Blog: Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener

HOLY SCROLL +Essene Presentation at Natural History Museum

Description of proposed Essene Plant Your Dream Activity
&Enchanted Garden Installation
for San Diego Natural History Museum
2:30-4:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday January 5 and 6.

Date:   12/31/2007 12:09:56 AM   ( 17 y ) ... viewed 1376 times

Dear Delle and Nancy:

Here's an idea for a closing weekend event to generate interest for the young-at-heart! We are eager to share our passion for the Scrolls, and we're flexible--open to your input and ideas. Thank you for your valuable time and consideration, ladies!


From Pam Fox Kuhlken:

Dear Leslie,

Would you be interested in collaborating on some sort of presentation as a "happening" to generate interest (especially for the young-at-heart) in the mornings or evenings at the museum? I'm thinking of a little interview with an Essene: I was thinking that we could have kids plant "Job's Tears" seeds.

Anything entertaining, humorous, or fascinating. The bookstore manager invited me to generate some interest in the atrium, and I thought of you!





This is the final weekend to see the priceless Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit.
The young and young-at-heart are invited to use the inspiration of the Dead Sea Scrolls to Plant Your Dream with Job's Tear Seeds at a table outside the bookstore for the next 30 minutes.

A popular rabbinic motto promises, "Sow in tears, reap in joy." So Plant a Job's Tear Seed...Grow a Whole New World.

You may also write out your wishes for a beautiful world on a Living Gratitude Scroll to be given to the Museum. For the young and young-at-heart in front of the bookstore, where you can meet the author of the newly-released comic book, HOLY SCROLLS, the first, exclusive graphic novella on the Dead Sea Scrolls available only at the museum bookstore. Support your San Diego Natural History Museum and don't miss these special events at the bookstore.

Dr. Pam Fox Kuhlken, co-author of HOLY SCROLLS: THE ORIGIN OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS as well as WHAT ARE THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND WHY DO THEY MATTER?, along with collaborator Rev. Leslie Goldman, a modern-day Essene Minister and "Enchanted Gardener," will participate in the final day activities at the San Diego Natural History Museum's Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit.

Dr. Kuhlken will sign copies of the first ever comic book on the Dead Sea Scrolls exclusively available at the museum. Rev Goldman, the Enchanted Gardener, will give the young-at-heart a free opportunity to Plant Job's Tear Seeds to grow international dreams in a Community Pot, write out Seed Dreams, and help create a Gratitude Scroll--best wishes for a beautiful world--to be given to the Museum.

"The Essenes at Qumran had a vision of planting a new Garden of Eden in the wilderness," said Dr. Kuhlken, "according to Ezekiel's prophecy. And while you can see a virtual tour of Qumran in the museum's theater, this special event will give kids the chance to sow the Essene's vision of a real garden that bears the fruit of healing and peace." Job's Tears seeds will be available in the bookstore.

As part of the closing ceremonies of the Dead Sea Scrolls exhibit, the free book signing and Essene "Plant Your Dream" activity will take place 2:30-4:30 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, January 5th and 6th, in front of the bookstore on Level One.

The first ever comic book, co-authored by Brett Burner, tells a story of the Essenes, known as the Community of Qumran. Dr. David Noel Freedman, noted
Dead Sea Scrolls Scholar, is the consultant for the comic book, HOLY SCROLLS, and WHAT ARE THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS AND WHY DO THEY MATTER?, and an advisor of the interactive Essene "Plant Your Dream" event.

STIPEND: Pending availability, a stipend of $350.00 for one day OR $600 for both Sat. and Sun. is requested to cover expenses and future "Plant Your Dream" (a non-profit) educational outreaches. However, if funding is an issue, we are happy to host the event pro bono.



One table--3x6 or so, outside bookstore, place left of door, south of comic book signing table.

Chairs--four provided by museum. Two in case anyone wants to sit while writing note.

Roll of Rhimax chemical free organic paper--Leslie will provide...this for the Gratitude Scroll that will sit on the top of the table about six feet long. Leslie will provide a few non-toxic crayons for those who wish to write out wishes for a more beautiful world/ and or thanks to the Museum, or personal thoughts.

One bucket filled with organic soil--Leslie will provide. This will be the community pot. Each person will have the opportunity to "Plant Your Dream" in the pot. It says The Enchanted Garden Grows here."

The table will be decorated with some dried plant materials, Job's Tears. Leslie will provide. Some of the Job's Tear stalks, still have seeds on them.

Bowl of Job's Tear seeds--Leslie will provide this. The Young at Heart may take some seeds and plant them in the community pot.

Job's Tear Packets of Seeds for Sale--Leslie will provide some packets of Jobs Tears--to be stationed in a small basket at the register for anyone who wants to purchase the seeds for their own garden.

