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Paul Rana
Paul Rana, an Australian, is a man that has had many years in business and managing and running medium sized businesses. Today he resides in South America as CEO of Atlantis Salud Spa Ecuador. This site has several of his interviews and videos. In 2016 he will be adding an IPOD weekly cast and monthly video’s.

Rana has always had a vision of having rare animals kept in several acres of a natural habitat and surrounding a wellbeing center. He believes the animals in a beautiful surrounding provide the much-needed distraction from pain, and may aid in the healing process of the cancer patients.

He ventured into the arena of alternative healthcare in a big way in 2005. He has operated the largest Alternative Cancer Centre in Australia. Over the years, Paul has worked alongside studying the work of some of the famous alternative health doctors and scientists in many part parts of the world. He has travelled as far as China and South America, USA and Thailand while undertaking research. He then packaged the results of his research into a unique program that has been adopted by Atlantis Salud Spa.

The above is the clinic Paul works at and a housing project he designed and the land for sale is to raise money for the new clinic.

If you are interested in helping, working at the facility feel free to make contact.

Mr. Rana is now making great strides in this direction in Ecuador where he resides. After being appointed as the CEO by Atlantis Salud Spa board, a new business in the development stage and soon he believes will be a leader in Alternative Medicine. In Ecuador, his clients know him as Dr. Pablo. An enthusiastic Colombian friend called Hernando Andrade gave him the nickname in 2008, and it has become his title at work. The new facility is to be located off the coast of Ecuador, near Mantańita. As he had earlier intended, it will be in a farmland overlooking the ocean, it will have animals and a peaceful setting that can see water, either the ocean or stream.

Over the years, Paul has done research on mobility treatments for spine damage, human growth hormone therapies and peptide. Although not a medical doctor, and not claiming to be one, his amazing insight, dedication and years of research has helped him come up some of the best therapies in a holistic approach to dealing with disease and pain. His has completed 15 years in oncology alternative therapies and has an indecent free record of caring for people with cancer.

Like many good alternative therapists, Paul has come under attack from governments’ and in Australia he refused to answer questions that were known to be all blank on companies that never opened. He refused because he was working 16 hours a day with critical cancer patients and always put them first. This gave the government of the day an opportunity to jail him and they did. Not deterred by this, and loosing 3-million-dollar health facility Paul continued to help those in need and this itself is a testimonial of his love, care and determination to make a positive impact in this industry that is controlled by big Pharma. Who in tern control and manipulate government to protect their monopoly of the health industry.

IMG_2571Over the years, Paul has done research on mobility treatments for spine damage, human growth hormone therapies and peptide. Although not a medical doctor, and not claiming to be one, his amazing insight, dedication and years of research has helped him come up some of the best therapies in a holistic approach to dealing with disease and pain. His has completed 15 years in oncology alternative therapies and has an indecent free record of caring for people with cancer.

Like many good alternative therapists, Paul has come under attack from governments’ and in Australia he refused to answer questions that were known to be all blank on companies that never opened. He refused because he was working 16 hours a day with critical cancer patients and always put them first. This gave the government of the day an opportunity to jail him and they did. Not deterred by this, and loosing 3-million-dollar health facility Paul continued to help those in need and this itself is a testimonial of his love, care and determination to make a positive impact in this industry that is controlled by big Pharma. Who in tern control and manipulate government to protect their monopoly of the health industry.
Moreover, he has published some books namely, The RANA System (the foundation for making changes for life) and Death by Ignorance, which he launched at the opening of the facility.

He intends to tour around the world from New Zealand to Americas and Australia to spread the word. His aim is to bring more choices to the sick. Tours will start after a 100 cancer patient trial. Free treatment of his program will be given to 100 people in groups of 10 for the top 10 cancers he has seen results in.
Paul has also started a housing project called and is selling land to raise money for the clinic. The share offer for this project is available and shares are in packs of $900. Plus, an admin fee of $100. The company also sells wellbeing products and you can make purchases at All profits go the helping achieve the opening and free treatment of 100 people suffering with cancer.

My homepages and my Blogs: 
My Favorite Blogs How does B17 Kill Cancer Cells Video How does Cesium High pH Therapy work on Cancer 12 min TOP 5 Cancer alternative Treatments, explaining the full program at Atlantis Salud Spa Cancer Testimonial


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