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Gallstones Attack  By Cathy

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Message: 8 digest 2
Date: Tue, 9 Feb 1999 11:45:14 EST
Subject: Here's my story

I gusss I'll introduce myself briefly. I've already talked with Alexa and my
hat is off to you with all of those Drs in your family. I know how hard it is
to go against the beliefs and wishes of your family when it comes to
gallstones and surgery.

To make a long story short.....I was diagnosed with one gallstone in my
gallbladder in July of 98. The Dr. said you can't pass gallstones. So I
searched the web for any and all information to the contrary. I couldn't eat
one bit of, without pain. So needless to say I lost
about 8-10 pounds just with changing my diet. I'm 31, not overweight, didn't
eat a lot of bad things at the time (or so I thought) and didn't fit the
"profile" of a person predisposed to getting gallstones. I know different now.
Well I'm on my 4th Doctor now, armed with probably more information than most
general practitioners about gallstones. I decided to go to a Naturopathic
Doctor. He put me on supplements..beet concentrate, magnesium, ox bile, and a
couple of others to help break down the fat. In addition I had been taking
some Chinese Herbs that helped soften the stones before my flushes.

All in all since July I have done about 7 or 8 flushes with great results and
have been taking fresh flax seed oil ( 2 tbsp) in my hot cereal every morning
for the past 3 weeks. I will say that the flax oil has helped the most. I
have tested my ability to handle fat and to my astonishment have been able to
eat without pain.( And this is just in the last 3 weeks or so)  it's like getting out of prison!!

My gallstones have been a blessing in disguise. I now know so much more about
detoxing the body, eating better and listening to my body.

I had to fight an uphill battle. My fiance was totally against me doing these
flushes and my family wanted me to pluck my gallbladder out. Eddy and I have
been together for 12 years and I had to test my mental and emotional toughness
with him about my gallbladder. You should see the kitchen counter. It looks
like a pharmacy with all my supplements and amber bottles of Chinese Herbs.
But somehow I knew that when the Doctor said" you don't pass gallstones, and
surgery is your only option" I knew I couldn't just take him at his word.
After all he didn't know me or my body. How could he? He spent a total of 15
minutes with me.

Cathy Robins Oh and I just moved from Tucson Az. to Houston Tx.

Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 15:19:45 EST
Subject:  Another flush!

It's Cathy from Houston.

I had another gallbladder attack 2 days ago so I decided it was time for
another flush. This was my 9th or 10th one. I've done so many since July
that I've lost count. This one was by far the most successful one I've had.
In my previous flushes I've done the apple juice fast before and some without
it. I've done the Magnesium and not done it. This time I drank organic apple
juice for a couple of weeks along with my regular meals and the night of my
flush (last night) took 4 magnesium pills 200 milligrams each 2 hours before I
drank the blend of oil/fresh squeezed grapefruit juice. I must say that I
never get used to the taste YUCK!

This morning I hit paydirt! Eddy (my other half) doesn't like me to talk
about it but I know everyone here will find this titillating conversation:)! I
drank prune juice early this morning about 6 am and later in the morning had
my first sightings of soooo many emerald green gallstones. There were about
8-10 stones measuring 1/2 inch long and 1/4 wide. Those were my biggest yet.
And a lot of little ones. And chaff too. If I were to guess I probably had
between 70 + green ones and that's being conservative. It's taken me since I
first started having attacks about 7-8 months to get to this point. I must
have had a very very congested gallbladder and liver.

To those of you who are still struggling with this in the early stages, don't
give up!

With a little persistance and knowledge about your body you can heal it
without surgery!


After one year of work on my problem,  and 10 cleanses, my pain returned.

In June of '99 I had to have my gallbladder removed. 

After surgery, the Doctor said that there was a gallstone 2cm x 2cm stuck in the neck of the gallbladder.  He said the stone would not move.  Since surgery I have had absolutely no problems with my digestion.  


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