The wholesale is $2.50 to the museum. The retail is $5.00. Leslie will give these on consignment and use the funds for future "Plant Your Dream" education outreaches.

A local folk musician, Paris Bingo, may participate with background music and nature songs.

BIO NOTE on Leslie Goldman:

Leslie Goldman is one of the last Essene Ministers ordained by 20th Century Essene Renaissance PIoneer Edmond Bordeuax Szekely, The Szekely Foundation, sponsors of the Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit.

Leslie, known as Your Enchanted Gardener, is an Essene Minister. He was given a United States Peace Medal in 1982 by Robert Muller. Muller, experiencing Leslie's work said, "Let Us Make Our Entire, Miraculous Planet into an Enchanted Garden!"

Leslie's presence is sponsored by Dr. David Noel Freedman and Dr. Pam Fox Kuhlken, authors of HOLY SCROLLS: THE ORIGIN OF THE DEAD SEA SCROLLS, the first, exclusive comic book on the subject. "The Comic tells a story of the Essenes, who many know as the Community of Qumran," Rev. Goldman says. "They were master gardeners of their day. They spread their hope for a beautiful world in terms of garden metaphors that will come alive for you as you Plant Your Dream."

Rev. Goldman, a popular internet writer, has written extensively about the exhibit on his Plant Your Dream Blog.


Original to Pam

From Pam Fox Kuhlken:

Dear Leslie,

Would you be interested in collaborating on some sort of presentation as a "happening" to generate interest

(especially for the young-at-heart) in the mornings or evenings at the museum? I'm thinking of a little interview with an Essene:
I could ask you 3-5 questions and you could briefly
respond (holding those tiny attention spans). I was also thinking of planting "Job;s Tears" seeds
Anything entertaining, humorous, or fascinating.
The bookstore manager invited me to create some interest this way, and I thought of you!



(15 minute increments (or as you wish.)

These are the final days of our Dead Sea Scroll Exhibit.
You are invited to use the inspiration of the Dead Sea Scrolls
to Plant Your Dream with Job's Tear Seeds at a table outside the bookstore
for the next 30 minutes.

Plant a Seed. Grow a Whole New World.

You may also write out your wishes for a beautiful world
on a Living Gratitude Scroll to be given to the Museum.


Dr. Pam Fox Kuhlken, co-author of "Holy Scrolls, The Originals of the Dead Sea Scrolls,"
and Leslie Goldman, Essene Minister, will participate in the final day activities at the
San Diego Natural History Museum Dead Sea Scrolls Exhibit.

Dr. Kuhlken will sign copies of the first ever comic book on the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Rev Goldman, called Your Enchanted Gardener, will give the Young at Heart an opportunity
to Plant Job's Tear Seeds in a Community Pot, write out Seed Dreams, and help create
a Gratitude Scroll--best wishes for a beautiful world--to be given to the Museum.

"The Essenes at Qumran had a vision of planting a new Garden of Eden," said Dr. Kuhlken.

The Book signing and Essene Plant Your Dream activity will take place
2:30-4:30 PM, Saturday and Sunday, January 5 and 6, the Final Days of the exhibit
on tables in front of the Bookstore on Level One.

The first ever comic book, co-authored by Brett Burner, tells a story of the Essenes,
who many know as the Community of Qumran. Dr. David Noel Freedman, noted
Dead Sea Scrolls Scholar, is the consultant on the comic book. "What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls and Why Do They Matter?" co-authored by Drs. Freedman and Kuhlken is also being signed at the table.



One table--3x6 or so, outside bookstore, place left of door, south of comic book signing table.
Chairs--four provided by museum. Two in case anyone wants to sit while writing note.

Roll of Rhimax chemical free organic paper--I will provide...this for the Gratitude Scroll
that will sit on the top of the table about six feet long. I will provide a few non-toxic crayons
for those who wish to write out wishes for a more beautiful world/ and or thanks to the Museum,
or personal thoughts.

One bucket filled with organic soil--I will provide. This will be the community pot. Each person
will have the opportunity to "Plant Your Dream" in the pot. It says The Enchanted Garden Grows here"

The table will be decorated with some dried plant materials, Job's Tears. I will provide. Some
of the Job's Tear stalks, still have seeds on them.

Bowl of Job's Tear seeds--I will provide this. The Young at Heart may take some seeds and plant
them in the community pot.

Job's Tear Packets of seeds for Sale--I will provide some packets of Jobs Tears--to be stationed
in a small basket at the register for anyone who wants to purchase the seeds for their own garden.

The wholesale is $2.50 to the museum. The retail is $5.00. I will give these on consignment.

A musician--Paris Bingo, may likely participate and sing and Enchanted Garden song.
if this works for the museum.

