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I am a young gay man who in mid-2011 tested Positive for HIV. This experience turned my world upside down and I’m sure anyone could imagine. As I began my initial doctors’ visits I made sure to include a Naturopath in the mix as well.

As could be expected all of the MD’s pushed me towards Drug Therapy which I was not ready to jump into so quickly. My time with the Naturopath was one of peace and consolation and he made a very compelling argument against the drugs and ”traditional therapy.” I decided that I would not pursue the traditional option until I had exhausted my natural and alternative options.

I began making lifestyle changes and working to shift my mentality to one of positivity. I studied a few Law of Attraction Experts, as well began to study Dr. Schulze and various other options for alternative therapy.

It was about 2 month later that I decided to take the nutritional/herbal therapy a little more seriously and ordered my first batch of Superfood and started doing some H2O2 oral therapy along with enema’s. I also started doing some Liver Cleanse’s (Schulze small).

Well 2 months after I began these I saw in my testings that my immune system strengthened however my viral load also increased. I attribute the immune system strength to my minor steps towards natural healing and my viral load increase, I attribute to a potential re-infection.

This report encouraged me to make substantial lifestyle changes that would rock my world. For the sake of health and emotional balance, I gave up alcohol. This is a big deal for me as I am still in the hospitality business as a Bartender. My diet has over the last 6 months become completely vegan. I have undergone 2 of Dr. Schulze’s current Incurables Program’s, enrolled in the Master Herbalist Program from the School of Natural Healing, and have begun experimenting with tinctures and making my own herbal formula.

My next set of testing is in June of 2012 (currently 4 months away). During the next 4 months I will be doing 2 further Incurables Routines. The first I will do is Dr. Schulze’s Original Incurables Program and second I will do Unyquity’s IP that I hope will be able to be customized to my particular needs.

I am grateful for Curezone and the resources I have found. It has been an adventure so far and I look forward to keeping everyone up to date and reporting an HIV - status this year!

Any questions comments or just discussion feel free to contact me.

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