Plant Your Dream!
by YourEnchantedGardener
Page 425 of 731

When it rains, it pours!--Survival and Thrival Tool I Use   14 y  
When it rains, it pours!--Surivival and Thrival Tool I Use. It is raining like cats and dogs. Everybody is starting to pray and ask for the rain too stop. Bill Tall is grounded in Nature at City Farmers Nursery. He says, "When it rains, it shows you where the leaks are." This is good. I also talked to Joey Mendelsohn, a lead entrepreneur in Keep The Beet's Rock Your Soul Opera called Beet Keepers, Return! Joey is invested in getting you hooked up with the EcoUsable stainless steel BPA Lining free drinking bottle system. I, for one, recommend you have a number of EcoUsable Filters on hand to catch the Blessing of this pure rain. You can filter it through your bottle and have water worth millions to your health.
WHEN IT RAINS IT POURS? ARE YOU COLLECTING WATER FOR DRINKING AND WATERING PLANTS? This is Carl Palmer pouring me muddy water from bottle that has the EcoUable Stainless steel filtering system. I was amazed. This happened at the Natural Product Expo West 2008 in Anaheim. GET THIS BOTTLE HERE SOMETHING HAD TO BE DONE AND JOEY MENDELSOHN AND MARC WOLLMAN ARE DOING IT!! ABSTRACT 9:50 am December 22, 2010 When it rains, it pours!--Surivival and Thrival Tool I Use. It is raining like cats and dogs. Everybo ...   read more

Bad food safety bill to be voted on by lame duck Congress   14 y  
Bad food safety bill to be voted on by lame duck Congress 9:19 am December 22, 2010 FOR THE RECORD This was one of the emails I got the day before #HR 2751 passed the house. When will the President sign the bill? I want to see that.
9:19 am December 22, 2010 FOR THE RECORD This was one of the emails I got the day before #HR 2751 passed the house. When will the President sign the bill? I want to see that. THIS IS A RECORD OF THE BILL PASSING NOVEMBER 30 before it was sent back to the House, then it went back to the Senate and then back to the House. What a ridiculous journey. From: Marsha Youde [] Sent: Monday, December 20, 2010 4:32 PM To: Marsha Youde Subject: Bad food safety bill to be voted on by lame duck Congress TOMORROW Hi Everyo ...   read more

"When it rains, you see the leaks." Bill Tall City Farmer   14 y  
Morning Notes December 22, 2010 8:45 am
Massive leaks, massive cleanup on all levels needed now. We are being flooded out because we have not prepared for a rainy day. We do not have a budget for a rainy day. This is dangerous planning on home, city, state, national levels. We are banking on an economy that has nothing to do with the laws of nature. We are breaking down because we are not adjusting to the Shift that happened. This was pointed out to me watching the workings of Washington. I am seriously needed to work full time on bridging the gap between the those governing and those gover ...   read more

How to Embed a C-SPAN VIDEO   14 y  
How to Embed a C-SPAN VIDEO
6:23 pm Made a Video early on December 21, 2010 this very rare Winter Solstice/ Lunar Eclipse/ Mercury Retrograde in your face day that what I am called the Senator Harry Reid Cars for Clunkers FDA Food Safety #2751 formerly the #S-510 Modernization Act of Keep The Beet’s Rock Your Soul Opera called Beet Keepers, Return passed the House 215-144. You got to laugh or or feel cynical. Rep Frank D. Lucas (R) Oklahoma nailed the whole 18 month theatre production that seemed to ram this undigestable comtaminated bill down our throats. I am sure it will be a wake up ...   read more

They are talking about three bills in one...   14 y  
REp Lucas-saying it like it is My raw notes of December 21 as I am listening to C-SPAN move toward the vote on #2751- #S-510. POSTED HERE I appreciated your stand on #2751 on the Winter Solstice. You said what I wanted to say. This was important to me. Leslie Goldman Your Enchanted Gardener ”The problem with a lame duck session is that it occurs after many members of Congress have been voted out of office or have retired. They are no longer held accountable for their actions by their constituents and can choose to enact legislation that they usual ...   read more

