Report for 2015 02 - February: Time Taken

Time range: Sun, Feb-01-2015 0:00:00 AM - Sat, Feb-28-2015 23:59:59 PM

Time Taken

Daily Time Taken URLs

Top Time Taken URLs

Top Time Taken URLs



 Average Time Taken(ms) 


 % of Total  Hits 

 Total Time Taken 

 % of Total  Time Taken 




























































































































































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 /upload/PDF/zlatin/Nervous_System_and_Sen sory_Organs_Color_Atlas_and_Textbook_of_H uman_An.pdf 



























Daily Time Taken Pages

Top Time Taken Pages

Top Time Taken Pages



 Average Time Taken(ms) 


 % of Total  Pageviews 

 Total Time Taken 

 % of Total  Page Time Taken 
















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