BIO NOTE on Leslie Goldman:

Leslie Goldman, known as Your Enchanted Gardener, is an Essene Minister.
He was given a United Nations Peace Medal in 1982 by Robert Muller,
then Undersecretary General, for the work he would do
in his life.

Leslie's presence is sponsored by "Holy Scrolls, The Origins of the The Dead Sea Scrolls,"
a first ever comic book for sale outside the bookstore. "The Comic tells a story of the Essenes,
who many know as the Community of Qumran. They were master gardeners of their day,
They spread their hope for a beautiful world in terms of garden metaphors that will come alive
for you as you Plant Your Dream." says Rev. Goldman.

"His Mission is to inspire each of us to grow a more beautiful world
through planting Seeds and our Deepest Seed Dreams.,"He says.

Leslie is one of the last Essene Ministers ordained by 20th Century Essene Renaissance PIoneer
Edmond Bordeuax Szekely,

The Szekely Foundation and Szekely Family are patrons
and supporters of the Dead Sea Scroll Exhibit.

Rev. Goldman, a popular internet writer, has written
extensively about the exhibit on his Plant Your Dream Blog.

STiPEND: an optional stipend of $300.00 for materials and support of the activity
If funds are not available to support this, or timing makes this difficult, this is fine.
The stipend, if you wish, may be sent later.



San Diego Jewish Journal article:
February 2004:

Goldman says his most important mission
is to create peace on earth. By teaching people about the Essene way of life,
writing poetry and supporting local farmers, he says,
he plants the seeds for peace, one person at a time.


The Enchanted Gardener

The mystical and sometimes mystifying Leslie Goldman
wants to change your world with chocolate peppermint.


As I sit down to talk with Leslie Goldman,
also known as the Enchanted Gardener,
he asks me to rub some chocolate peppermint
between my hands and inhale deeply three times.
He tells me my whole world can change in less than 15 seconds.

I'm not sure I'm ready to have my world change that fast.

"All the things you would do to make a plant grow are…
symbolic of the things you and I need for our lives to grow,"
Goldman says. "I call that Plant Parenthood.
In other words, letting the plants teach us how to find room
in our lives for the things that are naturally meant
to be part of our lives that we've forgotten."

Still confused, I ask him exactly what part of my life I've forgotten.

"We've forgotten our essence, a way of living that is soul-inspired,"
Goldman explains patiently. "The path of nature is a way to restore this essential connection."

Goldman gives me some seeds called Job's Tears and tells me that
if I take the time to plant them, my dreams will come true.

--Claire Schneider

Feng Shui and Ecology Conference, 1999:

Leslie Goldman

Plant Your Dream.

Discover the enchantment of the soil, the passion of the garden with Leslie Goldman. What seeds lie dormant within you? Where could your life use some blossoming or some fruit? Through earthy ritual and inspired poetry, Leslie invites participants to re-awaken an intuitive relationship with the primeval forces of growth, flowering and bearing fruit. By mindfully planting a seed in the Earth, you can give life to your dreams and nurture them to an abundant harvest.

Leslie Goldman, the 'Enchanted Gardener,' is an extraordinary organic gardener from Southern California who in 15 years of gardening has developed an intuitive relationship with the Earth. Gardening is Leslie's spiritual, poetic and mystical practice, and his inspiring example leads people to a whole new way of experiencing the vitality and life-energy around them.

International Feng Shui Conference 2005:

Plant Your Dream: Growing Peace on Earth One Plant at a time
with Leslie Goldman

This class will empower your personal dreams as you reawaken an intuitive relationship with the primeval forces of growth and cultivate a personal relationship with seeds and plants as teachers and allies. How much more beauty can we each add to the world as we commit to take organic seeds and our own deepest seed dreams out of "Packages?" Through earthy ritual and inspired prose and poetry drawn from his life and experiences, Leslie reviews steps to grow the Enchanted Garden, a name for our renewed Earth that asks to be grown through each of us. This class starts now, so send Leslie a note at and he will send you some seeds to grow.


"I’ve been waiting half my life to tell somebody about Leslie Goldman.
Always figured I’d wait for some desperate moment.
Now it’s here."-- Bob Baker, Los Angeles times Magazine

"Do you remember, a lifetime ago,
when Nat King Cole had a hit song
called "Nature Boy"? It told about
"a strange, enchanted boy"
who wandered far, very far,
and when he met you,
he taught you many things.
I've met that boy,
or someone very much like him,
and he is now a man known as
"The Enchanted Gardener..."
I may never be the same."
--Paul Froemming,
Montecito Journal,
July 16, '99

"A magic day he passed my way and while we spoke
of many things Fools and Kings, this he said to me,
'The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be
loved in return.' " -- "Nature Boy," written by eden
ahbez, recorded by Nat King Cole in 1947.

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