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I am a Morgellons sufferer of three years and have a background in herbal remedies. Have not found anything that helps this disease, but have connections to people who will help if I can find more people with similar testing results. I am someone who has very bad lesions with fibers coming out of my skin on a daily basis. I have been totally disabled at times and am currently working with a holistic chiropractor, a private lab that is connected to a local legal firm. They will help us if you are willing to come forward and if you contact me I have a lot of information I can give you. I am hoping to stop the abuse in the medical professionals from harming people sufferering with this disease and searching for the source. You are not alone in your battle, the numbers of us are growing and I do believe if we group together we can get answers. 
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Morgellons, Chem Trails, Environmental, Parasites 

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