is a highlight of my week.

Water is a sacred substance.
It is a health giving element in Nature's Original Technology.

We are all using supplements now to attempt to make up
for what we are not doing.


I want to make it clear that our organic stakeholders
did not cave in to Monsanto, who is one of the major BioTech
companies compromising Nature's Original Technology
with their plans to get us all behind GE seeds.

Now with the impending full deregulation of GE Seeds,
our option is to come up with a 40 year plan, as Walt Robb suggests.

We also need to take action now, as the Co-ceo of Whole Foods Market
correctly says Part One Draft One of the Video outtake I am making now.

This Part One is long and contains my listing of potential and existing
sponsors that allow me to work near full time writing on these critical issues.


Yesterday, I worked all day for the most part
on the Video and making some headway with organizing
this Draft One.

The Natural Product Expo West is my main fundraiser for the year.

If I am going to ground out the community here,
I need to get to another level of having sponsors for my projects
including the Enchanted Garden Intentional Community Growing Grounds

We have so very little cooperative living experiences in place
in the world.

There is a tremendous gap in my head and life between all the things
I am attempting to do.

It is a full time job working with these videos.
It is a full time job attempting to live with seven others on this
1/3 acre. It was pure madness during the winter being
cut off from my own need to take time for myself, and
then do the work necessary to maintain my blogs and outreach.

I was forced to face unbelievable relationship issues
that came up with the need to feel vacancies here at my home.

There were days I attempted to move out myself,
imagining I could secure a lighter future with less responsibility.

I could not work that out.

I accept I am meant to be here and continue the effort
to learn to live with others.

There is a tremendous gap in the awareness that it takes
to live by Nature's Original Technology.

The Garden is a metaphor for where this original technology
shows up.

When they deregulated GE seeds, the organic alfalfa began to talk to me.

I started to grow organic alfalfa in the BioSmart containers of my
lead sponsor. i took four of these containers to the Natural Product
Expo West and they were a big hit.

I was amazed how much interest there was in the little pots
of growing alfalfa.

Walt Robb got it instantly.

When I showed up at the panel he was M.C. for, he uplifted
the project.

I have been interacting with him for numbers of years.

Walt Robb of Whole Foods Market is a good man with a lot of integrity.

Whole Foods Market has helped me out with a number of cutting
edge projects over the years.

This is due in part to my relationship with Michael Besancon,
who was our regional president before he became the #4 man
in the Whole Foods Market organization.

Michael was my original avocado maker when he was a hippie
at Follow Your Heart cafe in the San Fernando Valley where I
went to college or some years. We were very deep friends.

By the way, it was Michael who first introduced me to
the Essene Gospel of Peace by Edmond Bordeuax Szekely.
So I want it to be known that there are deep undercurrent roots
at the depth of what is attempting to be played out here.

Many of the organic stakeholders are, from my esoteric
point of view, Essene soul group, or close to this.


I just got up to clear my head.
it is still very early and I want to get back to bed.

I went to a planning meeting last night of all of our
San Diego community planning groups. This was the first time
I ever attended such a meeting.

They were discussing the issued of Community Gardens.

Those who are in favor of this, packed the room.

I was tempted to speak, but held back.
My energy was not that great.

I did not want to show off my speaking ability
just to get energy.

I figured our side had enough spokespersons.

I will speak up later at the Cultivating Food Justice.

It was a mistake that we did not have flyers for that event
with us, but I made a brief announcement when we gathered
at the end.

I am just starting, like a little seed, to come out of this
very devastating winter experience.


There were 22 heads of the various city planning communities.
This is all new to me.

To hear the arguments against community gardens
and some of the concerns was enlightening.

I was highly uncomfortable sitting there for much of the evening.
I was growing increasingly uncomfortable as the evening progressed,
but I am glad I do not bolt.

My inner child was screaming.

I need a lot of inner time off now.

I am living on a few supplements, not my natural energy.

If I were not taking StayActiv, my anti inflammatory of choice,
I could never have gotten through the Natural Product Expo West.

There is a ton of work to do now on followup.

The affairs at the house are also very much pressing.


I also need helpers to come over here this Sunday
when Brian Everette, a co-owner here, will come down
from San Mateo.

We need tools.

