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Blog: Forgotten Words!
by kerminator

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  • Forgotten Words! by kerminator
    • Where did we go wrong?? by kerminator  10 y
      • Re: Where did we go wrong??   by  kerminator     10 y     2,882
        Subject:   Re: Where did we go wrong??
        Username:   kerminator     contact kerminator     email kerminator
        Date:   5/1/2014 1:33:34 PM   ( 10 y ago )
        Hits:   message viewed 2881 times
        Size: 6769 char.   URL:   http://www.curezone.org/blogs/c/fm.asp?i=2170803
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        ** Just what you need to know....

        Why Are Modern Guillotines on Military Bases in America? by Pam Schuffert (Feb. 15, 2009)

        The GUILLOTINES (modern military/metal, both imported and made in USA, present in many of our US military bases, and also installed in certain varieties of PRISONER BOXCARS WITH SHACKLES prepositioned nationwide for martial law according to eye-witness accounts)are here for only one purpose, in today's modern society.


        They are here to fulfill the purpose of THE NOAHIDE LAWS legislation signed by George Bush Sr., as part of the procedure of implementing the coming WORLD GOVERNMENT OF ANTICHRIST (NWO), and that is TO BEHEAD ALL OFFENDERS OF THE NOAHIDE LAWS provisions for EXECUTION of people (Gentiles) guilty of "IDOLATRY" and "BLASPHEMY AGAINST GOD."


        Being interpreted, "BEHEAD CHRISTIANS who believe that Jesus Christ is GOD IN THE FLESH and DIVINE."

        In this day of modern technology and advanced methods of execution available, there can ONLY be one purpose for the millions of modern guillotines present not only in US military bases, but uncovered through in-depth research to be in various locations worldwide, and that is to fulfill the MANDATES OF THE NOAHIDE LAWS against those who will not conform to it's Jewish religious dictates.

        EXECUTION BY BEHEADING is dictated for those who break THREE of the 7 NOAHIDE LAWS.

        CONFORM in this case means for CHRISTIANS TO RENOUNCE THEIR FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST as the SON OF GOD and DIVINE...something which is utterly hated by the Jewish community and HAS been, obviously, for 2000 years now.

        In fact, Bible prophecy even refers to this aspect of the coming WORLD GOVERNMENT being ANTICHRIST.

        The Bible speaks in Revelation 20:4 of the souls of those who are beheaded for their witness of JESUS CHRIST and the word of God, who essentially will not go along with this satanic world government (NWO) under Satan and it's "cashless society" and apostate antichrist religious system.

        The Bible declares, in fact, that all those who are beheaded for their faith in Jesus Christ under this upcoming antichrist world system, will be resurrected to REIGN WITH JESUS CHRIST OVER THE WORLD during the genuine THOUSAND YEAR MILLENNIAL REIGN of God on the earth through His Son, Jesus Christ.(Revelation 20:4)


        And speaking of "the spirit of ANTICHRIST," it ORIGINATED with the Jews 2000 years ago when Jesus Christ was rejected by His Jewish people, condemned to die on a cross, and declared to be NOT THE MESSIAH by the religious leaders of His day.

        This spirit of antichrist and Jewish persecution of the Christians has continued for 2000 years now, taking various forms, most notably under the twentieth century persecution/martyrdom of millions of Christians, initiated and carried out under JEWISH BOLSHEVIK COMMUNISM.


        Christians continue to this day to be persecuted, imprisoned,tortured and martyred worldwide under this ongoing communist attack against Christianity, with historically confirmed Jewish origins, founders, financial funders, and those who carry it out.

        The Bible declares that this spirit of antichrist, directly under SATAN'S POWER (Revelation 13) will ultimately RULE THE WORLD completely, authorizing Christians to be PUT TO DEATH worldwide.

        Enter the NOAHIDE LAWS and provision for the BEHEADING OF THOSE WHO CONFESS JESUS CHRIST, as Bible Prophecy declares is to come. And this is why UN (NWO)prisoner boxcars often have eyewitness sightings of modern guillotines installed in them, besides shackles and benches.

        I personally have interviewed two people who were eye witnesses to the modern guillotines in the prisoner boxcars, Marie McCullough of SC (Christian missionary who witnessed these boxcars with 4 other people traveling with her) and Jericho of FL (former NWO agenda participant who personally confirmed to me at Bradenton Christian Retreat, FL, that the prisoner boxcars and shackles in Asheville, NC, contained NOT only shackles, but a modern guillotine in each one.)



        CIA sources have also abundantly confirmed the GUILLOTINE PRESENCE in America and their NWO/Noahide Laws purposes as well.


        The spirit of ANTICHRIST originated with the Jews 2000 years ago, has been passed down throughout history for 2000 years now, and IT WILL BE FULLY CULMINATED with the Jews through their antichrist world globalist (communist) government that will indeed put Christians ( and all other NWO resisters) to death...just as Bible Prophecy declares clearly.

        NOAHIDE LAWS require numerous tools for MASS BEHEADINGS just for America alone. Hence, THE GUILLOTINES.

        At least 80 percent of Americans claim to be "CHRISTIANS."

        Well (heh-heh) we shall someday SEE just how "CHRISTIAN" these people who profess to be, REALLY ARE, as martial law is declared, the GUILLOTINES ARE PUBLICLY DISPLAYED, and supposed "Christians" (NWO resisters, etc) are arrested and lined up and the guillotine operators are crying out..


        Hmmm...talking about a future separation of THE SHEEP from the GOATS. Persecution somehow always seems to do this.

        The good news is, READ REVELATION 20:4. WE CHRISTIAN NWO RESISTERS WIN. SO bring on your guillotines, boyz!

        "NO FEAR."

        -Pamela Schuffert

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      • Re: Where did we go wrong??   by  kerminator     10 y     2,668

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