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I’ve been an avid follower of curezone for over 3 years and will continue exploring the wealth of information the site provides as well as participating in discussion as a part of my constant path towards perfect health. I have suffered from previous ailments and had pursued pharmaceutical assistance for much too long before realizing NATURE is the cure-all for our bodies as we arose from this very earth during the days of our creation. As I took advice from multiple forums on this site I noted vast improvements in my health as the discussions consist of REAL people who have tried and tested methods and in turn have found REAL solutions. This is the very reason I have been a fan of curezone, and more so a fan of health! I’ve become so intrigued on nature’s solutions and other whole food remedies that I am currently majoring as a Nutritionist at a my local city college in order to ultimately pursue an establishment of my own protocol involving diet and nutritional health in a business setting! It is my firm belief that God created ALL of us in His image, therefore our health is intended to be PERFECT. But balance is the key to health, and because of modern day exposure to chemicals that never existed during the time of our ancestors we have lost this delicate balance leading to the chronic illnesses of today. I welcome others, as the friendly and kindhearted soul that I am, in joining me in enlightenment as we all press towards the ultimate goal of spiritual, emotional, physical, and psychological balance! 

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