I have to write a note to one of the dwellers here to see
if we can get the tools to fix the porch.

I need to update with Brian and put the word out.


I am also having techno glitches.

It takes a lot of time just to stay on top of this computer.

The Imac is not able to send emails using the new Iphoto version.

It would be good to bring it to the Genius Bar tomorrow.

I need to bring in the external hard drive as well.


I need a true back up.
I would like Hitachi to send me one.

I feel real confident in the G-RAID brand.

There is so much to do.


Andrew Reiff of EAT was gratefully there
and recording much of the meeting.

That is very important footage.

My Olympus was not working very well
to get the kind of footage I needed.

Something going on with the lighting.

That was not the tool for that assignment.


I think they are called Community Councils.
It is all new to me.

They were attempting to put in place
some motions that go to the San Diego City Council
that reflected that most, or many of the
participants had never been to a Farmers' Market.
Someone handed out suc***s and numbers were
eating this lollipop.

That said a lot to me.

I brought some signage to share that Robert Slovak
of Original Quinton gave me. The signage was about
the lack of micro-nutrients.


I do not know if I will have time to go over the
material that i will upload, but it pointed out that
the Educating Washington on Real Food Safety
starts in my backyard, literally, and also in
working the soil of these relationships with the city
community council.

There are code compliance issues that concern me.
I will reflect on this off line.

I need to make these relationships happen.

I brought orange blossoms.
I offered the fragrance to the members of the
community council. Few even would take a sniff.

Mel Engels, an old ally, was part of the community council.
He recognized me. I was dressed up in my sport suit.

He said he never saw me dressed up.

Few wore sport jackets.

I want to look up Mel Engels on the internet.

Glad he was there.


There was some discussion about not allowing
sales of food that could be grown from the community

She did not have a sense of the issue of homeland security involved
here. Community Gardens are an issue of national self defense truly.
I would have said that.

There was some concern about locking up fertilizer and chemicals.
The one woman said that fertilizer could be used to make bombs.
Most of those here do not even use fertilizer.

There was some issue with the permitting.
They did not want the community gardens to have fees,
but they did not want to give five years for the first run through.

There was a report for the IRC, who headed this up to some

Amy Lint was a big player.

She saw the mistake at the end that we did not have flyers
for the Cultivating Food Justice conference.

4:59 am
March 23, 2011

Chernobyl Cleanup Survivor's Message for Japan: 'Run Away as Quickly as Possible'
Mar 22, 2011 – 1:23 PM
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Dana Kennedy
Natalia Manzurova, one of the few survivors among those directly involved in the long cleanup of Chernobyl, was a 35-year-old engineer at a nuclear plant in Ozersk, Russia, in April 1986 when she and 13 other scientists were told to report to the wrecked, burning plant in the northern Ukraine.

It was just four days after the world's biggest nuclear disaster spewed enormous amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and forced the evacuation of 100,000 people.

Manzurova and her colleagues were among the roughly 800,000 "cleaners" or "liquidators" in charge of the removal and burial of all the contamination in what's still called the dead zone.

Courtesy of Natalia Manzurova
Natalia Manzurova, shown here in 1988 in the "dead zone" of the Pripyat, is one of the relatively few survivors among those directly involved in the cleanup of Chernobyl.
She spent 4 1/2 years helping clean the abandoned town of Pripyat, which was less than two miles from the Chernobyl reactors. The plant workers lived there before they were abruptly evacuated.

Manzurova, now 59 and an advocate for radiation victims worldwide, has the "Chernobyl necklace" -- a scar on her throat from the removal of her thyroid -- and myriad health problems. But unlike the rest of her team members, who she said have all died from the results of radiation poisoning, and many other liquidators, she's alive.

AOL News spoke with Manzurova about the nuclear disaster in Japan with the help of a translator on the telephone Monday from Vermont. Manzurova, who still lives in Ozersk, was beginning a one-week informational tour of the U.S. organized by the Beyond Nuclear watchdog group.

AOL News: What was your first reaction when you heard about Fukushima?
Manzurova: It felt like déjà vu. I felt so worried for the people of Japan and the children especially. I know the experience that awaits them.

