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Shelley Charlesworth

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Subject: My experience with gallstones flush
Message: 7 digest 2
Date: Tue, 09 Feb 1999 08:31:43 -0800
From: Shelley Charlesworth

I did a 'liver cleanse' or flush 9 months ago.

Prior to doing it, I did not have any symptoms of gallstones nor
did I have an ultrasound.

I'm a healthy, active 51 year old woman. I
just had always been curious to try a gallbladder flush
to see if anything would come out- as they say most everyone
has these gallstones and it's good to get them OUT.

I did the flush at about 9:30 p.m. And I vomited about 12;30!!! I
thought oh hell, what an un-pleasant waste of time BUT the next
morning I DID pass some gelatinous looking things that were greenish -
about 35 or 40 of them-none larger than a small pea.

I felt lousey - bloated and not hungry at all the next day.

But the day after that I felt great-20 years younger!!

I think I vomited because I ate some plain white rice and drank some
carrot juice about 5pm. I did not do enough reading
prior to doing the flush. I have been researching various
liver/gallbladder cleanses since then and most say NOT to eat all day
and to drink organic apple juice and only that for at least 5 days


I took only 4oz of fresh squeezed lemon juice followed by 4 oz of olive
oil at about 10 pm. I nearly gagged **YUK** at the time - it was most
un-pleasant drinking all that oil!! And of course,
as mentioned, later I vomited!!! more **YUK**!!

In the last 3 months I have had an intermittent
feeling of tightness in the area of my liver -
it is not a pain - and I have no nausea
and I can eat fried foods without a problem.
But I read about the smaller stones coming
up and clogging the ducts if you
do not do additional cleanses after the first, & this makes me wonder
if that is what is happening to me???

I have been taking a drink of lemon juice
and olive oil and a little WATER AND OJ

I plan to do some more flushes - drinking lots of organic apple juice
for a week prior to flushing and using castor oil packs on the gallbladder
each night for 2 weeks. I plan to follow the Hulda Clark protocol.

I think the right idea is to get the fresh grapefruit juice (instead of lemon)
and oil together in a jar and shake together then drink
and close the lid and shake again & keep shaking after each swallow.
Drinking all that STRAIGHT oil was horrible.

I want to keep my gallbladder - I read that people
who have their gallbladders removed have a 4x increase
in colon cancer.


Date: Wed, 24 Feb 1999 18:12:04 -0800
From: Charlesworth <>
Subject: [gallstones] Gallbladder flush

From:  Charlesworth <>

Last Friday I ate a no-fat breakfast
and a plain baked potato for lunch.
Also drank some apple juice. I had been
drinking lots of organic apple juice daily
since Monday. I had also used a castor oil pack
nightly since Monday on my liver for one hour.

At 4 o'clock I mixed up 4 T epsom salts
in 3 cups water in a glass jar and
put it in the refrig. to chill
then I took an enema.

At 6pm I drank a cup of the epsom salt mixture.
Used a big straw. At 8 pm I drank another

At 9:45 I mixed up 3/4 cup olive oil
and 3/4 cup fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
in a glass jar with a lid.
I took it in the bedroom.
Got ready for bed - drank the
oil & juice mixture and got in bed and went to sleep.
I awoke around midnight, tossed & turned a bit
but went back to sleep. No nausea.
At 6 am I awoke and went to the toilet.

I had a very watery elimination
with lots of stones - none larger than
a pea and many small ones -
like sand! I drank the last cup
of the epsom salt mix and
I went back to bed until
about 8. At 8 am I had another
elimination of watery stool and more stones.

I felt tired and wrung out and
bloated. No energy or
appetite. Back to bed until
about 10. At 10 I got up
eliminated again - more
sand-like stones. Took
a rest sitting outside in the sunshine
for 1/2 hour - drank some apple juice.
Then took long bath. Back to bed.
At noon I ate a banana and had more apple juice.
Just rested in bed and read until 4pm.

At about 4 I took 2 enemas - a regular one
then a coffee retention enema.

I ate some plain white rice around 6 and a
small salad. Went to bed early - 8:30pm

On Sunday I awoke and felt VERY GOOD!!
Lots of energy and good appetite. Went
for a swim - ate a small breakfast
and took 2 more enemas - a cleansing one and then a coffee
retention one. Went for a one hour hike around the lake
in the late afternoon.

Have felt excellent since then - digestion
is improved. Energy excellent!!
I am a 51 year old active woman in good health.
I did one flush prior to this one
almost a year ago.

I have NONE of the so
called "risk factors" for gallstones.

I am tall & thin - 5' 8"
118 lbs

I am and always have been physically active. I swim and walk daily.
My cholesterol is low and I have eaten an almost all
vegetarian diet for the last 12 years.

I am female and I am FIFTY-one.

I am not flatulent and I had heard it was
fat-female-forty and FAIR.








Date: Mon, 24 May 1999 08:16:54 -0700
From: Alan & Shelley Charlesworth <>
Subject: [gallstones] 4th flush this year

From: Alan & Shelley Charlesworth <>

Night before last I did my 4th flush of '99.
Got many stones out once again.
I preceeded the flush with 4 days of drinking
lots of organic apple juice.
The day of the flush, I fasted and
took an enema at about 5 pm. At 6pm
and again at 8pm I drank about 3/4 cup of a water
and Epsom salt mix. At 9:45 I took
3/4 cup of fresh squeezed grapefruit juice
with 1/2 cup olive oil shaken together.
The next morning early there were many stones
eliminated. Later in the morning, I took a coffee
enema and more stones came out. Felt good-
even went for a swim and a walk - but
took it easy the rest of the day. Last night
about 7pm I took another coffee enema and
a few more stones were eliniated.
Feel great today! Going swimming and hiking!!



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