Cash For Clunkers FDA Food Safety 215-144 Pass   14 y  
WINTER SOLSTICE NEWS LUNAR ECLIPSE JOURNAL FOR DEC 21,2010 Cash For Clunkers FDA Food Safety bill #2751, former #S-510 Passes 215-144 on this day of the Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice. Procedures followed were an embarrasment to watch on C-SPAN. Chewing on food Safety: A National Conversation was heeded by the people, but dismissed by both houses. Rep Frank Lucas (R) Oklahoma and Virginia Foxx (R) North Carolina called for procedures to be followed but their requests were out voted. Lucas eloquently traced the history of the Food Safety Bills from their inception. It was a true mockery of democracy, and showed that when the powers that be want to have their way with us, they can find a way, as was shown by Senator Harry Reid, who guided the bill underhandedly through to the House. There truly never was any true debate in either house. Read this Plant Your Dream Blog for a Potpouri of things from the morning. day, and evening of the lunar Eclipse Winter Solstice, the day this historic bill passed. The final tally was 215-144. More than 70 reps did not vote. They already went home to sup on Holday vittles very Food Safe indeed...
HERE IS A VIDEO I MADE DEC 21, 2010 { I will upload a higher quality of this when I have time. 8:33 am- December 22, 2010} bmarler Food Safety 215 Yes, 144 No and 74 already on vacation. 3 minutes ago via TweetDeck YourEG @bmarler O.K Bill, hold to your word #2751 You will freely defend Farmers’ Markets that are harmed. Did I read that right on your blog? less than 20 seconds ago via web in reply to bmarler ABSTRACT REVISED DECEMBER 22, 2010 WINTER SOLSTICE NEWS LUNAR ECLIPSE JOURNAL FOR DEC ...   read more

Washington Post happy it seems over #S510 Sunday Surprise   14 y  
Washington Post happy it seems over #S510 Sunday Surprise
Food-safety measure passes Senate in Sunday surprise COMMENT 73 Comments | View All » POST A COMMENT You must be logged in to leave a comment. Log in | Register Why Do I Have to Log In Again? ttp:// Discussion Policy By Lyndsey Layton Washington Post Staff Writer Sunday, December 19, 2010; 10:22 PM A bill that would overhaul the nation’s food-safety laws for the first time since the Great Depression came roaring back to life Sunday as Senate Democrats struck a deal with Republicans t ...   read more

#S-510 Against Update from National Health Federation   14 y  
#S-510 Against Update from National Health Federation
MESSAGE SENT TO SUSAN DAVIS MY REP Very disapointed that if you support #S-510. I wish you understood all the negative consequences of this bill and how unnecessary it is. Thanks for visiting our Hillcrest Farmers Market. I will do all I can to support you and help to educate you about how this bill is of concern to local farmers. This will harm more than help. Please give me some feedback on these videos here Sent via her website December 20, 2010 6:58 pm ******************** Once again, immediately contact ...   read more

Harry Hamil Deserves more than a Thank You   14 y  
Harry Hamil Deserves more than a Thank You. Send him some salary for what he has given our nation working for Real Food Safety.
2:02 pm December 20, 2010 THE TOWN OF BLACK MOUNTAIN Western North Carolina Health Food: You knew who grew ot HEALTHY FOOD COALITION HARRY HAMIL Please study the above....Videio.... THE CORE ISSUE HERE We need to encourage a new generation of full time farmers! This bill discourages them. Barry Logan tried to farm but he could not. Worksman’s Comp Makes it impossiible to cover your expenses. This is the core of the importance. We need to encourage a new generation of farmers who can sustain ...   read more

These Times Ask for New Alliances   14 y  
These Times Ask for New Alliances
The farm bed is bringing together a coalition that will restore ”America The Beautiful!” Alliances we never imagined that were needed are here now because we are need to eat Real Food. We can find strength in our Unity in Diversity. We do not all have to agree on everything. God enjoys us learning to love one another in spite of our differences. Merry Christmas to all. Truly we love our Country and what we can do together. Leslie Goldman Your Enchanted Gardener Plant Your Dream Website   read more

Mail Chimp   14 y  
Mail Chimp was recommended today. 11:31 am December 20, 2010   visit the page

I like this take on #S-510   14 y  
I like this take on #S-510
I read but generally lean away from publishing the info on Dr. Rima’s site. She has come into conflict with numbers of the other Health organizations. That is the crux of part of our problem right now. We, who want health freedom, need to evolve our skill set of cooperative living and find ways to work our Unity and Diversity Muscle so we can defend against the offense, that is sometimes offensive tactics that are coming down from Washington. We are called to strengthen our listening ability and see the other person’s point of view. I know I need to do this i ...   read more

Outstanding Summary December 20 of Food Safety Passage   14 y  
Outstanding Summary December 20 of Food Safety Passage by Sarah Foster: NOTES With Harry Hami The Democrats are at it again, this time under the cover of Sunday Night. The infamous food “safety” bill that health freedom activists and their allies assumed was out for the session, has come blazing back to life from its near-death state late Sunday, thanks to a sell-out by Senate Republicans. That’s right. S. 510, the Food Safety Modernization Act was stuck into a shell bill and passed unanimously just before the Senate adjourned for the day. As reported by the Washington Post: “After a weekend of negotiations, tense strategy sessions and several premature predictions about the bill's demise, [newly re-elected and confident] Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid, D-Nev., reached a deal with Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., that the GOP would not filibuster. [added]
MEET HARRY HAMIL He’s got the right idea why we need to vote not on #S-510 Food Safety Modernization in any form now. WHAT TO DO NOW SIGN THESE PETITIONS TELL HOUSE NOT TO PASS #S-510 BEET KEEPERS PETITION FROM NATIONAL HEALTH FEDERATION Called the mailbox... you cannot even get through. They cannot take any more messages!!! 3:37 pm December 20, 2 ...   read more