But experts say Fukushima is not as bad as Chernobyl.
Every nuclear accident is different, and the impact cannot be truly measured for years. The government does not always tell the truth. Many will never return to their homes. Their lives will be divided into two parts: before and after Fukushima. They'll worry about their health and their children's health. The government will probably say there was not that much radiation and that it didn't harm them. And the government will probably not compensate them for all that they've lost. What they lost can't be calculated.

What message do you have for Japan?
Run away as quickly as possible. Don't wait. Save yourself and don't rely on the government because the government lies. They don't want you to know the truth because the nuclear industry is so powerful.

Courtesy of Natalia Manzurova
Natalia Manzurova, now 59, has suffered a variety of ailments since she worked at Chernobyl, but she says she is the only member of her team still alive.
When you were called to go to Chernobyl, did you know how bad it was there?
I had no idea and never knew the true scope until much later. It was all covered in secrecy. I went there as a professional because I was told to -- but if I was asked to liquidate such an accident today, I'd never agree. The sacrifices the Fukushima workers are making are too high because the nuclear industry was developed in such a way that the executives don't hold themselves accountable to the human beings who have to clean up a disaster. It's like nuclear slavery.

What was your first impression of Chernobyl?
It was like a war zone where a neutron bomb had gone off. I always felt I was in the middle of a war where the enemy was invisible. All the houses and buildings were intact with all the furniture, but there wasn't a single person left. Just deep silence everywhere. Sometimes I felt I was the only person alive on a strange planet. There are really no words to describe it.

What did your work as a liquidator entail?
First, we measured radiation levels and got vegetation samples to see how high the contamination was. Then bulldozers dug holes in the ground and we buried everything -- houses, animals, everything. There were some wild animals that were still alive, and we had to kill them and put them in the holes.

Were any pets left in the houses?
The people had only a few hours to leave, and they weren't allowed to take their dogs or cats with them. The radiation stays in animals' fur and they can't be cleaned, so they had to be abandoned. That's why people were crying when they left. All the animals left behind in the houses were like dried-out mummies. But we found one dog that was still alive.

Where did you find the dog and how did he survive?
We moved into a former kindergarten to use as a laboratory and we found her lying in one of the children's cots there. Her legs were all burned from the radiation and she was half blind. Her eyes were all clouded from the radiation. She was slowly dying.

Were you able to rescue her?
No. Right after we moved in, she disappeared. And this is the amazing part. A month later we found her in the children's ward of the (abandoned) hospital. She was dead. She was lying in a child's bed, the same size bed we found her in the kindergarten. Later we found out that she loved children very much and was always around them.

How did working in the dead zone begin to affect your health?
I started to feel as if I had the flu. I would get a high temperature and start to shiver. What happens during first contact with radiation is that your good flora is depleted and the bad flora starts to flourish. I suddenly wanted to sleep all the time and eat a lot. It was the organism getting all the energy out.

How much radiation were you subjected to?
We were never told. We wore dosimeters which measured radiation and we submitted them to the bosses, but they never gave us the results.

But didn't you realize the danger and want to leave?
Yes, I knew the danger. All sorts of things happened. One colleague stepped into a rainwater pool and the soles of his feet burned off inside his boots. But I felt it was my duty to stay. I was like a firefighter. Imagine if your house was burning and the firemen came and then left because they thought it was too dangerous.

When did you discover the thyroid tumor?
They found it during a routine medical inspection after I had worked there several years. It turned out to be benign. I don't know when it started to develop. I had an operation to remove half the thyroid gland. The tumor grew back, and last year I had the other half removed. I live on (thyroid) hormones now.

Why did you go back to Chernobyl after getting a thyroid tumor?
Right around the time of my operation, the government passed a law saying the liquidators had to work for exactly 4 1/2 years to get our pension and retire. If you left even one day early, you would not get any benefits.

Really? That seems beyond cruel.

It's why the nuclear industry is dangerous. They want to deny the dangers. They kept changing the law about what benefits we'd get because if they admitted how much we were affected, it would look bad for the industry. Now we hardly get any benefits.

Did your health worsen after you finally finished work at Chernobyl?
I was basically disabled at 43. I was having fits similar to epileptic fits. My blood pressure was sky high. It was hard to work for more than six months a year. The doctors didn't know what to do with me. They wanted to put me in a psychiatric ward and call me crazy. Finally they admitted it was because of the radiation.

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