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I'm currently badly infested with at least 3 types of parasites and taking Humaworm for the 1st time(on it only 3 days).I was diagnosed w/ovarian cancer(1st stage)almost 3yrs ago.I took several rounds of chemo(Doxil)and my immune system never recovered,but I've been in remission for over a year and a half.In July 2007 I was in an accident that knocked out most of my chemo-damaged teeth.I lost over 55lbs in less than 3mo.Due to the loss of fat cells,the chemo that was built up in them was forced out thru any cut,sm. puncture,ect.It came out in the form of a watery substance that burned my skin like acid and within a month I had no skin at all from my shins to my ankles on both legs(runnin fluid constantly-as if a waterfall)4some reason it seemed to only effect that part of my body.Afrad of MRSA(which most local hospitals are over-run with as well as not having insurence)I healed 95% of my legs myself by useing MSM in all foods,liquids,and made a paste w/distiled water and pure MSM powder and applied it directly into wounds and covered all effected areas.It was an exercize in SEVERE AGONY twice a day,but it kept me alive from lack of food and nutrients and grew back most all of my skin.I only have small,slightly deep wounds left on each leg but between my teeth and legs, my body was basically one big raging infection.That's why I guess I was such an easy target for the parasites that my Grams incessent over feeding of 100s of birds(esp. pidgens)and 3 ferral cats living in the basement(that either had worms 2 begin with or got from bird seed or bird poop covering yard)got worms and somehow infected me.So here I am,several types of worms raging thru me causing me sleep disorders,brain fog,eyesight issues,depression,bladder issues,ect.Most of my family acted as if I'd gone utterly insane(which I almost did that 1st week)and up to this day my Gram refuses to believe this is going on,eventhought worms have been found in her house and in her cats vomit,beds,ect.She is a total neat freak and dusts atleast once a day and vacums twice a day.I'm not a slob,but due to all my current illness and fatigue,I'll be the 1st to say that my house keeping has seriously suffered(so worms were more apearent in my apartment).I've been passing worms via urine,vomit,bowels,and even coming out of my skin(all over body)and nose too.Anyone with advice,please feel free to send me mail.Thanks for caring enough to read this and I hope you are well in body and mind!Peace!!!:):)PS-I am aware of Morgellons but I spoke with 2 doctors(being that I've never pulled out any fibers or cotton type puffs ect.)they don't believe I suffer from it.Both doctors were very framiliar w/Morgellons as well as parasitic infestation.I hope I've lucked out on that score-God willing! 

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