Bone Cancer


At 07:57 14.03.99 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi Dusan,
>My name is Armand and I have been reading a lot about you on your site
>and also on the E-Group cancer list. The reason I am writing to you is
>because I am totaly confused. There seems to be so much stuff out there
>that states it can cure cancer and other conditions. I have not been
>told for sure yet but my G.P. thinks I might have Bone Cancer he saw
>some activities in my X-Rays.I know that you are not out there to make a
>buck from people that are sick that is why I am writing to you. If I
>have Bone cancer what is my best natural chance for a cure?
>What is your opinion on these products; Natural Biber called "MCP",
>"lactorin"  suppose to be found in mother's milk.  "Glycoalkaloids"
>cream from plants extract to cure skin conditions including skin cancer.
>"Anti- Homocysteine formula" suppose to unclog arteries. Vitamin P25
>prevent heart attacks. Have you ever heard of vitamin O it is suppose to
>be oxygen in a capsule? Finally do you recommend sweet grass for anyone?
>This letter is very long, so if you do not respond I will understand.
>Thank you

Hello Armand,

It is only our body that can cure cancer.
It is our body that is producing cancer.

One of the reason why our body produces cancer is: to ballance high toxicity inside body and to isolate toxic  substances in only one or few places, to save the reast of the body.

According to science:

The first phase of tumor development is initiation. It occurs when cell's genetic makeup get altered , enabling it to divide more freely than it should.  

DNA can be damaged by : 

Chemicals ( carcinogens - there is more than 100 known carcinogens today. Many of them are in our air, food, water , cosmetics, and other products that we are using every day) 
Free radical reactions that are started by an oxygen molecule may damage DNA 

I would add:

Lack of nutrients 

I believe that DNA change occure totally under the "Will" of our body, after one or few of theose causes are already there.

Our body is almost always chooseng the least harmfull ways of ballancing imbalances.

Person who gets cancer, should be happy , because, if he/she did not develope a cancer, he/she would be already dead of heart ot kidney failure, or something elese.

Malignant tumor can keep much more toxins then any normal cell of our body. 
So say thanks to your tumor for saving your life.

But once you get it, your body is giving to you the last worning.

If you do not understand that last worning, you die.

It takes long time to develope malignant tumor, and through this time you get a lot of different wornings.

All those wornings are there to tell you that things are not as good as you think.

Most cancer starts insaide Bowel.

If bowel is full of mucus and parasites, even if you are eating good foods, your body gets only the small part of nutrients and a lot of toxins.

Essential nutrients, good digestion and absorbtion, oxygen, movement, attitude, ... help detoxify body, and help build healthy body.

I think that you understand now that there is no only one thing that is The Cure for cancer , but it is possible that someone (lucky one) cure his cancer by just adding some product into his everyday diet, and by changing his attitude.

But that does not mean that he or she will stay cancer free next 20 years.

If you want to cure cancer, and not get it again, then remove the causes and work on your health.

Here are some top causes of bone cancer:

Mercury (From Amalgam, Cosmetics, water, other sources) 
Nickel  (From Golden crowns (teeth), metal you come in contact,water,  others )
Pesticides (Foods, water)
Hormones ( Non-organic Meat, Milk and milk products !!!!! , Eggs, Fish) 
Antibiotics (Non organic foods)

Deficiency  of essential minerals because of overconsumption of refined foods (refined salt, sugar, oils, flours, ....)
Vitamins deficiency
Essential fatty acids deficiency
Deficiency of other essential nutrients.

and all the others including intestinal parasites.

I have seen that most common in diet of the people with bone cancer is overconsumption of sugar and non-organic, homogenised, pateurised,  milk products, usually from the early childhood.

Also, most of them have had more then 3 teeth with dental metal.

Do this to cure cancer:

Cleanse mucus and parasites from your bowel :
Ultimate cleanse will work in 10 days,  juice fasting with parasite killing herbs can work in one month or longer, Dr.Schilze program will work in two weeks, ...

Consider starting to cleanse your teeth.

Keep on juices, teas, Dr.Budwig diet, wheat or barley grass, seaweed tea,  and avoid foods that are not good for your blod type.

Choose your own supplements !!!!
Most of those you stated should be good, suppose they are produced without toxines.

Most of them will probably help you.
I have never used those brands, and i do not know much about them.

I would recommend also Colloidal minerals, seawed, essiac tea, appricot pits, fish and animal cartilage, CoQ10, protease, probiotics, Homeostatic Soil Organisms, digestive enzymes  ...

Cleanse gallstones from your liver and gallbladder.

Keep your environment clean.

Your whole family should do parasite, bowel and gallstones cleanse.

If you have a pet, (dog, cat ) do not keep him in the house.
Never kiss your pats.

Parasites are an important cause of cancer!

Be active.

Drink a lot of clean water.

Never again eat sugar, refined salt, margarine , fried foods, refined oils or other foods that kill.

Learn what is causing cancer, and you will know how to cure yourself.

Ask always more then two people, when you do not know what to choose !!!  

Dusan Stojkovic