#S-510 Sunday Evening Surprise!!! #5-510 Passes Senate   14 y  
#S-510 Sunday Evening Surprise!!! #5-510 Passes Senate
DEAR LEGISLATORS PLEASE STUDY THESE VIDEO CLIPS ON THE NEW PLANT YOUR DREAM WEBSITE uploaded 9:04 am December 20, 2010 1 MILLION CALLS ARE NEEED NOW TO THE HOUSE. READ THE STORY HERE CALL SENATORS AS WELL TELL THEM YOU DO NOT LIKE THEM PASSING #S-510 SUNDAY NIGHT SENATORS PHONES Food Safety Bill was unanimously passed by the Senate w/o any GOP objection late Sunday night. We all need to call the House Members before they vo ...   read more

Here is 30 Billion for Local and State Gov   14 y  
The MERS hustle had another benefit: it saved the banking industry-and cost municipal governments-tens of billions of dollars by allowing lenders to avoid paying county filing fees, which cost an average of $30 a pop. According to the AP, if every mortgage tracked by MERS had been resold and re-recorded with a county just one time, the system would have saved the banking industry $2.4 billion in filing fees. In reality, most mortgages are sold and resold a dozen times-sometimes more, which means that MERS extracted at minimum around $30 billion from cash-strapped local governments. "Some counties also use recording fees to fund their court systems, legal aid organizations, low-income housing programs, or schools. In this respect, MERS's role in acting as a mortgagee of record in nominee capacity is simply a tax evasion tool," says Professor Peterson.
60 MINUTES SUNDAY DECEMBER 19 SAYS LOCAL AND STSTE GOV NEED MONEY. RELATED 60 MINUTES THE DAY OF RECKONING for state and local governments is here. THE STORY AND VIDEO ARE HERE THAT WERE BROADCAST ON DECEMBER 19 on CBS 60 MINUTES (CBS) By now, just about everyone in the country is aware of the federal deficit problem, but you should know that there is another financial crisis looming involving state and local governments. It has gotten much less attention because each state has a slightly differen ...   read more

Lunar Eclipse 2010 on the Winter Solstice   14 y  
Lunar Eclipse 2010 on the Winter Solstice
ON THE WINTER SOLSTICE AND LUNAR ECLIPSE DECEMBER 21, 2010 uploaded 11:17 pm December 19, 2010 TOTAL LUNAR ELIPSE AND WINTER SOLSTICE TO COLLIDE FOR FIRST TIME IN 456 YEARS Total Lunar Eclipse and Winter Solstice to Collide for First Time in 456 Years By Julie Kent. Published on 12/19/2010 - 4:34pm This coming Tuesday, the sun and moon with both appear at their darkest as the winter solstice and lunar eclipse occur at the same ...   read more

once Upon a Time in the History of Food, #S-510 Commentary   14 y  
once Upon a Time in the History of Food, #S-S10 Commentary ORIGINAL QUINTON ON NEW PLANT YOUR DREAM WEBSITE,
11:20 am Decmeber 19, 2010 There was once a time in the history of food, when man and woman ate of a beet and was instantly reminded of their God Given connection with the soul and soil. The balance was there in the food. IT was a natural reminded. Today, most of what we eat no longer reminds us of freshness, nor purity, or wholeness. We press to the limits the word natural. The Senate in 1936 was informed and it was noted in the COngressional Record: You could eat as many fruits and veggies as you could and you would still not get the micro nutrients yo ...   read more

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Created: 19 y   Feb 20 2005


Comments (10 of 1650):
Re: Ann G Schieber… Miyak… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… YOURE… 3 y
Re: "Leslie Speaks… Chef-… 3 y
Re: My health pict… Chef-… 4 y
Re: Global astrolo… sadha… 5 y
Re: Adding Color t… YOURE… 6 y
Re: Getting Ready … Chef-… 6 y
Re: Hematuria jour… ren 6 y
Re: TTP Action - M… Chef-… 6 y
[video/audio] Re: … YOURE… 6 y
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Blogs by YourEnchantedGardener (8):
Recovered Blogs #2436-#2168  17 y  (74)
Heart's Desire  16 y  (33)
Season of the Essenes  17 y  (26)
Plant Parenthood Activity  15 y  (22)
Great Earth Cleanup!  17 y  (17)
Dr. Bernard Jensen- "Keepin…  12 y  (12)
Essene Healing Mysteries  15 y  (7)
Joe The Farmer's Comeback  17 y  (1)

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